Final Results

Westmount Energy Limited 12 November 2001 12 November 2001 PRESS RELEASE WESTMOUNT ENERGY LIMITED PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2001 Westmount Energy Limited and its subsidiaries ('the group') today announces its preliminary results for the year ended 30 June 2001, as follows: * Profits before taxation of £65,007 (2000: £200,982) * Turnover of £689,294 (2000: £357,843) * Basic (loss)/earnings per share of (0.80p) (2000: 0.91p) * Diluted (loss)/earnings per share of (0.80p) (2000: 0.90p) * The group's income is derived principally from its overriding royalty interest in the North Sea producing Buchan Oilfield and its overriding royalty and working interests in the Gulf of Mexico. (Income in 2000, included profits realised of £176,047 from the sale of investments). * The group owns 20 million fully paid ordinary shares in Fusion Oil & Gas plc ('Fusion') quoted on the Alternative Investment Market ('AIM'), representing 21.61% of Fusion's issued share capital. This investment provides the group with a substantial indirect interest in Fusion's projects offshore West Africa. * Through its investment of 5,844,830 shares in AIM quoted Desire Petroleum plc ('Desire'), representing 5.6% of the issued share capital of Desire, the group has an important continuing interest in oil exploration offshore the Falkland Islands. * The group owns 14.75% of the issued share capital of the unquoted Eclipse Energy Company Limited ('Eclipse'). Eclipse is now formulating a development plan for its first offshore power generation station, following the award of a licence in the East Irish Sea. Commenting on the group's outlook, Mr Derek Williams, Chairman, stated: 'With the likely enhancement of the group's investment in Fusion from present market value, the possibility of the fruition of plans for the resumption of drilling offshore the Falkland Islands by Desire and the further progress anticipated by Eclipse, the ensuing year should prove to be an active and rewarding period for shareholders of the company.' Contact: Derek Williams Chairman, Westmount Energy Limited Tel: 020 7351 2925 Andrew Edwards Investec Henderson Crosthwaite Tel: 020 7597 5970 Paul Downes Merlin Financial & Corporate Public Relations Dominic Barreetto Tel: 020 7606 1244 Copies of this Press Release will be available from the offices of Investec Henderson Crosthwaite, 2 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7QP up to and including 29 November 2001. Chairman's Review Profits before taxation for the year ended 30 June 2001 (after making an investment provision of £223,338) amounted to £65,007 (£109,282 loss after taxation). This compares with profits before taxation of £200,982 (£121,149 profits after taxation) for the year ended 30 June 2000. Turnover, arising mainly from the group's North Sea and Gulf of Mexico interests, is up to £689,294 from £357,843 for the previous year. Trading has improved due to the higher oil and gas prices obtained and the income from two further wells drilled in the Gulf of Mexico during the year. The results for the year were achieved without the benefit received in the previous year from profits of £176,047 arising from the sale of certain investments. It is disappointing that the excellent trading results were marred by the provision that the Board has deemed prudent, against the long standing investment in the Russian Econeft venture held through SL Energy Waste Treatment Limited, due to the circumstances detailed in the Directors' Report. The Board has continued its strategy of holding, in the group's portfolio of assets, interests in oil and gas properties which provide sufficient cash flow to cover the group's overheads, and at the same time have the potential for enhancement of asset value. The main focus, however, remains in providing seed capital to companies in the energy sector, prior to those companies being brought to the stock market, which hold the possibility for considerable capital growth on the funds invested. The group's activities are currently spread over five major investments. Through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, Westmount Petroleum UK Limited and Westmount Resources, Inc., it receives cash flow as a result of income arising, respectively, from its overriding royalty interests in the producing Buchan Oilfield, North Sea and its overriding royalty and working interests in producing oil and gas fields in the Gulf of Mexico and onshore Louisiana. In addition, the group holds three seed capital investments for capital appreciation. The investment in Fusion Oil & Gas plc ('Fusion') is held through the company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Westmount Resources Limited and the investments in Desire Petroleum plc ('Desire') and Eclipse Energy Company Limited ('Eclipse') are held directly by the company. The shares of both Fusion and Desire are traded on the AIM market. It is expected the shares of Eclipse will be introduced to a stock market in due course. The combined present value of these three