Interim Results
W.H. Ireland Group PLC
15 August 2002
Key Points
• Turnover of £3.4 million (2001: £3.9 million)
• Pre-tax loss of £469,000 (2001: profit of £367,000)
• Net assets of £8.4 million or 58.1p per share
• Interim dividend of 0.5p per share (2001: 1.0p)
Chairman, Sir David Trippier, commenting on prospects, said,
'It is to be hoped that the recent fall in the stockmarket will not further
erode consumer confidence. On a historical perspective, it would be normal for
the bear market we have seen over the last two and a half years to run its
course and for more stable times to be approaching. Markets are more volatile
than in the past and any upturn might prove as rapid as some of the recent
falls. However, I can report that with a strong balance sheet and a sound
management team, we are now considerably better placed to benefit from an upturn
in the market.'
Press enquiries:
W.H. Ireland Group plc Tel: 0161 832 6644
David Youngman, managing director
Derek Ashford, finance director
Biddicks Tel: 020 7448 1000
Katie Tzouliadis
As we are all aware, market conditions have been extremely difficult throughout
the period under review and volatile markets, doubts over pensions and problems
in America have all contributed to substantial stockmarket falls in the UK.
Against this background, results for the half year under review show turnover
reduced by 13% to £3.4 million (2001: £3.9 million) and a pre-tax loss of
£469,000 (2001: profit of £367,000). I am, however, pleased to report that
shareholders' funds have remained broadly similar to last year, which is due to
the increase in the value of our investments. Net assets per share at the period
end stood at 58.1p compared with 56.0p at the year end.
Corporate Finance activities have been strong against a weak market backdrop and
we have successfully completed a number of AIM introductions, including in early
June, Ultimate Finance Group PLC, a factoring and invoice discounting company,
in which we have taken a strategic equity stake of 26%. We have also acted in a
number of fundraising and corporate issues. That trend has continued into the
second half and we are now brokers to 18 fully listed or AIM traded companies.
We continue to control overheads tightly and refocus the firm with the emphasis
being on income-producing areas. The office in Lancaster has commenced trading
satisfactorily following its opening in the Spring and we shall be opening a new
office in the city of Preston in September. In the London office, Stockholm
Investments, the advisory and discretionary portfolio management business which
we acquired in October 2001, has integrated well and we are pleased with its
performance. We are now examining ways of further developing this service in
other parts of the Group.
It is to be hoped that the recent fall in the stockmarket will not further erode
consumer confidence. On a historical perspective, it would be normal for the
bear market we have seen over the last two and a half years to run its course
and for more stable times to be approaching. Markets are more volatile than in
the past and any upturn might prove as rapid as some of the recent falls.
However, I can report that with a strong balance sheet and a sound management
team, we are now considerably better placed to benefit from an upturn in the
I would like to thank all our staff for their hard work and loyalty during
unsettling times in the market.
In the light of our strong balance sheet but taking account of current trading,
an interim dividend of 0.5p per share will be paid on 25 October 2002 to all
shareholders on the register at 5 October 2002.
