Final Results

VIBROPLANT PLC 15 July 1999 Vibroplant plc: Preliminary Results Vibroplant plc, the specialist UK plant and tool hire group, announces its preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 1999: * Continuing strong growth in pre-tax profit, up 51pc to £3.30m (1998 : £2.19m; exc. exceptionals £1.46m) on turnover ahead 7pc to £52.51m (1998 : £49.25m) * Earnings per share up 70pc to 5.72p (1998 : 3.37p) * Final dividend of 2.65p, making a maintained total for the year of 4.05p * Recovery in construction & industrial services division continues, with significant margin improvement * Significant expansion of tool hire division: 18 new branches opened, boosting nationwide network to 43 locations; strong revenue growth from recent acquisitions * Capital expenditure of £15.9m, plus £1.6m on acquisitions, reflects policy of strong but selective investment * Following announcement on 28 April, management have now indicated that they do not intend to proceed with an offer for the company Jeremy Pilkington, chairman & chief executive, comments: 'The outlook for construction activity looks broadly favourable over the medium term but competitive pressures remain severe, particularly in general plant and we share the recent well publicised concern within the sector regarding immediate prospects for the industry. 'Groundforce, Offshore and Safety Services are activities where we have a strong market share and which continue to offer significant growth opportunities. Together with our accelerating presence in the tool hire market and our exposure to the upside of railtrack expenditure plans, we remain optimistic about prospects in these areas which will remain the primary focus of our growth strategy.' CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT I am pleased to report continued recovery in the Group's performance this year. SUMMARY OF RESULTS Group profit before tax was £3.30m (1998 : £2.19m; excluding exceptional items : £1.46m) on turnover up 7% to £52.51m (1998 : £49.25m). Earnings per share increased to 5.72 pence (1998: 3.37 pence). The improvement in the profitability of the Construction and Industrial Services division reported last year continued with significant margin improvement on a largely static revenue base. The tool hire division opened a further 18 outlets giving a total of 43 locations across the UK and is now beginning to establish a credible basis for a national tool hire business. Tool hire and rail represented 29% of group revenues in the year (1998 : 23%). Capital expenditure of £15.9m plus a further £1.6m cost of acquisitions reflected our policy of strong but selective investment. This level of investment was made with a 1% increase in net gearing to 38%, underlining the strength of the Group's cash flow. Net assets increased to £46.42m (1998 : £45.31m) including £0.9m of goodwill acquired in the year. The directors are recommending a final dividend of 2.65 pence per share, payable on 4 October to shareholders on the register at 10 September, giving a maintained total dividend for the year of 4.05 pence per share. TRADING REVIEW Vibroplant As reported in our Interim Statement, we consolidated the Construction and Industrial Services activities under a single management structure during the year. General plant, powered access and compressed air activities now operate as four profit accountable regions supported by their own call centre. This regional hire centre structure has enabled progressive improvements to be made in capacity utilisation and price management, against the background of what remains a highly competitive market environment. Delivering superior service to an identified customer base remains the basic strategy of our service offering. Within a highly value sensitive market such as the construction industry, it is essential to deliver this quality service from a competitive cost base. Our focus during the year has therefore been on delivering the inherently lower cost base of our regional hire centre structure. As a result we have achieved significant year on year improvement in net margins. New investment is only made where the underlying business proposition demonstrates acceptable returns and during the year investment has generally been directed in support of customers operating in the more buoyant utility, house building and industrial sectors. As Group expansion in other areas continues, we see this discipline of internal competition for funds improving overall levels of return on capital, our primary financial measure of business effectiveness. Investment in fleet in the period totalled £9.7m (1998 : £10.2m). Groundforce & Safety Services Despite operating in a highly competitive market, Groundforce has retained its significant market share position through continuing innovation, particularly in the creation of new opportunities demanding increasingly sophisticated engineered solutions. Safety Services continues to develop new markets to complement its traditional shoring customer base. Fleet investment totalled £1.1m (1998 : £1.5m). Tool Hire Instant Tool Hire, Cannon Tool Hire, Domindo Tool Hire and 727 Plant (acquired April 1998) all enjoyed strong revenue growth during the year through a balanced combination of organic growth, greenfield start-ups and acquisitions. Whilst the establishment of a national tool hire business is a key strategic objective, we recognise the importance and value of local brand recognition and the loyalty that has been