VietNam Holding Limited
('VNH' or the 'Company')
Results of the Extraordinary General Meetings ("EGM") of Shareholders and Warrantholders
The Shareholder EGM and Warrantholder EGM were called in order that VNH Shareholders and VNH Warrantholders could consider and vote on the proposal to extend the term of VNH's warrants beyond their current exercise date of 13 December 2012 (the "Proposals").
The Shareholders and Warrantholders have separate EGMs and approval is required from both for the Proposals to be enacted.
If the Proposals are approved, the warrant term will be extended through the provision of an additional two exercise dates, on 25 April 2013 and 25 September 2013.
A copy of the resolutions proposed to the Shareholders and Warrantholders is available on the Vietnam Holding Limited's website at
The Result of the Shareholder EGM
The Directors of the Company wish to announce that an EGM of VNH's Shareholders was held today at the 2nd floor, Zephyr House, 122 Mary Street, George Town, PO Box 709, Grand Cayman, KY1-1107 at 9.00am.
The ordinary resolution put to the shareholders in the EGM was passed.
The Warrant holder EGM
For the Warrantholder meeting which was due to be held today at Zephyr House, 122 Mary Street, George Town, PO Box 709, Grand Cayman, KY1-1107 at 10.00am, the quorum of Warrantholders required to be present was unfortunately not met. As a result of the quorum requirement not being met the meeting is adjourned by one week, in accordance with the Company's articles. The adjourned EGM will now be held at 2nd floor, Zephyr House, 122 Mary Street, George Town, PO Box 709, Grand Cayman, KY1-1107 at 10.00am on Wednesday 21 November 2012. The new quorum at this adjourned meeting will be any Warrantholder present in person or by proxy. Proxy votes already cast remain valid for the adjourned meeting.
Warrantholder approval for the Proposals is required and therefore the warrant term will not be changed unless Warrantholders vote in favour of the resolution at the adjourned EGM.
For more information please contact:
VietNam Holding Asset Management Limited
Gyentsen Zatul
Investor Relations
Telephone: +41 43 500 2810
Oriel Securities Limited (Nominated Adviser and Broker)
Joe Winkley
Telephone: +44 207 710 7600
Defined terms used in this announcement shall have the same meaning as ascribed to them in the Circular issued to Shareholders and Warrantholders dated 25 October 2012.