Final Results

Vp PLC 12 June 2001 Date: Embargoed until 7.00 am, Tuesday 12 June 2001 Contacts: Jeremy Pilkington, Chairman & Chief Executive Neil Stothard, Finance Director Vp plc Tel: 01423 533405 Peter Otero Financial Dynamics Tel: 020 7831 3113 Vp plc: Preliminary Results Vp plc, the specialist equipment rental and support services group, announces its preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2001: Financials * Turnover of £59.8m (2000 - £55.0m). This figure includes £4.3m turnover from terminated operations. * Group profit before tax and amortisation of goodwill £3.3m (2000 - £3.5m). This includes losses on terminated operations of £2.2m. * Adjusted earnings per share up 34% at 5.88p (2000 - 4.40p) * Recommended final dividend of 2.65p, giving a maintained total dividend of 4.05p per share Operations * Handi Hire, acquired in May, now fully integrated within the Group's Hire Station business. This adds 24 Midlands branches to the Group's operations * Smaller acquisitions made in Runcorn, Bath, Chapel en le Frith, Glossop, and Wembley. Greenfield openings were established in Portsmouth, Ashford and Aylesford * The withdrawal from general plant hire, involving the exit of 25 depots, has now been successfully completed Jeremy Pilkington, chairman & chief executive, comments: 'At the beginning of 2001 we announced the launch of a single national brand - Hire Station - to encompass our various regional tool hire businesses. This is now firmly established as one of the leading companies in this rapidly consolidating sector and operates from a growing national network of over 80 branches. Furthermore, following the withdrawal from the general plant construction rental market, the management teams of our six businesses are now focused on strengthening their respective market positions in order to improve the quality of earnings and return on capital.' Chairman's Statement I am pleased to report to shareholders on a year of significant achievement. The Group has successfully exited the general plant rental market and repositioned itself around three operating divisions, analysed below, providing equipment rental and support services through six sector focussed brands : Hire Station; Torrent Trackside; UK Forks; Groundforce; Airpac and Safeforce. Following our exit from general plant hire, historically our core business, it was appropriate to adopt a new name and corporate identity for the Group. Vp plc underlines this change in the Group's activity whilst at the same time retaining an association with Vibroplant's long established reputation for quality and service. Shareholders approved the name change at an Extraordinary General Meeting on 27th March 2001. Financial Performance Group profit before tax and amortisation of goodwill was £3.3m, (2000 - £ 3.5m), after losses on terminated operations of £2.2m. Turnover was £59.8m (2000 - £55.0m), including £4.3m from terminated operations. On the same basis, adjusted earnings per share were 5.88 pence (2000 - 4.40 pence). Proceeds from the disposal of plant and assets from our terminated business, together with strong organic cash flow, funded capital investment and acquisition expenditure of £21.8m (2000 - £14.1m) without any increase in gearing from last year's level of 27%. The directors are recommending a final dividend of 2.65 pence per share payable on 2nd October 2001 to shareholders on the register at 7th September 2001, giving a maintained total dividend for the year of 4.05 pence per share. Hire Station Division At the beginning of 2001 we announced the launch of a single national brand - Hire Station - to encompass our various regional tool hire businesses. In the four years since we began building a presence in tool hire, we believe that Hire Station has firmly established itself as a leading competitor in this rapidly consolidating sector. Hire Station has a growing national network of over 80 branches and is organised around strong regional units where significant organic and acquisition growth opportunities continue to be identified. Turnover in the year increased almost 70% to £27.7m (2000 - £16.3m) and operating profits to £2.7m (2000 - £1.4m). Whilst year on year margins have improved, significant start up costs were absorbed in the period and further margin improvement is expected as the business matures. Gross investment in hire fleet was £6.6m (2000 - £4.6m). A key development in the year was the acquisition in May of Handi Hire, a long established tool hire business with 24 branches in the Midlands. Handi Hire is now fully integrated within Hire Station and made a very encouraging first period contribution. During the year, Hire Station launched Lifting Point, a specialist lifting and handling service, Tools & Fixings Direct, an on-line sales business and Hire Station at Home, a home-owner/d.i.y. tools catalogue. Lifting Point currently operates from six branches and will be progressively introduced across the branch network. We also made four smaller acquisitions in the year; Weaver (Runcorn), Roy Francis (Bath), Halls Hire Centres (Chapel en le Frith and Glossop) and Barham (Wembley). Greenfield openings were established in Portsmouth, Ashford and Aylesford. Torrent Trackside Division Torrent, which supplies services and equipment to the rail infrastructure maintenance sector, produced a very satisfactory performance with operating profits increasing to £1.2m (2000 - £0.8m) on turnover of £5.8m (2000 - £ 4.1m). Gross investment in the hire fleet was £1.1m (2000 - £0.9m). Safety and quality of service are of particular importance when working on the rail network and we are very pleased that Torrent's systems are endorsed by ISO9002 accreditation. Torrent is now working