investments is considerably in excess of the carrying book values based on the market value of the shares held in Fusion and Desire and the progress that has been made by Eclipse, which is at present unquoted, as shown elsewhere in this review. Set out below is further information on the group's investments: United Kingdom - North Sea The group owns an overriding royalty based upon 0.5% of oil won and saved from Licence P241 in the central North Sea, including approximately 90% of the producing Buchan Oilfield operated by Talisman Energy (UK) Limited ('Talisman'). Oil won and saved from the P241 area for the year ended 30 June 2001 totalled 1,904,929 barrels, compared with 2,298,425 barrels in the previous financial year. The technically innovative coiled tubing drilling project to sidetrack existing wells B3 and B6 has continued, which is expected to boost production from the field. Work on the B3 well has now been completed and progress is being made on the B6 well, which is planned to finish in 2002. On the successful completion of the whole programme, Talisman has estimated remaining production for the field to be in the order of 30 million barrels, with production continuing to the end of the present decade. Outside of the Buchan Oilfield there are exploration prospects in the Licence P241 area, which may possibly be drilled in the future. North America - Gulf of Mexico and Onshore Louisiana The group owns a 0.6167% overriding royalty on production from the South Timbalier 176 Field (Block 162) offshore Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico. Income is received from BP Amoco, El Paso Production Company and Tri-Union Development Corporation. The group also owns a 0.375% overriding royalty in the College Point Field located in St James Parish, Louisiana, operated by Linder Oil Company. Total income received from these properties for the year ended 30 June 2001 was US$227,186 compared with US$56,372 in the previous year, reflecting the benefit received from 2 further wells drilled during the year in South Timbalier. In addition the group owns a working interest of 3.125% in the Eugene Island area (Block 255), Gulf of Mexico, operated by Forest Oil Corporation. Total production of gas for the year ended 30 June 2001 was approximately 3.3 billion cubic feet ('BCF') compared with approximately 4.0 BCF in the previous year. Taking into account also oil production from the property, the total gross income received by the group from this working interest for the year under review, reflecting exceptionally high gas prices, was in excess of US$550,000 compared with approximately, US$400,000 in the previous year. Falkland Islands - South Atlantic Since June 1996, the company has invested a total of £684,915 in the issued share capital of Desire for which it acquired 7,329,830 ordinary shares. Desire's shares were admitted to AIM on 17 April 1998, and from June 1998 the company has realised £688,182 from the sale of 1,485,000 ordinary shares. This has resulted in the return of all the funds invested along with a surplus cash flow of £3,267. The company has taken to profits from the proceeds of the shares sold, £328,781, £50,211 and £176,047, respectively, in the three financial years ended 30 June 1998, 1999 and 2000, totalling £555,039. The company has, therefore, retained 5,844,830 ordinary shares representing approximately 5.6% of the present issued share capital of Desire, with a carrying book value of £551,772, equivalent to approximately 9.4p for each Desire share held. The highest and lowest middle market share prices recorded for a Desire share on AIM in the financial year ended 30 June 2001 were 27.5p and 14.75p. The middle market closing price on 6 November 2001 of a Desire share was 13p. This shareholding provides the company with a significant indirect investment in exploration of the North Falkland Basin. Following the results of the Aljubarrota No.2 sidetrack well in the Lusitanian Basin in Portugal, Desire has reported that the evident lack of good reservoirs at accessible depths, combined with the high costs of drilling, has substantially down-graded the prospects of discovering hydrocarbons in commercial quantities. Desire has accordingly decided not to commit further funds to the project and will now be concentrating all efforts on restarting the drilling programme in the North Falkland Basin. Desire holds licence interests in tranches C, D, F, I and L. Of the six wells drilled offshore in the North Falkland Basin in 1998, five recorded oil, or oil and gas, shows. The first phase of drilling has demonstrated that this basin contains a working, hydrocarbon system. Desire has identified 8 major prospects with a total, unrisked, recoverable-reserve potential exceeding 2 billion barrels of oil and is now actively pursuing farmout opportunities with a view to bringing new partners into the project to finance a resumption of drilling in the area. West Africa Since February 1999, the group has invested a total of £1,026,789 in the issued share capital of Fusion. These