19 June 2024
Trustpilot Group plc
("Trustpilot" or the "Company")
Capital Reduction
Trustpilot is pleased to announce that, following (i) approval of the cancellation of the balance standing to the credit of the Company's share premium account (the "Capital Reduction") by the Company's shareholders at its annual general meeting held on 21 May 2024; and (ii) the order by the High Court of Justice (the "Court") on 18 June 2024 that the Capital Reduction be confirmed and a statement of capital in connection therewith be approved, such order of the Court and statement of capital have been sent to the Registrar of Companies. The Capital Reduction will become effective upon the registration of the order of the Court and statement of capital by the Registrar of Companies.
Further information relating to the Capital Reduction, which will create additional distributable reserves, is set out in the Company's notice of annual general meeting published on 18 April 2024. The Capital Reduction itself does not involve any distribution or repayment of capital by the Company and does not change the total number of shares of the Company in issue.
Louise Bryant, Head of Investor Relations
+44 20 8135 2208
Headland Consultancy: |
Stephen Malthouse
Charlie Pepper
+44 (0)73 1136 9861 |