Global Strategy for Mobile Data and Internet

Vodafone AirTouch PLC 11 January 2000 Part I 11 January 2000 Vodafone AirTouch Vodafone AirTouch's Global Strategy for Mobile Data and Internet * Vodafone AirTouch is today announcing the launch of its single global platform and branded portal for mobile data and internet. The global platform will be the first of its kind, with a single global brand delivering service and content worldwide * The global internet platform is an architecture and a set of hardware and software which will provide a world-class mobile data and internet service. The platform will be available to all of Vodafone AirTouch's networks and will also be licensed in other markets where appropriate. The timetable for launch of the first version is July 2000 * Vodafone AirTouch is also announcing today the names of a number of major global partners which confirm the world- class position of the platform. These partners will be joined by other leading technology and content companies prior to launch. Vodafone AirTouch's partners include: * Sun Microsystems - hardware and service delivery platform * IBM - systems integrator * - content and commerce services * Charles Schwab - financial services * - travel information, flight status and bookings * Palm Computing - handheld computers * Ericsson and Nokia - smart and other phones, and other key systems components * Vodafone AirTouch believes that mobile data and internet represents the biggest new growth opportunity of this decade. Vodafone AirTouch expects to derive significant increases in revenues as customers take up data and internet services. Further, following the combination with Mannesmann, there will be significant data and internet- related revenue benefits, in addition to the merger synergies quantified by Vodafone AirTouch in November 1999 * Today, Vodafone AirTouch has an unmatched presence in major mobile markets around the world, clear technology leadership in all major mobile standards and applications, and a strong track record of achievement in each of its markets. Vodafone AirTouch has led the development of many of the key technical standards for data including GSM, GPRS and 3G. For the future, with its global platform, Vodafone AirTouch intends to be the world's leading mobile multimedia operator * Those companies with scale, offering global reach and speed to market, will be the operators and partners of choice for potential technology and content partners. As demonstrated today, Vodafone AirTouch has these qualities. Vodafone AirTouch will bring Mannesmann the scale and geographic presence that it currently lacks * By accepting Vodafone AirTouch's Offer, Mannesmann Shareholders will have the opportunity to participate in the explosive growth opportunities of mobile data and internet - with a global platform covering 25 countries rather than seven, 48 million customers rather than 18 million and over 510 million potential customers compared to Mannesmann's 163 million Chris Gent, Chief Executive of Vodafone AirTouch, commented: 'As the only truly global mobile operator, Vodafone AirTouch's objective is to become the world's leading mobile multimedia operator. Our aim is to empower the mobile phone to deliver the best multimedia information and services, anytime, anywhere. Today we are announcing our plans for the launch of this global platform together with partnerships with world- class companies for systems hardware and operation, information content and access. 'We are opening a new chapter in the development of the internet, and invite Mannesmann Shareholders to join us in adding a fourth 'W' to the World Wide Web. From now on, it will be the World Wide Wireless Web.' This summary should be read in conjunction with the full text of the following announcement. Copies of this press release and the documentation published in connection with the Offer can be obtained from the Vodafone AirTouch merger website,, or by calling one of the dedicated helplines, toll-free, on 0800 169 2853 in the United Kingdom or 0800 088 77 66 in Germany. Analyst and Press Presentations Vodafone AirTouch will present its mobile data and internet strategy on Tuesday, 11 January 2000 at The Brewery, Chiswell Street, London EC1 at the following times: Analysts - 08.30 am (UK time) Press - 11.00 am (UK time) A satellite link will be available in Germany at the Hilton Hotel, Hochstrasse 4, Frankfurt am Main and the Hilton Hotel, Georg-Glock Strasse 20, Dusseldorf as follows: Analysts and institutional investors - 09.30 am (German time) Press - 12.00 pm (German time) A webcast of the presentation can be viewed at www.vodafone- Enquiries: Vodafone AirTouch Terry Barwick, Corporate Affairs Director Tim Brown, Investor Relations Director Melissa Stimpson, Senior Investor Relations Manager Mike Caldwell, Corporate Communications Director Tel: 44 (0)1635 33 251 Goldman Sachs International Scott Mead Simon Dingemans Tel: +44 (0)171 774 1000 Warburg Dillon Read Warren Finegold Mark Lewisohn Tel: +44 (0)171 567 8000 Tavistock Communications Lulu Bridges Tel: +44 (0)171 600 2288 Part II 11 January 2000 Vodafone AirTouch Vodafone AirTouch's Global Strategy for Mobile Data and Internet Vodafone AirTouch is today announcing the launch of its single global platform and branded portal for mobile data and internet. The global internet platform is an architecture and a set of hardware and software which will