investment funds were utilised partly from the cash proceeds of sale of certain Desire shares, referred to elsewhere in this review and partly from the proceeds of £500,000 arising from a share placing of 2,000,000 new shares by the company at 25p in August 1999. Following the admission of Fusion's shares to AIM on 28 September 2000, the group owns 20,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares in Fusion representing 21.61% of the issued share capital of that company at 30 June 2001. Accordingly, the carrying value in the books of the group of this shareholding is equivalent to approximately 5p for each Fusion share held. The highest and lowest middle market share prices recorded for a Fusion share on AIM from 28 September 2000 to the end of the financial year ended 30 June 2001 were 76p and 27p. The middle market closing price on 6 November 2001 of a Fusion share was 27p. This investment in Fusion provides the group with a substantial indirect interest in Fusion's exciting projects offshore West Africa. Fusion holds interests in 8 exploration licences across 6 countries, comprising Mauritania, the Gambia, Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, Cameroon and Gabon. In the period April/July 2001, Fusion, along with its joint venture partners, participated in its first drilling programme offshore Mauritania with Woodside as operator, for which Fusion was free carried for its 6% interest under the farmout arrangements with Woodside and Agip. This 2 well drilling programme resulted in an oil discovery on Fusion's maiden well. The success of the first well, Chinguetti-1, offshore Mauritania has the potential to open up a new oil producing province. The second well, Courbine-1A ST, was a sub-commercial gas discovery. These first two wells are the beginning of what is likely to be a long running exploration and appraisal programme offshore Mauritania, where Fusion has 6% and 3% equity interests in two large production sharing contact areas. The results of the Mauritania drilling campaign are significant in upgrading the prospectivity of Fusion's acreage to the south in the Gambia, where Fusion has 100% equity and the Senegal/Guinea-Bissau blocks, Cheval Marin and Croix de Sud, where Fusion has equity interests of 10% and 88%, respectively. Chinguetti-1, drilled in 800 metres of water, was completed in May 2001 as an oil and gas discovery, reaching a depth of 2,620 metres. The Chinguetti prospect is an anticlinal feature overlying a salt dome. The well intersected several oil bearing sandstones in the Tertiary primary objective over a 120 metre gross hydrocarbon column without encountering an oil water contact. A shallower secondary objective contained gas bearing sandstones over a 7 metre interval. Using a wireline sampling tool, 4 oil samples were recovered from the primary objective sandstones. The oil gravity is in the range of 25-30 degrees API in line with pre-drill predictions. The Chinguetti-1 oil discovery demonstrates, for the first time, that a fully functioning petroleum system exists in the Mauritanian deepwater basin. There are several prospects within a 20 kilometre radius of Chinguetti-1 which could probably be developed from central infrastructure. This has the potential to significantly improve the economics of field development. Courbine-1A ST, drilled in 1,300 metres of water, was completed in July 2001 as a sub-commercial gas discovery. The well was drilled to a depth of 4,452 metres. The primary reservoir objective, between 3,800 metres and 4,000 metres to test an Upper Cretaceous objective was interpreted to be water bearing with minor hydrocarbon shows. Tertiary sandstones comprising a secondary reservoir above 3,184 metres were interpreted to contain a 9 metre gas column. Although not a commercial success the Courbine-1A ST well demonstrated that various key elements of the petroleum system are in place. The information provided by both wells will be critical in guiding future exploration drilling. Fusion has reported that for 2002, subject to the approval of the Mauritania joint venture, one or two appraisal wells are anticipated on the Chinguetti structure to determine the extent of the oil accumulation and the quality of the reservoir. In addition, one or two exploration wells are expected to be drilled in the vicinity of Chinguetti to establish the potential for additional reserves which could be developed from central infrastructure. It is likely that this would be followed by an ongoing exploration programme to test further prospects in the licence area. Outside of its interests in Mauritania, Fusion has completed six seismic exploration programmes in its other licence areas and in five of these surveys it was the project operator. Fusion has reported that data from these surveys is currently being evaluated and it has started discussions with possible farmin partners to maintain the pace of exploration activity over its various projects. Eclipse Venture After subscribing for 20% of the seed capital raised by Eclipse, by investing £130,000 