Final Results-Replacement
Witan Inv Tst PLC
29 January 2002
The issuer advises that the following replaces the final results announcement
released today at 07.00 under RNS No. 6241Q. In the unaudited preliminary
results for the year ended 31 December 2001, no figures should have appeared
against Stock Selection under the Attribution section in the table on page 2.
The figures against Stock Selection, as previously stated, should have been
against UK Mainstream which should have read 3.5 and 5.9. All other details
remain unchanged. The full amended text appears below.
29 January 2002
Unaudited Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2001
Financial Highlights
Year ended Year ended
31 December 2001 31 December 200
Per Ordinary Share: pence pence
Net asset value 429.3 521.5
Earnings 8.40 8.95*
Dividends - interim and final 7.95 7.75
*See note 2 on page 7
Extracts from the Chairman's Statement:
With few exceptions shareholders in public quoted companies had a universally
unrewarding experience in 2001. Shareholders in Witan lost 17.7% of their
underlying asset value, which mercifully was accompanied by a constant market
discount and by a small rise in dividend. At first sight neither of these
consolations gives cause for celebration as the former was not specific to Witan
but applied to all generalist investment trusts and the latter has become the
norm for those who have changed their accounting policy, as we did at the end of
last year. On closer inspection the picture is rather more encouraging as
historically discounts tend to rise in falling markets but our successful
marketing campaign contained ours more than most. Furthermore, by applying
charges in a more equitable way between capital and income we were able to meet
our commitment, in an unfriendly income environment, to deliver to shareholders
when possible an increase in dividend in line with inflation.
Performance Analysis
It is important for directors, managers and shareholders to know and be able to
identify the reasons for underperforming our benchmark. Attribution is not
always straightforward but it is a worthwhile exercise, particularly over a
longer period than our accounting year. The following table gives total return
figures, on a relative basis, over periods of one and three years.
- 2 -
Unaudited Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2001
One year Three years
Witan Total Return* -16.4 6.0
Benchmark Total Return -13.6 4.1
Relative performance -2.8 1.9
Stock Selection
UK Mainstream 3.5 5.9
UK Specialist Growth -2.5 -2.2
North America -1.0 -1.9
Europe excluding UK - 3.1
Japan 0.1 2.0
Pacific excluding Japan -0.4 -
Emerging Markets -0.1 -0.3
-0.4 6.6
Geographical Asset Allocation (including gearing) -2.4 -4.7
*Source: AITC
The key to good performance is stock selection: it transcends everything else.
Gearing on the other hand is detrimental to performance in falling markets and
the Board's decision to increase long-term borrowings last year has exacerbated
our short-term underperformance this year, which should not strictly be held
against our managers' results. We remain confident that our modest level of
borrowings will be beneficial to shareholders over the 25 year life of the new
secured bonds, which have been attributed an AA+ rating again by Standard &
As you are aware, we have committed up to £1.5 million in each of the last two
years to a combination of the AITC's 'its' generic campaign and our own Witan
specific marketing. By any standard our efforts have been very successful and
individual shareholders, as opposed to institutional, have increased from 46% to
62% of our shareholder base. We would like to keep the momentum going in order
to achieve our target of 75% as we believe it will help to reduce 'discount
volatility' and it will help keep us in the forefront of the industry as new
products appear and competition for savings grows.
Conflicts of Interest
There is some misconception about how potential conflicts of interest are dealt
with by the Board and how we try to resolve them, particularly where members of
the Board or the managers may be wearing two hats. Our rule is very simple - any
3 -
Unaudited Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2001
decision which may give rise to claims of partiality is scrutinised only by
those members who have no personal or corporate interest in the outcome.
Moreover, there is
some curious belief that owning shares in another quoted closed-end investment
trust managed by Henderson Global Investors confers some extra reward on our
Manager which is palpably untrue. Nonetheless we subject any such purchase to
independent scrutiny and, if we were to invest in an open-ended vehicle managed
by them, we would expect no front-end load and no duplication of annual
management charge. Likewise during the year the independent directors had a
separate meeting to consider the early redemption terms of the Cazenove loan
stock and whether or not to participate in the placing offer of its unquoted
equity. A fully documented response was given to and accepted by the Board as
not only are Cazenove the Company's stockbrokers but two Witan directors were
either a partner or a retired partner.
At the AGM Robin Inchyra will not be seeking re-election and will be retiring
from the Board after 23 years of indefatigable service to shareholders. His
longevity on the Board may appear 'politically' incorrect to some. To us, as
Chairman of the Audit Committee and as valuation arbiter of our unquoted
portfolio, he has been scrupulous and conscientious; in our deliberations we
benefited from his manner, judgement and recollection. He will be seriously
missed at our Board meetings.
