Worldsec Limited (the "Company")
Correction in the number of Shares taken up by the Underwriter
References are made to the announcement issued by the Company on 30th August 2013 in respect of the results of the Open Offer and First Placing. Terms used herein have the same meanings as those set out in the Prospectus.
The Company has been informed by the Receiving Agent that a valid acceptance in respect of 103,365 Shares from a Shareholder had been omitted from the calculations in determining the total number of Shares not subscribed for under the Open Offer. As a consequence, and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Placing & Underwriting Agreement, the correct number of Shares subscribed for under the Open Offer by Henry Ying Chew Cheong in his capacity as Underwriter should have been 5,652,873 and NOT 5,756,238 as previously reported.
As of the date hereof following the aforesaid correction, Henry Ying Chew Cheong holds a beneficial interest in 19,504,873 Shares, representing 34.38% of the Company's issued share capital as enlarged by the Open Offer and First Placing.
The issued share capital of the Company remains unchanged at 56,734,580 ordinary shares of US$0.001 each.