last year, the company holds 14.75% of the issued share capital of Eclipse. Eclipse has developed an innovative power generation concept, whereby power would be generated from stranded offshore gas reserves, integrated with power generated from wind turbines in an offshore generating station, and then exported as electricity by cable to the National grid. On 27 July 2001, Eclipse with its partner Rolls-Royce Ventures Limited, was awarded by the Department of Trade and Industry a gas production licence over blocks 113/28 and 113/29, 10 kilometres to the west of Walney Island, off Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria in the East Irish Sea. Eclipse will now be preparing a Field Development Plan for its first project. Outlook With the likely enhancement of the group's investment in Fusion from present market value, the possibility of the fruition of plans for the resumption of drilling offshore the Falkland Islands by Desire and the further progress anticipated by Eclipse, the ensuing year should prove to be an active and rewarding period for shareholders of the company. Derek G. Williams Chairman 12 November 2001 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS TO THE MEMBERS OF WESTMOUNT ENERGY LIMITED 1. The directors have pleasure in presenting the audited financial statements of the company and of the group for the year ended 30 June 2001. 2. The result for the year is set out on page 11 in the profit and loss account. The directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend in respect of these accounts. 3. The directors during the year were as follows: D G Williams (USA) P J Richardson M S D Yates Biographical Information: Derek G Williams, Chairman, age 70, a founding director of the company, appointed 18 November 1992, has many years experience in the international oil industry and is a chartered accountant. He was appointed to the board of Charterhall PLC in 1965 and became chairman and chief executive in 1969, a position he held for seventeen years. Charterhall was a British independent oil company and a member of the consortium which discovered the North Sea producing Buchan Oilfield in 1974. Charterhall was active in the UK offshore and onshore areas and in the USA, Canada and Australia with offices in London, Denver, Calgary and Melbourne. Derek retired as chief executive of Charterhall in July 1986, upon the change in control of Charterhall and left the board in July 1988. Upon leaving Charterhall and until he joined the company in 1992, he acted as an international petroleum consultant. After living for several years in Houston, he became a US citizen in March 1994. He was appointed a non-executive director of Fusion Oil & Gas NL in April 1999 and a non-executive director of Fusion Oil & Gas plc in June 2000. Peter J Richardson, age 45, a Jersey resident, and a director of the company since 25 June 1998, is a director of fund management and special purpose vehicle administration companies. Formally he was for six years corporate trust manager of the Royal Bank of Scotland Trust Company (Jersey) Limited and for the previous twenty years held senior positions with four major international banks, including ten years in the role of trust officer for clients and ten years in general banking and management. Marc S D Yates, age 41, a Jersey resident, and a director of the company since 1 October 1998, is a partner in the Jersey based law firm, Ogier & Le Masurier, and an advocate of the Royal Court of Jersey as well as an English barrister of nineteen years standing. He also holds a number of public company directorships. 4. The secretary of the company throughout the year was The Royal Bank of Scotland Trust Company (Jersey) Limited. 5. The principal activity of the company is, and continues to be, investment holding and of the group, investment holding and investment in oil and gas exploration and production. 6. The directors and their families have the following interests in the shares and options over shares of the company. Ordinary shares of 10p each Share options 12 November 30 June 30 June 12 November 30 June 30 June 2001 2001 2000 2001 2001 2000 D G Williams(a) 1,510,000 1,510,000 1,610,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 P J Richardson - - - 250,000 250,000 250,000 M S D Yates - - - 250,000 250,000 250,000 (a) Including non-beneficial holdings of 675,000 shares at 30 June 2001 (775,000 at 30 June 2000). 7. At 12 November 2001 notification had been received of the following holdings of more than 3% of the issued capital of the company: Number % D G Williams 1,510,000 11.12 J Saville 705,000 5.19 8. There are no service contracts with directors. However, Ridge House Resources Limited, a company in which D G Williams is interested is entitled to a commission of 3% of profits arising from the group's current interest held through Desire Petroleum plc and any future interests in the Falkland Islands. During the year no transactions were made. 9. The company is not resident in the United Kingdom and is, therefore, not a close company within the meaning of the United Kingdom Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988. 