6 March 2019
Volex plc
("Volex" or the "Company")
EBT Share Purchase
The Company has been notified by the trustee of the Volex Group PLC Employees' Share Trust (the "EBT") that on Tuesday 5 March 2019, the EBT purchased 500,000 Ordinary Shares of 25p each at a price of 80 pence per share. The shares will be held in the EBT, a discretionary trust, and are intended to be used to satisfy the exercise of share options by employees, including the Directors of the Company. Following these transactions, the Company's EBT holds a total of 2,159,277 Ordinary Shares, representing approximately 1.47% of the Company's issued share capital.
For further information please contact:
Volex plc
Daren Morris, Group Chief Financial Officer
Tel: 020 8017 3240
Nominated Adviser & Broker
Steve Pearce
Euan Brown
Tel: 020 3100 2222
Whitman Howard
Joint Broker
Hugh Rich
Nick Lovering
Tel: 020 7659 1234