20 November 2008
For the 26 weeks ended 27 September 2008
Financial highlights |
Revenue |
£66.3M |
+3.7% |
Operating profit before exceptional items |
£12.2M |
+0.4% |
Profit before tax |
£9.4M |
+116.8% |
Adjusted profit before tax* |
£11.9M |
+9.4% |
Basic earnings per share |
11.83p |
+38.2% |
Adjusted earnings per share* |
17.41p |
+0.2% |
Interim dividend per share declared |
6.12p |
+2.0% |
All of the results above are on continuing operations.
The comparative figures for 2007 have been restated where necessary for (a) the effect of the subdivision, in February 2008, of each of the company's A shares of 50p each into four new A shares of 12.5p each and each of the company's non-voting shares of 50p each into four new non-voting shares of 12.5p each and (b) the prior year adjustment to the deferred tax liability on rolled over gains.
* Throughout this document, reference to an 'adjusted' item means that it has been adjusted to take account of exceptional items and other non-recurring items such as the premium paid on redemption of debenture, the discount of site proceeds and the tax adjustment on phasing out of industrial buildings allowances.
Operational highlights
Total managed house revenue +4.9%, with like for like revenue +1.6% on a same outlet basis;
Stephen Goodyear, Chief Executive of Young's, commented:
'We have delivered a strong set of results in an increasingly challenging market. The effect of the poor summer weather was compounded by the twin pressures of the economic slowdown, as consumers everywhere reined back their spending, and dramatic increases in operating costs. Against this backdrop, Young's has shown its mettle.
'Market conditions remain extremely challenging and were compounded in recent weeks by the unprecedented events in the financial markets during September and October. This is reflected in our trading for the first seven weeks, with managed house sales up 1.6% but down 3.3% on a same outlet like for like basis. In the circumstances, we believe that this is a creditable performance.
'We welcome the recent significant interest rate cut but believe that it will take some time for this to work through into improved consumer confidence. Accordingly, we are not anticipating that trading conditions will improve in the near term.
'Young's is a long-term business, having traded for over 175 years and through other recessions. We have a cash-generative business, well-invested estate, great pubs in great locations and a conservative balance sheet. We believe this provides a sound platform for the immediate and long-term future of the business.'
For further information, please contact:
Young & Co.'s Brewery, P.L.C. |
020 8875 7000 |
Stephen Goodyear, Chief Executive |
Peter Whitehead, Finance Director |
Hogarth Partnership |
020 7357 9477 |
James Longfield / Anna Keeble |
For the 26 weeks ended 27 September 2008
We have delivered a strong set of results in an increasingly challenging market. The effect of the poor summer weather was compounded by the twin pressures of the economic slowdown, as consumers everywhere reined back their spending, and dramatic increases in operating costs.
Against this backdrop, Young's has shown its mettle, with revenues up 3.7%, adjusted profits before tax* up 9.4% and adjusted earnings per share* up 0.2% to 17.41p.
Recognising this performance, but mindful for the year ahead, the Board has decided to increase the interim dividend by 2.0% to 6.12p per share - the twelfth year of growth. Dividend cover* remains strong at 2.8 times, even after the recent doubling of the dividend. The interim dividend is expected to be paid on 19 December 2008 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 5 December 2008.
Review of operations
Managed house revenue was up 4.9% to £58.8 million, reflecting the acquisitions made, and investments in the business, over recent years, with same outlet like for like improvements of 1.6%. This top-line growth, despite the well-documented pressure on consumer spending, offsets the inflationary pressures on operating costs from utilities, wages and food and above inflation increases in duty. We believe we have responded well to this year's challenges and this is borne out by the fact that our average EBITDA per same outlet managed house was up 1.7%, leaving operating profit little changed at £14.7 million.
We have seen a number of consumer trends emerging in response to the credit crisis. Spending patterns are showing a more marked split between the beginning and end of the week, and we have seen a further increase in food sales, as Young's continues to benefit from some customers seeing eating out in pubs as an alternative to more expensive restaurants. Food sales were up 9.0% and now represent 25.4% of revenue. This compares with 17.7% five years ago.
We place great emphasis on the quality and ambience of our pubs and a further £3.0 million was invested in our existing managed estate, and £2.4 million on developing recent acquisitions. Pubs that have just completed their first twelve months post major development have generated an incremental cash return on expansionary capital of 31.2%. Recent refurbishments to our hotel estate have helped drive RevPar (average room rate achieved multiplied by occupancy percentage) up 4.1% to £44.34.
