Interim Results - Part 2

WOOLWICH PLC 29 July 1999 PART 2 1. SUMMARISED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Half Year to 30 June Year to 31 December 1999 1998 1998 £m £m £m Net interest income 329.3 319.4 659.0 Non-interest income 133.3 113.5 266.7 Operating income 462.6 432.9 925.7 Operating expenses (198.6) (185.3) (395.7) Provisions for bad and doubtful debts (13.7) (7.2) (12.9) Provision for pensions review - - (12.0) Headline profit before tax 250.3 240.4 505.1 Loss on disposal of Group operations - - (9.2) Profit on ordinary activities before tax 250.3 240.4 495.9 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (79.5) (78.6) (164.6) Profit on ordinary activities after tax 170.8 161.8 331.3 Minority interests - equity (1.3) (1.2) (3.1) Profit attributable to the shareholders of Woolwich plc 169.5 160.6 328.2 Dividends (60.7) (56.2) (403.1) Profit/(deficit) for the period 108.8 104.4 (74.9) Dividends per ordinary share: Interim 3.9p 3.5p 3.5p Final - - 7.1p Special - - 15.0p 2. SEGMENTAL PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT For the half year ended 30 June 1999 UK Continental Retail Europe Treasury Capital Total £m £m £m £m £m Net interest income 226.9 19.5 21.5 61.4 329.3 Non-interest income 130.0 2.6 0.7 - 133.3 Total income 356.9 22.1 22.2 61.4 462.6 Operating expenses (180.4) (15.2) (3.0) - (198.6) Provisions for bad and doubtful debts (12.2) (1.5) - - (13.7) Provision for pensions review - - - - - Operational profit 164.3 5.4 19.2 61.4 250.3 Income from capital 38.1 1.3 2.4 (41.8) - Headline profit before tax 202.4 6.7 21.6 19.6 250.3 For the half year ended 30 June 1998 UK Continental Retail Europe Treasury Capital Total £m £m £m £m £m Net interest income 217.9 17.6 12.0 71.9 319.4 Non-interest income 113.5 0.5 (0.5) - 113.5 Total income 331.4 18.1 11.5 71.9 432.9 Operating expenses (170.6) (12.4) (2.3) - (185.3) Provisions for bad and doubtful debts (7.0) (0.2) - - (7.2) Provision for pensions review - - - - - Operational profit 153.8 5.5 9.2 71.9 240.4 Income from capital 33.9 2.0 2.1 (38.0) - Headline profit before tax 187.7 7.5 11.3 33.9 240.4 For the year ended 31 December 1998 UK Continental Retail Europe Treasury Capital Total £m £m £m £m £m Net interest income 454.6 35.0 27.7 141.7 659.0 Non-interest income 266.3 1.0 (0.6) - 266.7 Total income 720.9 36.0 27.1 141.7 925.7 Operating expenses (364.0) (26.6) (5.1) - (395.7) Provisions for bad and doubtful debts (13.3) 0.4 - - (12.9) Provision for pensions review (12.0) - - - (12.0) Operational profit 331.6 9.8 22.0 141.7 505.1 Income from capital 70.1 4.2 4.6 (78.9) - Headline profit before tax 401.7 14.0 26.6 62.8 505.1 Note: Income from capital comprises notional and actual interest earnings on equity capital. Within Woolwich plc capital is allocated to UK Retail and Treasury on the basis of risk weighted assets and a Tier 1 ratio of 7%. 3.PROFIT BEFORE TAX AND INTEREST ON CAPITAL Half Year ended 30 June Year ended 31 December 1999 1998 1998 £m £m £m Headline profit before tax 250.3 240.4 505.1 Deduct: interest earnings on capital (61.4) (71.9) (141.7) Profit before tax and interest on capital 188.9 168.5 363.4 4. NET INTEREST INCOME a) Group Net Interest Margin Half Year ended 30 June Year ended 31 December 1999 1998 1998 £m £m £m Interest receivable 1,067.8 1,183.1 2,457.9 Interest payable (738.5) (863.7) (1,798.9) Net interest income 329.3 319.4 659.0 Average interest earning assets 31,577.1 30,475.0 30,632.8 Average interest bearing liabilities 29,611.1 28,177.1 28,340.1 Gross yield on interest earning assets 6.82% 7.83% 8.02% Cost of interest bearing liabilities 5.03% 6.18% 6.35% Net interest spread 1.79% 1.65% 1.67% Net interest margin on average interest earning assets 2.10% 2.11% 