2 October 2019
(LEI Number: 213800CTZ7TEIE7YM468)
Appointment of Director
The Board of UIL Limited (the "Company") is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Stuart Bridges as an independent non executive director with immediate effect. Mr Bridges will also be appointed Chairman of the Audit & Risk and Management Engagement Committees. This appointment follows a search and selection process managed by an external independent recruitment consultancy.
Mr Bridges is currently a non executive director and chairman of the audit committee of Caledonia Investments plc and RateSetter, the trading name of Retail Money Market Ltd. A chartered accountant, his previous roles included chief financial officer of Control Risks Group, chief financial officer of Nex Group plc (formerly ICAP plc) and chief financial officer of Hiscox plc. Prior to Hiscox, he held various positions in a number of financial services companies in the UK and US including Henderson Global Investors.
As at the date of this announcement Mr Bridges has no interests in the shares of the Company.
There are no further details required to be disclosed pursuant to section 9.6.13R of the Listing Rules.
Name of contact and telephone number for enquiries:
Alastair Moreton
For and on behalf of ICM Limited, Secretary
Telephone: 01372 271486