Over the last eighteen months, and more particularly since 11 September,
people's perception of risk has changed and their attitude to it is different.
Slower economic growth and even the possibility of deflation, combined with the
uncertainty engendered by terrorism, have made people much more risk averse. To
some extent the smokescreen induced by Central Banks aggressively cutting
interest rates has disguised the true picture. The splurge in consumer spending
and cheap borrowing has prompted a partial recovery in stock markets which is a
natural knee-jerk reaction to events but carries a rather hollow ring to it.
The supposition that interest rates going down automatically makes equity prices
rise looks a little too simplistic at this juncture of the economic cycle - ask
the Japanese for their view. The crux of the matter for markets is not whether
interest rates can decline still further; it is how good corporate profits and
consumer confidence are likely to be. The fly in the ointment, as far as a
speedy and painless recovery is concerned, is the serious overcapacity in a
great number of industries from motor cars to insurance to investment banking to
travel, as well as the underfunded infrastructure of railways, roads, health,
schools and even corporate pension schemes. The full cost of this has yet to
fall on shareholders, employees and taxpayers. We believe it will be sensible to
keep pretty close to shore until a sustainable recovery of earnings becomes more
Lord Faringdon
28 January 2002
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Unaudited Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2001
Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue account)
Year ended 31 December 2001 Year ended 31 December 2000
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Total capital losses from investments - (316,911) (316,911) - (153,837) (153,837)
Income from fixed asset investments 35,894 - 35,894 37,827 - 37,827
Other interest receivable and similar 2,369 - 2,369 1,965 - 1,965
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Gross revenue and capital losses 38,263 (316,911) (278,648) 39,792 (153,837) (114,045)
Management fee (1,022) (3,065) (4,087) (978) (2,935) (3,913)
Other administrative expenses (2,645) - (2,645) (2,460) - (2,460)
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Net return/(loss) on ordinary activities 34,596 (319,976) (285,380) 36,354 (156,772) (120,418)
before interest payable and taxation
Interest payable (2,533) (7,599) (10,132) (1,328) (3,983) (5,311)
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Net return/(loss) on ordinary activities 32,063 (327,575) (295,512) 35,026 (160,755) (125,729)
before taxation
Taxation on net return on ordinary (2,429) 1,514 (915) (2,485) 1,522 (963)
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Net return/(loss) on ordinary activities 29,634 (326,061) (296,427) 32,541 (159,233) (126,692)
after taxation
Dividends - preference shares (83) - (83) (83) - (83)
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
Attributable to the ordinary 29,551 (326,061) (296,510) 32,458 (159,233) (126,775)
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Dividends - ordinary shares
Interim payment of 3.60p (2000: 3.50p) (12,654) - (12,654) (12,703) - (12,703)
Final proposed of 4.35p (2000: 4.25p) (15,298) - (15,298) (14,947) - (14,947)
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
(27,952) - (27,952) (27,650) - (27,650)
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Transfer to/(from) reserves 1,599 (326,061) (324,462) 4,808 (159,233) (154,425)
====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ======
Return/(loss) per ordinary share 8.40p (92.71)p (84.31)p 8.95p (43.92)p (34.97)p
====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ======
The revenue columns of this statement represent the revenue accounts of the
*Restated for the change in accounting policy (see note 2 on page 7)
- 5 -
Unaudited Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2001
Balance Sheet
at 31 December 2001
2001 (Restated*)
£'000 2000
Fixed asset investments
Listed in the United Kingdom 933,538 1,119,159
Listed abroad 657,787 773,638
Unquoted at directors' valuation 32,586 30,217
------------- -------------
1,623,911 1,923,014
------------- -------------
Current assets
Debtors 6,154 6,081
Cash at bank and short term deposits 45,931 69,657
------------- -------------
52,085 75,738
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (19,677) (18,065)
------------- -------------
Net current assets 32,408 57,673
------------- -------------
Total assets less current liabilities 1,656,319 1,980,687
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (144,097) (144,003)
------------- -------------
Total net assets 1,512,222 1,836,684
======= =======
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital
Preference shares 2,555 2,555
Ordinary shares 87,921 87,921
Share premium 16,237 16,237
Other reserves
Redemption reserve 5,905 5,905
Capital reserve - realised 1,072,787 1,122,387
Capital reserve - unrealised 307,083 583,544
Revenue reserve 19,734 18,135
------------- -------------