We have bought four pubs at a cost of £12.1 million: the Old Ship, on the Thames in Hammersmith, the Parrot, Canterbury's oldest pub, the Roebuck in Hampstead and the George in Fulham which is due to reopen in the second half after major works. All of these are managed pubs. Whilst prices at the quality end of the market, particularly in our target trading areas of London and the South East, remain high, we are able to make further acquisitions at the right prices.
The tenanted division is where the difficult market conditions have had the most impact. Total revenue was flat at £7.4 million, despite declining beer volumes. The impact of the smoking ban, duty increases and subsequent reductions in consumer spending have all hit trade and our tenants' businesses. We are engaged with our tenants and where necessary agreeing workable and realistic plans for the future. Despite these challenges we managed to maintain operating profit at £3.0 million.
We have transferred two pubs from tenanted to managed, and at the end of the first half we had 122 pubs trading within our managed division (March 2008: 118), of which 100 are freehold and 11 are long leaseholds with in excess of 40 years to run at minimal rents. In addition we disposed of one tenancy, leaving us with 100 tenancies at the period end (March 2008: 103) of which 85 are freehold.
Investment and finance
Our benchmark adjusted profit on continuing operations before tax* was up 9.4% at £11.9 million. Within this, our investment in Wells & Young's contributed £1.4 million, in line with our expectations.
We invested a total of £18.5 million in our business in the half. During the course of the period, we disposed of one site for £1.4 million.
Our operations continue to be highly cash generative. At the end of the period, net debt was £66.1 million with interest cover of 6.8 times based on adjusted operating profits*. Gearing at the period end was 38.3%, based on 1997 valuations. The directors are of the opinion that real gearing is significantly lower. A special valuation was carried out by Fleurets in 2006 which at the time showed a £173.8 million uplift in the value of the estate. Changes have been made to the estate since then, with a number of properties having been acquired, developed and disposed of. Additionally changes in market conditions will have had an impact on value.
Young's has a freehold-backed balance sheet and committed banking facilities of £90 million in place. The majority of debt reaches maturity between March 2018 and March 2023 and none of the committed facilities needs to be renewed until March 2013.
Current trading and outlook
Market conditions remain extremely challenging and were compounded in recent weeks by the unprecedented events in the financial markets during September and October. This is reflected in our trading for the first seven weeks, with managed house sales up 1.6% but down 3.3% on a same outlet like for like basis. In the circumstances, we believe that this is a creditable performance.
We welcome the recent significant interest rate cut but believe that it will take some time for this to work through into improved consumer confidence. Accordingly, we are not anticipating that trading conditions will improve in the near term.
Young's is a long-term business having traded for over 175 years and through other recessions. We have a cash-generative business, well-invested estate, great pubs in great locations and a conservative balance sheet. We believe this provides a sound platform for the immediate and long-term future of the business.
*See note 10 to the accounts.
We have been engaged by the company to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the 26 weeks ended 27 September 2008 which comprises the group income statement, the group balance sheet, the group cash flow statement, the group statement of recognised income and expense and the related explanatory notes. We have read the other information contained in the half yearly financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements.
This report is made solely to the company in accordance with guidance contained in ISRE 2410 (UK and Ireland) 'Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity' issued by the Auditing Practices Board. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company, for our work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have formed.
Directors' Responsibilities
The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the Interim Report in accordance with the AIM Rules issued by the London Stock Exchange which require that it is presented and prepared in a form consistent with that which will be adopted in the company's annual accounts having regard to the accounting standards applicable to such annual accounts.
As disclosed in Note 1, the annual financial statements of the group are prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union. The condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance with the AIM Rules issued by the London Stock Exchange.
Our Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our review.
Scope of Review
We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, 'Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity' issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the 26 weeks ended 27 September 2008 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the accounting policies outlined in Note 1, which comply with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union and in accordance with the AIM Rules issued by the London Stock Exchange.
