Interim Results
Vibroplant PLC
5 December 2000
Date: Embargoed until 7.00 am, Tuesday 5 December 2000
Contacts: Jeremy Pilkington, Chairman & Chief Executive
Neil Stothard, Finance Director
Vibroplant plc Tel: 01423 533400
Peter Otero
Financial Dynamics Tel: 020 7831 3113
Vibroplant plc: Interim Results
Vibroplant plc, the specialist UK plant and tool hire group, announces its
interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2000:
* Total Group Revenue (including terminated operations): £29.7m (1999:£26.6m)
generating an operating profit of £1.4m (1999: £2.4m)
* Earnings per share of 1.43p (1999: 3.22p)
* Maintained interim dividend of 1.4p per share
* Net debt of £16.3m (1999: £12.3m), registering an increase of £4m in the
period, reflecting an acquisition and increased capital investment
* Acquisitions include:
- Purchase of Handi Hire in May, adding 24 Midland branches to the
Group's tool hire portfolio
- Since 30 September, purchase of the rail infrastructure rental
assets of Hewden Stuart Plc for inclusion within the Torrent Trackside
* Programme to exit from general plant rental activities now complete. The
Group is now focused on three business units:
- Vibroplant
- Tool Hire
- Torrent Trackside
Jeremy Pilkington, chairman & chief executive, comments:
'With the repositioning of operations out of low margin general plant
activities, shareholders now have a Group focused on growth from strong market
positions in niche rental sectors enjoying, or capable of achieving, higher
rates of growth and return on capital employed. We now believe the Group is
better positioned to generate future profit growth than it has been for many
In my statement accompanying last year's results, I indicated that we had
commenced a programme to substantially exit from our general plant rental
activities. This programme was subsequently extended to include our remaining
general plant activities in Scotland and I am pleased to report that this
process has been successfully completed.
As a result the Group is now focused on three business units; Vibroplant (the
continuing UK Forks, Airpac, Groundforce and Safeforce businesses), Tool Hire
and Torrent Trackside. The financial figures accompanying this statement are
presented so as to delineate between the terminated operations and these
retained businesses.
Total Group revenue for the six months ended 30 September 2000, including
terminated operations, was £29.7m (1999 : £26.6m) generating an operating
profit of £1.4m (1999 : £2.4m) and earnings per share of 1.43p (1999 : 3.22p).
Cash inflow from operating activities was £2.7m (1999 : £8.0m) reflecting the
cash impact of the termination of the general plant activities. Net debt at 30
September was £16.3m (£12.3m at 31 March 2000), an increase of £4.0m in the
period due to the acquisition made and the level of capital investment. This
represents gearing of 35% on shareholders' funds of £46.5m.
The directors are recommending a maintained interim dividend of 1.4 pence per
share. The directors believe that maintenance of the dividend at this stage is
appropriate given the progress made in refocusing the Group around its better
margin and growth businesses. The dividend is payable on 8 January 2001, to
shareholders registered as at 15 December 2000.
* Turnover of £10.8m
* Operating profit of £1.9m
* Investment in rental fleet £9.0m
Comparable figures for the corresponding period last year are not available.
UK Forks
UK Forks was launched at the beginning of this financial year as a specialist
forktruck rental business, building on this product group which was previously
operated within the general plant business. UK Forks has received significant
investment this year in the renewal and expansion of its rental fleet and is
now positioned as the leading rental specialist in its field operating
nationally from 9 locations. Its core residential and new build construction
markets are currently enjoying steady but real growth and we see opportunities
for further growth as we enter alternative, non-construction markets.
Airpac experienced a mixed start to the year. The offshore oil and gas markets
began recovering from last year's weakness, buoyed by the recent strong rise
in oil prices. Onshore, demand has remained flatter but we are starting to
feel the benefits from our introduction of new products into this mainly
industrial business sector.
After a strong finish to the previous year, Groundforce has experienced a
slower start to the current financial year. Nevertheless, Groundforce has
performed satisfactorily with the continued introduction of higher value
adding services and additional bespoke products. The delays in the
implementation of the investment programme in response to E.U. directives on
waste water management has inevitably depressed workloads in the water utility
sector but we remain confident of maintained strong performance from our
shoring business.
The relaunch of our safety equipment rental business as Safeforce at the
beginning of the new financial year has acted as a focus for prioritising the
growth of this small but promising business. The addition of new products and
services to our traditionally groundworks orientated rental business is now
starting to deliver revenue and profit growth. We remain positive about the
growth potential of Safeforce.