10. The movements in fixed assets are shown in notes 7 and 8 to the financial statements on pages 22 to 24. As referred to in note 8 of the financial statements, due to the fact that the sale of the investment in SL Energy Waste Treatment Limited to Eaglesham Limited is unlikely to proceed, the investment is now being held as a fixed asset investment. The book value of the investment which stood at £223,339, was equivalent to approximately 1.645p for each Westmount 10p share in issue and 1.4% of the total value of investments held as at 30 June 2001 after adding the surplus over cost and market prices of the shares held in Desire Petroleum plc and Fusion Oil & Gas plc. The investment was introduced by a former director of the company in 1994. It is believed the interest in the Russian Econeft oil waste treatment venture, represented by the investment may have been sold illegally in Russia to a third party. The company has been informed by SL Energy Waste Treatment Limited that it is pursuing the matter vigorously, in spite of practical difficulties of taking action in Russia. The directors are also obtaining independent advice as to what remedies are available. In the circumstances the directors have considered it prudent to write the investment down to a carrying book value of £1. 11. At the annual general meeting on 11 December 2000 the authorised share capital of the company was increased from £1,500,000 divided into 15,000,000 shares of 10p each to £2,000,000 divided into 20,000,000 shares of 10p each. 12. It is group policy to settle all debts owing on a timely basis, taking account of the credit period given by each supplier. The group has few trade creditors and the majority of year end credit was due to professional advisers. For this reason, the directors consider that the publication of the number of creditor days would not provide meaningful information. 13. Significant post balance sheet events are described in detail in the chairman's review. 14. Company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company and of the group and of the profit or loss of the group for that year. In preparing these financial statements, the directors are required to: * Select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; * Make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; * State whether applicable accounting standards have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; * Prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to assume that the company will continue in business. The directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the company and of the group and to enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the group and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud, error and non compliance with laws and regulations. 15. A resolution to re-appoint the auditors, Moore Stephens, and authorising the directors to fix their remuneration will be submitted to the forthcoming annual general meeting. By Order of the Board For and on behalf of The Royal Bank of Scotland Trust Company (Jersey) Limited L M G Thebault Secretary PO Box 298 23-25 Broad Street St Helier Jersey JE4 8TL Channel Islands 12 November 2001 CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2001 (Expressed in United Kingdom Sterling) Note 2001 2000 £ £ £ £ Turnover 2 689,294 357,843 Operating costs (115,285) (97,285) Operating profit before administrative expenses 574,009 260,558 Administrative expenses (299,575) (244,571) Net operating profit 274,434 15,987 Interest receivable 13,911 8,948 Amount written off (223,338) - investment Profit on disposal of - 176,047 investments (209,427) 184,995 Net profit on ordinary activities before taxation 2,3 65,007 200,982 Tax on net profit on ordinary activities 5 (174,289) (79,833) (Loss)/profit retained for (109,282) 121,149 the year Basic (loss)/earnings per 6 (0.80)p 0.91p share Diluted (loss)/earnings per 6 (0.80)p 0.90p share Turnover and operating costs for 2001 and 2000 related wholly to continuing activities. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AT 30 JUNE 2001 (Expressed in United Kingdom Sterling) Note 2001 2000 £ £ £ £ FIXED ASSETS Tangible fixed assets 7 142,199 243,586 Investments 8 1,708,760 1,569,260 1,850,959 1,812,846 CURRENT ASSETS Investments 8 - 223,339 Debtors 9 51,134 210,707 Cash at bank 536,427 221,356 587,561 655,402 CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year 10 (201,958) (109,792) NET CURRENT ASSETS 385,603 545,610 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 2,236,562 2,358,456 SHARE CAPITAL AND RESERVES Equity share capital 11 1,357,653 1,357,653 Share premium account 12 555,127 555,127 Profit and loss account 12 323,782 445,676 EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' 13 2,236,562 2,358,456 FUNDS These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 12 November 2001 Director D G WILLIAMS
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