Final Results

Worthington Group PLC 18 August 2000 WORTHINGTON GROUP PLC PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT Results for the Year ended 31 March 2000 This has been a year of substantial change for the Group with much having been achieved following the rationalisation programme which is now almost complete. By December 2000 virtually all remaining borrowings are forecast to be eliminated which means that approximately £20 million will have been repaid since April 1999. The burden of inherited debt was both a hindrance to the ongoing business and also a major impediment to the policy of diversification by introducing a new core business either by acquisition or reversal. Our main priority for the year was to put the Group on to a sound financial base and the results when viewed in this context are considered satisfactory. Except for one or two localised concerns, the main subsidiaries are profitable and will produce a stream of earnings sufficient to cover both the general running costs of the Group and more important, sustain improved dividend payments to shareholders in the future. In the meantime, as a sign of confidence, your directors are recommending a final and total dividend of 0.1p per share (1999:0.68p per share) which, if approved, will be paid on 6 November 2000 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 6 October 2000. The removal of this burden of debt and the accompanying high interest charges were at the heart of the recovery plan. Not surprisingly, exceptional costs had to be incurred as a result of the disposals of subsidiaries, redundancies, streamlining and cost reduction but were a necessary price to pay so that the Group can go forward. When reviewing the results shareholders should be aware that the ongoing subsidiaries made a modest profit at the operating level, but the profit base was too low to cover the high interest charges which inevitably led to an overall loss. In the main, the ongoing subsidiaries should continue to perform satisfactorily and without the interest costs there should be a recovery in earnings per share. The reorganisation of these ongoing subsidiaries in the year incurred exceptional expenditure of £390,000 as part of the cost reduction programme. This consisted of redundancy costs, stock write-downs and revaluation of assets. A considerable amount of overhead has now been taken out of the system and profitability should increase from now on. During the year the businesses of B S Dollamore, Whitely Products, Ibex Ropes, S Jerome & Sons, Kahan Bros, Kersen Trimmings, Louis Goldstein, Nottingham Braid, A J Worthington and V M Thomas left the Group crystallising the write-off of goodwill on acquisition. Whitely and Ibex, which had always made a good profit contribution, had to be sold as part of the recovery plan. The other subsidiaries sold should now do better in a different organisational context. Discontinued operations suffered an overall loss of £1.78 million before interest and could not be carried. In addition related interest charges of £970,000 further compounded these losses. Head Office was closed during the year and moved to Shipley, incurring a loss on disposal of £299,000. Now that the Shipley site has been sold it is intended to move Head Office on to our site at Keighley at the end of August. The figure of £9.93 million being the losses on disposal of discontinued operations is the net figure after taking into account the book profit on the sale of companies of £1.51 million. The balance is made up as to £7.98 million of acquisition goodwill now written off, £3.17 million for the accounting treatment of the closure of the Shipley site, with £290,000 for the closure of the weaving section at Gardiners in Selkirk. The subsidiaries which left the Group, to which I have already referred, when originally acquired gave rise to £7.98 million of goodwill representing the excess of the purchase price over their net assets. This goodwill was written off immediately to reserves in the Balance Sheet. The accounting treatment for these disposals means that this £7.98 million of goodwill has now to be reflected through the Profit and Loss Account but in actual fact there is no further diminution in reserves as a result of these transactions. The Shipley site has been sold for £3.5 million, subject to planning permission which should be granted later this year. However, the accounting treatment for this sale has meant that we have to provide £3.17 million for the closure, but are unable to offset the potential profit from this sale against this provision. The closure of the Shipley site and the in situ worsted operation should be almost cash neutral on the Balance Sheet when all the assets are liquidated, thus regaining this £3.17 million. We announced a deeply discounted rights issue to raise further funds to reduce borrowings and approximately 93% of shareholders took up their rights in full and the new shares were quoted on the 18 January 2000. The rights issue raised £6.2 million after expenses. The Worthington Group is now obviously much smaller and the downside risk and exposure to the difficulties of the industry are correspondingly much diminished. The restoration of shareholder value can now commence in earnest with the intention to effect a new direction entirely for the advancement of the Group. We shall be using strict acquisition criteria but in the meantime we will continue to streamline the remaining operations and transfer non-performing assets back into cash. I look back over the year with satisfaction since we have achieved almost all of our corporate targets during a period when trade was far from easy and the work agenda in April 1999 stretched too far to be comfortable. We now have the task of moving the Group forward and given our improved situation it will hopefully not be too long before we can reward the patience of shareholders. Joe Dwek CBE Executive Chairman 18 August 2000 Enquiries: Worthington Group plc Joe Dwek CBE, Chairman Tel: 01625 549082 John Taylor, Chief Executive Tel: 01274 200800 Worthington Group plc Consolidated Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31 March 2000 Existing Exist- Dis- Operations Excep- ing continued (Before tional Opera- Opera- Exceptionals) Items tions tions 2000 1999 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover 26,466 - 26,466 25,832 52,298 45,001 Cost of sales (20,500) (110) (20,610) (18,130) (38,740) (39,107) ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Gross profit 5,966 (110) 5,856 7,702 13,558 5,894 Distribution costs (2,507) - (2,507) (3,176) (5,683) (7,181) Administration expenses (3,018) (280) (3,298) (6,307) (9,605) (4,436) ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 441 (390) 51 (1,781) (1,730) (5,723) Other operating income - - - - - 36 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Operating profit/ (loss) 441 (390) 51 (1,781) (1,730) (5,687) Share of profits of associated undertaking 98 - 98 - 98 - (Loss)/profit on dis- posal of fixed assets - - - (299) (299) 134 Losses on disposal of discontinued operations - - - (9,930) (9,930) - ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Profit/(loss) before interest 539 (390) 149 (12,010) (11,861) (5,553) Net interest payable and similar items (697) - (697) (970) (1,667) (1,355) ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ (Loss) before tax- ation (158) (390) (548) (12,980) (13,528) (6,908) ------ ------ ------ ------ Taxation (433) (301) ------ ------ (Loss) on ordinary activities after taxation (13,961) (7,209) Dividends paid and proposed (118) (556) ------ ------ Retained (loss) for the year (14,079) (7,765) ------ ------ (loss) per share - before exception items and disposals (2.4p) (1.3p) ------ ------ - after exceptional items (15.6p) (10.0p) ------ ------ - diluted (loss) per share (15.6p) (10.0p) ------ ------ Consolidated Balance Sheet At 31 March 2000 2000 1999 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Tangible assets 10,401 19,528 Negative goodwill (72) (80) Investments 27 27 Interest in associated undertaking 498 525 - 27 ----- ------ ------ ------ 10,854 19,475 Current assets Stock 4,868 10,016 Debtors: amounts falling due within one year 10,222 12,474 Debtors: amounts falling due after more than one year 1,190 - Cash 16 28 ------ ------ 16,296 22,518 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (19,587) (29,256) ------ ------ Net current (liabilities)/assets (3,291) (6,738) ------ ------ Total assets less current liabilities 7,563 12,737 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (734) (6,040) Provision for liabilities and charges - - ------ ------ Net assets 6,829 6,697 ------ ------ Capital and reserves Called up share capital 11,807 5,238 Share premium account 9,836 16,219 Capital reserves 128 128 Merger reserve (713) (713) Revaluation reserve 737 737 Profit and loss account (14,966) (14,912) ------ ------ Shareholders' funds 6,829 6,697 ------ ------ Consolidated Cashflow Statement for the year ended 31 March 2000 2000 1999 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities (2,639) 1,305 Returns on investments and servicing of finance: Interest (paid) (1,468) (1,185) Interest element of finance lease rental (payments) (199) (170) ------ ------ (1,667) (1,355) Taxation: UK corporation tax, including advance corporation tax (333) (842) Capital expenditure: Purchase of tangible fixed assets (net of finance leases) (1,029) (811) Sale of tangible fixed assets 4,854 393 ------ ------ 3,825 (418) Acquisitions and disposals: Purchase of subsidiary undertakings - (554) Overdrafts acquired with subsidiary - (2,412) Sale of subsidiary undertakings 6,074 - ------ ------ 6,074 (2,966) Equity dividends paid (556) (1,275) Special dividend paid on acquisition - (207) ------ ------ Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing 4,704 (5,758) Financing: Issue of ordinary share capital (net of expenses) 6,225 7 Capital element of finance lease rental payments (1,430) (662) Debt due within one year: Increase in short term borrowings - 500 Repayment of short term borrowings (656) (1,200) Debt due after more than one year: New loan repayable 2008 - 4,620 Repayments of long term borrowings (4,329) (3,803) ------ ------ (190) (538) Increase/(decrease) in cash in the ------ ------ period 4,514 (6,296) ------ ------ Notes 1. Accounts The results included within this Preliminary Announcement are extracted from the Annual Report and Financial Statements on which the auditors have given an unqualified report. Statutory accounts for 1999 have been delivered to the Registar of Companies on which the auditors have reported; their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Sections 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 2. Exceptional Items 2000 1999 £'000 £'000 Reassessment of net realisable value of stocks (110) (3,429) Provision for redundancies and severence payments (190) - Provision against debtors and prepayments - (1,124) Previous under-provision of liabilities - (522) Provision for repayment of income tax in respect of the potential cancellation of profit related pay scheme - (180) Provision for diminution in value of plant (90) (150) ---- ------- (390) (5,405) ---- ------- 3. Loss per Share The loss per share has been calculated using the weighted average number of shares in issue during the relevant financial periods. The weighted average number of shares in issue during the year was 89,406,128 (1999: 71,794,235) and the loss after exceptional items and taxation was £13,961,000 (1999: £7,209,000). The loss before exceptional items after taxation for the year was £2,118,000 (1999: £966,000). The diluted earnings per share are based on a weighted average number of shares during the year of 89,406,128 (1999: 71,876,589). The 1999 figures have been adjusted for the rights issue in January 2000. 4. Dividends Payable 2000 1999 £'000 £'000 Interim dividend paid of nil per share (1999: 1.065p on 52.387m shares) - 556 Final proposed dividend of 0.1p per share on 118.070m shares (1999: nil) 118 - ---- ---- 118 556 ---- ---- 5. Taxation The taxation charge for the year represented an under-provision for tax in prior years. 6. Reconciliation of Operating Loss to Net Cash Outflow from Operating Activities 2000 1999 £'000 £'000 Operating loss (1340) (282) Closure costs (3459) - Depreciation and amortisation of goodwill 2132 1512 Exceptional costs (390) - Decrease in stocks 2600 877 Decrease in debtors 230 267 Decrease in creditors (2412) (1069) ---- ---- Net cash outflow from operating activities (2639) 1305 ---- ---- Copies of the Annual Report Copies of the Annual report will be distributed when available and may then be obtained from the Company's Head Office: Chatsworth Works Dalton Lane Keighley West Yorkshire BD21 4HR
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