Ernst & Young LLP
19 November 2008
Unaudited group income statement
For the 26 weeks ended 27 September 2008
Restated |
26 weeks |
26 weeks |
52 weeks |
to 27 Sept 08 |
to 29 Sept 07 |
to 29 March 08 |
Note |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
Continuing operations |
Revenue |
66,275 |
63,885 |
122,124 |
Operating costs before exceptional items |
(54,085) |
(51,745) |
(101,266) |
Operating profit before exceptional items |
12,190 |
12,140 |
20,858 |
Operating exceptional items |
4 |
(510) |
(233) |
728 |
Operating profit |
11,680 |
11,907 |
21,586 |
Share of associate's profit before exceptional items and tax |
1,368 |
1,210 |
1,718 |
Share of associate's operating exceptional items |
4 |
(264) |
(852) |
(3,832) |
Share of associate's tax expense |
5(d) |
(1,731) |
(118) |
(26) |
Share of associate's post tax result |
(627) |
240 |
(2,140) |
Profit before interest |
11,053 |
12,147 |
19,446 |
Finance costs |
(2,017) |
(3,423) |
(5,820) |
Finance revenue |
219 |
329 |
563 |
Premium paid on redemption of debenture |
- |
(6,827) |
(6,817) |
Discount of site proceeds |
- |
1,480 |
2,161 |
Other finance income |
143 |
628 |
1,269 |
Profit before tax |
9,398 |
4,334 |
10,802 |
Taxation |
5 |
(3,730) |
(324) |
(4,329) |
Profit from continuing operations |
5,668 |
4,010 |
6,473 |
(Loss)/profit from discontinued operation |
2 |
- |
(2,386) |
3,105 |
Profit for the period |
5,668 |
1,624 |
9,578 |
Note |
Pence |
Pence |
Pence |
Earnings per 12.5p ordinary share from continuing operations |
6 |
Basic |
11.83 |
8.56 |
13.67 |
Diluted |
11.81 |
8.49 |
13.62 |
Adjusted basic* |
17.41 |
17.37 |
26.28 |
Adjusted diluted* |
17.38 |
17.23 |
26.19 |
Earnings per 12.5p ordinary share from continuing and discontinued operations |
6 |
Basic |
11.83 |
3.47 |
20.22 |
Diluted |
11.81 |
3.44 |
20.15 |
The comparative figures for 2007 have been restated for (a) the effect of the subdivision, in February 2008, of each of the company's A shares of 50p each into four new A shares of 12.5p each and each of the company's non-voting shares of 50p each into four new non-voting shares of 12.5p each, and (b) the prior year adjustment to the deferred tax charge on rolled over gains.
*See note 10.
Unaudited group balance sheet
At 27 September 2008
Restated |
Restated |
At 27 Sept 08 |
At 29 Sept 07 |
At 29 March 08 |
Note |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
Non current assets |
Property, plant and equipment |
264,348 |
226,906 |
251,284 |
Prepaid operating lease premiums |
5,959 |
5,894 |
5,996 |
Investment in associate |
20,053 |
23,930 |
19,751 |
Other financial asset |
600 |
- |
600 |
Derivative financial instruments |
- |
329 |
- |
Retirement benefit schemes |
- |
6,219 |
- |
290,960 |
263,278 |
277,631 |
Current assets |
Prepaid operating lease premiums |
86 |
92 |
92 |
Assets classified as held for sale |
771 |
1,513 |
1,215 |
Inventories |
1,609 |
1,470 |
1,511 |
Receivable from site disposal |
- |
58,069 |
- |
Trade and other receivables |
5,395 |
6,300 |
4,796 |
Income tax receivable |
- |
- |
2,498 |
Cash |
2,131 |
- |
349 |
9,992 |
67,444 |
10,461 |
Total assets |
300,952 |
330,722 |
288,092 |
Current liabilities |
Borrowings |
(2) |
(60,001) |
(1) |
Trade and other payables |
(17,808) |
(23,534) |
(30,542) |
Income tax payable |
(3,107) |
(1,413) |
- |
(20,917) |
(84,948) |
(30,543) |
Non current liabilities |
Borrowings |
(68,219) |
(34,519) |
(50,315) |
Derivative financial instruments |
(354) |
- |
(511) |
Provisions |
- |
(1,771) |
- |
Deferred tax |
(26,221) |
(29,612) |
(27,693) |
Retirement benefit schemes |
(12,592) |
- |
(5,088) |
(107,386) |
(65,902) |
(83,607) |
Total liabilities |
(128,303) |
(150,850) |
(114,150) |
Net assets |
172,649 |
179,872 |
173,942 |
Capital and reserves |
Share capital |
6,028 |
6,028 |
6,028 |
Share premium |
1,274 |
1,274 |
1,274 |
Other reserves |
1,691 |
2,181 |
1,578 |
Investment in own shares |
(112) |
(552) |
(139) |
Retained earnings |
163,768 |
170,941 |
165,201 |
Total equity |
9 |
172,649 |
179,872 |
173,942 |
The comparative figures for 2007 and 2008 have been restated for the prior year adjustment to the deferred tax liability on industrial buildings allowances (see note 5 (c)).