Shareholders' funds (including non-equity interests of £2,555,000) 1,512,222 1,836,684
======= =======
Net asset value per ordinary share 429.3p 521.5p
======= =======
*Restated for the change in accounting policy (see note 2 on page 7)
- 6 -
Unaudited Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2001
Cash Flow Statement
2001 2001 2000 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Net cash inflow from operating activities 31,543 30,478
Servicing of finance
Debenture and secured bond interest paid (10,035) (3,914)
Bank and loan interest paid (17) (1,125)
Dividends paid on preference shares (83) (83)
------------ ------------
Net cash outflow from servicing of finance (10,135) (5,122)
UK tax recovered 73 625
Overseas tax recovered 500 398
------------ ------------
Net tax recovered 573 1,023
Financial investment
Purchase of investments (585,091) (714,370)
Sale of investments 567,686 773,132
Cash inflow from forward exchange contracts 185 -
------------ ------------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financial investment (17,220) 58,762
Equity dividends paid (27,601) (27,787)
Management of liquid resources
Cash recalled from/(placed on) short term deposits 5,000 (20,000)
------------ ------------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing (17,840) 37,354
Buy-back of ordinary shares - (94,356)
Issue of 6.125 per cent. secured bonds 2025 - 98,703
Issue expenses paid in respect of 6.125 per cent. (56) (633)
secured bonds 2025
------------ ------------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing (56) 3,714
------------ ------------
(Decrease)/increase in cash (17,896) 41,068
======= =======
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
(Decrease)/increase in cash as above (17,896) 41,068
Cash (inflow)/outflow from liquid resources (5,000) 20,000
Cash outflow/(inflow) from debt financing 56 (98,070)
------------ ------------
Change in net debt resulting from cash flows (22,840) (37,002)
Exchange movements (830) (1,064)
Net (increase)/decrease in valuation of debt (150) 67
------------ ------------
(23,820) (37,999)
Net debt at 1 January (74,346) (36,347)
------------ ------------
Net debt at 31 December (98,166) (74,346)
======= =======
- 7 -
Unaudited Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2001
Notes :
1. Return/(loss) per ordinary share
The revenue return per ordinary share is based on the earnings
attributable to the ordinary shareholders of £29,551,000 (2000:
£32,458,000 as restated) and on the weighted average number of ordinary
shares of 25p each in issue during the year of 351,682,244 (2000:
The capital return per ordinary share is based on the net capital losses
for the year of £326,061,000 (2000: losses of £159,233,000 as restated)
and on the weighted average number of ordinary shares of 25p each in
issue during the year, as stated above.
2. Change in accounting policy
With effect from 1 January 2001 investment management fees and interest
payable, which previously were charged wholly to the revenue account,
are allocated 25% to revenue and 75% to capital. The comparative
figures for the year ended 31 December 2000 have been restated
accordingly. The effect of this change is that the net revenue on
ordinary activities after taxation for the two periods is increased by
£9,150,000 and £5,396,000 respectively.
3. Issued Share Capital
The number of ordinary shares of 25p each in issue at 31 December 2001
was 351,682,244 (2000: 351,682,244).
4. Dividend
A final dividend of 4.35p per share has been recommended, payable on 2
April 2002. The record date for the dividend will be 8 March 2002 and
the ex-dividend date will be 6 March 2002.
5. 2001 Accounts
The preliminary figures for the year ended 31 December 2001 are an
extract from the Company's latest accounts for that period and do not
constitute statutory accounts as defined by section 240 of the Companies
Act 1985. These accounts have not yet been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies, nor have the auditors yet reported on them.
6. 2000 Accounts
The figures and financial information for the year ended 31 December
2000 are an extract from the latest published accounts of the Company
(restated as explained in note 2 above) and do not constitute the
statutory accounts for that year. Those accounts have been delivered to
the Registrar of Companies and included the report of the auditors which
was unqualified and did not contain a statement under either section
237(2) or section 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985.
7. Annual Report and Annual General Meeting
The full annual report and accounts will be posted to shareholders in
February 2002 and copies will be available from the Secretary at the
Company's Registered Office, 4 Broadgate, London EC2M 2DA. The Annual
General Meeting will be held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 12 March 2002 at The
Royal Horticultural Halls & Conference Centre.
For further information please contact:
James Budden
Witan Investment Trust plc
Telephone: 020 7818 3121
Gordon Puckey
Quill Communications
Telephone: 020 7618 7943
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange