Annual Information Update

Unilever PLC 21 April 2008 Unilever PLC Annual Information Update FOR THE 12 MONTHS TO 18 APRIL 2008 In accordance with Prospectus Rule 5.2, the following information and documents were published, or made available to the public in compliance with relevant laws and regulations since its last information update on 25 April 2007. This annual information update is required by and is being made pursuant to Article 10 of the Prospectus Directive as implemented in the United Kingdom (Prospectus Rule 5.2) and not for any other purpose and neither the Company, nor any other person, takes any responsibility for, or makes any representation, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of, the information which it contains. This information is not necessarily up to date as at the date of this annual information update and the Company does not undertake any obligation to update any such information in the future. Furthermore, such information may have been prepared in accordance with the laws or regulations of a particular jurisdiction and may not comply with or meet the relevant standards of disclosure in any other jurisdiction. This annual information update does not constitute an offer of any securities addressed to any person and should not be relied on by any person. 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS MADE VIA A REGULATORY INFORMATION SERVICE (LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE) Description of the nature Place of Where Date of Publication of the Information Filing information can be obtained Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 18 April 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 17 April 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 16 April 2008 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 15 April 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 15 April 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 14 April 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 11 April 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 10 April 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 9 April 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 8 April 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 7 April 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 4 April 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 3 April 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 2 April 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 1 April 2008 Annual Report and Accounts London RNS 27 March 2008 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 26 March 2008 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 26 March 2008 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 26 March 2008 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 26 March 2008 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 26 March 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 25 March 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 20 March 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 19 March 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 18 March 2008 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 17 March 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 17 March 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 14 March 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 12 March 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 12 March 2008 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 12 March 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 11 March 2008 Publication of Prospectus London RNS 11 March 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 10 March 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 7 March 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 6 March 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 5 March 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 4 March 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 3 March 2008 BOARD CHANGES AT UNILEVER London RNS 28 February 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 22 February 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 21 February 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 20 February 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 19 February 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 18 February 2008 Financial Calendar London RNS 18 February 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 15 February 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 14 February 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 13 February 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 12 February 2008 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 12 February 2008 Unilever share buy-back London RNS 11 February 2008 Final Results London RNS 7 February 2008 UNILEVER ACQUIRES INMARKO London RNS 4 February 2008 Notice of Results London RNS 24 January 2008 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 11 January 2008 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 28 December 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 27 December 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 24 December 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 21 December 2007 Financial Calendar London RNS 21 December 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 20 December 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 19 December 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 18 December 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 17 December 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 14 December 2007 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 13 December 2007 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 13 December 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 13 December 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 12 December 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 11 December 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 10 December 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 7 December 2007 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 7 December 2007 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 7 December 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 6 December 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 5 December 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 4 December 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 30 November 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 28 November 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 27 November 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 26 November 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 23 November 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 22 November 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 21 November 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 19 November 2007 EUROBOND ISSUE London RNS 14 November 2007 Lawry's and Adolph's sale London RNS 14 November 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 13 November 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 12 November 2007 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 12 November 2007 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 12 November 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 9 November 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 8 November 2007 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 7 November 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 7 November 2007 Publication of Prospectus London RNS 6 November 2007 Sale of Boursin London RNS 5 November 2007 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 5 November 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 1 November 2007 3rd Quarter Results London RNS 1 November 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 31 October 2007 Holding(s) in Company London RNS 29 October 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 23 October 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 22 October 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 18 October 2007 Notice of Results London RNS 18 October 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 17 October 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 16 October 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 15 October 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 11 October 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 10 October 2007 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 9 October 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 9 October 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 8 October 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 5 October 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 4 October 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 3 October 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 1 October 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 28 September 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 28 September 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 27 September 2007 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 27 September 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 26 September 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 25 September 2007 Unilever Indonesia London RNS 24 September 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 24 September 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 21 September 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 19 September 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 18 September 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 14 September 2007 UNILEVER AND PEPSICO JV London RNS 14 September 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 14 September 2007 Directorate Change London RNS 14 September 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 13 September 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 12 September 2007 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 11 September 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 11 September 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 7 September 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 7 September 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 6 September 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 5 September 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 4 September 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 29 August 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 28 August 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 21 August 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 21 August 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 20 August 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 17 August 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 16 August 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 15 August 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 14 August 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 13 August 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 10 August 2007 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 10 August 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 9 August 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 8 August 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 7 August 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 6 August 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 2 August 2007 2nd Quarter Results 2007 London RNS 2 August 2007 NEW CHIEF FINANCIAL London RNS 1 August 2007 OFFICER Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 1 August 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 31 July 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 30 July 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 27 July 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 26 July 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 25 July 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 24 July 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 23 July 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 20 July 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 19 July 2007 2nd Quarter Results Notice London RNS 19 July 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 19 July 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 17 July 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 16 July 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 13 July 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 12 July 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 11 July 2007 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 10 July 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 10 July 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 9 July 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 6 July 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 5 July 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 4 July 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 3 July 2007 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 2 July 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 2 July 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 29 June 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 28 June 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 27 June 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 26 June 2007 UNILEVER BRAZIL London RNS 25 June 2007 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 25 June 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 25 June 2007 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 22 June 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 22 June 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 21 June 2007 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 20 June 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 20 June 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 19 June 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 18 June 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 15 June 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 14 June 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 13 June 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 12 June 2007 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 11 June 2007 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 11 June 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 11 June 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 8 June 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 4 June 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 1 June 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 31 May 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 30 May 2007 Eurobond Issue London RNS 29 May 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 29 May 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 25 May 2007 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 24 May 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 24 May 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 23 May 2007 Director Declaration London RNS 23 May 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 22 May 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 21 May 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 18 May 2007 Publication of Prospectus London RNS 18 May 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 17 May 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 16 May 2007 AGM Statement London RNS 16 May 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 15 May 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 14 May 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 11 May 2007 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 11 May 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 10 May 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 9 May 2007 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 9 May 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 8 May 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 4 May 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 3 May 2007 1st Quarter Results London RNS 3 May 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 1 May 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 30 April 2007 Director/PDMR Shareholding London RNS 30 April 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 27 April 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 26 April 2007 Transaction in Own Shares London RNS 25 April 2007 Annual Information Update London RNS 25 April 2007 Details of all regulatory announcements can be found in full on the London Stock Exchange website at: 2. DOCUMENTS FILED AT COMPANIES HOUSE Description of the Nature Place of Where information can Date of of the Information Filing be obtained Publication Resignation of Director London Companies House 20 September 2007 Director's Particulars London Companies House 6 September 2007 Changed Director's Particulars London Companies House 4 September 2007 Changed Director's Particulars London Companies House 4 September 2007 Changed Director's Particulars London Companies House 4 September 2007 Changed Director's Particulars London Companies House 4 September 2007 Changed Director's Particulars London Companies House 4 September 2007 Changed Director's Particulars London Companies House 4 September 2007 Changed Director's Particulars London Companies House 4 September 2007 Changed Director's Particulars London Companies House 4 September 2007 Changed Director's Particulars London Companies House 4 September 2007 Changed Secretary's Particulars London Companies House 4 September 2007 Changed Director's Particulars London Companies House 4 September 2007 Changed Director's Particulars London Companies House 4 September 2007 Changed Director's Particulars London Companies House 4 September 2007 Changed Appointment of Secretary London Companies House 24 July 2007 Annual Return London Companies House 9 July 2007 Memorandum and Articles of London Companies House 9 July 2007 Association Alteration to Memorandum London Companies House 9 July 2007 and Articles of Association Appointment of Director London Companies House 4 July 2007 Appointment of Director London Companies House 4 July 2007 Appointment of Director London Companies House 4 July 2007 Appointment of Director London Companies House 4 July 2007 Resignation of Director London Companies House 16 June 2007 Resignation of Secretary London Companies House 16 June 2007 Resignation of Director London Companies House 16 June 2007 Resignation of Director London Companies House 16 June 2007 Alteration to Articles of London Companies House 6 June 2007 Association Report and Accounts 2006 London Companies House 6 June 2007 Copies of these documents can be found on the Companies House Direct website at: or by contacting Companies House, Crown Way, Maindy, Cardiff CF14 3UZ 3. DOCUMENTS PUBLISHED OR SENT TO SHAREHOLDERS OR FILED WITH THE UKLA VIEWING FACILITY Date Description 27 March 2008 Unilever Annual Report and Accounts 2007 Unilever Annual Review and Summary Financial Statement 2007 Unilever Annual Report on Form 20-F 2007 Chairman's Letter and Notice of Meeting of Unilever PLC; and Proxy Forms 18 May 2007 Publication of Prospectus - Information Memorandum dated 15th May 2007 relating to a U.S.$15,000,000,000 Debt Issuance Programme with Unilever N.V., Unilever PLC and Unilever (Holdings) Japan K.K. as issuers. Documents submitted to the FSA can be viewed at the Document Viewing Facility situated at The Financial Services Authority, 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 5HS. 4. DOCUMENTS LODGED WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Unilever PLC is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and has submitted filings to the US Securities and Exchange Commission ('SEC') Format Description Date 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 17 April 2008 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 17 April 2008 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 16 April 2008 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 16 April 2008 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 14 April 2008 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 14 April 2008 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 11 April 2008 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 10 April 2008 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 9 April 2008 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 8 April 2008 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 4 April 2008 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign 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6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 10 May 2007 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 10 May 2007 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 9 May 2007 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 8 May 2007 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 4 May 2007 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 3 May 2007 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 2 May 2007 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 1 May 2007 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 30 April 2007 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 30 April 2007 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 27 April 2007 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 26 April 2007 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 26 April 2007 15d-16) 6-K Report of foreign issuer (Rules 13a-16 and 26 April 2007 15d-16) Full details of the filings can be found on the SEC's website at: 5. FURTHER INFORMATION For more information about Unilever and its brands, please visit A copy of this Annual Information Update and copies of the documents referred to in it can be obtained from the Deputy Company Secretary at the following address: Deputy Secretary Unilever PLC Unilever House 100 Victoria Embankment London EC4Y 0DY 21 April 2008 SAFE HARBOUR STATEMENT: This announcement may contain forward-looking statements, including 'forward-looking statements' within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as 'expects', 'anticipates', 'intends' or the negative of these terms and other similar expressions of future performance or results, including financial objectives to 2010, and their negatives are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based upon current expectations and assumptions regarding anticipated developments and other factors affecting the Group. They are not historical facts, nor are they guarantees of future performance. Because these forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, there are important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements, including, among others, competitive pricing and activities, consumption levels, costs, the ability to maintain and manage key customer relationships and supply chain sources, currency values, interest rates, the ability to integrate acquisitions and complete planned divestitures, the ability to complete planned restructuring activities, physical risks, environmental risks, the ability to manage regulatory, tax and legal matters and resolve pending matters within current estimates, legislative, fiscal and regulatory developments, political, economic and social conditions in the geographic markets where the Group operates and new or changed priorities of the Boards. Further details of potential risks and uncertainties affecting the Group are described in the Group's filings with the London Stock Exchange, Euronext Amsterdam and the US Securities and Exchange Commission, including the Annual Report & Accounts on Form 20-F. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this announcement. Except as required by any applicable law or regulation, the Group expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in the Group's expectations with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based. END. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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