Final Results
Wilmington Group Plc
18 May 2001
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Turnover 72,769 57,808 +26%
Profit before tax 9,081 7,156 +27%
Profit before tax and amortisation 12,017 9,207 +31%
EPS before amortisation 10.17p 8.54p +19%
Dividend 2.50p 2.08p +20%
* Sales up by 26%
* Eighth consecutive year of record profits
* EPS before amortisation up by 19%
* Dividend increases by 20%
* Ungeared balance sheet - platform for further development.
Commenting on the results, Brian Gilbert, Chairman of Wilmington Group said:
'We remain confident that we have a content base from which we can continue to
grow our existing assets. In addition we have been consistently successful in
making strategic acquisitions that are complementary to our corporate
strategy. We are keen to repeat and exceed the record we have established over
the last nine years. Opportunities continue to arise in the information market
place. We remain committed to investing in areas that generate real value and
translate into earnings growth. An ungeared balance sheet and the considerable
financial and management resources available to the Company add to our ability
to achieve this objective.'
'The new financial year has opened with trading patterns that are in line with
expectations and I am confident that the current year will continue the
profitable development of long-term revenue streams for our Company'.
Rory Conwell, Chief Executive of Wilmington Group states:
'Wilmington has once again continued its outstanding record of developing
profits from the ownership and delivery of high quality communications
products. These are designed to fulfil the information requirements of
professional business communities and generate sustainable and progressive
revenue streams.'
Brian Gilbert, Chairman Tel: 020 7251 6499
Wilmington Group plc
Rory Conwell, Chief Executive Tel: 020 7251 6499
Wilmington Group plc
Dominic Morley Tel: 020 7638 4010
WestLB Panmure
John Webb Tel: 020 7490 3788
Marshall Securities
Group turnover rose from £57,808,000 to £72,769,000 an increase of 26%.
Revenues from non-advertising sources, including subscriptions and information
services, represented approximately 59% of revenue (2000:53%).
Profit Before Tax
Profit before tax rose from £7,156,000 to £9,081,000, an increase of 27%.
Profit before tax and amortisation of goodwill and intangible assets
('adjusted profits') rose from £9,207,000 to £12,017,000, an increase of 31%.
Earnings Per Share
Adjusted earnings per share which is calculated before the amortisation of
goodwill and intangible assets, rose by 19% to 10.17p from 8.54p. Earnings per
share rose from 6.00p to 7.02p, an increase of 17%. This is calculated on the
weighted average number of shares in issue of 80,734,060. Diluted earnings per
share calculated on the diluted average number of shares of 81,807,287 were
6.93p (2000:5.94p).
Gearing and Cashflow
At the balance sheet date the Group had net cash of £1,512,000 as a result of
the placing and open offer completed in March 2000.
During the year there was £11,361,000 operating cash inflow. After £2,282,000
replacement capital expenditure and the payment of corporation tax and
dividends totalling £4,756,000 there was a free cashflow of £4,323,000.
The Board recommends a dividend of 2.50p (2000:2.08p) an increase of 20%. This
dividend is payable on 6th July 2001 to eligible shareholders on the register
on 1st June 2001.
Wilmington has once again continued its outstanding record of developing
profits from the ownership and delivery of high quality communications
products. These are designed to fulfil the information requirements of
professional business communities and generate sustainable and progressive
revenue streams.
The Group owns key brands in professional publishing and information
marketplaces. These consist of a number of leading brands in vertical markets
- such as legal, power and interior design - and a number of important
products in broader sectors - such as automotive, healthcare, catering and
Wilmington services these markets through two divisions: Publishing and
Information; and Events.
Wilmington remains committed throughout its business to the ownership of
intellectual property rights and content in its principal markets. Revenues
originate from subscriptions and copy sales, data sales and list rentals,
advertising, events and professional service fees.
The majority of income still derives from traditional hard copy publications.
However, the company has focused on the continued extension of its brands.
This is underlined by our involvement in high quality training through our
subsidiary, Central Law Training. This enables us to capitalise on our healthy
position in legal and professional marketplaces through the extensive
additional contacts that this activity generates.
The company has also developed numerous income-generating electronic
initiatives. A visit to will confirm that we have an
extensive range of Internet based applications for all our principal markets.
Usage of the Internet as a business-to-business medium has provided the
company with an opportunity to leverage its relationships with business
communities by providing the appropriate content for its marketplaces.
Wilmington has always placed great emphasis on the productive management of
our existing businesses and the majority of our profits derive from assets
that were owned at the beginning of the year. This underlines not only the
skills of our managers but also our determination to build a progressive and
sustainable business.
As well as managing existing businesses we have been active in our search to
acquire complementary assets and have made a series of key acquisitions which
extend our position in the provision of information to professional business
In September 2000 Wilmington acquired 75% of the share capital of Beechwood
House Publishing Ltd. The remaining 25% is held by the managers and founders
of the business, Walter and Aimee Brinzer. Established in 1992 Beechwood,
operating under the brand name 'Binley's', is widely perceived to be the
market leader in the provision of detailed contact information about NHS
Management throughout the healthcare management services industry and the
pharmaceutical industry.
In September 2000 Wilmington also acquired a 75% interest in Hollis
Directories Ltd. The remaining 25% is held by management and staff led by the
company's Managing Director, Gary Zabel. For over 30 years Hollis has provided
quality data to the marketing services industry. Among its many established
titles are the Hollis UK Press & Public Relations Annual, the Hollis
Sponsorship & Donations Yearbook, The Advertisers Annual and The Marketing
In February 2001 Wilmington acquired 75% of Bond Solon Training Ltd ('Bond
Solon'). The remaining 25% is held by the management led by Catherine Bond,
Mark Solon and Ian Beaumont. Bond Solon is the UK's leading witness and
evidence training company having coached over 20,000 clients in how to produce
first class written and oral evidence.
The objective of Wilmington is to grow and to grow profitably. We believe that
our existing base gives a superb platform from which to achieve this.
Wilmington has a consistent track record of performance and delivery. It has
always been profitable and produced an excellent cash flow. Its asset base has
been consistently improving. It has an ungeared balance sheet and access to
additional resources. It has the resilience that derives from an experienced
management team managing a diverse revenue base i.e. a range of media, revenue
types and geographic spread.
The new financial year has opened with trading patterns that are in line with
expectations and I am confident that the current year will continue the
profitable development of long-term revenue streams for our Company. We
anticipate demanding trading conditions to continue in a number of our markets
which should be compensated for by the breadth of media and markets in which
Wilmington operates.
Over the coming years growth opportunities will derive from better performance
from existing products; new products in existing marketplaces e.g. events to
complement publishing activities; acquisition of new quality media assets;
scope to reduce costs and raise revenues by efficient use of digital
technology; and extension of our geographic range.
For the year ended 28th February 2001
Continuing 2001
Operations Acquisitions Total 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Turnover 1 & 2 70,257 2,512 72,769 57,808
Cost of Sales (24,588) (438) (25,026) (19,585)
Gross profit 45,669 2,074 47,743 38,223
Operating expenses 3 (34,371) (1,259) (35,630) (28,013)
Amortisation of (2,826) (110) (2,936) (2,051)
goodwill and
intangible assets
Total operating (37,197) (1,369) (38,566) (30,064)
Operating profit 8,472 705 9,177 8,159
Interest receivable 203 39
and similar income
Interest payable (299) (1,042)
and similar charges
Profit on ordinary 1 9,081 7,156
activities before
Taxation (2,846) (2,497)
Profit on ordinary 6,235 4,659
activities after
Minority interests (566) (343)
Profit for the 5,669 4,316
period and
attributable to
Dividend proposed (2,030) (1,515)
Retained profit for 3,639 2,801
the period
Earnings per 4 7.02p 6.00p
ordinary share
Diluted earnings 4 6.93p 5.94p
per ordinary share
Adjusted earnings 4 10.17p 8.54p
per ordinary share
As at 28th February 2001
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Fixed Assets
Goodwill and intangible assets 52,760 46,830
Tangible assets 11,463 8,044
64,223 54,874
Current Assets
Stock and work in progress 1,540 996
Debtors 18,489 14,954
Cash at bank and in hand 1,833 1,188
21,862 17,138
Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year (23,691) (26,330)
Net current liabilities (1,829) (9,192)
Total assets less current liabilities 62,394 45,682
Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than (2,094) (20,750)
one year
Net assets 60,300 24,932
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 4,057 3,645
Share premium account 39,792 8,775
Other reserves 949 949
Profit and loss account 14,459 10,820
Equity Shareholders' funds 59,257 24,189
Minority interests 1,043 743
60,300 24,932
For the year ended 28th February 2001
2001 2000
Notes £'000 £'000
Net cash inflow from operating activities 6(a) 11,361 9,451
Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received 203 39
Interest and similar charges paid (790) (551)
Dividend paid to minority shareholders in - (26)
subsidiary undertaking
Net cash outflow (587) (538)
Corporation Tax paid (3,235) (2,618)
Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of goodwill and intangible fixed assets (1,547) (329)
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (5,375) (2,261)
Sale of tangible fixed assets 792 123
Net cash outflow (6,130) (2,467)
Purchase of subsidiary undertakings 5(a) (3,313) (26,805)
Purchase of businesses - (3,733)
(3,313) (30,538)
Equity dividends paid (1,521) (1,237)
Cash outflow before financing (3,425) (27,947)
Issue of shares 28,727 315
(Repayment)/ receipt of bank loans (24,000) 23,933
4,727 24,248
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the year 6(b) 1,302 (3,699)
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net 6(b)
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the year 1,302 (3,699)
Cash outflow/(inflow) from decrease/(increase) in 24,000 (23,933)
net debt
Change in net cash/(debt) resulting from cash flow 25,302 (27,632)
Cash arising on acquisitions and disposals 885 2,376
Net (debt)/cash brought forward (24,675) 581
Net cash/(debt) carried forward 1,512 (24,675)
1 Segmental information
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Publishing and Information 55,179 47,915
Events 17,590 9,893
72,769 57,808
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Profit before taxation:
Publishing and Information 6,057 6,822
Events 3,120 1,337
9,177 8,159
Less: interest (96) (1,003)
9,081 7,156
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Net assets:
Publishing and Information 30,338 24,239
Events 29,962 693
60,300 24,932
The Group's borrowing of £24 million used to finance the acquisition of Central
Law Group was deducted from the net assets of Events in the previous year. This
loan was repaid in March 2000 from the proceeds of a placing and open offer.
2 Turnover
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
The geographical analysis of turnover is as follows:
United Kingdom 60,388 49,484
Overseas 12,381 8,324
72,769 57,808
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
3 Operating expenses
Distribution and selling costs 21,852 18,617
Administrative expenses 13,778 9,396
35,630 28,013
4 Earnings per share
The calculation of earnings per share is based on £ £
profit after taxation and minority interests of 5,669,000 4,316,000
and on the average number of ordinary
shares in issue during the year 80,734,060 71,910,942
And on the diluted average number
of ordinary shares during the year 81,807,287 72,708,902
Earnings per ordinary share 7.02p 6.00p
Diluted earnings per ordinary share 6.93p 5.94p
Adjusted earnings per ordinary share 10.17p 8.54p
In order to show the results on a comparable basis to prior years before the
adoption of FRS 10, an adjusted earnings per ordinary share has been
calculated using an adjusted profit after taxation and minority interests but
before amortisation of goodwill and intangible assets of £8,210,000 (2000: £
5 Acquisitions
During the year the Group acquired 75% of the share capital of Beechwood House
Publishing Limited, Hollis Directories Limited, and Bond Solon Training
Assets and liabilities of subsidiary undertakings acquired:
Fair value
Book value Adjustments Fair value
£'000 £,000 £'000
Tangible fixed assets 157 (6) 151
Debtors 1,160 (50) 1,110
Cash 907 - 907
Creditors due within one year (2,281) (52) (2,333)
Goodwill and intangible assets 435 5,304 5,739
378 5,196 5,574
Less minority interests (167)
Consideration 5,407
Satisfied by:
Cash 3,313
Loan stock 2,094
Adjustments were made to the book values of the net assets acquired to reflect
their fair values and the application of group accounting policies.
6. Notes to the consolidated cash flow statement
a. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Operating profit 9,177 8,159
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets 1,648 1,359
Amortisation of goodwill and intangible fixed assets 2,936 2,051
(Profit) on sale of tangible fixed assets (347) (64)
(Increase)/decrease in stock and work in progress (737) 244
(Increase) In debtors (2,546) (3,849)
Increase in creditors 1230 1,551
Net cash inflow from operating activities 11,361 9,451
(b) Analysis of movement in net cash/ (debt)
Arising on At 28th
acquisitions and February
At 1st Cashflow disposals 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Cash at bank 1,188 (240) 885 1,833
and in hand
Bank (1,863) 1,542 - (321)
(675) 1,302 885 1,512
Loan due (20,750) 20,750 - -
after one
Loan due (3,250) 3,250 - -
within one
(24,675) 25,302 885 1,512
7. Nature of the financial information
The foregoing financial information does not amount to full accounts within
the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial
information has been extracted from the Group's Annual Report and Accounts for
the year ended 28th February 2001 on which the auditors have given an
unqualified report.
Copies of the Annual Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders
shortly and will be available from the Company's registered office at Paulton
House, 8 Shepherdess Walk, London N1 7LB.