* Turnover up 79% to £12.7m (1999 : £7.1m)
* Operating profit up 83% to £1.1m (1999 : £0.6m)
* Investment in rental fleet £3.8m
Our various tool hire interests, built up on a regional basis through
acquisition and organic growth over the past 4 years, have now been integrated
within a single management structure.
As previously announced, we acquired the business of Handi Hire at the end of
May for a consideration of £2.6m. Handi Hire has 24 branches across the
Midlands and has subsequently been fully integrated within our tool network.
Our programme of greenfield openings continued with shops being opened in
Huddersfield, Portsmouth, and Ashford.
In addition, we launched Lifting Point, a specialist lifting equipment
division within small tools. Lifting Point presently operates from three
locations and will be progressively rolled out nationally over the coming
A common national tool hire brand will be launched early next year that will
offer seamless trading on a national basis.
* Turnover up 73% to £2.6m (1999 : £1.5m)
* Operating profit up 63% to £0.44m (1999 : £0.27m)
* Investment in rental fleet totalled £0.4m
The recent tragic rail accidents have brought to the public attention the
unsatisfactory condition of the national rail infrastructure. The new urgency
with which the backlog of work is being addressed should provide significant
growth opportunities for Torrent.
Torrent recently acquired from Hewden Stuart Plc the assets of their rail
infrastructure rental business, thereby consolidating our leadership in this
* Turnover £3.6m
* Operating loss £2.0m
The costs of exiting the terminated businesses have been borne within the
interim figures we are reporting today. The second half will not contain any
further costs of a material nature relating to terminated activities.
With the repositioning of operations out of low margin general plant
activities, shareholders now have a Group focused on growth from strong market
positions in niche rental sectors enjoying, or capable of achieving, higher
rates of growth and return on capital employed. I would like to take this
opportunity to thank employees throughout the Group for their hard work and
perseverance throughout this difficult transitionary period. We believe the
Group is better positioned to generate future profit growth than it has been
for many years.
Jeremy Pilkington
4 December 2000
Vibroplant plc
Consolidated profit and loss account
Notes Six months to Six months Year to
30 Sept 2000 to 30 Sept 1999
(unaudited) (unaudited) 31 March
Retained Terminated Total
Operations Operations
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Turnover 26,129 3,556 29,685 26,622 55,002
Trading 7,417 (853) 6,564 7,584 15,113
Depreciation (3,861) (1,175) (5,036) (5,127) (10,591)
of goodwill (100) - (100) (34) (83)
Profit 3,456 (2,028) 1,428 2,423 4,439
Profit on
disposal of
company - - - - 1,487
Loss on
businesses - (15) (15) - (1,770)
Profit on
interest 3,456 (2,043) 1,413 2,423 4,156
Net interest
payable (506) (340) (727)
Profit on
taxation 907 2,083 3,429
Taxation (272) (625) (1,523)
Profit on
taxation 635 1,458 1,906
- Interim 6 (618) (611) (607)
- Final
proposed - - (1,190)
profit for
period 17 847 109
Earnings per
5p ordinary 5 1.43p 3.22p 4.22p
earnings per
5p 5 1.43p 3.21p 4.22p
Dividend per
5p ordinary 6 1.40p 1.40p 4.05p
All the activities reflected in the profit and loss account are continuing as
defined by FRS 3.
Vibroplant plc
Consolidated balance sheet
30 Sept 2000 31 March 2000 30 Sept 1999
(unaudited) (unaudited)
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets - 4,675 2,013 1,373
Tangible assets 53,420 54,382 56,039
Investments - own shares 1,168 796 525
59,263 57,191 57,937
Current assets
Stocks 2,169 2,026 2,094
Debtors 17,667 15,580 15,158
Cash at bank and in hand 76 193 1,082
19,912 17,799 18,334
Creditors: amounts
falling (25,237) (17,677) (18,481)
due within one year
Net current
(liabilities) / (5,325) 122 (147)
Total assets less
current 53,938 57,313 57,790
Creditors: amounts
due after more than one (6,589) (10,043) (10,402)
Provisions for
liabilities and (816) (754) (134)
Net assets 46,533 46,516 47,254
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 2,309 2,309 2,309
Share premium account 16,192 16,192 16,192
Revaluation reserve 1,646 1,646 1,969
Profit and loss account 26,359 26,342 26,757
Equity shareholders' 46,506 46,489 47,227
Equity minority 27 27 27
46,533 46,516 47,254
Vibroplant plc
Consolidated cash flow statement
Note Six months to 30 Six months to 30 Year to
Sept 2000 Sept 1999
31 March
(unaudited) (unaudited) 2000
£000 £000 £000
Cash flow from operating 7 2,717 8,010 14,351
Net cash outflow from
returns on (506) (340) (727)
investments and servicing
of finance
Tax paid (212) (9) (494)
Net cash inflow / (outflow)
from capital 6 (1,262) (3,186)
expenditure and financial
Net cash outflow from
acquisitions and (628) (897) (1,827)
Equity dividends paid - - (1,831)
Cash inflow before
management of liquid 1,377 5,502 6,286
resources and financing
Net outflow from financing (2,208) (1,730) (3,403)
(Decrease) / increase in (831) 3,772 2,883
cash in the year
Vibroplant plc
1. Basis of preparation
The interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis of
the accounting policies set out in the Group's financial statements as
at 31 March 2000.
