TR-1: Standard form for notification of major holdings
NOTIFICATIONOFMAJORHOLDINGS (tobesenttotherelevantissuerandtotheFCA inMicrosoft W o r dformatifpossible) i |
1a. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuerof existing shares to which voting rights areattached i i : |
YellowCake PLC |
1b.Pleaseindicateifthe issuerisanon-UKissuer (pleasemark withan "X"ifappropriate) |
Non-UKissuer |
X |
2.Reasonforthenotification (pleasemark theappropriateboxorboxeswithan "X") |
Anacquisitionordisposalofvotingrights |
X |
Anacquisitionordisposaloffinancialinstruments |
Aneventchangingthebreakdownofvotingrights |
Other(pleasespecify)iii: |
3.Detailsofpersonsubjecttothenotificationobligation iv |
Name |
MMCAPInternationalInc.SPC |
Cityand countryof registeredoffice(ifapplicable) |
CaymanIslands |
4.Fullnameofshareholder(s) (ifdifferentfrom3.) v |
Name |
Cityand countryof registeredoffice(ifapplicable) |
5. Date on which the threshold was crossed orreached v i : |
02March2021 |
6. Dateonwhichissuernotified(DD/MM/YYYY): |
05March2021 |
7.Totalpositionsofperson(s)subjecttothenotificationobligation |
% of voting rightsattachedtoshares(totalof8.A) |
% of voting rightsthroughfinancialin-struments (totalof8.B 1 +8.B2) |
Totalofbothin%(8.A+8.B) |
Totalnumberofvoting rights ofissuer vii |
Resulting situationonthedateonwhichthreshold wascrossedorreached |
14.02 |
14.02 |
128,584,345 |
Positionofpreviousnotification(ifapplicable) |
8. Notified details of the resulting situation on the date on which the threshold was crossed orreached v ii i |
A: Votingrights attachedtoshares |
Class/type ofshares ISINcode(if possible) |
Numberofvoting rights ix |
%ofvotingrights |
Direct (DTR5.1) |
Indirect (DTR5.2.1) |
Direct (DTR5.1) |
Indirect (DTR5.2.1) |
JE00BF50RG45 |
18,031,006 |
14.02 |
18,031,006 |
14.02 |
B1:FinancialInstrumentsaccordingto DTR5.3.1R(1)(a) |
Typeoffinancialinstrument |
Expiration date x |
Exercise/ConversionPeriod xi |
Numberofvotingrightsthat may be acquired iftheinstrumentis exercised/converted. |
%of voting rights |
B2: FinancialInstrumentswith similar economiceffectaccordingtoDTR5.3.1R(1)(b) |
Typeoffinancialinstrument |
Expiration date x |
Exercise/Conversion Period xi |
Physicalorcash settlement xii |
Number ofvotingrights |
%ofvoting rights |
9. Information in relation to the person subject to the notification obligation (please mark theapplicableboxwith an"X") |
Personsubjecttothenotification obligationisnotcontrolledbyanynaturalpersonorlegalentityand doesnotcontrolanyother undertaking(s)holdingdirectlyorindirectlyaninterestinthe (underlying) issuerxiii |
X |
Full chainofcontrolledundertakingsthroughwhichthevotingrightsand/orthe financial instruments are effectively held starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entityxiv(please addadditionalrowsas necessary) |
N ame xv |
% of voting rights if itequals or is higherthan the notifiablethreshold |
% of voting rightsthrough financial in-struments if it equalsorishigherthanthe notifiablethreshold |
Total of both if itequals or is higherthan the notifiablethreshold |
10. Incaseofproxyvoting,pleaseidentify: |
Name oftheproxyholder |
Thenumber and%ofvotingrightsheld |
Thedateuntilwhichthevotingrightswillbeheld |
11 .Additionalinformation xvi |
Placeofcompletion |
05March2021 |
Date ofcompletion |
Toronto,Canada |