Final Results

Victoria PLC 23 June 2005 Issued by Citigate Dewe Rogerson Ltd, Birmingham Date: Thursday, 23 June 2005 Embargoed: 7.00am Victoria P.L.C. Manufacturers of carpet and carpet yarns through operations in the UK, Australia, Ireland and Canada Preliminary Results for the year ended 2 April 2005 2005 2004 Turnover £53.2m £54.6m Operating Profit on Continuing activities £3.73m £4.75m Profit before tax on Continuing activities £3.07m £4.19m Loss before tax on Discontinued Axminster activities £(1.84)m - Maintained dividend reflects confidence in underlying business 11.5p 11.5p UK and Irish business impacted by decline in consumer confidence and spending. Axminster closure announced in February completed within budget. Investment and initiatives in Australia result in steady performances from this region despite market challenges. New strategy for the Canadian business starting to produce both sales and profit growth. Acceleration of new product launches providing interest to retailers and customers in an otherwise flat market. On-going investment and new products will enable Victoria to see a profitable growth in sales despite the forecast market conditions. 'This has been a difficult year, that has seen the demise of several of our competitors and in which we have experienced tougher conditions in each of our main markets. We have worked hard to maintain and develop our core business and have taken the necessary action to deal with the losses we were incurring in Axminster weaving.' 'With an economic outlook for the UK, Australia and Ireland that is, at best, flat, we do not foresee the return of more favourable economic conditions during this financial year. However, even in this climate, we believe we are able to deliver profitable growth through a continuing concentration on customer service and an acceleration in the introduction of new product ranges.' R M Gilbert, Chairman FULL STATEMENT ATTACHED Enquiries: Alan Bullock, Group Managing Director Mark Lee, Group Finance Director Fiona Tooley/Katie Dale Victoria P.L.C. Citigate Dewe Rogerson Today: 01562 749640 Today: 01562 749640 up to 12 noon Mobile: 07785 325701 (AB) Thereafter: 0121 455 8370 Mobile: 07785 703523 (FMT) -2- Victoria P.L.C. Preliminary Results for the year ended 2 April 2005 STATEMENT BY THE CHAIRMAN, R M GILBERT This has been a difficult year, that has seen the demise of several of our competitors and in which we have experienced tougher conditions in each of our main markets. We have worked hard to maintain and develop our core business and have taken the necessary action to deal with the losses we were incurring in Axminster weaving. Results Turnover of £53.2 million in this 52 week period was 2.6% lower than the previous 53 week period. Discontinued activities produced a pre-tax loss of £1.84 million. Operating profit on continuing operations was £3.73 million (2004: £4.75 million), and profit before tax on continuing operations was £3.07 million (2004: £4.19 million). Operations In the UK, we saw a slowdown in consumer demand, particularly in the second half of the year, as consumers started to rein back their expenditure in the face of falling house prices, higher fuel costs and the prospect of increasing taxes. The Irish consumer market was also tough, although the contract market was steadier. In the UK and Ireland, we also saw an acceleration in the market penetration of the low-cost foreign producers of Axminster carpet. As a result of this, we recognised that we were unlikely to again make acceptable returns from our UK manufacturing base, and took the difficult decision to discontinue Axminster weaving which had been part of our business for over 50 years. The Board was extremely sad that it had to take this decision which affected the livelihoods of so many loyal and skilled people. The decision was announced in February with an anticipation that the cost of closure would run to £1.2 million. The necessary redundancies and arrangements for the plant to be sold were made by the end of March. These accounts include the full anticipated effect of closure and show an exceptional charge of £998,000, which is less than we had originally expected. Turnover from the UK and Irish operations was £30.99 million, compared to last year's £32.22 million. Including the discontinued activities and the exceptional costs of discontinuance, the UK and Ireland operations made a pre-tax loss of £1.27 million (2004: £1.17 million profit). More importantly, the continuing operations in the UK and Ireland remained profitable with a pre-tax profit of £0.58 million. In Australia, the buoyant economic conditions that had prevailed in recent years came to an end. Notwithstanding this, in what became a highly competitive marketplace, we managed to maintain our turnover at 99% of last year's level. However, this was to some extent at the expense of margin, and we saw pre-tax profits from our Australian operation slightly lower at £2.43 million (2004: £2.99 million). In Canada, our associated company, Colin Campbell & Sons, enjoyed a good year with solid growth in both turnover and contribution to our Group profits. Dividend Despite the reduction in headline profits and earnings, we remain confident about our underlying business. Therefore, your Board is pleased to recommend a maintained year-end dividend of 11.5p per share. The proposed dividend is 2.7 times covered by earnings from continuing activities. Subject to approval at the AGM, the dividend will be paid on 1 August 2005 to members on the register at 1 July 2005. continued... -3- Employees I would like to thank everyone who has worked in our Group during the year for their contribution to the award-winning products and service levels we have continued to provide to our customers. Outlook With an economic outlook for the UK, Australia and Ireland that is, at best, flat, we do not foresee the return of more favourable economic conditions during this financial year. However, even in this climate, we believe we are able to deliver profitable growth through a continuing concentration on customer service and an acceleration in the introduction of new product ranges. -4- Victoria P.L.C. Preliminary Results for the year ended 2 April 2005 OPERATING REVIEW BY THE GROUP MANAGING DIRECTOR, ALAN BULLOCK Following on from the previous year's record results, the Group has had to face difficult market conditions in all areas in which it operates. Indeed, market conditions have perhaps been worse than we have experienced over the past decade. United Kingdom Victoria Carpets in the UK had a difficult year, impacted by a decline in consumer confidence and reduced levels of consumer spending. During the course of the year there has been a steady and constant stream of casualties from within both the manufacturing and distribution sector of the carpet industry. All of this has resulted in an over supply of carpet at reduced prices into an already depressed market. At the same time as facing the downturn in our domestic market, we have also had to contend with an increase in import penetration from low cost manufacturers. Our strategy to develop a competitive advantage with our own national delivery fleet was launched early in 2004. This was timely in the face of the demise of Carpet Express at the end of 2004 and has allowed us to maintain and continue to improve our high service levels to customers and to guarantee a secure delivery system. With effect from August 2004, we expanded our fleet to cover the whole of the UK mainland and this also enabled us to enter a five year service agreement to carry and distribute carpets for Greendale Carpets, the UK's foremost Independent Retail Buying Group. Coincidentally, I am pleased to advise you that Victoria Carpets received the accolade for the third year in succession as Service Provider of the Year to the Greendale Group. We are grateful for this recognition and it reflects well on our business. Home sales in the United Kingdom were down from £24.6m to £21.7m, with most of that decline coming from a fall-off in trade within the wholesale distribution channel, particularly to other carpet manufacturers who have been buying in product from us for resale. Export Sales increased well during the year from £5.12m to £6.31m, with sales more than doubling to the USA and significantly up to our own subsidiary company in Ireland. Operationally, at Victoria Carpets, March 2005 saw the closure of Axminster weaving at the company after over 50 years of production. The company could no longer see the department making a profit or indeed a reasonable contribution to overheads and took the decision to concentrate fully on the modern Tufted and specialist Wilton sides of our business. The costs of closure at £998,000 were below the £1.2 million estimate in our February 2005 announcement, with slightly fewer redundancies being made than envisaged and reasonable values being achieved for disposal of plant, equipment and stock. Westwood Yarns, in Yorkshire, was kept fully utilised throughout the year, with 94% of the capacity being used by Victoria Carpets in the UK. During the year several smaller projects have been successfully completed at Westwood's all aimed at maximising capacity and the quality of the dry woollen spun yarns produced. continued... -5- Ireland The Group's progress in Ireland during the past twelve months has been good, although at this stage, the full benefits of the Navan acquisition we made in July 2003 have still to feed through to the bottom line. Munster Carpets, which we acquired in 2002, specialising predominantly in the contract carpet market, enjoyed a good year. Sales and profits were up strongly on the previous year as the investment we have been making on product and marketing initiatives bore fruit. Navan Carpets had a more difficult time, having to contend with a depressed market for residential carpet, somewhat similar to that we experienced in the UK. The year was spent repositioning the product portfolio with the launch or repatterning of 20 carpet ranges since acquisition. The abnormally high cost of patterning, which we always write off in the year of launch, impacted Navan's bottom line result. Overall, Munster and Navan are re-establishing their presence in the Irish marketplace and, as we expand more and more of Victoria's UK product portfolio through our Irish brands, greater benefits can reasonably be expected for the Group. Australia As predicted in last year's Operating Review, the Australian economy became less buoyant and, as the economy slowed, the housing and property market cooled, with consumers cutting back on retail expenditure. Despite this, I am pleased to report that our Australian business completed another successful year's trading, very much in line with our expectations. In a market which was significantly quieter, sales for the year were maintained at almost the level achieved in the previous record year. Margins, however, during the year were adversely affected by the predatory pricing of our competitors and by the rise in the level of imported synthetic carpets. Under a new Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States of America, imports from the USA since January 2005 attract a duty rate of only 8%, down from a previous 15% level. Imports of carpet into Australia are growing and now account for around 20% of the market. However, this growth is mainly in the synthetic end of the market and as we operate primarily in the wool and wool rich segment, we believe that this and other strategies we have should help protect us from import penetration. External carpet yarn sales were up in the year, which helped offset the slight reduction in carpet sales. Overall sales for the year were A$54.2 million compared to A$54.0 million last year. Net Profit before tax was 17% lower at A$5.95 million. We believe that this is an excellent achievement given the extent of the market downturn and the news coming out of competitors over recent months. During the year we have continued to invest in new tufting and finishing equipment at our Dandenong carpet manufacturing plant. A further two high speed Tufters featuring the very latest technology have been added, along with sophisticated finishing equipment. We continue to invest in the latest high productivity machinery to enable us to remain competitive and to offer our customers products of differentiation, keeping us at the forefront of carpet manufacturing in Australia. Both of the spinning mills at Castlemaine and Bendigo have performed well during the past year, producing quality yarn for both our own usage and for some existing external customers. continued... -6- Victoria's principal sales market remains Australia; however, the Company has made good progress in its export activities, particularly to New Zealand, where we have opened stocking warehousing facilities during the past year, which have enabled us to increase our sales by 27% on the back of higher levels of service to our customers. Canada Colin Campbell & Sons, our associate company in Canada has enjoyed a good year, with the new strategy now starting to deliver good top line sales growth and bottom line profits. Sales in the year were increased by 27% to C$7.1 million, with almost C$1 million of rug sales being added to our existing broadloom business. During the year Campbell's also launched a new initiative called 'Urban Line' which is a programme of Wool products, aimed at expanding its distribution business to the carpet retailers in Western Canada. Campbell's have also recently significantly expanded their showroom in Calgary, with the additional square footage allowing us greater scope to develop still further our profitable rug sales in Alberta. The Western Canadian economy in the high-end residential and contract markets is so far proving resilient to the economic downturn we are experiencing in other parts of the world, which may well be as a result of a strong Oil Industry as well as expansion plans for the Winter Olympics scheduled to be held in Vancouver in 2010. Outlook In the United Kingdom we feel that the slow-down in the housing market, worries about pensions and possible tax increases are all likely to see consumers spending less and reducing borrowings. We are certainly assuming that the market will continue to be difficult for the rest of 2005 and possibly well into 2006. There are, however, we believe, some positive features that are likely to influence and affect our success in the forthcoming year: • The shake-out of weaker players that has occurred over the last two years, leaving retailers looking to dependable, quality manufacturers. • The reliable service to customers provided by our national delivery fleet. • The acceleration of our new product launch programme, providing interest for retailers and their customers in an otherwise flat marketplace We believe that the strength of the investment and of these new products will enable us to see growth in sales in this year irrespective of the overall market conditions. In Ireland, we expect to benefit from the recently expanded product offering from Munster Carpets, whilst at Navan Carpets, who are more dependent on the residential market, the market conditions are likely to remain similar to those to be faced in the UK. Most of the new products being launched in the UK will also be channelled through Navan into the Irish market and as we rebuild sales Navan should start to make the kind of returns to which we aspire. We envisage Westwood Yarns being kept busy on the back of both existing and new products. We are currently installing additional plant, which will provide additional capacity and increased productivity. The economic picture in Australia at the moment is still of a difficult market. Aggressive price discounting by our competitors and growing imports are likely to persist for a time yet, but we again have a good track record of managing well in difficult conditions and have the team, the products and the infrastructure to make the best out of whatever conditions the market throws at us. In our associate company in Canada we are looking at a continuing growth in sales and profitability. -7- Victoria P.L.C. Preliminary Results for the year ended 2 April 2005 FINANCIAL REVIEW BY THE GROUP FINANCE DIRECTOR, MARK LEE Summary of Results The Group results for the current year show a 2.6% fall in turnover to £53.2 million (2004: £54.6 million) and a fall in pre-tax profits from £4.19 million last year to £1.23 million this year. However, these results contain the pre-tax loss of £1.84 million from the discontinued Axminster manufacturing activity. Stripped of this amount, the pre-tax profit from continuing activities was £3.07 million. Turnover and Operating Profits Discontinued operations - Axminster weaving Following the closure of our Axminster weaving department, Axminster manufacturing is shown in the Group profit and loss account as a discontinued activity, which highlights the significant pre-tax loss of £1.84 million from this activity in the year, including the exceptional closure cost of £998,000. The closure cost represents redundancy payments and write-down of stock and plant. The sale of plant and release of working capital will more than cover the cash costs of closure and will release funds that will be redeployed in our profitable activities. UK & Ireland - Continuing activities The UK and Irish domestic markets became markedly slower in the second half of the financial year, as both consumer spending and activity in the housing market were affected by lower consumer confidence. We warned in September 2004 that the market was showing reduced activity, and explained in the interim statement in late November that sales were not up to the levels of the previous year. This remained the picture up to the end of the financial year in March. Turnover from the continuing activities in the UK and Ireland was down 3.85% at £30.99 million (2004: £32.23 million). Transport and distribution costs rose following the demise of Carpet Express during the year, as we increased the size of our own transport fleet to cover over 90% of our sales to the UK mainland. This cost increase is offset to an extent by the increasing transport and logistics revenues we are receiving from third parties. Operating profits from the continuing activities in the UK and Ireland were £1.04 million (2004: £1.48 million). Australia The Australian economy cooled considerably during the year, in comparison to the boom the year before, which reduced consumer demand for carpet, leading to heightened price competition between suppliers. We worked hard to maintain sales and, as a result, our turnover was virtually level at A$54.2 million (2004: A$54.0 million), but our operating profit margin fell from 14.6% to 12.1% and operating profit dropped from A$7.89 million to A$6.57 million. Grants under the Australian Government's Strategic Investment Programme accounted for A$1.06 million of operating profit, compared to A$1.37 million the previous year when we benefited considerably from grants arising from our investment in the Bendigo Spinning Mill. Interest Interest costs increased from £0.59 million to £0.75 million due to a slightly higher average level of debt during the year, and the effects of increased interest rates in each of the Group's main currencies. continued... -8- Share of Profits and Associated Company The implementation of the new strategy started to show positive results at Colin Campbell and Sons, our 50% Associate in Canada. Turnover increased by 27% and the Group's share of pre-tax profit increased to £61,000 (2004: £19,000). Exceptional Closure Costs As described above, £998,000 has been charged in the profit and loss account as an exceptional cost of closing our Axminster weaving operations. Profit before taxation Profit before tax for the year was £1.23 million (2004: £4.19 million). Of this, the loss before taxation on the discontinued activity was £1.84 million. After separating this out, the profit before tax on continuing operations was £3.07 million. Tax The overall tax charge for the year was an effective rate of 31.7%, slightly higher than recent years. The effective tax charge on continuing activities was 30.0%. Earnings per Share Earnings attributable to shareholders were 12.08 pence per share. The discontinued activities generated a loss of 18.88p per share, but adjusted earnings (i.e. earnings from continuing activities) were a positive 30.96p per share. Dividend A final dividend of 11.5p per share is proposed in respect of the year. The dividend is 2.7 times covered by the earnings from continuing operations. Financing The Group balance sheet remains strong with net assets of £25.26 million representing 364 pence per share (2004: £25.33 million and 365 pence per share). Net borrowings at the year end were £11.92 million, and net gearing was 47.2% (2004: £11.16 million and 44%). Borrowings are expected to reduce as the capital that had been tied up in the discontinued Axminster manufacturing activity is returned in cash. There was a net cash outflow of £731,000 during the year before financing (2004: £2,686,000). Accounting Standards and Policies The Group's accounting policies are unchanged from last year. This is the last set of Victoria P.L.C. accounts that will be prepared under UK GAAP, and starting with the interim accounts for the six months to September 2005, we will be reporting under International GAAP, following the International Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards approved by the EU. Our work on preparing for the changeover is well advanced and we expect to publish an opening balance sheet (as at 3 April 2004) and comparative Profit and Loss statements in advance of our interim results announcement which will be in late November. -9- Victoria P.L.C. Preliminary Results for the year ended 2 April 2005 GROUP PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Notes 52 weeks ended 2 April 53 weeks ended Discontinued Continuing 3 April 2004 Operations Operations 2005 2005 2005 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turnover 1 3,302 49,880 53,182 54,622 Cost of sales (3,516) (34,669) (38,185) (38,808) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross profit (214) 15,211 14,997 15,814 Distribution costs (516) (9,708) (10,224) (8,948) Administrative expenses (87) (2,815) (2,902) (3,199) Other operating income - 1,040 1,040 1,085 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating profit (817) 3,728 2,911 4,752 Exceptional cost of discontinuance (998) - (998) - Interest payable and similar charges (27) (718) (745) (586) Share of profits of associated undertaking - 61 61 19 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Profit on ordinary activities before taxation (1,842) 3,071 1,229 4,185 Taxation 531 (921) (390) (1,180) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Profit after taxation (1,311) 2,150 839 3,005 Dividends paid and proposed - (799) (799) (799) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retained profit (1,311) 1,351 40 2,206 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earnings per share - basic and diluted (18.88)p 30.96p 12.08p 43.28p --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Profit after taxation 839 3,005 Currency translation differences on foreign currency net investments (113) 673 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total gains relating to the year 726 3,678 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total gains recognised since last annual report 726 3,678 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note of Historical Cost Profits and Losses 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reported profit on ordinary activities before taxation 1,229 4,185 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Historical cost profit on ordinary activities before 1,229 4,185 taxation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Historical cost profit for the year retained after taxation 40 2,206 and dividends --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -10- Victoria P.L.C. Preliminary Results for the year ended 2 April 2005 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 2 April 2005 3 April 2004 £'000 £'000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed assets Intangible assets 545 563 Tangible assets 22,925 23,592 Investments 354 306 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23,824 24,461 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current assets Stock 14,686 14,908 Debtors 9,648 9,795 Cash at bank and in hand 369 308 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24,703 25,011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Less: current liabilities Creditors - amounts falling due within one year 16,268 16,052 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net