towards accreditation for the ISO14001 environmental standard. Torrent opened a new depot in Kent during the year to improve the level of service to our customers in the South East and to provide better support for the Channel Tunnel rail link project. Torrent is now established as the clear market leader in this specialist sector and is well placed to take advantage of the growing investment in the rail infrastructure. Services Division Turnover from ongoing businesses comprising UK Forks, Groundforce, Airpac and Safeforce was £22.0m, generating an operating profit of £2.6m. UK Forks UK Forks has made good progress towards establishing itself as the market leader in telehandler rental. The business operates a national fleet of in excess of 1,000 units and supplies a wide range of industrial, utility and construction customers. Our centralised call handling systems continue to prove effective in delivering superior levels of customer service, optimising fleet utilisation and securing better transaction management. UK Forks added a new location at Aylesford in Kent to improve its service capability in the buoyant South East market. Fleet investment totalled £5.9m. Groundforce Groundforce produced another good performance. Continued product innovation included the introduction of new, in-house designed product lines in response to the demand for solutions to support ever larger excavations. Investment by the water industry under their new five year asset management plan (AMP3) will provide useful additional demand as it is implemented. We are confident in the future prospects for this market leading business. Fleet investment totalled £1.1m. Airpac Airpac had a difficult year in its drilling and blasting markets where depressed workloads put pressure on utilisation and pricing. In response, we have reprofiled the fleet to better meet expected future levels of demand and introduced new products to give us entry into complimentary markets. In contrast, the oilfield services business performed well. The refurbishment of the Zone II air compressors and recent capital investment in steam generators and booster compressors has enhanced our capability to support the new technologies now being employed in oil and gas exploration and production. Significant domestic and international opportunities exist to grow this business. Fleet investment totalled £1.8m. Safeforce Safeforce provides a comprehensive range of services associated with confined space entry and other potentially hazardous environments. Safeforce's offering includes equipment rental and sales, maintenance and calibration services, asset management, training and safety audits. Although still a relatively small business, Safeforce has built a solid foundation for future growth. We believe this sector has good growth prospects. Fleet investment totalled £0.2m. General Plant The withdrawal from general plant hire, involving the disposal of approximately 7,000 items of plant and the exit from 25 depots, has now been successfully completed. Prospects Following the completion of our withdrawal from the general plant construction rental market, the Group is now focused on rental services to a wide range of industrial sectors, with over half of Group turnover derived from non-construction service activities. The separate management teams of our six businesses are focused on strengthening their respective market positions and improving the quality of earnings and return on capital. The most important element to the success of a service industry is people. We are fortunate to have a high quality workforce which, together with our clear market strategies and the Group's financial strength, give us great confidence as we look to the future. Vp plc Consolidated profit and loss account for the year ended 31 March 2001 Retained Terminated Total Total Operations Operations Notes 2001 2001 2001 2000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Turnover 55,519 4,303 59,822 55,002 Trading profit 14,921 (925) 13,996 15,113 Depreciation (8,368) (1,323) (9,691) (10,591) Operating profit before goodwill amortisation 6,553 (2,248) 4,305 4,522 Amortisation of goodwill (229) - (229) (83) Operating profit 6,324 (2,248) 4,076 4,439 Profit on disposal of subsidiary company 5 - - - 1,487 Profit / (loss) on termination of businesses 5 - 30 30 (1,770) Profit / (loss) on ordinary activities before interest 6,324 (2,218) 4,106 4,156 Net interest payable (1,047) (727) Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 3,059 3,429 Taxation 6 (681) (1,523) Profit for the financial year 2,378 1,906 Dividends 8 - Interim paid (618) (607) - Final proposed (1,150) (1,190) Retained profit for the financial year 610 109 Earnings and diluted earnings per 5p ordinary share 7 5.36p 4.22p Earnings and diluted earnings per 5p ordinary share before goodwill amortisation 7 5.88p 4.40p Dividend per 5p ordinary share 8 4.05p 4.05p All the activities reflected in the profit and loss account are continuing, as defined by FRS 3, with the exception of the prior year profit on disposal of subsidiary company. Vp plc Consolidated balance sheet at 31 March 2001 31 March 2001 31 March 2000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Fixed assets Intangible assets - goodwill 4,889 2,013 Tangible assets 51,183 54,382 Investments - own shares 1,130 796 57,202 57,191 Current assets Stocks 2,277 2,026 Debtors 15,191 15,580 Cash at bank and in hand 1,270 193 18,738 17,799 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (25,337) (17,677) Net current (liabilities) / assets (6,599) 122 Total assets less current liabilities 50,603 57,313 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (2,344) (10,043) Provisions for liabilities and charges (833) (754) Net assets 47,426 46,516 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 2,309 2,309 Share premium account 16,192 16,192 Revaluation reserve 1,520 1,646 Profit and loss account 27,378 26,342 Equity shareholders' funds 47,399 46,489 Equity minority interests 27 27 47,426 46,516 Vp plc Consolidated cash flow statement for year ended 31 March 2001 31 March 31 March 2001 2000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Cash flow from operating activities 10,856 14,351 Return on investments and servicing of finance Interest paid (564) (475) Interest received 16 201 Interest element of finance lease rental (444) (453) payments Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance (992) (727) Taxation UK corporation tax paid (784) (494) Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of tangible fixed assets (18,820) (8,905) Purchase and sale of investments (389) (275) Sale of tangible fixed assets 18,491 5,994 Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and financial investment (718) (3,186) Acquisitions and disposals Purchase of businesses (net of cash and overdraft purchased) (1,211) (1,827) Equity dividends paid (1,788) (1,831) Cash inflow before financing 5,363 6,286 Financing Medium term loans (93) - Loan notes (57) (107) Capital element of finance lease rental (4,136) (3,296) payments Net outflow from financing (4,286) (3,403) Increase in cash in the year 1,077 2,883 Vp plc Notes 1. Basis of preparation This announcement has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Group's financial statements as at 31 March 2000. 2. Total recognised gains and losses All recognised gains and losses for the reporting periods are reflected in the consolidated profit and loss account. 3. Trading performance of acquisitions As a result of the integration of the acquisitions into the existing businesses, including the transfer of depots to and from the acquired businesses, it is not possible to disclose separately the effect of the acquired businesses on the Group results for the year. 4. Reconciliation of movements in consolidated shareholders' funds for the year ended 31 March 2001 2001 2000 £000 £000 Profit for the financial year 2,378 1,906 Dividends (1,768) (1,797) 610 109 Goodwill write back / (write off) 300 (11) Net increase in shareholders' funds 910 98 Opening shareholders' funds 46,489 46,391 Closing shareholders' funds 47,399 46,489 5. Exceptional items The profit before tax is after the following exceptional credits / (charges): 2001 2000 £000 £000 Profit / (loss) on termination of businesses 30 (1,770) The exceptional profit / (loss) relates to the termination of part of the business. This was commenced in the year ended 31 March 2000 following a strategic review. The current year profit is the net of profit on disposal of general plant fleet less termination costs associated with closing that part of the business. The prior year loss includes a write down of powered access equipment and stock together with accruals for associated costs. 2001 2000 £000 £000 Prior year profit on disposal of subsidiary - 1,487 The environmental warranties under the contract for the sale of the US business in 1996 expired in February 2000, allowing the recognition of this element of the profit on the sale of the business, which was not recognised at the time of the transaction. This was the final element of the profit from the sale of the US business in 1996 and had no cash effect in the year ended 31 March 2000. 6. The low current year effective tax rate is due to the write back of over provisions from previous years. The high rate in the year ended 31 March 2000 reflected the low estimated tax credit on the exceptional costs. 7. Earnings per share have been calculated on 44,339,232 shares (2000: 45,162,965) being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year. Diluted earnings per share are based on 44,368,755 shares, leaving it unchanged from basic earnings. 8. The Directors are proposing a final dividend of 2.65 pence (2000: 2.65 pence) per share making a total dividend for the year of 4.05 pence (2000: 4.05 pence) per share which is payable on 2 October 2001 to shareholders on the register on 7 September 2001. 9. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities. 2001 2000 £000 £000 Operating profit 4,076 4,439 Exceptional business termination costs (939) - Depreciation and amortisation of goodwill 9,920 10,674 Profit on sale of tangible fixed assets (1,785) (2,106) (Increase) / decrease in stocks (71) 63 Decrease in debtors 1,827 388 (Decrease) / increase in creditors (2,172) 893 Net cash inflow from operating activities 10,856 14,351 10. Analysis of net debt As at Cash Acquisitions Other As at 1 April Flow Non-cash 31 March 2000 Changes 2001 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Cash at bank and in hand 193 1,077 - - 1,270 Medium term loans (6,000) 93 (606) - (6,513) Loan notes (235) 57 - (2,935) (3,113) Finance leases and hire (6,296) 4,136 (1,340) (976) (4,476) purchase (12,338) 5,363 (1,946) (3,911) (12,832) 10. The financial information set out above does not constitute the company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 March 2001 or 2000. The statutory accounts for 2000 have been delivered to the registrar of companies and those for 2001 will be delivered following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The auditors have reported on these accounts; their reports were unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. Copies of the full accounts for the year ended 31 March 2001 will be posted to shareholders in July and the Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 5 September 2001.


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