Interim Results

Finsbury Worldwide Pharm Tst PLC 17 November 2000 NEWS RELEASE To: City editors For immediate release Friday 17 November 2000 FINSBURY WORLDWIDE PHARMACEUTICAL TRUST PLC announces an increase in net asset value of 47.2% for the six months ended 30 September 2000 Finsbury Worldwide Pharmaceutical Trust PLC today announces its interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2000. Financial Highlights (Unaudited) (Audited) Six months Year ended ended 31 March 30 September 2000 2000 Net asset value per share 647.0p 439.6p Capital return per share 206.2p 214.2p Revenue return per share 1.2p 0.4p Investment income (£'000) 891 699 Other income (£'000) 155 82 Net return before taxation (£'000) 781 351 No interim dividend is proposed (1999: nil) Net asset value per share As at 31 October 2000 (Unaudited) 629.4p Chairman, Sir Stuart Burgess commented: The last six months have been a further period of strong growth for the Company maintaining the trend of the second half of last year. The 47.2% increase in net asset value per shares is almost double the increase in the Company's benchmark index. The following are attached: * Chairman's Statement * Statement of Total Return * Balance Sheet * Cash Flow Statement * Notes to the interim accounts For further information please contact: Alastair Smith, Close Finsbury Asset Management Ltd 020 7426 6240 Colin Edge, Close Finsbury Asset Management Ltd 020 7426 6233 Sir Stuart Burgess, Finsbury Worldwide Pharmaceutical Trust 01494 431 579 Fiona Harris, Quill Communications 020 7618 8905 Chairman's Statement Performance The last six months has been a further period of strong growth for the Company, maintaining the trend of the second half of last year. The net asset value per share grew by 207.4p to 647.0p, an increase of 47.2%. This is almost double the 24.7% increase (sterling adjusted) in the Company's benchmark index, the Datastream World Pharmaceutical Index. Smaller specialty biotechnology companies contributed significantly to the out-performance with investments in the United States and Europe doing particularly well. The net asset value fell slightly during October reflecting the general decline in the worldwide stock market. Gearing Following the positive impact on net asset value of last year's action on gearing, the Company has made arrangements to increase its existing borrowing facility to £50 million. The additional funds will be invested in stocks which the investment manager believes will deliver strong returns to shareholders over the longer term. Dividend Revenue generated from the Company's investments continues to be modest and no interim dividend is being declared. It is the intention of the Board to declare dividends only to the extent required to maintain investment trust status. Outlook Your Board believes that the pharmaceutical sector will continue to be an attractive area for investment and views the long term future for the Company with optimism. Sir Stuart Burgess Chairman 17 November 2000 FINSBURY WORLDWIDE PHARMACEUTICAL TRUST PLC Statement of Total Return Incorporating the revenue account for the six months ended 30 September 2000 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) 6 months ended 30 6 months ended 30 Year ended September 2000 September 1999 31 March 2000 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Gains on - 91,370 91,370 - 6,149 6,149 - 101,684 101,684 investments Exchange losses on currency - (682) (682) - - - - (88) (88) balances Income from 891 - 891 386 - 386 699 - 699 investments Other income 155 - 155 25 - 25 82 - 82 Investment - (9,506) (9,506) - (472) (472) - (14,844) (14,844) management and performance fees Other (265)(1,071) (1,336) (194) - (194) (430)(1,092) (1,522) expenses Net return before finance costs and taxation 781 80,111 80,892 217 5,677 5,894 351 85,660 86,011 Interest payable and similar - (609) (609) - (24) (24) - (284) (284) charges Return on ordinary activities before taxation 781 79,502 80,283 217 5,653 5,870 351 85,376 85,727 Taxation on Ordinary activities (315) 178 (137) (57) - (57) (194) 97 (97) Return on ordinary activities after taxation 466 79,680 80,146 160 5,653 5,813 157 85,473 85,630 Dividends on ordinary shares - - - - - - (155) - (155) Transfer to 466 79,680 80,146 160 5,653 5,813 2 85,473 85,475 reserves Return per 1.2p 206.2p 207.4p 0.4p 14.1p 14.5p 0.4p 214.2p 214.6p Ordinary share The revenue columns of this statement represent the revenue account of the Company. FINSBURY WORLDWIDE PHARMACEUTICAL TRUST PLC Balance Sheet As at 30 September 2000 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) 30 September 30 September 31 March 2000 1999 2000 £000 £000 £000 Fixed asset investments 297,102 97,886 199,626 Current assets Debtors 325 144 180 Cash at bank 272 82 14,255 597 226 14,435 Creditors Amounts falling due within one (47,699) (3,704) (44,207) year Net current liabilities (47,102) (3,478) (29,772) Net Assets 250,000 94,408 169,854 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 9,660 10,035 9,660 Share premium 43,143 43,143 43,143 Capital reserves - realised 57,526 27,166 43,645 Capital reserve - unrealised 138,812 13,888 73,013 Capital redemption reserve 375 - 375 Revenue Reserve 484 176 18 Total shareholders' funds 250,000 94,408 169,854 Net asset value per Ordinary 647.0p 235.2p 439.6p share FINSBURY WORLDWIDE PHARMACEUTICAL TRUST PLC Cash Flow Statement For the six months ended 30 September 2000 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) 30 September 30 September 31 March 2000 1999 2000 £000 £000 £000 Net cash flow from operating activities (666) (1,096) (856) Servicing of finance Interest paid (619) (26) (73) (1,285) (1,122) (929) Taxation Taxation recovered 33 14 - Financial Investments Purchases of investments (50,252) (17,637) (85,379) Sales of investments 40,476 11,569 78,227 (9,776) (6,068) (7,152) Equity dividends paid (155) (161) (161) (9,931) (6,229) (7,313) Net cash outflow before financing (11,183) (7,337) (8,242) Financing (Decrease)/increase in short term loans (2,117) 2,005 22,641 Repurchase of ordinary shares - - (2,372) Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing (2,117) 2,005 20,269 (Decrease)/increase in cash for the period (13,300) (5,332) 12,027 Notes to the Interim Accounts 2. Return per Ordinary share Revenue return per Ordinary share is calculated by dividing the net revenue available for Ordinary shareholders of £466,000 (six months ended 30 September 1999: £160,000; year ended 31 March 2000: £157,000) by the 38,640,000 (30 September 1999: 40,140,000; 31 March 2000: 39,898,197) weighted average shares in issue. Capital return per Ordinary share is calculated by dividing the net capital return available for Ordinary shareholders of £79,680,000 (six months ended 30 September 1999: £5,653,000; year ended 31 March 2000: £85,473,000) by the 38,640,000 (30 September 1999: 40,140,000; 31 March 2000: 39,898,197) weighted average shares in issue. 3. Comparative information The figures and the financial information for the year ended 31 March 2000 are an extract from the latest published accounts and do not constitute statutory accounts for that year as defined by Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. Those accounts have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and included in the report of the auditors which was unqualified and did not contain a statement under either Section 237 (2) and 237 (3) of the Companies Act 1985.
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