Interim Results
Worthington Group PLC
29 November 2006
Interim Report for the half year ended 30 September 2006
29 November 2006
This has been an eventful half year which has tried to resolve many of the
outstanding issues. The period produced an overall unaudited loss after taxation
for the period of £27,000 (2005: £133,000) although this loss included
exceptional one off costs £103,000 which are explained below.
As previously announced the sale of Fence Avenue, Macclesfield, was completed to
time and the sale proceeds were received in June and all Group borrowings were
repaid. The agreed sale of the Eccleshill property has however been delayed and
we now expect to complete by the end of the year. Following completion of the
planning formalities it has now been agreed that the buyer will pay £875,000 on
completion and the balance will be paid within 12 months , secured by a second
charge and carrying interest. As you are no doubt aware the London Stock
Exchange requested a full Circular for these two transactions, which were
approved on the 5 May; the total costs for the Circular and disposal fees
amounted to £59,000 and are included as part of the exceptional costs referred
to above
Turning to the Worthington Manufacturing Joint Venture entered into with Jessop
and Baird (Hong Kong) Ltd in 2005 we are currently in negotiations to retire
from the joint venture at a probable cost of £75,000 after reconciliation of the
terminal costs and balances. When this transaction is completed we will
relinquish our 49% shareholding in the Joint Venture whereupon our interests as
shareholders will cease and their results will no longer be consolidated into
our figures. Since the commencement of the joint venture, we have had to pick up
unexpected additional costs of £44,000 for redundancies and other miscellaneous
items which are shown in these accounts as exceptional items.
The final realisation of the current assets of our former Worthington
Manufacturing subsidiary continues and head office costs in the period include a
final bad debt write off of £19,000 relating to uncollectable book debts. Stocks
with a net book value of £16,000 remain to be realised and these are slowly
being purchased by the joint venture when required.
We currently retain a 44% shareholding in Trimmings by Design Limited (a former
subsidiary) and their results continue to be consolidated within our own. The
business is trading profitably in the current year and we have included in this
period our share of the profits which amount to £178,000 before interest and
taxation. This figure includes £117,000 arising from an exceptional gain made by
the business on selling its site in Leek following consolidation of its business
to its remaining site in Derby. The proceeds of this sale is expected to result
in a one off enhanced dividend receipt of £153,000 in the near future.
For administrative ease and to save costs, it was decided to wind up the Group's
34 non-trading or dormant subsidiaries. 31 of these companies have now been
placed into Members Voluntary liquidation or have been struck off and it is
intended to complete the exercise relating to the remaining 3 on completion of
the Eccleshill sale.
The only matter to report on our 5.5 acre site at Keighley, is the loss of a
substantial tenant which ceased trading in November. New tenants are being
actively pursued. The overall vicinity however continues to improve with
planning permission recently being granted for a large supermarket development
across the road. The current reduced rental income will still just about cover
Head Office costs, which are now at a minimum, including pension scheme
administration costs of £40,000 per annum. It is not sufficient however to cover
the ongoing payments of some £22,000 per month which are being made to reduce
the scheme deficit and are credited directly against the balance sheet
The Board is continuing to turn the remaining assets of the Group into cash and
is pursuing suitable investment opportunities whilst keeping costs to a bare
J C Dwek CBE
29 November 2006
Consolidated Income Statement
for the six months ended 30 September 2006
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
6 months ended 6 months ended Year ended
30 September 30 September 31 March
2006 2005 2006
£'000 £'000 £'000
Continuing operations 91 67 140
Discontinued operations - 1,335 1,456
91 1,402 1,596
Operating (Loss) / profit
Continuing operations (before exceptionals) (65) (110) 508
Exceptional items (103) - -
Discontinued operations (before exceptionals) - 59 (8)
Exceptional items - - -
Operating (Loss) / profit (168) (51) 500
Share of profits/(losses) of associated undertakings 210 35 (90)
Loss on disposal of fixed assets - (31) -
Profit /(loss) before interest 42 (47) 410
Net interest payable and similar items (20) (76) (136)
Profit/ (loss) before taxation 22 (123) 274
Taxation (49) (10) -
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities after taxation (27) (133) 274
Dividends paid and proposed - - -
Retained profit/ (loss) (27) (133) 274
Earnings /(loss) per share (0.2p) (1.1p) 2.3p
Recognised gains and losses
There are no recognised gains or losses in the half year ended 30 September
2006, other than those shown in the above income statement.
Consolidated Balance Sheet
at 30 September 2006
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
30 September 30 September 31 March
2006 2005 2006
£'000 £'000 £'000
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 1,866 570 1,871
Interests in associated undertakings 775 1,119 646
2,641 1,689 2,517
Current assets
Current asset investments 1,000 3,447 3,750
Trade and other receivables due within 1 year 433 704 387
Trade and other receivables due after more than 1 year 800 812 805
Cash at bank and in hand 117 1 -
2,350 4,964 4,942
Total assets 4,991 6,653 7,459
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 207 333 493
Bank overdrafts and loans - 1,000 2,030
207 1,333 2,523
Non-current liabilities
Bank loans - 1,250 -
Retirement benefit obligation 1,826 2,188 1,951
1,826 3,438 1,951
Total liabilities 2,033 4,771 4,474
Net assets 2,958 1,882 2,985
Called up share capital 11,807 11,807 11,807
Share premium account 9,836 9,836 9,836
Capital reserve 128 128 128
Revaluation reserve 624 - 624
Profit and loss account (19,437) (19,889) (19,410)
Total Equity 2,958 1,882 2,985
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the six months ended 30 September 2006
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
6 months ended 6 months ended Year ended
30 September 30 September 31 March
2006 2005 2006
£'000 £'000 £'000
Reconciliation of (loss)/profit for the period to net cash
flow from operating activities
Operating (loss)/profit for the period (168) (51) 500
Depreciation/impairment and goodwill amortisation 5 51 (660)
Pension Scheme net finance charge - - 55
Movement in trade and other receivables 34 808 1,177
Movements in trade and other payables (285) (784) (835)
Pension deficit payments (125) (125) (250)
Net cash outflow from operating activities (539) (101) (13)
Cash Flow from financing activities
Interest paid (23) (86) (99)
Proceeds from short term loans - 100 179
Repayments of borrowings (1,500) (71) (77)
Net cash used in financing activities (1,523) (57) 3
Cash Flow from investing activities
Interest received 34 26 53
Proceeds on disposal of plant and equipment - 403 403
Proceeds on disposal of current asset investments 2,750 - -
Investments in associated undertakings (75) (300) (300)
Dividends received from associated undertakings - - 44
Net cash inflow from investing activities 2,709 129 200
. . .
Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 647 (29) 190
Reconciliation of movement in shareholders' funds
(Loss)/profit for the period (27) (133) 274
Net (reduction)/increase in shareholders' funds (27) (133) 274
Movement in reserves - - 986
Opening shareholders' funds 2,985 2,015 1,725
Closing shareholders' funds 2,958 1,882 2,985
Note - opening shareholders' funds in the reconciliation for the year ended 31
March 2006 are stated after charging a prior year adjustment of £290,000.
Notes to the Interim Statements for the six months ending 30th September 2006
1. Basis of Accounting
The interim accounts have been prepared in compliance with IAS 34 'Interim
Financial Reporting' and on the basis of accounting policies set out in the
Group's financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2006. The interim
accounts were approved by the Board on 29 November 2006 and are unaudited.
Comparative figures for the half year ended 30 September 2005 are extracts from
the interim accounts for that period and are also unaudited.
Comparative figures for the year ended 31 March 2006 have been extracted from
the financial statements, which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.
The information for the year ended 31 March 2006 does not constitute statutory
accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. These were audited
and reported upon without qualification by the auditors and did not contain any
statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.
2. Segmental Analysis
The following is an analysis of the revenue and results for the period, analysed
by business segment, the Group's primary basis of segmentation.
Revenue Revenue Result Result
6 months ended 6 months ended 6 months ended 6 months ended
30/09/06 30/09/05 30/09/06 30/09/05
2006 2005 2006 2005
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Continuing Operations
Property 91 67 (168) (110)
Discontinued Operations
Textiles - 1,335 - 59
Total revenue and operating loss from 91 1,402 (168) (51)
continuing and discontinued operations
3. Exceptional Costs
During the period exceptional costs of £44,000 were incurred in relation to
unexpected redundancy and other costs relating to the Worthington Manufacturing
Joint Venture agreement with JB Hong Kong. In addition one off costs of £59,000
were incurred in the period in relation to property disposal costs and the
preparation of the Class 1 circular required by the London Stock Exchange to
approve them.
4. Borrowings
On 6 June 2006 following receipt of the Fence Avenue proceeds bank and other
loans of £1.672m were repaid in full together with other borrowings leaving the
Group with a net cash position.
5. Loss per share
Loss per share is calculated by reference to the average number of shares in
issue in the period amounting to 11,807,016 shares (six months to 30 September
2005: 11,807,016 shares) and on a loss after taxation of £27,000 (six months to
30 September 2005: loss of £133,000).
The taxation charge is calculated by applying the directors' best estimate of
the annual tax rate to the loss or profit for the period.
There is no difference between basic and diluted loss per share.
6. Availability of Interim Report
A copy of this report is being sent to shareholders and copies are available
from The Secretary, Worthington Group plc, Suite 1, Courthill House, 66 Water
Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AP.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange