Holding in Company

Weir Group PLC 1 June 2001 LETTER TO COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENTS OFFICE We confirm having today received notification from Prudential plc in terms of the Companies Act 1985 that the companies as set out in the schedule below have a notifiable interest in the issued share capital of the company. FROM: WEIR GROUP PLC Notifiable Position Report for WEIR GROUP ORD GBP0.125 as at 29 May 2001 Percentage Holdings are calculated using an issued share capital of 200,885,877 ORD GBP0.125 shares Total Registered Holder Holding % Notifiable Interest Prudential Plc 9,963,902 4.95 PRUCLT HSBC GIS NOM(UK) PAC AC 9,963,902 The Prudential (Assurance) 9,963,902 4.95 Company Limited PRUCLT HSBC GIS NOM(UK) PAC AC 9,963,902


Weir Group (WEIR)
UK 100