provide a world-class mobile data and internet service. Vodafone AirTouch is strongly positioned to capture the explosive growth expected from mobile data and internet. * Vodafone AirTouch operates in 24 countries, 10 of which are controlled, and has 420 million proportionate POPs * In the fourth quarter of 1999 Vodafone AirTouch added almost 4 million proportionate customers to its global customer base, to bring the total to over 35 million. This represents growth of 38% versus the comparable quarter in 1998 * Vodafone AirTouch believes that mobile data and internet represents the biggest new growth opportunity of this decade Vodafone AirTouch's Strategy for Mobile Data and Internet Vodafone AirTouch's strategy is to become the world's leading mobile multimedia operator. To achieve this, Vodafone AirTouch aims to provide a complete range of services - from messaging, enriched voice services, desktop applications and information services to e-commerce - through the widest possible range of access devices, from the standard mobile phone to handheld computers. The communication media will be audio, text, graphics and video. Vodafone AirTouch's objective is to provide information anytime, anywhere, to anyone. Vodafone AirTouch's strategy is to establish: * A global internet platform and branded portal * A superior mobile data transmission system * Partnerships with world-class companies * The highest quality applications and services, with both global and location-specific content * Provision of global access to the largest customer base in the world The Global Internet Platform Vodafone AirTouch's platform is designed to achieve global reach with a single unified delivery platform. Vodafone AirTouch will use its global position to bring together the best capabilities from around the world to reduce the cost of deployment, to attract world-class partners and speed time to market in all of its operations. All of Vodafone AirTouch's local networks will be able to utilise the global architecture and interfaces to facilitate and improve their own mobile internet strategy. At the same time the flexibility of the platform will allow them to implement the specific local content and e-commerce capabilities which are being developed for their local customers. Vodafone AirTouch has completed the preliminary design of the platform and has begun development of the platform infrastructure. The key suppliers have also been chosen. Key features of the platform are: * It will offer a significant set of applications which will be rolled out in several phases * The power of the platform will be its ability to offer personalised location-specific services in a seamless fashion across all Vodafone AirTouch's markets and therefore leverage Vodafone AirTouch's significant customer base * The platform will be accessed through a portal carrying a new global brand, which will be announced at the time of the launch of Version 1.0 * The platform will be supported by a major marketing campaign to promote Vodafone AirTouch's internet portal brand in each of Vodafone AirTouch's markets, with the support of Vodafone AirTouch's global team * The benefits of this high-quality unified platform will also be available to operators that are not Vodafone AirTouch networks through licensing opportunities in countries that Vodafone AirTouch does not currently serve * The platform will be continuously upgraded with additional value-added services. Version 1.0 of the platform is expected to be launched in July 2000, followed by Version 2.0 by the end of this year Vodafone AirTouch's services will be designed primarily for mobile use, but will also be accessible through fixed line service providers, to offer customers maximum flexibility. For example, customers will be able to configure their mobile internet experience from their desktop, allowing them to synchronise desktop and mobile information easily. Version 1.0 The key global services of Version 1.0 will be: * Messaging - synchronisation of desktop applications, webmail and two way Short Message Service (SMS) * Information services - games and entertainment, news and directories, personalised information, calendar, address book, weather forecasts, movie listings, humour and lottery results * E-commerce - travel and financial services including stock trading and banking Local markets will be able to add applications efficiently in addition to these select global applications. Ultimately all successful local applications will be incorporated into the set of services offered across all of Vodafone AirTouch's networks. Version 2.0 Version 2.0 will offer additional access capabilities including mobile access to Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and voice navigation. Version 2.0's messaging service enhancements will include: * Unified messaging * Remote handset synchronisation with desktop Parallel Iterative Method (PIM) applications * GPS location-based technology * Higher bandwidth * Instant messaging * Voice access PIMs * Remote synchronisation The additional e-commerce services will include: * New end-to-end services such as personal commerce, enhanced travel and e-customer care * WAP-based lottery * MP3 download * E-wallet Vodafone AirTouch believes that this leading-edge service platform and mobile portal will offer the most attractive service in a seamless fashion across geographic markets. Vodafone AirTouch's Partners Vodafone AirTouch is announcing today a number of major global partners across the mobile internet value chain of technology, content and handsets. Appendix I provides further details on each of these partners. Technology Partners Sun Microsystems, IBM and are synonymous with the internet. They are the key technology partners for Vodafone AirTouch's global internet platform. * Sun Microsystems and the Sun-Netscape Alliance will provide the carrier-grade, scaleable platform hardware, operating system, messaging platform and professional services needed to implement the platform. Vodafone AirTouch will work with Sun on the Java 2 Micro Edition platform, to bring the power of Java to mobile devices * IBM will be the systems integrator, essentially integrating all of the components brought by each of the partners. In addition, IBM will assist with the hosting strategy and Vodafone AirTouch and IBM are exploring more partnership opportunities in this area *'s role will be to deliver content and commerce services across the world in a unified package to Vodafone AirTouch's customers. will also ensure that content is readily available from all mobile devices and the desktop Content Partners Vodafone AirTouch will work with a group of world-class partners, which are still in the process of being selected, in order to create end-to-end applications for its customers. These applications will combine information, transaction capability and the power of mobility to create high quality applications for Vodafone AirTouch's customers. The following partners are being announced today: * Charles Schwab, the largest online broker in the United States and one of the largest e-commerce companies in the world, will bring stock market information and trading capability to customers * Sabre, through Sabre Business Travel Solutions and, which is leading the way in bringing travel to the internet, will combine the latest travel information (including changes in flight status, such as delays) with the ability to book itineraries in real time, on the move - a vital service for highly mobile customers Handset Partners Vodafone AirTouch is focused on ensuring availability of devices for the launch of new services and on the development over time of devices that work more effectively with its networks. Vodafone AirTouch will work with the industry leaders in devices to ensure that its customers have an attractive set of equipment to use in accessing its mobile internet services on current and future generations of mobile networks. * Palm Computing will work with Vodafone AirTouch to combine the capabilities of their industry leading handheld computers and the power of their global application developer base with Vodafone AirTouch's mobile internet applications, to create a winning solution for customers * Ericsson and Nokia will work with Vodafone AirTouch to ensure that a large volume of WAP-enabled internet-ready smartphones will be available for the July 2000 launch of the global platform, and to develop other key systems components Over time these mobile device leaders will continue to work with Vodafone AirTouch to create even more capable devices, designed to maximise customers' ability to use the next generation of mobile internet services. Over the next few months Vodafone AirTouch is planning to announce a number of additional partnerships both for the architecture and the development of new services. Vodafone AirTouch's Track Record in Technology Vodafone AirTouch has consistently been an innovator in technology. Examples of Vodafone AirTouch's technological leadership are set out in Appendix II. A key strength for Vodafone AirTouch is mobile data technology, with examples including the scale of Vodafone AirTouch's UK packet radio network, its clear lead in GSM data through Europolitan and its unmatched experience with CDMA through AirTouch. Mobile e-commerce (m-commerce) is in its infancy. However, the use of e-commerce services is growing exponentially and the key will be to offer reliability and security to both customers and vendors. Vodafone AirTouch believes its global platform will be a key differentiator in this area and, most importantly, will allow it to deliver (including Mannesmann) 48 million proportionate customers, making the platform a very attractive partner for e-tailers. Because of its global scale and reach, Vodafone AirTouch is already using and working with technology that others are only now learning. This scale and innovation should enhance Vodafone AirTouch's competitive position in the future - in terms of delivering new services successfully as these new markets develop. Enhanced Growth From Mobile Data and Internet Vodafone AirTouch believes that mobile data and internet represents the biggest new growth opportunity of this decade. Vodafone AirTouch expects to derive significant increases in revenues as customers take up services such as text messaging, e-commerce, mobile internet and 3G services (such as videoconferencing and broadband internet access). Vodafone AirTouch estimates that these services will reverse the current declining trend in ARPU (Average Revenue Per User), and will increase its ARPU estimates for the year to 31 March 2004 by 20% to 25%. These significant developments highlight the power of Vodafone AirTouch's data and internet strategy. Further, following the combination with Mannesmann, there will be significant