News Release
30 May 2008
Glasgow Income Trust plc
Interim Results for the six months to 31 March 2008
The principal objective of Glasgow Income Trust plc is to provide shareholders with a high level of income and to obtain growth in both income and capital over the longer term.
31 March |
30 September 2007 |
% Change |
Equity Shareholders' funds (£'000) |
94,105 |
115,077 |
-18.2 |
Net asset value per share |
77.17p |
94.37p |
-18.2 |
Share price (mid-market) |
65.75p |
91.50p |
-28.1 |
Discount to net asset value{A} |
13.5% |
1.1% |
Dividend yield |
8.0% |
5.7% |
{A} Based on IFRS net asset value excluding dividend adjustment of 1.138p (30 September 2007 - 1.8865p), net income re-invested.
For the six month period to 31 March 2008 the total return on net assets was -15.5%, lower than the return of -10.2% on the Company's benchmark.
The discount widened from 1.1% at 30 September 2007 to 13.5% as at 31 March 2008 resulting in the total return to a shareholder in the period being -25.6%.
First and second interim dividends of 2007/2008 financial year amounted to 2.276p, an increase of 3% compared to the same period in the previous year.
The yield on the Company's shares of 8.0% as at 31 March 2008 compared to 3.8% on the FTSE All-Share Index, the Company's benchmark.
100,000 shares bought back on 3 April 2008 at a discount of approximately 15%. Discount currently stands at c9%.
For further information please contact:
Kenny Harper
Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited
0131 528 4000
Glasgow Income Trust plc
Interim Board Report as at 31 March 2008
Against a background of increasing stock market volatility caused by the global credit crisis this has been a very difficult time for the Company. Over the six month period to 31 March 2008, the FTSE All-Share Index, the Company's benchmark, fell by 10.2%. This total index figure disguises some major deviations in sector performance; for example mining stocks were +2.5% and banks were
-15.6%. As an income trust we are to some degree effectively restricted from full index weighting in low yielding sectors such as mining. This in part explains the underperformance but our overexposure to banks and the consumer services sector has also been damaging.
The Company's gearing is invested in fixed interest stocks, predominantly of investment grade. This makes a significant contribution to the high level of dividends paid by the Trust
While the Company's income and dividend paying capacity were thereby protected during the period there was also a detrimental impact on capital caused by investors increased aversion to risk. This resulted in a widening of corporate bond spreads with a consequent reduction in the market value of the portfolio of bonds and preference shares.
Investment Returns
Given all the factors referred to above, the net asset value total return of the Company was -15.5% in the six months period, 5.3 percentage points behind that of the benchmark.
For 7 years our shares have predominantly traded at a premium to NAV. However, in an environment of continuing unease, there was a significant deterioration in the rating of the Company's shares in the period which resulted in the discount widening from 1.1% to 13.5% thereby exacerbating the poor performance. Taken together with the poor NAV performance explained above, all these elements resulted in a total return to shareholders of -25.6%.
The fact that many other investment trusts suffered similarly over the period is of little consolation and we are especially concerned that our very good performance over the last five years has been eroded in such a short period.
Action was taken during the period to limit the downside risk by reducing the gearing. The net sale of £16.3 million of equities resulted in an equity gearing of nil at the period end. The investment in bonds which assists the income generation, produced a total gearing of 46.3% down from 49%.
Share Buybacks
As mentioned previously the discount on the Company's shares widened significantly in the period, from 1.1% to 13.5%. In order to try to manage the widening discount, on 3 April 2008 the Company bought back 100,000 shares at 65.5p, a discount of approximately 15%. The discount at the time of writing has narrowed to 9%. The Board will continue to monitor the discount level and take appropriate action if thought necessary.
There is some cheer in this gloomy scenario. The income account remains sufficiently healthy for the Board to be able to increase the dividend. The first and second interim dividends in relation to the 2007/08 financial year totalled 2.276p compared to 2.21p in the same period last year, an increase of 3.0%. As at 31 March 2008 this resulted in a dividend yield of 8.0%, significantly ahead of the 3.8% yield on the FTSE All-Share Index, the Company's benchmark and the FTSE 350 Higher Yield Index which yielded 5.3% on the same date.
Investment Manager
It has also been a time of change in relation to the investment management of the Company. As explained in the Annual Report, Aberdeen Asset Managers ("Aberdeen") acquired Glasgow Investment Managers Limited ("Glasgow") on 24 August 2007 and, following a settling in period, there has been a change in the individuals managing our portfolio. Susan Anderson, who has been involved with the Company since 1996 will provide continuity of management. In addition we welcome David Boyle who will co-manage the portfolio with Susan. David works in Aberdeen's Pan European equity team having joined Aberdeen in 2003. In this time he has gained considerable experience in managing UK equity portfolios.
