Final Results - Year Ended 31 March 2000, Part 2
Workspace Group PLC
26 June 2000
Part 2
for the year ended 31 March 2000
2000 1999
Notes Trading Other Trading Other
Operations Items Total Operations Items Total
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Turnover -
continuing operations 2 229,317 - 29,317 22,741 - 22,741
Rent payable and
direct costs 2 (7,609) - (7,609) (6,071) - (6,071)
Gross profit 21,708 - 21,708 16,670 - 16,670
Administrative expenses (4,255) - (4,255) (3,426) - (3,426)
Operating profit 17,453 - 17,453 13,244 - 13,244
Surplus on disposal
of investment
properties 3 - 1,429 1,429 - 1,352 1,352
Interest receivable 4 245 - 245 135 - 135
Interest payable 5 (9,373) (993)(10,366) (6,415) - (6,415)
Profit on ordinary
activities before
taxation 8,325 436 8,761 6,964 1,352 8,316
Taxation on profit
on ordinary activities 6 (2,019) (219) (2,238) (1,659) (121)(1,780)
Profit on ordinary
activities after taxation 6,306 217 6,523 5,305 1,231 6,536
Profit attributable
to shareholders 6,306 217 6,523 5,305 1,231 6,536
Dividends 7 (3,298) - (3,298) (2,989) - (2,989)
Retained for the year 3,008 217 3,225 2,316 1,231 3,547
Basic earnings
per share 8 40.2p 1.4p 41.6p 33.4p 7.8p 41.2p
Diluted earnings
per share 8 39.7p 1.3p 41.0p 33.6p 7.3p 40.9p
Statement of total
recognised gains and losses 2000 1999
£000 £000
Profit for the
financial period 6,523 6,536
Unrealised surplus
on revaluation
of investment properties 31,209 21,843
------ ------
Total recognised gains relating to the financial period 37,732 28,379
====== ======
Note of historical cost profits and losses 1999 2000
£000 £000
Reported profits on ordinary activities
before taxation 8,761 8,316
Realisation of property revaluation gains/
(losses) of previous years 840 109
--- ---
Historical cost profit on ordinary
activities before taxation 9,601 8,425
===== =====
Historical cost profit for the year
retained after taxation and dividends 4,065 3,656
===== =====
As at 31 March 2000
Group Group Company Company
2000 1999 2000 1999
Notes £000 £000 £000 £000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets
Investment properties 9 304,248 185,978 42,795 9,521
Other fixed assets 1,117 1,179 246 423
Shares in subsidiary undertakings - - 23 23
Investment in own shares 1,015 1,024 1,015 1,024
306,380 188,181 44,079 70,991
----- -----
Current assets
Debtors 10 5,236 2,514 119,711 51,814
Investments 11 11,424 2,332 1,991 750
Cash at bank and in hand 201 2 - -
16,861 4,848 121,702 52,564
Creditors: amounts falling due
within one year 12 (25,378)(18,709) (48,644) (20,439)
Net current (liabilities)/assets (8,517)(13,861) 73,058 32,125
Total assets less
current liabilities 297,863 174,320 117,137 103,116
Creditors: amounts falling
due after more than one year
(including Convertible
Loan Stock) 13/14 (154,845)(65,866) (35,806) (26,128)
143,018 108,454 81,331 76,988
======= ======= ====== ======
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 1,591 1,588 1,591 1,588
Share premium account 39,795 39,668 39,795 39,668
Revaluation reserve 86,412 56,043 11,792 23,097
Profit and loss account 15,220 11,155 28,153 12,635
Shareholders' funds -
equity interests 143,018 108,454 81,331 76,988
Net asset value per share 8 £9.04 £6.83
for the year ended 31 March 2000
Notes 2000 1999
To Cashflow £000 £000
Net cash inflow from operating activities 1 20,183 14,924
Returns on investments and
servicing of finance 2 (11,655) (7,102)
Taxation (2,778) (1,257)
Capital expenditure 2 (85,025) (1,831)
Equity Dividends paid (3,057) (2,777)
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before
use of liquid
resources and financing (82,332) 1,957
Management of liquid resources 2 (9,092) 1,896
Financing 2 93,027 (6,589)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) 3 1,603 (2,736)
====== ======
Reconciliation of net cash flow to
movement in net debt
Increase/(Decrease)in cash 1,603 (2,736)
Increase/(Decrease) in liquid resources 9,092 (1,896)
(Outflow)/Inflow from movements
in debt financing (90,969) 6,611
Changes in net debt resulting
from cash flows 3 (80,274) 1,979
Net debt at 1 April 1999 (68,457) (70,436)
Net debt at 31 March 2000 (148,731) (68,457)