built up over a period of many years. Instant has established regional networks in the North West, Yorkshire and the Midlands and opened new branches in Coventry and Rotherham using existing Vibroplant premises. The acquisition of ACE Tool and Plant Services in Walsall and, in May 1999, of Aytee in Barnsley, extended Instant's network of branches to 11. Cannon operates in the Kent area. Cannon opened in Tonbridge in August and in October acquired the whole of the issued share capital of A.E. Marsh Plant Hire Company Limited in Folkestone. Cannon Tool Hire operates from 9 branches. Domindo operates in Shropshire and North Wales. In April 1999, this network was further increased with the acquisition of the whole of the issued share capital of Praisefirst Limited, trading as Renter Center. Renter Center has depots in Melksham, Swindon and Chippenham and represents the Group's first tool hire operation in the South West. Domindo, including Renter Center, operates from 9 branches. 727 Plant operates primarily in London and Essex. Since acquisition this business has expanded quickly opening further branches in Docklands, Dartford, Heathrow and Milton Keynes. In November, 727 acquired Saville Hire Limited in Peterborough bringing its number of branches to 9. A key initiative for the tool hire business during the year was the introduction of a standard I.T. platform. This has now been successfully implemented across the whole depot network so that all tool hire depots utilise a common point of sale transaction system. The planned expansion of the tool network this year will involve a significant number of greenfield openings. New openings are not expected to trade profitably in their first months of operation and this expansion will therefore hold back profit growth in the year. Investment in small tools during the year totalled £3.6m (1998 : £2.0m). Rail Torrent Trackside operates primarily in support of the railtrack maintenance sector from a network of 5 depots across the country. During the year, the national dispute by railtrack personnel has held back maintenance work with an adverse affect on trading. Our withdrawal from low margin activities reduced revenue year on year but has had a positive impact on profitability. There has been some recent encouraging movement in resolving the rail dispute and Torrent's strong market position and reputation will enable it to capitalise on new work as it is released. MANAGEMENT BUY-OUT The Company announced on 28 April 1999 that members of its senior management had indicated that they were investigating the possibility of making an offer for the Company. Management have now indicated that they do not intend to proceed with an offer and discussions have therefore terminated. The estimated costs incurred by the Company in relation to these discussions, of £125,000, have been provided in the accounts. The whole board remain committed to continuing the Company's existing strategy with a view to enhancing shareholder value. OUTLOOK The outlook for construction activity looks broadly favourable over the medium term but competitive pressures remain severe, particularly in general plant. We share the recent well publicised concern within the sector regarding immediate prospects for the industry. The consolidation of the plant hire sector over the last two years has led to a reduction in the number of providers who like ourselves are able to offer true national coverage. Choice will always be a customer requirement and these structural changes have therefore been broadly positive for the Group. Unfortunately, this consolidation has not yet had any significant impact on the over capacity within the industry. Groundforce, Offshore and Safety Services are activities where we have a strong market share and which continue to offer significant growth opportunities. Together with our accelerating presence in the tool hire market and our exposure to the upside of railtrack expenditure plans, we remain optimistic about prospects in these areas which will remain the primary focus of our growth strategy. I wish to express on behalf of all shareholders our thanks for another year of commitment and loyalty from our staff. Jeremy Pilkington 14 July 1999 Vibroplant plc Trading results for the year ended 31 March 1999 Continuing activities Existing Acquisitions Total Total Notes Operations 1999 1999 1999 1999 (unaudited)(unaudited) (unaudited) £000 £000 £000 £000 Turnover 50,321 2,189 52,510 49,250 Trading Profit 14,733 512 15,245 14,073 Depreciation and (10,232) 237 (10,469) (11,019) amortisation of goodwill Operating Profit 4 4,501 275 4,776 3,054 Release from US disposal 4 - 435 provision Profit on ordinary activities 4,776 3,489 Net interest payable (1,472) (1,301) Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 3,304 2,188 Taxation 5 (662) (630) Profit for the financial year 2,642 1,558 Dividends 7 - Interim paid (635) (647) - Final proposed (1,224) (1,224) Retained profit / (loss) 783 (313) for the financial year Earnings per 5p ordinary 6 5.72p 3.37p share Dividend per 5p ordinary 7 4.05p 4.05p share Vibroplant plc Consolidated balance sheet 31 March 1999 31 March 1998 (unaudited) £000 £000 £000 £000 Fixed assets Intangible assets - goodwill 877 - Investments 552 - Tangible assets 57,912 55,687 59,341 55,687 Current assets Stocks 2,024 1,692 Debtors 16,236 17,686 Cash at bank and in hand 43 22 18,303 19,400 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (17,843) (19,521) Net current assets / 460 (121) (liabilities) Total assets less current 59,801 55,566 liabilities Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (13,250) (10,049) Provisions for liabilities and (133) (207) charges Net assets 46,418 45,310 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 2,309 2,309 Share premium account 16,192 16,192 Revaluation reserve 2,180 2,530 Profit and loss account 25,710 24,252 Equity shareholders' funds 46,391 45,283 Equity minority interests 27 27 46,418 45,310 Vibroplant plc Consolidated cash flow statement for year ended 31 March 1999 31 March 1999 31 March 1998 (unaudited) £000 £000 £000 £000 Cash flow from operating 13,805 10,365 activities Return on investments and servicing of finance Interest paid (710) (408) Interest received 52 305 Interest element of finance lease (814) (1,066) rental payments Net cash outflow from return on investment and servicing of (1,472) (1,169) finance Taxation UK corporation tax paid (172) (136) Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of tangible fixed (14,332) (16,640) assets Purchase of investments (552) - Sale of tangible fixed assets 6,430 5,903 Net cash outflow for capital expenditure and financial investment (8,454) (10,737) Acquisitions and disposals Purchase of businesses (net of cash and overdraft purchased) (1,628) (8,892) Equity dividends paid (1,859) (1,871) Cash inflow / (outflow) before management of liquid resources and 220 (12,440) financing Management of liquid resources Investments in bank managed - 7,900 funds Fixed term US dollar deposit - 1,527 Net cash inflow from management of - 9,427 liquid resources Financing Medium term loan 6,000 - Loan notes 42 - Capital element of finance (3,730) (3,426) lease rental payments Net inflow / (outflow) from financing 2,312 (3,426) Increase / (decrease) in cash in the year 2,532 (6,439) Vibroplant Plc Notes 1. Basis of preparation This announcement has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Group's financial statements as at 31 March 1998 with the exception that the Group has amended its policies to adopt new Financial Reporting Standards FRS 10 and 11. The effect of these new standards is that goodwill on acquisitions in the financial year has been capitalised and is being amortised over its useful life. Goodwill relating to earlier financial periods which had been written off to reserves has not been restated. 2. Total recognised gains and losses for the year ended 31 March 1999 All recognised gains and losses for the reporting periods are reflected in the consolidated profit and loss account. 3. Reconciliation of movements in consolidated shareholders' funds for the year ended 31 March 1999 1999 1998 (unaudited) £000 £000 Profit for the financial 2,642 1,558 year Dividends (1,859) (1,871) 783 (313) Goodwill write back / (write off) 325 (4,147) Net increase / (reduction) in shareholders' funds 1,108 (4,460) Opening shareholders' 45,283 49,743 funds Closing shareholders' 46,391 45,283 funds 4. Prior year exceptional items The prior year operating profit is stated after an exceptional credit of £297,000 resulting from a change in depreciation method for hire plant. The release from the US disposal provision in the previous year resulted mainly from the finalisation of a specific legal action. 5. The low effective tax rate reflects the benefit to the tax charge of an agreement with the Inland Revenue relating to the tax on the sale of the US business in 1996. 6. Earnings per share have been calculated on 46,185,000 shares (1998: 46,185,000) being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year. 7. The Directors are proposing a final dividend of 2.65 pence (1998: 2.65 pence) per share making a total dividend for the year of 4.05 pence (1998: 4.05 pence) per share which is payable on 4 October 1999 to shareholders on the register on 10 September 1999 8. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities. 1999 1998 (unaudited) £000 £000 Operating profit 4,776 3,054 Depreciation and amortisation 10,469 11,019 of goodwill Profit on sale of tangible fixed assets (2,371) (2,129) Increase in stocks (179) (156) Decrease / (increase) in 1,168 (1,338) debtors Decrease in creditors (58) (85) Net cash inflow from operating 13,805 10,365 activities 9. Analysis of net debt (unaudited) As at Cash Other As at 1 April Flow Acquis Non- 31 March 98 itions cash 99 Changes £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Cash at bank and in hand 22 21 - - 43 Overdraft (5,244) 2,511 - - (2,733) Medium term loan - (6,000) - - (6,000) Loan notes - (42) - - (42) Finance leases and hire purchase (11,679) 3,730 (186) (853) (8,988) (16,901) 220 (186) (853) (17,720) 10. The financial information set out above, which was approved by the Directors on 14 July 1999, does not constitute the company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 March 1999 or 1998. The financial information for 1998 is derived from the statutory accounts for 1998 which have been delivered to the registrar of companies. The auditors have reported on the 1998 accounts; their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for 1999 will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the registrar of companies following the company's Annual General Meeting. Copies of the full accounts for the year ended 31 March 1999 will be posted to shareholders in August and the Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 20 September 1999.


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