data and internet-related revenue benefits, in addition to the merger synergies quantified by Vodafone AirTouch in November 1999. Overall, these new areas of service will significantly increase Vodafone AirTouch's growth rate alone, and in combination with Mannesmann. Vodafone AirTouch and Mannesmann Together in Mobile Data and Internet Combining Vodafone AirTouch with Mannesmann will enhance the Combined Group's position in the mobile data and internet markets. The Combined Group will be the largest international mobile operator, with truly global coverage. The Combined Group will have one of the largest customer bases in the world, with over 48 million proportionate customers. It will benefit from better commercial terms and commissions. Further, it will have the ability to make significant R&D investments and share development risks across its operations, thus helping it to have a competitive edge in technological advancement. Vodafone Mannesmann Vodafone AirTouch AirTouch (Note 1) and Mannesmann combined (Note 2) Number of countries 24 7 25 Number of controlled 10 4 13 countries Proportionate customers 35 18 48 (m) Proportionate POPs (m) 420 163 512 Notes: 1. Including Orange 2. Excluding Orange Vodafone AirTouch will bring Mannesmann the scale that it currently lacks. Today Vodafone AirTouch has: * An unmatched presence in major mobile markets around the world * Clear technology leadership in all major mobile standards and applications A strong track record of achievement in each of its markets Those companies with scale, offering global reach and speed to market, will be the operators and partners of choice for potential technology and content partners. As demonstrated today, Vodafone AirTouch has these qualities. Mannesmann cannot come close to offering either its customers or partners the equivalent capabilities. Enquiries: Vodafone AirTouch Terry Barwick, Corporate Affairs Director Tim Brown, Investor Relations Director Melissa Stimpson, Senior Investor Relations Manager Mike Caldwell, Corporate Communications Director Tel: +44 (0)1635 33 251 Goldman Sachs International Scott Mead Simon Dingemans Tel: +44 (0)171 774 1000 Warburg Dillon Read Warren Finegold Mark Lewisohn Tel: +44 (0)171 567 8000 Tavistock Communications Lulu Bridges Tel: +44 (0)171 600 2288 Words defined in the press release dated 19 November 1999 shall have the same meaning in this announcement unless the context requires otherwise. This press release does not constitute an offer to exchange or sell or an offer to exchange or buy any securities. The contents of this announcement have been approved by Goldman Sachs International and Warburg Dillon Read, the investment banking division of UBS AG, solely for the purposes of Section 57 of the Financial Services Act 1986. Goldman Sachs International and Warburg Dillon Read, each of which is regulated in the United Kingdom by The Securities and Futures Authority Limited, are acting for Vodafone AirTouch and for no one else in connection with the Offer and will not be responsible to anyone other than Vodafone AirTouch for providing the protections afforded to customers of Goldman Sachs International or Warburg Dillon Read or for giving advice in relation to the Offer. The Offer in the United States is being made through a prospectus which is part of an effective registration statement filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Mannesmann Shareholders who are U.S. persons or are located in the United States are advised to read the registration statement because it contains important information relating to the Offer. You can inspect and copy the registration statement relating to the Offer and documents incorporated by reference therein at the public reference facilities maintained by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Room 1024, Washington D.C. 20549. In addition, copies of the US Offer Document are available from The Bank of New York, 101 Barclay Street, Lobby Window, New York, NY 10286. For additional information regarding risks, see the Registration Statement on Form F-4 and other reports of Vodafone AirTouch plc on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Copies of these filings are available on request directed to Vodafone AirTouch, Investor Relations, Tim Brown (tel: + 44 1635 682 373). It is the responsibility of any person receiving a copy of this announcement in any jurisdiction other than the United Kingdom, Germany and the United States to satisfy themselves as to the full observance of the laws and regulatory requirements of the relevant jurisdiction, including the obtaining of any governmental or other consent which may be required or observing any other formalities needing to be observed in such jurisdiction. Receipt of this announcement will not constitute an offer in those jurisdictions in which it would be illegal to make such an offer and in such circumstances it will be deemed to have been sent for information purposes only. Statements in this press release relating to future status or circumstances, including statements regarding future performance, costs, revenues, cash flows, earnings, divestments, growth and other trend projections and the synergistic benefits of the merger are forward-looking statements. These statements may generally, but not always, be identified by the use of words such as 'anticipates', 'should', 'expects', 'estimates', 'believes', or similar expressions. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. There can be no assurance that actual results will not differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements due to many factors, many of which are outside Vodafone AirTouch's control, including steps that Mannesmann's management may take to frustrate Vodafone AirTouch's efforts to obtain managerial control of Mannesmann, increase the costs or reduce the benefits of the transaction, the triggering of change of control provisions in Mannesmann's licences or other agreements, the ability to obtain regulatory approvals without onerous conditions, the impact of labour disputes, the risk of negative impacts on Vodafone AirTouch's credit ratings, the potential costs, including tax costs, of divesting Orange and Mannesmann's industrial businesses, limitations on Vodafone AirTouch's ability to control Mannesmann due to voting restrictions and other provisions of Mannesmann's charter and German law, general economic conditions, competition, technical difficulties and the need for increased capital expenditure (such as that resulting from increased demand for usage, new business opportunities and deployment of new technologies) and the ability to realise benefits from entering into partnerships for developing data and internet services. Appendix I Details of the Partners Sun Microsystems Since its inception in 1982, a singular vision - 'The Network Is The Computer' (TM) - has propelled Sun Microsystems, Inc. (Nasdaq: SUNW), to its position as a leading provider of industrial-strength hardware, software and services that power the internet and allow companies worldwide to 'com' their businesses. With USD 12.4 billion in annual revenues, Sun can be found in more than 170 countries and on the internet at IBM IBM is the world's largest information technology company, with 80 years of leadership in helping businesses innovate. IBM offers a wide range of services, solutions and technologies that enable telecommunications service providers and equipment suppliers to take full advantage of the new era of e-business. IBM is uniquely qualified to deliver the enabling infrastructure for wireless access to enterprise applications. To extend e-business to wireless, IBM is exploiting its systems integration expertise, web hosting experience and e-business application capability providing the reliability, scalability, global reach and security that businesses need to succeed. IBM can be found on the internet at is a leading global internet information infrastructure company. provides infrastructure services to consumers, merchants and wireless devices.'s affiliate network consists of more than 2,100 Web sites. The Company's affiliates include AOL, Microsoft, Disney/InfoSeek's GO Network, NBC's Snap, Lycos, go2net Inc., DoubleClick, Dow Jones (The Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition) and ABC LocalNet, among others. In addition, the Company provides services to a network of wireless internet devices including PCs, cellular phones, pages, screen telephones, television set-top boxes, online kiosks and personal digital assistants. These include relationships with Acer America, AT&T Wireless, Nokia, Nextel, Sprint, Mitsui, Lucent and @Home. Charles Schwab Corporation The Charles Schwab Corporation, through its principal operating subsidiary, Charles Schwab & Co, Inc, is one of America's largest financial services firms, with 17,400 employees providing investing services to 6.4 million active accounts with USD 663 billion in customer assets through 331 branch offices, four regional customer telephone service centres, automated telephonic channels and a website. Internationally, the company has operations in the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Canada, Cayman Islands and Japan, and has recently announced plans to enter the Australian market. The company serves Spanish speaking customers through its Latin American centre in Miami and provides Asian language services through its Asia Pacific Services unit. For more information visit is owned and operated by Sabre Inc. provides reservations capabilities for 95% of all airline seats sold, more than 46,000 hotels, more than 50 car rental companies and more than 70,000 vacation packages. This reservations capability is paired with access to a vast database of destination and interesting information. To date, has sold more than 3 million airline tickets online and, since its launch in March 1996, the award-winning website has registered more than 10 million members and logs more than 100 million page views per month. Sabre is the global leader in applying information technology to meet the needs of the travel and transportation industries with advanced and innovative technology skills to deliver progressive solutions. Headquartered in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, the company has more than 10,000 employees worldwide who span 45 countries. Sabre reported 1998 revenues of USD 2.3 billion, up 29% from 1997. Net earnings were USD 232 million, up 16% from the prior year. More information on Sabre is available on the Web at Sabre and the Sabre logo are registered trademarks of an affiliate of Sabre Inc. Palm Computing Palm Computing, Inc., a 3Com company, is the leading provider of personal companion products (IDC, May 1999), including the best-selling Palm III, Palm V and Palm VII series of handheld computers. The Palm Computing platform is the premier handheld development environment and is the foundation for the market- leading handheld computers from Palm Computing as well as products from Palm Computing's strategic partners such as IBM, QUALCOMM, Franklin Covey, Handspring and Symbol Technologies. Designed to support the increasingly mobile and geographically dispersed nature of information management, the company's handheld solutions allow people to carry their most critical information in their pockets. For more information, visit With over 300 million customer connections worldwide, 3Com Corporation connects more people and organisations to information and each other in more innovative, simple and reliable ways than any other networking company. 3Com delivers e-Networking solutions through information access products and network systems to enterprises, small businesses, consumers, carriers and network service providers. For further information visit 3Com's Web site at or the press site at 3Com, Palm Computing, Palm OS and HotSync are registered trademarks and Palm, Palm Portable Keyboard, Palm III, Palm IIIx, Palm IIIc, Palm V and Palm VII are trademarks of 3Com Corporation or its subsidiaries. All other brands and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. Ericsson Ericsson is the leading provider in the new telecoms world, with communications solutions that combine telecom and datacom technologies with freedom of mobility for the user. With more than 100,000 employees in 140 countries, Ericsson simplifies communications for its customers - network operators, service providers, enterprises and consumers - the world over. For further information visit Nokia Nokia is the leading mobile phone supplier and a leading supplier of mobile, fixed and IP networks including related services. An innovator in mobile internet solutions, Nokia is paving the way to the Mobile Information Society. It also supplies multimedia terminals and computer displays. In 1998, net sales totalled EUR 13.3 billion (USD 15.7 billion). Headquartered in Finland, Nokia is listed on the New York (NOK), Helsinki, Stockholm, London, Frankfurt and Paris stock exchanges and employs more than 53,000 people worldwide. For further information visit Appendix II Vodafone AirTouch's Technological Leadership Set out below are some examples of Vodafone AirTouch's track record in technological leadership. Messaging * Messaging is one of Vodafone AirTouch's greatest short term revenue and profitability drivers. In December 1999 operators in which Vodafone AirTouch has an interest sent over 1 billion SMS messages. Further, in various markets Vodafone AirTouch has e-mail notification via SMS operating currently and e-postcards in planning * Vodafone AirTouch is now planning messaging services including unified messaging that combine video, text and voice to create multimedia e-postcards Voice-Plus Video * Historically Vodafone AirTouch has led in voice services, with the first international roaming call in the world in 1991. More recently, Vodafone AirTouch led the introduction of pre-pay services, which have brought mobile telephone to the mass market * In Japan, the centre of 3G developments worldwide, Vodafone AirTouch is testing videoconferencing at 384 Kbits per second. In the UK, Vodafone AirTouch is conducting the largest 3G trials outside Japan and is already testing in- call video services Desktop Applications * Vodafone AirTouch has always been the operator of choice for corporate customers and will expand in this capacity in the data and internet market * Europolitan is one of Vodafone AirTouch's most advanced properties in this field. It has been offering commercial wireless office services since 1998. It already has over 10,000 users benefiting from its mobile office service, which offers full LAN interoperability from mobile terminals. Europolitan is also planning to launch wireless internet office solutions during 2000 Information Services * Vodafone AirTouch's existing platform for information services already offers mobile access to sports, news, weatherline and financial information * Vodafone AirTouch has already developed portal-based text information services * Vodafone AirTouch was the first UK operator to demonstrate WAP services * In Sweden, Europolitan was the first operator in the world to launch wireless internet in 1996. In December 1999 it launched a WAP portal available to all customers E-commerce * Vodafone AirTouch has already launched mobile banking services in Australia with Commonwealth Bank and in Sweden with PostGirot * Vodafone UK's e-commerce trials programme includes betting services with Mondex in France and car parking with VisaCash in the UK Mobile Data Technology * Packet data services are part of Vodafone AirTouch's heritage. Vodafone AirTouch's dedicated data networks in the UK deliver over 1 billion packets per year * Vodafone AirTouch has demonstrated a clear lead in GSM data - both in dial-up to ISDN services and by setting the pace in the GPRS rollout. Europolitan was the first network to launch High Speed Circuit Switched Data services at 43.2 Kbits per second * Vodafone AirTouch is a leader in CDMA through AirTouch. This experience is vital prior to the launch of 3G. In the UK, for example, Vodafone AirTouch is currently conducting the largest 3G trials outside Japan, in addition to J- Phone's own trials in Japan
UK 100