29 January 2010
Market Purchase by the Company of its own Ordinary Shares
Witan Investment Trust plc hereby gives notification that, pursuant to the authority granted at the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 28 April 2009 to make market purchases of the Company's own shares, a market purchase of 89,000 ordinary shares of 25p each of the Company was made today at a price of 429.3125p a share.
Following the purchase and cancellation of the above shares, 201,305,280 ordinary shares of 25p each will remain in issue.
The capital of the Company with full voting rights is now the above number of ordinary shares of 25p each. This figure may be used as the denominator for calculations of interests in the Company's voting rights. On a poll ordinary shareholders have one vote for every £1 in nominal value (ie four ordinary shares are required for one vote).
For further information please contact:
Robert Clarke
Chief Executive Officer
Witan Investment Trust plc
Tel: 020 7227 9770
James Frost
Marketing Director
Witan Investment Trust plc
Tel: 020 7227 9770