Results of Annual General Meeting
Victrex plc is pleased to announce that all the resolutions proposed at the Annual General Meeting on 8 February 2011 were duly passed by a show of hands. The proxy votes cast are shown below:
Victrex plc 18th Annual General Meeting - Proxy Votes
Resolution |
Votes In Favour |
Chairman's Discretion |
Votes Against |
Votes Withheld
1. Approve the report on Directors Remuneration. |
67,322,813 |
2,259 |
404,299 |
2. Receive the Accounts and Reports of the Directors and auditor for the year ended 30 September 2010. |
69,207,209 |
2,259 |
0 |
3. To approve the final dividend. |
69,263,809 |
2,259 |
0 |
0 |
4. To approve the special dividend.
69,263,809 |
2,259 |
0 |
0 |
5. To re-elect Mr P E Bream as a Director.
69,097,620 |
2,259 |
0 |
6. To re-elect Ms A M Frew as a Director.
69,097,605 |
2,259 |
0 |
7. To re-elect Mr G F B Kerr as a Director.
69,097,605 |
2,259 |
15 |
8. To re-elect Mr P J M De Smedt as a Director.
69,097,605 |
2,259 |
15 |
9. To re-elect Mr L C Pentz as a Director.
69,097,605 |
2,259 |
15 |
10. To re-elect Mr D R Hummel as a Director.
69,097,620 |
2,259 |
0 |
11. To re-appoint the auditor and to authorise the Directors to determine their remuneration. |
68,496,019 |
2,259 |
48 |
12. To authorise the Directors to allot shares. |
66,384,837 |
2,259 |
365,066 |
13. To partially disapply the statutory rights of pre-emption. |
69,259,564 |
2,259 |
2,506 |
14. To authorise the Company to purchase its own shares. |
69,263,322 |
2,259 |
0 |
15. To hold general meetings upon 14 clear days' notice. |
67,414,110 |
2,259 |
0 |
The current issued capital of Victrex plc is 83,669,153 shares.
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