Interim Results

Web-Angel PLC 11 October 2000 web-angel plc Interim results for six months ended 30 June 2000 Highlights: * Successful completion of reverse takeover of United Energy plc and admission to AIM. * Office opened in Stockholm to focus on m-commerce and enabling wireless technology companies. * US and Japan partners secured adding to existing European network. * 275% valuation increase in Ascot Drummond, a leading web-based accountancy services. * 29.25% stake taken in Ybag Limited, Europe's first shop- by-request service. * The interim results are in line with expectations at the time of the reverse takeover with bank balances at 30 June of £6.8million. Penny Hughes, Chairman of web-angel plc, said: 'We have already seen a number of revaluation events at significant premiums to our original investments and have a number of potentially attractive new investments on which due diligence is currently being carried out.' 'I am optimistic and excited about our mobile commerce initiatives and expect these to contribute a number of quality investments to the portfolio and drive significant improvements in shareholder value in the future.' For further information: Chris Eyles, Chief Executive 0207 400 6377 web-angel plc David Rydell/Oliver Jones 0207 353 9203 Bell Pottinger Financial Chairman's Statement Background On 8 June 2000 the Company successfully completed its transition from an oil and gas production to an e- commerce services and investment business, with completion of the acquisition of the entire issued share capital of each of the partners of Web Angel Limited Partnership (together web-angel). The decision to acquire web-angel was supported by over 99% of the shareholders who voted, as was the change of name from United Energy plc to web-angel plc. I was delighted to be appointed Chairman following John Billington's decisions to stand down on completion of the acquisition; and, together with my fellow Directors, we are actively putting in place the foundations of an exciting and successful business that will provide an opportunity for the creation of significant shareholder value in the future. Results The results for six months ended 30 June 2000 include only one month's trading of web-angel, with the other five months primarily reflecting the costs and expenses of the discontinued business maintaining the 'cash shell' and identifying a suitable new business. The overall loss for the period of £184,000 is in line with our expectations at the time that the acquisition of web-angel was completed. Cash at 30 June 2000 amounted to £6.8 million, which gives the Group a strong platform to build and develop its investment portfolio. The Group had net assets per share of 20.6 pence at this date. Investment Portfolio The portfolio compromised eight e-business investments at 30 June 2000, which overall are making good progress, despite the uncertain market conditions which have affected the second and third quarters of the year. Subsequent to the 30 June, the Group has taken a 9.76% interest in ETC (Electronic Trading Company) Limited. The interest comprises equity earned as a result of providing e-business strategy advice and other services to ETC, as well as a £300,000 cash investment, which supplemented the initial earned equity position. The Group has also gained a further 2.55% stake in Ascot Drummond Limited by way of earned equity, taking its total equity stake to 5.93% at a total cost of £205,000. Recently, web-angel has agreed to take a 29.25% stake in Ybag Limited, in return for a combination of strategic advice and assistance in scaling the Ybag business, and a £97,500 cash investment. Ybag is Europe's first shop-by- request service and has already signed up over 2,500 retailers with over 30,000 shopping requests since the service was launched in March 2000. The majority of the Group's investments are either in the process of raising further funds or have recently raised funds at prices substantially higher than the price at which web-angel invested. In particular, Ascot Drummond has recently raised £6.25 million of funds from Mercury Private Equity, at a price that is nearly treble the cost of web-angel's investment position. Other Developments Whilst continuing to implement our existing e-commerce investment strategy, we are looking to focus a significant proportion of the company's resources on developing Mobile commerce initiatives (i.e. products and services that are delivered over wireless networks). We believe that this initiative will best leverage our existing expertise, capabilities and networks, and that we will excel in this specialised segment of the market. To support this focus we opened a Swedish office in August and have recruited personnel focused exclusively on developing networks within the region and sourcing appropriate mobile commerce opportunities to launch via the web-angel network and through our alliance with the McKenna group into America. Initial indications of the quality and quantity of deals are encouraging. The McKenna Group, OC&C's e-business strategy partners in Silicon Valley, has recently announced the formation of the McKenna Venture Accelerator Fund in the US as well as in Japan. These funds, together with web-angel's European network, allow us to operate a truly Global integrated network to identify and develop technology investments. OC&C is one of the three web-angel founders along with Brait SA and Ermgassen & Co. It is these three founders that provide web-angel with access to high quality consultancy and corporate finance skills together with quality investment opportunities. Outlook The outlook remains exciting, albeit under market conditions which are less favourable for fundraising. Our access to world-class experience and expertise in the M and E- commerce space, coupled with extensive professional networks and pan European roll out capabilities, clearly differentiates us in the crowded marketplace. The level and quality of deal flow remains of a high standard, with opportunities to negotiate more sizeable equity positions arising from recognition of the quality of our expertise and the more difficult market conditions. I am optimistic about the mobile commerce initiative and expect this to contribute a number of quality investments to the portfolio and drive considerable improvements in shareholder value. Within our portfolio, we have already started to see a number of revaluation events at significant premiums to our original investments and have a number of potential new investments on which due diligence is being carried out. I am confident that we will able to make further positive announcements in this respect in the near future. Penny Hughes Unaudited Group Results for the Six Months ended 30 June 2000 Six Six Year months months ended 31 ended 30 ended 30 December June 2000 June 1999 1999 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover 71 2,380 2,346 Cost of sales: Production costs - (945) (931) Depletion of oil and gas interests - (1,019) (992) - (1,964) (1,923) Gross Profit 71 416 423 Administrative expenses (288) (464) (654) Amortisation of Goodwill (85) - - Operating loss (302) (48) (231) Exceptional gain on closure of former associate - - 30 Exceptional (loss)/gain on disposal of discontinued operations - 160 (3,227) Interest receivable and similar income 118 17 142 Interest payable and other charges - (378) (345) Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (184) (249) (3.631) Taxation - - (82) Loss on ordinary activities after taxation (184) (249) (3,713) Loss per share (0.4p) (0.6p) (9.5p) Unaudited Group Balance Sheet for the Six months ended 30 June 2000 Six Year months ended 31 ended 30 December June 2000 1999 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Intangible goodwill 19,995 - Other tangible assets 18 17 Investments 625 20,638 17 Current assets Debtors 606 466 Investments 75 75 Cash at bank 6,795 3,523 7,476 4,064 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (1,410) (401) Net current assets 6,066 3,663 Total assets less current liabilities 26,704 3,680 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year - - Net assets 26,704 3,680 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 4,824 3,889 Share premium account 22,540 272 Other reserves: capital reserve 608 608 Profit and loss account (1,268) (1,089) Shareholders' funds- equity 26,704 3,680 Notes 1.The figures above and on page three do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The comparative figures for the year ended 31 December 1999 have been extracted from the statutory accounts for that year, on which the auditors reported without qualification, and which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. 2.The interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2000 are unaudited and have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies adopted in the statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 1999. In addition, goodwill has arisen in the financial statements for the first time. The accounting policy relating to purchased goodwill is to capitalise and amortise to nil over its useful economic life. 3.The directors do not propose to recommend the payment of an interim dividend (1999: nil) These interim results are being circulated to shareholders and are available upon request from the Company's Head Office at 65 Kingsway, London WC2B 6TD (Tel: 020 7400 6377 e-mail: web-angel plc 65 Kingsway, London WC2B 6TD Telephone: 020 7400 6377 Facsimile:020 7828 5349 e-mail:
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