Mannesmann Offer Rejection

Vodafone AirTouch PLC 22 November 1999 MANNESMANN AG ('MANNESMANN') The following is the text of a press release made on 19 November by Mannesmann: 'Mannesmann Executive Board recommends rejection of Vodafone AirTouch offer to shareholders Vodafone AirTouch has today announced a hostile but increased proposal to acquire Mannesmann. This proposal envisages an exchange of 53.7 Vodafone AirTouch shares for each Mannesmann share and is subject to a number of complicating conditions. The Executive Board recommends to shareholders to reject this offer. Today's offer does not reflect the potential offered to Mannesmann shareholders by the combination of Mannesmann and Orange into a leading, integrated European telecommunications services company. In the course of the coming weeks Mannesmann will present to its shareholders the future value potential of an independent corporate strategy. Klaus Esser, Chairman of the Executive Board, said: 'Any offer for Mannesmann will be measured against the value potential for Mannesmann shareholders. Today's offer does not match this value potential.'' Enquiries: MANNESMANN Manfred Soehnlein, Director, Media Relations Telephone: +49-211-820 2323 The members of the Management Board of Mannesmann accept responsibility for the information contained in this announcement. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the members of the Management Board of Mannesmann (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case) such information is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. This announcement has been issued by, and is the sole responsibility of, Mannesmann AG ('Mannesmann') and has been approved for the purposes of section 57 of the Financial Services Act, 1986 by Merrill Lynch International ('Merrill Lynch') and Morgan Stanley & Co. Limited ('Morgan Stanley') which are regulated in the UK by the Securities and Futures Authority Limited and are financial advisers to Mannesmann in the connection with the offer for Orange PLC ('the Orange Offer') and the Vodafone AirTouch proposal to acquire Mannesmann ('the Mannesmann Proposal'). The Orange Offer is not being made in or into, and it may not be accepted in or from, the United States. Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley are advising Mannesmann in relation to the Orange Offer and the Mannesmann Proposal and no-one else and will not be responsible to anyone other than Mannesmann for providing the protections afforded to customers of Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley nor for providing advice in relation to the Orange Offer or the Mannesmann Proposal.
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