Sir David Trippier,
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
For the six months ended 31 May 2002
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
6 months 6 months 12 months ended
ended ended 30 Nov 2001
31 May 2002 31 May 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
Group turnover 3,386 3,874 6,969
Administration expenses (3,773) (3,625) (7,656)
Group operating (loss)/profit (387) 249 (687)
Share of operating loss in joint venture (41) - (5)
(428) 249 (692)
Other interest receivable and similar income 66 166 285
Interest payable and similar charges (107) (48) (94)
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before taxation (469) 367 (501)
Tax on (loss)/profit on ordinary activities 59 (119) 22
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities after taxation (410) 248 (479)
Dividends on equity shares (72) (140) (284)
Retained (loss)/profit for the period for group (482) 108 (763)
Earnings per share - in accordance with FRS 14
- Basic (2.86)p 1.79p (3.45)p
- Diluted (2.78)p 1.71p (3.29)p
Earnings per share - in accordance with guidelines issued by
UK Society of Investment Professionals
- Basic (2.50)p 1.89p (3.21)p
- Diluted (2.43)p 1.80p (3.07)p
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
6 months 6 months 12 months ended
ended ended 30 Nov 2001
31 May 2002 31 May 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
(Loss)/profit for the period (482) 108 (763)
Unrealised surplus on revaluation of fixed asset investments 746 1,176 473
Realised surplus on revaluation of fixed asset investments 48 - 691
Taxation on realised surplus on revaluation of fixed asset
investments (10) - (207)
Foreign exchange difference on the carrying value of the joint
venture 3 - (3)
Total recognised gain for the period 305 1,284 191
Prior period adjustment - 2,404 2,404
305 3,688 2,595
Note of Historical Cost Profits and Losses
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
6 months 6 months 12 months ended
ended ended 30 Nov 2001
31 May 2002 31 May 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
Reported (loss)/profit on ordinary activities before
taxation (469) 367 (501)
Realisation of fixed asset investment revaluation gains 48 - 691
Historical cost profit on ordinary activities before
taxation (421) 367 190
Historical cost (loss)/profit retained for the period (441) 108 (279)
after the provision for taxation and dividends
Consolidated Balance Sheet
As at 31 May 2002
Unaudited 31 May 2001 Audited
31 May 2002 (Restated) 30 Nov 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 1,904 435 1,955
Tangible assets 4,926 801 926
Investments 4,005 3,880 3,190
Investment in joint venture 12 58 50
10,847 5,174 6,121
Current assets
Debtors 26,769 53,417 45,327
Investments 15 89 22
Cash at bank and in hand 4,362 5,649 5,962
31,146 59,155 51,311
Creditors due within one year (28,489) (54,815) (48,513)
Net current assets 2,657 4,340 2,798
Total assets less current
liabilities 13,504 9,514 8,919
Creditors due after one year (5,148) (1,060) (868)
Net assets 8,356 8,454 8,051
Capital & reserves
Called up share capital 946 924 946
Shares to be issued 425 - 425
Share premium account 1,300 1,056 1,300
Investment revaluation reserve 3,623 3,580 2,877
Other reserves 544 544 544
Retained profits 1,518 2,350 1,959
Equity shareholders funds 8,356 8,454 8,051
Net assets per share 58.09p 60.56p 55.97p
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
6 months 6 months 12 months ended
ended ended 30 Nov 2001
31 May 2002 31 May 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating
activities (1,190) (224) 571
Returns on investments and servicing of finance (35) 126 200
Taxation 3 (370) (701)
Capital expenditure and financial investment (4,207) (301) 31
Acquisitions and disposals - - (425)
Cash outflow before management of liquid resources
and financing (5,429) (769) (324)
Equity dividends paid (144) (126) (265)
Financing 3,973 (13) (6)
Decrease in cash in the period (1,600) (908) (595)
Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flow
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
6 months 6 months 12 months ended
ended ended 30 Nov 2001
31 May 2002 31 May 2001
Operating (loss)/profit (387) 249 (687)
Depreciation 192 145 311
Amortisation 51 13 33
Profit on sale of fixed assets (7) 1 (5)
Decrease/(increase) in debtors 18,551 (12,017) (3,958)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors (19,597) 11,438 4,800
Decrease/(increase) in current asset investments 7 (53) 77
(1,190) (224) 571
Analysis of net cash
At beginning of the Cash flow At end of the period
Cash at bank and in hand 5,962 (1,600) 4,362
Debt due after one year (500) (4,296) (4,796)
Debt due within one year (500) 306 (194)
Finance leases (53) 17 (36)
4,909 (5,573) (664)
1. The interim report, which is the responsibility of the directors and has
not been audited, was approved by the directors on 12 August 2002.
2. The figures for the six months ended 31 May 2002 have been prepared
using the same accounting policies as for the year ended 30th November
2001 and the accounts for the six months ended 31 May 2001 have been
restated to take account of the treatment of the acquisition of
Readycount Limited and changes in accounting policy.
As detailed in the audited accounts for the year ended 30 November 2001
the acquisition of Readycount Limited on 24 September 2001 has been
accounted for under merger accounting principles. Accordingly the
accounts for the six month period ended 31 May 2001 have been restated
to include the results of Readycount Limited as if it had been part of
the Group from the beginning of the period.
During 2001 the directors changed the accounting policy in relation to
the presentation of turnover. Previously, interest receivable and
interest payable arising in the normal course of investment business
were shown net below operating profit within interest receivable. Under
the revised accounting policy, the company follows generally accepted
industry practice and the financial statements show interest receivable
and payable in the normal course of investment business within turnover.
3. These unaudited interim financial statements do not constitute statutory
accounts. They have, however, been reviewed by the auditors whose report
is included. The figures for the year ended 30 November 2001 have been
extracted from the audited accounts for that year. The comparative
figures for the financial year ended 30 November 2001 are not the
company's statutory accounts for that year. Those accounts have been
reported on by the company's auditors and delivered to the Registrar of
Companies. The report of the auditors was unqualified and did not
contain a statement under section S237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act
4. Fixed Assets
Property Motor Computers Total
Vehicles Fixtures &
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
At beginning of period 321 1,250 1,571
Additions 4,080 61 61 4,202
Disposals (37) (37)
At end of period 4,080 345 1,311 5,736
At beginning of period 102 543 645
Charge for period 41 151 192
On disposals (27) (27)
116 694 810
Net Book Value
At 31 May 2002 4,080 229 617 4,926
At 30 November 2001 - 219 707 926
5. The company has now adopted FRS19 'Deferred Tax' for the six months
ended 31 May 2002, but adopting this policy has no material effect on
the comparative figures for the six months ended 31 May 2001 and the
year ended 30 November 2001. The company has no current plans to sell
any of the Fixed Asset Investments, but should they be sold at the
revalued amount included in the Balance Sheet at 31 May 2002, tax of
approximately £1,087,000 would be payable.
6. A final dividend for the year ended 30 November 2001 of 1p per share
costing £143,849 was paid on 13 May 2002. It is proposed that an interim
dividend for the year ending 30 November 2002 of 0.5p per share costing
£71,925 be paid on 25 October 2002 to shareholders on the register on 4
October 2002.
7. The basic earnings per share for the period has been calculated by
dividing the profit on ordinary activities after taxation by the
weighted average number of shares in issue during the period being
14,319,506 (six months to 31 May 2001, 13,840,084 and year ended 31st
November 2001, 13,897,535). Diluted earnings per share is the basic
earnings per share adjusted for the effect of the conversion into fully
paid shares of the weighted average number of all share options and
warrants outstanding during the year. The additional weighted average
number of shares used for the diluted calculation is 448,058 (six months
to 31 May 2001 691,520, and year ended 30 November 2001 661,732).
We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information for
the six months ended 31 May 2002, which comprises: the consolidated profit and
loss account; statement of total recognised gains and losses; note of historical
cost profits and losses; consolidated balance sheet; consolidated cash flow
statement; reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flow; analysis
of net cash and notes 1 to 7. We have read the other information contained in
the interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements
or material inconsistencies with the financial information.
Directors' responsibilities
The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors.
Review work performed
We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin
1999/4: Review of interim financial information issued by the Auditing Practices
Board. A review consists principally of making enquiries of Group management and
applying analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying
financial data and, based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and
presentation have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review
is substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with
Auditing Standards and therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an
audit. Accordingly we do not express an audit opinion on the financial
Review conclusion
On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 31 May 2002.
KPMG Audit Plc
Chartered Accountants
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange