Unilever PLC was notified on 11 December 2014 that on 10 December 2014 either dividend equivalents or dividends earned were reinvested as additional shares under the Unilever Global Share Incentive Plan 2007 (GSIP), the Unilever Management Co Investment Plan (MCIP), the Senior Executive Retirement Arrangement (SERA), the Unilever North America 2002 Omnibus Equity Compensation Plan Global Share Incentive Program, the Management Co-Investment Program and the Before-Tax Share Bonus Program. These additional shares were based on the London Stock Exchange closing price of £26.60 or the New York Stock Exchange closing price of $41.53 (as appropriate) on 10 December 2014.
Unilever Global Share Incentive Plan 2007 (GSIP)
Dividend equivalents earned on GSIP conditional target shares were reinvested as additional GSIP conditional shares, which will be subject to the same performance conditions as the underlying GSIP target shares. The dividend equivalents reinvested were as follows:
Mr D A Baillie (PDMR) - 287 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr D Blanchard (PDMR) - 197 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr K Havelock (PDMR) - 269 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr J-M Huët (Director) - 816 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr K Kruythoff (PDMR) - 224 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr H Manwani (PDMR) - 404 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr N Paranjpe (PDMR) - 121 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr P G J M Polman (Director) - 1,220 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr A Saint-Affrique (PDMR) - 239 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr P L Sigismondi (PDMR) - 329 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Ms R Sotamaa (PDMR) - 229 Ordinary 3 1-9 pence shares |
Mr K C F Weed (PDMR) - 239 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr J Zijderveld (PDMR) - 269 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
The above transactions were carried out in the UK. |
Unilever Management Co Investment Plan (MCIP)
Dividend equivalents earned on MCIP Match Shares were reinvested as additional MCIP Match Shares, which will be subject to the same performance conditions as the underlying MCIP Match Shares. Based on an MCIP Match of 100%, the dividend equivalents reinvested were as follows:
Mr D A Baillie (PDMR) - 95 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr D Blanchard (PDMR) - 94 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr K Havelock (PDMR) - 104 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr J-M Huët (Director) - 128 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr K Kruythoff (PDMR) - 61 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr H Manwani (PDMR) - 145 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr N Paranjpe (PDMR) - 18 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares
Mr P G J M Polman (Director) - 416 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr A Saint-Affrique (PDMR) - 81 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr P L Sigismondi (PDMR) - 116 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares
Ms R Sotamaa (PDMR) - 23 Ordinary 3 1-9 pence shares |
Mr K C F Weed (PDMR) - 168 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr J Zijderveld (PDMR) - 143 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
The above transactions were carried out in the UK. |
Unilever Management Co Investment Plan (MCIP)
Dividends earned on MCIP Investment Shares were as follows:
Mr D Blanchard (PDMR) - 80 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr K Havelock (PDMR) - 87 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr N Paranjpe (PDMR) - 16 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr P G J M Polman (Director) - 345 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Ms R Sotamaa (PDMR) - 20 Ordinary 3 1-9 pence shares
Mr J Zijderveld (PDMR) - 120 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
The above transactions were carried out in the UK.
Unilever North America 2002 Omnibus Equity Compensation Plan
Dividend equivalents earned on North America 2002 Omnibus Equity Compensation Plan Global Share Incentive Program, Management Co-Investment Program and the Before Tax Share Bonus target shares were reinvested as additional North America 2002 Omnibus Equity Compensation Plan shares. The dividend equivalents reinvested were as follows:
Global Share Incentive Program
Dividend equivalents earned on GSIP conditional target shares were reinvested as additional GSIP conditional shares, which will be subject to the same performance conditions as the underlying GSIP target shares. The dividend equivalents reinvested were as follows:
Mr A Jope (PDMR) - 301 American Depositary Receipts each representing 1 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence share |
The above transaction was carried out in the USA.
Management Co-Investment Program
Dividend equivalents earned on MCIP conditional target shares were reinvested as additional MCIP conditional shares, which will be subject to the same performance conditions as the underlying MCIP target shares. Based on an MCIP Match of 100%, the dividend equivalents reinvested were as follows:
Mr A Jope (PDMR) - 110 American Depositary Receipts each representing 1 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence share |
The above transaction was carried out in the USA
Unilever Before-Tax Share Bonus Program
Dividend equivalents earned on shares in the Share Bonus Program were reinvested and will be distributed in July of the calendar year after the year of retirement or termination. There are no performance conditions associated with receiving these dividends. The dividend equivalents reinvested were as follows:
Mr A Jope (PDMR) - 43 American Depositary Receipts each representing 1 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence share |
The above transaction was carried out in the USA. |
Reinvestment of dividend on beneficially owned shares
Dividends were earned on shares beneficially owned, and reinvested as follows:
Mr D Blanchard (PDMR) - 188 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr K Havelock (PDMR) - 299 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr N Paranjpe (PDMR) - 109 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr P G J M Polman (Director) - 2,058 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr J Zijderveld (PDMR) - 817 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
The above transactions were carried out in the UK. |
Senior Executive Retirement Arrangement (SERA)
Dividends earned were reinvested as additional shares under the Senior Executive Retirement Arrangement (SERA) and reinvested as follows:
Mr K Havelock (PDMR) - 262 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Mr K C F Weed (PDMR) - 445 Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares |
Unilever PLC was notified on 11 December 2014 that on 10 December 2014 dividends earned on shares beneficially owned were reinvested at a price of £27.04 as follows: Ms E L Veiga (a connected person of Mr P L Sigismondi) received 96 Unilever PLC Ordinary 3 1/9 pence shares. |
The above transaction was carried out in the UK. |
This announcement is made following notifications under Disclosure and Transparency rule 3.1.4(R)(1)(a).
Name of contact and telephone number for queries:
REBECCA RIGBY - +44(0)207 822 5186
Name of authorised official of issuer responsible for making notification:
12 December 2014