current assets 8,435 8,959 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total assets less current liabilities 32,259 33,420 Less: creditors - amounts falling due after more than one year 6,104 7,033 Provisions for liabilities - deferred taxation 897 1,056 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net assets 25,258 25,331 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital and reserves (equity) Share capital 1,736 1,736 Share premium 829 829 Revaluation reserve 2,132 2,144 Profit and loss account 20,561 20,622 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total shareholders' funds 25,258 25,331 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -11- Victoria P.L.C. Preliminary Results for the year ended 2 April 2005 GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT Note 52 weeks ended 53 weeks ended 2 April 2005 3 April 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash inflow from operating activities 2 3,622 4,460 Returns on investment and servicing of finance Interest paid (519) (357) Interest element of finance lease and hire purchase payments (226) (229) ------ ------- (745) (586) Taxation UK Corporation Tax paid 191 (271) Overseas tax paid (1,196) (985) ------ ------- (1,005) (1,256) Capital expenditure and financial investment Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (1,962) (3,303) Receipts from sales of tangible fixed assets 158 70 ------- ------- (1,804) (3,233) Acquisitions Payments to acquire the assets of a trade or business - (1,446) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68 (2,061) Equity dividends paid (799) (625) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (731) (2,686) Financing Increase/(decrease) in long-term loans 340 (457) Capital element of finance lease and hire purchase payments (1,093) (923) Receipts from financing of assets 124 1,375 ------- ------- (629) (5) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decrease in cash (1,360) (2,691) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -12- Victoria P.L.C. Preliminary Results for the year ended 2 April 2005 NOTES 1. ANALYSIS OF GROUP TURNOVER AND PROFIT The turnover, contribution to profit and net assets are geographically spread as follows: 52 weeks ended 53 weeks ended 2 April 2005 3 April 2004 Profit on Profit on ordinary ordinary Turnover activities Net assets Turnover activities Net assets £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- United Kingdom & Ireland 30,993 (1,266) 13,008 32,225 1,173 14,066 Australia & New Zealand 22,189 2,434 11,896 22,397 2,993 10,959 Canada - 61 354 - 19 306 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53,182 1,229 25,258 54,622 4,185 25,331 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The above results include the Axminster activities discontinued in the year ended 2 April 2005. Apart from this all results are derived from continuing operations. 2. EXCEPTIONAL ITEMS The exceptional item relates to the discontinuance of Axminster weaving within the Group. The results of the Axminster weaving department of Victoria Carpets Limited are shown in the 'Discontinued Activities' column on the face of the consolidated profit and loss account. The exceptional item is made up as follows: £'000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Redundancy costs 438 Write-down of plant and machinery 127 Write-down of stocks 433 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 998 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The exceptional item reduced the amount charged to the profit and loss account for taxation by £278,000. 3. RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING PROFIT TO NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating profit 2,911 4,752 Exceptional cost of Axminster weaving discontinuation (998) - Depreciation and amortisation 2,427 2,094 (Profit)/loss on sale of fixed assets (57) 13 Decrease/(increase) in stocks 222 (3,111) Decrease/(increase) in debtors 292 (443) (Decrease)/increase in creditors (1,209) 897 Exchange rate difference on consolidation 34 258 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash inflow from operating activities 3,622 4,460 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- continued... -13- 4. RATES OF EXCHANGE The following year-end exchange rates have been used: Australia: A$2.4441 to one pound sterling (2004: A$2.4099) Euro: €1.4573 to one pound sterling (2004: €1.5074) Canada: C$2.2940 to one pound sterling (2004: C$2.4101 5. The Report & Accounts will be posted to shareholders on 28 June 2005. Further copies will be available from the Company's Registered Office: Worcester Road, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY10 1HL or via the website 6. The Annual General Meeting is being held at the Registered Office of the Company, as above, at 2.30pm on Tuesday, 26 July 2005. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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