20 April 2009
UK Commercial Property Trust Limited
Annual Information Update
In accordance with Rule 5.2 of the Prospectus Rules, UK Commercial Property Trust Limited Limited announces that the following information has been published or made available to the public over the period from 24 April 2008 to 6 April 2009 in compliance with laws, rules dealing with the regulation of securities, issues of securities and securities markets.
1. Regulatory announcements
The following UK regulatory announcements have been made by the Company via a Regulatory Information Service since 24 April 2008: -
Date of |
Regulatory Headline |
24.04.2008: Annual Information Update
07.05.2008: Dividend Declaration
15.05.2008: Interim Management Statement
16.05.2008: Income Improvements
20.06.2008: Statement re New Debt Facility & amp; Amendement to IMA
02.07.2008: Portfolio Update
09.07.2008: Net Asset Value(s)
01.08.2008: Director Declaration
07.08.2008: Dividend Declaration
11.08.2008: Interim Results
02.10.2008: Portfolio Update
15.10.2008: Interim Management Statement / Net Asset Value(s)
15.10.2008: Holding(s) in Company
04.11.2008: Interim dividend
05.01.2009: Portfolio Update
19.01.2009: Net Asset Value(s)
03.02.2009: Price Monitoring Extension
04.02.2009: Dividend Declaration
17.03.2009: Statement re: Listing Rule 15.5.1
18.03.2009: Transaction in own shares
18.03.2009: Holding(s) in Company
19.03.2009: Holding(s) in Company
19.03.2009: Holding(s) in Company
27.03.2009: Final Results
02.04.2009: Portfolio Update
2. Documents filed with The Guernsey Registry
The following documents have been filed by the Company with The Guernsey Registry over the period 24 April 2008 to 6 April 2009 :-
Date of Filing |
Document type |
29 May 2008 |
Certified true extract of the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting confirming the passing of the special resolution in relation to the Company's ability to purchase its own shares. |
22 December 2008 |
Amendment to the Annual Return made up to 1 January 2008 |
27 January 2009 |
Annual Validation (made up to 31 December 2008) |
3. Documents published and sent to shareholders
The following documents have been published by the Company and sent to shareholders of the Company over the period from 24 April 2008 to 6 April 2009: -
Date of Publication |
Document |
17 April 2008 |
Annual Accounts to 31 December 2008 |
25 April 2008 |
Notice to reconvene the adjourned Annual General Meeting |
11 August 2008 |
Interim Accounts to 30 June 2008 |
The information contained in the documents listed above was accurate and up-to-date at the time of issue or publication, but some information may now be out-of-date.
Copies of all the documents listed above are available on request from the Company's registered office at Trafalgar Court, Les Banques, St Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands and copies of the RNS announcements can be viewed at www.londonstockexchange.com under code UKCM.
All Enquiries:
David Sauvarin
Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited
Trafalgar Court
Les Banques
St Peter Port
Channel Islands
Tel: 01481 745529
Fax: 01481 745075