AIC/JP Morgan Claverhouse VAT Case
As referred to in the Annual Report, the decision made by the European Court of Justice ("ECJ") on the case brought by the AIC and JP Morgan Claverhouse against Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs ("HMRC") will result in the Company not being subject to VAT on its management fees going forward. In addition the Company should be able to recover at least some of the VAT suffered in the past. The Board is currently in discussion with the Managers on this issue, and a number of legal and procedural matters still require to be resolved. In addition a recent decision by the House of Lords to allow potentially such claims to go back to 1990 has further added to the complexity of calculating any repayment due. Given these uncertainties no asset is yet being recognised in the financial statements.
Financial markets around the world are currently dominated by the global credit crunch, with its possible consequences for the economy as a whole. Recent intervention by Central Banks to ease the crisis both through the availability of funds to financial institutions and the cutting of interest rates is expected to continue in the current year.
In the UK, the Bank of England has recently reduced interest rates to 5% but inflationary pressures in the form of higher energy, food and metal prices has meant that interest rates have not been cut as aggressively as in the United States. However, as global growth slows, inflation worries should begin to ease allowing scope for further cuts in the medium term. Although the UK economy is slowing down, this slow down is concentrated in areas where there are well recognised excesses such as the housing market.
It is extremely important that we recover our performance and the task is to position our portfolio to benefit from an upturn in the stockmarket. As the outlook is for continuing volatility this will be a particular challenge but one which the Board and Managers are committed to achieving.
In relation to the dividend, the Board would expect that the dividend paid for the 2007/2008 financial year to be higher than the previous year.
Principal Risks and Uncertainties
The principal risks and uncertainties faced by the Company fall into four broad categories: (i) market risk, (ii) interest rate risk, (iii) credit risk and (iv) liquidity risk. Information on each of these areas is given in the Directors' Report within the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 30 September 2007.
Directors' Responsibility Statement
The Directors are responsible for preparing this half-yearly financial report in accordance with applicable law and regulations. The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge:
the condensed set of interim financial statements contained within the half yearly financial report have been prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards Board's statement "Half-Yearly Financial Reports"; and,
the Interim Board Report includes a fair review of the information required by 4.2.7R and 4.2.8R of the FSA's Disclosure and Transparency Rules.
The half yearly report includes a fair review of the information required on material transactions with related parties and changes since the Annual Report.
The Interim Report will be mailed to shareholders on 6 June 2008. Copies may be obtained from the Managers, Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited, 40 Princes Street, Edinburgh EH2 2BY after that date.
For and on behalf of the Board of Glasgow Income Trust plc
R G Hanna
Consolidated Income Statement
for the half year ended 31 March 2008
Six months ended |
31 March 2008 |
(unaudited) |
Revenue |
Capital |
Total |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
(Losses)/gains on held-at-fair-value investments |
- |
(17,445) |
(17,445) |
Fair value movement in zero coupon finance derivatives |
- |
(2,603) |
(2,603) |
Revenue |
Dividend income |
1,997 |
- |
1,997 |
Interest income from investments |
1,207 |
- |
1,207 |
Deposit interest |
202 |
- |
202 |
Traded options |
297 |
- |
297 |
Other income |
6 |
- |
6 |
(Losses)/gains of dealing subsidiary |
(41) |
- |
(41) |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
3,668 |
(20,048) |
(16,380) |
Expenses |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Investment management fees |
(195) |
(195) |
(390) |
Other administrative expenses |
(159) |
- |
(159) |
Finance costs of borrowing |
(10) |
(10) |
(20) |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Profit before taxation |
3,304 |
(20,253) |
(16,949) |
Taxation |
(393) |
59 |
(334) |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Profit/(loss) attributable to equity holders of the Company |
2,911 |
(20,194) |
(17,283) |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Earnings per Ordinary share (pence): |
2.39 |
(16.56) |
(14.17) |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
The total column of this statement represents the Income Statement of the Group, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). The revenue return and capital return columns are supplementary to this and are prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies.
All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations.
Note: The financial information contained within this interim report does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the year ended 30 September 2007 has been extracted from the statutory accounts. Those accounts have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and contain an unqualified Auditors' Report and do not contain a statement under sections 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act.