A tax rate of 30% has been used in the profit and loss account to
reflect the estimated tax charge for the full year.
2. Total recognised gains and losses
All recognised gains and losses for the reporting periods are reflected in
the consolidated profit and loss account.
3. Trading performance of acquisitions
The trading performance of acquisitions in the period is not material in
Group terms and therefore has not been disclosed separately.
4. Reconciliation of movements in consolidated shareholders' funds for the six
months ended 30 September 2000
Six months to 30 Year to Six months to 30
Sept 2000 March 2000 Sept 1999
(unaudited) (unaudited)
£000 £000 £000
Profit for the period 635 1,906 1,458
Dividends (618) (1,797) (611)
17 109 847
Goodwill write off - (11) (11)
Net increase in 17 98 836
shareholders funds
Opening shareholders' 46,489 46,391 46,391
Closing shareholders' 46,506 46,489 47,227
5. Earnings per share have been calculated on 44,528,919 shares (1999:
45,295,000) being the weighted average number of shares in issue during
the year. Diluted earnings per share have been calculated on 44,554,871
shares (1999: 45,388,539).
6. The Directors are proposing an interim dividend of 1.40 pence (1999: 1.40
pence) per share payable on 8 January 2001 to shareholders on the register
on 15 December 2000. The charges in the profit and loss account reflect
the adjustments for the interim and final dividends waived by the
Vibroplant Employee Trust in relation to the shares it holds for the
Group's share option schemes.
7. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating
Six months to 30 Six months to 30 Year to
Sept 2000 Sept 1999
31 March
(unaudited) (unaudited) 2000
£000 £000 £000
Operating profit 1,428 2,423 4,439
Exceptional business (553) - -
termination costs
Depreciation and 5,136 5,161 10,674
Profit on sale of tangible (945) (908) (2,106)
fixed assets
Decrease / (increase) in 29 (21) 63
(Increase) / decrease in (802) 967 388
(Decrease) / increase in (1,576) 388 893
Net cash inflow from 2,717 8,010 14,351
operating activities
8. Analysis of net debt (unaudited)
As at Cash Other As at
1 April 2000 Flow Acquisitions Non-cash 30 Sept 2000
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Cash at bank and in hand 193 (117) - - 76
Overdraft - (714) - - (714)
Medium term loan (6,000) 36 (606) - (6,570)
Loan notes (235) - - (2,676) (2,911)
Finance leases and hire (6,296) 2,172 (1,340) (700) (6,164)
(12,338) 1,377 (1,946) (3,376) (16,283)
Other information
Comparative figures
The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 March 2000 are not the
Group's statutory accounts for that financial year. Those accounts have been
reported on by the Group's auditors and delivered to the Registrar of
Companies. The report of the auditors was unqualified and did not contain a
statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.
Independent review report by KPMG Audit Plc to Vibroplant plc
We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information set
out on pages 6 to10 and we have read the other information contained in the
interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements
or material inconsistencies with the financial information.
Directors' responsibilities
The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority require that the accounting policies
and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent with
those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where they are
to be changed in the next annual accounts in which case any changes, and the
reasons for them, are to be disclosed.
Review work performed
We conducted our review in accordance with the guidance contained in Bulletin
1999/4: Review of interim financial information issued by the Auditing
Practices Board. A review consists principally of making enquiries of group
management and applying analytical procedures to the financial information and
underlying financial data and, based thereon, assessing whether the accounting
policies and presentation have been consistently applied unless otherwise
disclosed. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit performed in
accordance with Auditing Standards and therefore provides a lower level of
assurance than an audit. Accordingly we do not express an audit opinion on the
financial information.
Review conclusion
On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modification that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 30 September 2000.
KPMG Audit Plc
Chartered Accountants
4 December 2000