2 July 2013
Directorate Change
The Board of AXA Property Trust Limited (the "Company") announces that Richard Ray has retired as a Director with effect from 28 June 2013. The Board wish to thank Mr Ray for his invaluable contribution to the Company and his European property expertise and all his work and involvement with the Company, since its launch in 2005.
Alphons Spaninks has agreed to join the Board of the Company with effect from 28 June 2013. The Directors are very pleased with this appointment and are confident that the Company will benefit from his extensive real estate investment experience.
Alphons joined AXA Real Estate in 2005 as a Senior Asset and Transaction Manager. Since 2006, he has been responsible for managing the Dutch office which currently has a team of five. The Assets under Management in The Netherlands are currently circa €900m. Alphons was promoted to Regional Head Benelux and Scandinavia in 2008, responsible for Assets under Management of over €2bn and managing a team of professionals in Stockholm and Brussels.
Alphons has almost 20 years of experience in commercial functions within various real estate companies. Prior to joining AXA Real Estate, Alphons worked for AZL Vastgoed as Director of Asset Management. Prior to that, he was Regional Director at MOG, a Dutch Property Management company where he began his career as a Property Manager.
There are no other details required to be disclosed in respect of the appointment of Alphons under Listing Rule 9.6.13R of the UK Listing Authority. It is further noted that Alphons is not deemed to be independent of the Investment Manager.
Investment Manager
AXA Investment Managers UK Limited
Broker Services
7 Newgate Street
London EC1A 7NX
Tel: +44 (0)20 7003 2345
Email: broker.services@axa-im.com
Oriel Securities Limited
Neil Winward
Tel: +44 (0)20 7710 7600
Company Secretary
Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited
Trafalgar Court
Les Banques
St Peter Port
Tel: +44 (0)1481 745324