2.15% Net interest margin on total assets 2.00% 2.02% 2.02% b) Segmental Analysis For the half year ended 30 June 1999 UK Continental Retail Europe Treasury Capital Total £m £m £m £m £m Operating interest income 226.9 19.5 21.5 61.4 329.3 Interest income from capital 38.1 1.3 2.4 (41.8) - Total interest income 265.0 20.8 23.9 19.6 329.3 Average interest earning assets 25,479 2,064 9,552 31,577 Customer spread % 2.08 1.87 2.06 Net interest margin % 2.10 2.03 0.50 2.10 For the half year ended 30 June 1998 UK Continental Retail Europe Treasury Capital Total £m £m £m £m £m Operating interest income 217.9 17.6 12.0 71.9 319.4 Interest income from capital 33.9 2.0 2.1 (38.0) - Total interest income 251.8 19.6 14.1 33.9 319.4 Average interest earning assets 23,912 1,639 7,896 30,475 Customer spread % 2.08 2.08 2.08 Net interest margin % 2.12 2.35 0.36 2.11 For the year ended 31 December 1998 UK Continental Retail Europe Treasury Capital Total £m £m £m £m £m Operating interest income 454.6 35.0 27.7 141.7 659.0 Interest income from capital 70.1 4.2 4.6 (78.9) - Total interest income 524.7 39.2 32.3 62.8 659.0 Average interest earning assets 24,281 1,771 8,057 30,633 Customer spread % 2.13 2.01 2.12 Net interest margin % 2.16 2.21 0.40 2.15 The customer spread at 2.08% was at a similar level to that attained in the first half of 1998. Continental European spreads are lower at 1.87% compared with 2.08% reflecting the reducing spreads available in both the French and Italian markets consequent on entry into the EMU and an increase in the incidence of remortgaging. The French margin is also affected by the reducing contribution of the high margin portfolio acquired in 1996. Income from capital has reduced to £61.4m from £71.9m both as a function of reduced average capital balances held and lower effective interest rates. Notes: Net interest margins on average interest earning assets are calculated by dividing total interest income, including income from capital, by the average of the month end interest earning assets. Net interest margins on total assets are calculated by dividing total interest income, including income from capital, by the average of the opening and closing total assets. Customer spread is the combination of the average spread over the cost of wholesale funds earned on loans and advances to customers, plus the average spread below the cost of wholesale funds payable on customer accounts. 5. NON INTEREST INCOME a) Summary analysis Half Year to 30 June Year to 31 December 1999 1998 1998 From: £m £m £m Loans and advances 18.3 18.9 41.7 Retail banking 20.4 15.2 32.6 General insurance 16.1 14.8 57.1 Independent financial advice 24.6 12.2 26.0 Life assurance and pensions 21.1 14.5 34.7 Unit Trusts and PEPs 15.6 12.6 24.8 Property services 13.9 25.3 49.4 UK Retail 130.0 113.5 266.3 Continental Europe 2.6 0.5 1.0 Treasury 0.7 (0.5) (0.6) 133.3 113.5 266.7 Fee income is 17.4% higher at £133.3m but 34.6% higher on a like for like basis if the contribution of £14.5m from the estate agency operations disposed of in 1998 is excluded. Fee income from loans and advances was at a similar level to last year; although volumes of advances are sharply higher, the proportion upon which a fee is chargeable in the current market is reduced. Retail banking fees benefited from increased current account fee and ATM income whilst general insurance improved consequent upon the increased loan volumes. Independent financial advice generated double the income of last year with both higher numbers of advisers and increased productivity. Life assurance and unit trust operations showed significant uplifts with customers showing a strong preference for equity based savings products in the lower prevailing interest rate environment. Property services income is up 28.7%, when last year's contribution from Woolwich Property Services is eliminated, reflecting primarily an uplift in the surveying business associated with the increased mortgage activity. 