Consolidated Income Statement
Six months ended |
Year ended |
31 March 2007 |
30 September 2007 |
(unaudited) |
(audited) |
Revenue |
Capital |
Total |
Revenue |
Capital |
Total |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
(Losses)/gains on held-at-fair-value investments |
- |
12,499 |
12,499 |
- |
2,645 |
2,645 |
Fair value movement in zero coupon finance derivatives |
- |
(802) |
(802) |
- |
(2,455) |
(2,455) |
Revenue |
Dividend income |
1,896 |
- |
1,896 |
4,818 |
- |
4,818 |
Interest income from investments |
1,024 |
- |
1,024 |
2,169 |
- |
2,169 |
Deposit interest |
108 |
- |
108 |
119 |
- |
119 |
Traded options |
170 |
- |
170 |
690 |
- |
690 |
Other income |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
- |
1 |
(Losses)/gains of dealing subsidiary |
16 |
- |
16 |
(52) |
- |
(52) |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
3,214 |
11,697 |
14,911 |
7,745 |
190 |
7,935 |
Expenses |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
Investment management fees |
(252) |
(252) |
(504) |
(519) |
(519) |
(1,038) |
Other administrative expenses |
(92) |
- |
(92) |
(227) |
- |
(227) |
Finance costs of borrowing |
(10) |
(10) |
(20) |
(79) |
(79) |
(158) |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
Profit before taxation |
2,860 |
11,435 |
14,295 |
6,920 |
(408) |
6,512 |
Taxation |
(310) |
81 |
(229) |
(589) |
179 |
(410) |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
Profit/(loss) attributable to equity holders of the Company |
2,550 |
11,516 |
14,066 |
6,331 |
(229) |
6,102 |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
Earnings per Ordinary share (pence): |
2.49 |
11.23 |
13.72 |
5.44 |
(0.20) |
5.24 |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2008
As at 31 March 2008 (unaudited) £'000 |
As at 31 March 2007 (unaudited) £'000 |
As at 30 September 2007 (audited) £'000 |
Non-current assets |
Ordinary shares |
92,678 |
130,834 |
122,306 |
Convertibles |
1,920 |
4,227 |
2,194 |
Corporate bonds |
33,414 |
40,249 |
35,339 |
Other fixed interest |
9,704 |
10,141 |
11,576 |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
Securities at fair value |
137,716 |
185,451 |
171,415 |
Zero coupon finance derivatives at fair value |
27,332 |
21,862 |
31,862 |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
165,048 |
207,313 |
203,277 |
Current assets |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
Trade and other receivables |
- |
- |
12 |
Accrued income and prepayments |
2,019 |
2,222 |
2,202 |
Investments of dealing subsidiary |
544 |
745 |
673 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
15,231 |
575 |
138 |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
Total current assets |
17,794 |
3,542 |
3,025 |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
Total assets |
182,842 |
210,855 |
206,302 |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
Current liabilities |
Trade and other payables |
(575) |
(672) |
(714) |
Short-term borrowings |
- |
(6,000) |
(422) |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
Total current liabilities |
(575) |
(6,672) |
(1,136) |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
Non-current liabilities |
Zero coupon finance derivatives at fair value |
(88,162) |
(78,437) |
(90,089) |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
Total liabilities |
(88,737) |
(85,109) |
(91,225) |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
Net assets |
94,105 |
125,746 |
115,077 |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
Issued capital and reserves attributable to equity holders of the parent |
Called-up share capital |
30,486 |
30,486 |
30,486 |
Share premium account |
53,204 |
53,213 |
53,205 |
Special reserve |
5,000 |
5,000 |
5,000 |
Retained earnings: |
Realised capital reserve |
18,360 |
18,892 |
17,097 |
Unrealised capital reserve |
(15,787) |
15,620 |
5,670 |
Revenue reserve |
2,842 |
2,535 |
3,619 |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
Net asset value per Ordinary share (pence) |
77.17 |
103.12 |
94.37 |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
for the half year ended 31 March 2008
Six months ended 31 March 2008 (unaudited) |
Share |
Capital |
Capital |
Share |
Premium |
Special |
reserve - |
reserve - |
Revenue |
Capital |
Account |
Reserve |
Realised |
Unrealised |
Reserve |
Total |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
Balance at 30 September 2007 |
30,486 |
53,205 |
5,000 |
17,097 |
5,670 |
3,619 |
115,077 |
Revenue profits for the period |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2,911 |
2,911 |
Capital profits/(losses) for the period |
- |
- |
- |
1,263 |
(21,457) |
- |
(20,194) |
Equity dividends |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(3,688) |
(3,688) |
Share issue expense |
- |
(1) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(1) |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Balance at 31 March 2008 |
30,486 |
53,204 |
5,000 |
18,360 |
(15,787) |
2,842 |
94,105 |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Six months ended 31 March 2007 (unaudited) |
Share |
Capital |
Capital |
Share |
Premium |
Special |
reserve - |
reserve - |
Revenue |
Capital |
Account |
Reserve |
Realised |
Unrealised |
Reserve |
Total |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
Balance at 30 September 2006 |
23,496 |
32,715 |
5,000 |
9,080 |
13,916 |
2,801 |
87,008 |
Revenue profits for the period |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2,550 |
2,550 |
Capital profits for the period |
- |
- |
- |
9,812 |
1,704 |
- |
11,516 |
Equity dividends |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(2,816) |
(2,816) |
Issue of share capital |
6,990 |
20,498 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
27,488 |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Balance at 31 March 2007 |
30,486 |
53,213 |
5,000 |
18,892 |
15,620 |
2,535 |
125,746 |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Year ended 30 September 2007 (audited) |
Share |
Capital |
Capital |
Share |
Premium |
Special |
reserve - |
reserve - |
Revenue |
Capital |
Account |
Reserve |
Realised |
Unrealised |
Reserve |
Total |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
Balance at 30 September 2006 |
23,496 |
32,715 |
5,000 |
9,080 |
13,916 |
2,801 |
87,008 |
Revenue profits for the year |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
6,331 |
6,331 |
Capital profits/(losses) for the year |
- |
- |
- |
8,017 |
(8,246) |
- |
(229) |
Equity dividends |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(5,513) |
(5,513) |
Issue of share capital |
6,990 |
20,490 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
27,480 |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Balance at 30 September 2007 |
30,486 |
53,205 |
5,000 |
17,097 |
5,670 |
3,619 |
115,077 |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the half year ended 31 March 2008
Six months ended 31 March 2008 £'000 (unaudited) |
Six months ended 31 March 2007 £'000 (unaudited) |
Year ended 30 September 2007 £'000 (audited) |
Cash flows from operating activities |
Investment income received |
3,398 |
2,596 |
6,776 |
Deposit interest received |
149 |
107 |
120 |
Dealing subsidiary receipts |
88 |
- |
- |
Other cash receipts |
178 |
256 |
834 |
Administrative expenses paid |
(686) |
(531) |
(1,213) |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Cash generated from operations |
3,127 |
2,428 |
6,517 |
Interest paid |
(10) |
(20) |
(151) |
Taxation |
(252) |
(183) |
(426) |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Net cash inflows from operating activities |
2,865 |
2,225 |
5,940 |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Cash flows from investing activities |
Purchases of investments |
(7,085) |
(101,599) |
(160,450) |
Sales of investments |
23,424 |
54,460 |
117,443 |
Zero coupon finance |
- |
15,127 |
15,126 |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from investing activities |
16,339 |
(32,012) |
(27,881) |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing |
19,204 |
(29,787) |
(21,941) |
Financing activities |
Proceeds of issue of shares |
- |
27,476 |
27,468 |
Expenses of share issue |
(1) |
- |
- |
Dividends paid |
(3,688) |
(2,816) |
(5,513) |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing activities |
(3,689) |
24,660 |
21,955 |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
15,515 |
(5,127) |
14 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the start of the period |
(284) |
(298) |
(298) |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period |
15,231 |
(5,425) |
(284) |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Cash and cash equivalents comprise: |
Cash and cash equivalents |
15,231 |
575 |
138 |
Short term borrowings |
- |
(6,000) |
(422) |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
15,231 |
(5,425) |
(284) |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Distribution of Assets and Liabilities
Valuation at |
Valuation at |
30 September |
Appreciation/ |
31 March |
2007 |
Purchases |
Sales |
(depreciation) |
2008 |
£'000 |
% |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
% |
Listed investments |
Ordinary shares |
122,306 |
106.3 |
4,959 |
(21,300) |
(8,287) |
92,678 |
98.5 |
Convertibles |
2,194 |
1.9 |
- |
- |
(274) |
1,920 |
2.0 |
Corporate bonds |
35,339 |
30.7 |
2,126 |
(2,112) |
(1,939) |
33,414 |
35.5 |
Other fixed interest |
11,576 |
10.1 |
- |
- |
(1,872) |
9,704 |
10.3 |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
171,415 |
149.0 |
7,085 |
(23,412) |
(12,372) |
137,716 |
146.3 |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Other non current assets |
31,862 |
27.7 |
27,332 |
29.0 |
Current assets |
3,025 |
2.6 |
17,794 |
18.9 |
Current liabilities |
(1,136) |
(1.0) |
(575) |
(0.6) |
Non current liabilities |
(90,089) |
(78.3) |
(88,162) |
(93.6) |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Net assets |
115,077 |
100.0 |
94,105 |
100.0 |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Net asset value per share |
94.37p |
77.17p |
_________ |
_________ |