30/6/99 30/6/98 31/12/98 b) Unit Trusts and PEPs Funds under management (£m) 2,018 1,425 1,599 Number of accounts 339,000 265,000 294,000 c) Life assurance and pensions Funds under management (£m) 564 431 458 Number of accounts 176,000 162,000 169,000 Sums assured (£m) 5,700 5,300 5,500 6. OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES a) Summary Analysis Half Year to 30 June Year to 31 December 1999 1998 1998 £m £m £m Salaries 76.6 73.5 154.4 Other staff costs 14.0 12.5 23.5 Other administrative expenses 83.5 75.3 163.8 Depreciation and amortisation 24.5 24.0 54.0 Total other operating expenses 198.6 185.3 395.7 b) Staff Numbers Average number of employees Full Time 30/6/99 30/6/98 31/12/98 United Kingdom 5,395 5,721 5,656 Continental Europe 363 310 320 Total 5,758 6,031 5,976 Part Time United Kingdom 1,583 1,615 1,620 Continental Europe 1 3 2 Total 1,584 1,618 1,622 Period end number of employees Full Time 30/6/99 30/6/98 31/12/98 United Kingdom 5,497 5,593 5,167 Continental Europe 370 324 333 Total 5,867 5,917 5,500 Part Time United Kingdom 1,629 1,612 1,542 Continental Europe 1 3 1 Total 1,630 1,615 1,543 The figures for June 1998 have been restated so as to be on a consistent basis with those of December 1998 and June 1999. c) Distribution 30/6/99 30/6/98 31/12/98 UK branch and service centres 415 423 417 Woolwich ATMs 493 455 472 Tied financial advisers 481 378 450 Independent financial advisers 199 137 163 d) Year 2000 People are becoming increasingly aware of the 'Millennium Bug' through the media and Government publications. The Woolwich's systems were Year 2000 ready by the end of 1998; our activities in 1999 are concerned with maintaining our compliant status and ensuring we have adequate plans to cater for any disruption to the services provided to Woolwich. We are confident that our preparations are robust and customer services will continue as normal in the new millennium. The total cost of Year 2000 activities is expected to be £26m; actual expenditure up to the end of 1998 was £22m. e) European Monetary Union The Group's preparations for the launch of the euro at the beginning of the year were all completed and implemented successfully. The Group's Treasury operation and our subsidiary companies in France and Italy saw most change as a result of the introduction of the new currency. The Group introduced an offshore euro denominated savings account and added euro denominated travellers' cheques to the range of products and services available for customers travelling abroad. The Woolwich recognises monetary union as a key business issue. At an early stage a Group-wide EMU Programme, headed by the Finance Director, was established to oversee and co-ordinate preparations, including those for possible UK entry, across all areas of the business. The impact on the Group of the UK joining EMU was assessed in 1998 and has recently been reviewed in the light of all available information, including the Government's 'Outline National Changeover Plan'. Full costs for UK entry are estimated at between £23m and £30m. While the position on UK entry remains uncertain the Group will seek to avoid significant expenditure on preparation where it may prudently do so. 7. TAXATION The Group taxation charge is 31.8% (1998: 32.7%). The rate is greater than the current UK rate due primarily to depreciation of that part of the Group's property assets which do not qualify for tax allowances. MORE TO FOLLOW IRCDXGBRLDDCCCI
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