The comparative figures for 2007 have been restated for the prior year adjustment to the deferred tax liability on rolled over gains.
Unaudited group cash flow statement
For the 26 weeks ended 27 September 2008
26 weeks |
26 weeks |
52 weeks |
to 27 Sept 08 |
to 29 Sept 07 |
to 29 March 08 |
Note |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
Operating activities |
Cash generated from operations |
8 |
12,593 |
16,739 |
26,628 |
Exceptional VAT on disposal of sites |
(10,281) |
1,794 |
10,281 |
Interest received |
219 |
82 |
1,026 |
Tax rebates received |
2,692 |
- |
- |
Net cash flow from operating activities |
5,223 |
18,615 |
37,935 |
Investing activities |
Sale of brewery and Buckhold Road sites |
- |
10,250 |
69,000 |
Sales of other property, plant and equipment |
1,415 |
908 |
3,750 |
Purchases of property, plant and equipment |
(18,515) |
(8,442) |
(37,734) |
Prepayments of operating lease premiums |
- |
- |
(321) |
Restructuring costs |
- |
(3,603) |
(4,998) |
Net cash (used in)/generated from investing activities |
(17,100) |
(887) |
29,697 |
Financing activities |
Interest paid |
(1,212) |
(3,096) |
(5,992) |
Premium on redemption of debenture |
- |
(6,827) |
(6,817) |
Equity dividends paid |
(3,122) |
(2,269) |
(5,147) |
Proceeds from exercise of share options in the employee benefit trust |
88 |
1,425 |
1,838 |
Increase/(decrease) in borrowings |
17,900 |
(8,658) |
(52,158) |
Increase/(decrease) in finance leases |
5 |
(5) |
(6) |
Net cash generated from/(used in) financing activities |
13,659 |
(19,430) |
(68,282) |
Increase/(decrease) in cash |
1,782 |
(1,702) |
(650) |
Cash at the beginning of the period |
349 |
999 |
999 |
Cash at the period end |
2,131 |
(703) |
349 |
Unaudited group statement of recognised income and expense
For the 26 weeks ended 27 September 2008
26 weeks |
26 weeks |
52 weeks |
to 27 Sept 08 |
to 29 Sept 07 |
to 29 March 08 |
Note |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
Income/(expense) recognised directly in equity |
Actuarial (loss)/gain on retirement benefit schemes |
(7,294) |
3,968 |
(8,728) |
Hedging reserve: fair value movement of interest rate swap |
157 |
150 |
(690) |
Associate's actuarial gain/(loss) (net of deferred tax) on retirement benefit schemes* |
816 |
1,232 |
(568) |
Associate's fair value movement (net of deferred tax) of interest rate swap |
99 |
- |
(59) |
Tax on items recognised directly in equity |
5 |
2,289 |
(967) |
3,005 |
(3,933) |
4,383 |
(7,040) |
Profit for the period |
5,668 |
1,624 |
9,578 |
Total recognised income and expense for the period |
1,735 |
6,007 |
2,538 |
*The £816,000 current period actuarial gain includes an amount of £1,267,000 which adjusts an immaterial prior period item.
1 Accounts
This interim report was approved by the directors on 19 November 2008. The interim financial statements in it are unaudited, and are not the group's statutory accounts. They have been prepared in accordance with the IFRS accounting policies endorsed by the European Union that management expects to apply in the 2009 full year financial statements. These accounting policies are consistent with the accounting policies set out in the group's audited accounts for the 52 weeks ended 29 March 2008.
Statutory accounts for the 52 weeks ended 29 March 2008 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain any reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying the report. Further, that report did not contain a statement under s. 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985 (accounting records or returns inadequate, accounts not agreeing with records and returns or failure to obtain necessary information and explanations).
This interim report has been prepared in accordance with the AIM Rules issued by the London Stock Exchange, and in accordance with pronouncements on interim reporting issued by the Accounting Standards Board. As permitted, the interim report has not been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting', which is not mandatory for AIM listed groups.
2 Discontinued operation
The group's brewing, beer brands and wholesale operations have been treated as a discontinued operation in the prior periods, following the disposal of the Ram Brewery site and the merger, in 2006, of its brewing, beer brands and wholesale operations with those of Charles Wells Limited to form a new brewing business, Wells and Young's Brewing Company Limited, of which the company has a 40% share.
The table below shows the results of the discontinued operation included in the income statement of the group:
Restated |
26 weeks |
26 weeks |
52 weeks |
to 27 Sept 08 |
to 29 Sept 07 |
to 29 March 08 |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
Loss before tax |
Non-operating exceptional items-restructuring costs |
- |
(212) |
(579) |
Taxation |
- |
(2,174) |
3,684 |
(Loss)/profit from discontinued operation |
- |
(2,386) |
3,105 |
3 Segmentation
26 weeks |
26 weeks |
52 weeks |
to 27 Sept 08 |
to 29 Sept 07 |
to 29 March 08 |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
Segment revenue |
Managed estate |
58,754 |
56,001 |
106,630 |
Tenanted estate |
7,363 |
7,396 |
14,818 |
Unallocated |
158 |
488 |
676 |
Total |
66,275 |
63,885 |
122,124 |
Segment result |
Managed estate |
14,743 |
14,747 |
26,846 |
Tenanted estate |
2,953 |
2,997 |
5,975 |
Unallocated |
(4,138) |
(4,394) |
(10,245) |
Total |
13,558 |
13,350 |
22,576 |
Finance costs |
(2,017) |
(3,423) |
(5,820) |
Finance revenue |
219 |
329 |
563 |
Other finance income |
143 |
628 |
1,269 |
Adjusted profit before tax* |
11,903 |
10,884 |
18,588 |
*See note 10.
4 Exceptional items
26 weeks |
26 weeks |
52 weeks |
to 27 Sept 08 |
to 29 Sept 07 |
to 29 March 08 |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
(a) Operating exceptional items |
Profit/(loss) on sales of properties |
961 |
(4) |
1,295 |
Impairment of properties |
(1,461) |
(221) |
(1,378) |
Capital gains tax on ESOP allocated shares |
(10) |
(8) |
811 |
(510) |
(233) |
728 |
(b) Associate operating exceptional items |
Brand impairment |
- |
- |
(2,920) |
Reorganisation costs |
(264) |
(852) |
(912) |
(264) |
(852) |
(3,832) |
5 Taxation
26 weeks |
26 weeks |
52 weeks |
to 27 Sept 08 |
to 29 Sept 07 |
to 29 March 08 |
Corporation tax rate |
28% |
30% |
30% |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
(a) Tax (charge)/credit on profit on ordinary activities |
Tax charged in the income statement |
(i) Continuing operations |
Current tax |
Group excluding associate |
(2,982) |
(837) |
(1,955) |
Deferred tax |
Origination and reversal of temporary differences |
(294) |
(389) |
(2,499) |
Adjustment on phasing out of industrial buildings allowances (see note (c) below) |
(472) |
- |
- |
Adjustment in deferred tax rate from 30% to 28% |
- |
902 |
897 |
Adjustment in respect of prior periods |
18 |
- |
(772) |
Total deferred tax |
(748) |
513 |
(2,374) |
Tax charge in the income statement on continuing operations |
(3,730) |
(324) |
(4,329) |
(ii) Discontinued operation |
Current tax |
Current tax |
- |
64 |
29 |
Adjustment in respect of prior periods |
- |
- |
4,864 |
Total current tax |
- |
64 |
4,893 |
Deferred tax |
Adjustment in deferred tax rate from 30% to 28% |
- |
- |
1,029 |
Adjustment in respect of prior periods |
- |
(2,238) |
(2,238) |
Total deferred tax |
- |
(2,238) |
(1,209) |
Tax (charge)/credit in the income statement on discontinued operation |
- |
(2,174) |
3,684 |
Tax charge in the income statement |
(3,730) |
(2,498) |
(645) |
Tax relating to items charged or credited to equity |
Current tax movement on share based payments |
69 |
1,379 |
1,731 |
Deferred tax |
Retirement benefit schemes |
2,042 |
(1,190) |
2,618 |
Property revaluation - movement due to indexation |
289 |
202 |
422 |
Interest rate swaps |
(44) |
(45) |
207 |
Movement on share based payments |
(67) |
(1,517) |
(2,134) |
Adjustment in deferred tax rate from 30% to 28% |
- |
204 |
161 |
Total deferred tax |
2,220 |
(2,346) |
1,274 |
Tax credit/(charge) in the statement of recognised income and expense |
2,289 |
(967) |
3,005 |
(b) Deferred tax in the income statement |
Continuing operations |
Capital allowances |
(429) |
118 |
(935) |
Other tax provisions |
(157) |
(48) |
(728) |
Retirement benefit schemes |
60 |
(333) |
(667) |
Rolled over gains on continuing activities |
(222) |
(1,574) |
(2,506) |
Fair value of associate |
- |
112 |
224 |
Rolled over gains on discontinued operation |
- |
- |
1,029 |
Total deferred tax in the income statement |
(748) |
(1,725) |
(3,583) |
(c) Abolition of industrial buildings allowances
The income statement has been charged with £472,000 in the current period to reflect the phasing out of industrial buildings allowances over three years from 1 April 2008. Additionally, the deferred tax liability for industrial buildings allowances for the prior periods has been reduced by £1,514,000 to reflect more accurately the manner of recovery of the relevant assets.
(d) Associate's tax
The share of the associate's tax in the income statement for the current period includes an IFRS adjustment charge of £1,279,000 in relation to the phasing out of industrial buildings allowances over three years from 1 April 2008.
6 Earnings per 12.5p ordinary share
Restated |
26 weeks |
26 weeks |
52 weeks |
to 27 Sept 08 |
to 29 Sept 07 |
to 29 March 08 |
(a) Earnings |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
Profit from continuing operations |
5,668 |
4,010 |
6,473 |
(Loss)/profit from discontinued operation |
- |
(2,386) |
3,105 |
Profit attributable to equity holders of the parent |
5,668 |
1,624 |
9,578 |
Profit from continuing operations |
5,668 |
4,010 |
6,473 |
Operating exceptional items |
510 |
233 |
(728) |
Associate exceptional items |
264 |
852 |
3,832 |
Premium on redemption of debenture |
- |
6,827 |
6,817 |
Discount of site proceeds |
- |
(1,480) |
(2,161) |
Tax attributable to above adjustments |
149 |
(2,303) |
(1,787) |
Tax adjustments on phasing out of industrial buildings allowances: |
- group |
472 |
- |
- |
- associate |
1,279 |
- |
- |
Adjusted earnings after tax from continuing operations* |
8,342 |
8,139 |
12,446 |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue |
47,913,594 |
46,865,368 |
47,365,212 |
Add: the notional exercise of the weighted average number of ordinary share options outstanding during the period |
85,687 |
359,396 |
161,029 |
Diluted weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue |
47,999,281 |
47,224,764 |
47,526,241 |
(b) Basic earnings per share |
Pence |
Pence |
Pence |
Basic from continuing operations |
11.83 |
8.56 |
13.67 |
Effect of exceptional items and other adjustments listed above |
5.58 |
8.81 |
12.61 |
Adjusted from continuing operations* |
17.41 |
17.37 |
26.28 |
Basic from continuing operations |
11.83 |
8.56 |
13.67 |
Basic from discontinued operation |
- |
(5.09) |
6.55 |
Basic |
11.83 |
3.47 |
20.22 |
(c) Diluted earnings per share |
Diluted from continuing operations |
11.81 |
8.49 |
13.62 |
Effect of exceptional items and other adjustments listed above |
5.57 |
8.74 |
12.57 |
Adjusted diluted from continuing operations* |
17.38 |
17.23 |
26.19 |
Diluted from continuing operations |
11.81 |
8.49 |
13.62 |
Diluted from discontinued operation |
- |
(5.05) |
6.53 |
Diluted |
11.81 |
3.44 |
20.15 |
The comparative figures for 2007 have been restated for the effect of the four for one share split referred to at the foot of the unaudited group income statement and the prior year adjustment to the deferred tax charge on rolled over gains.
The weighted average number of shares in issue takes into account the group's investment in its own shares.
Adjusted earnings per share* and adjusted diluted earnings per share* are presented to eliminate the effect of the exceptional items on basic and diluted earnings per share.
*See note 10.
7 Ordinary dividends on equity shares
Restated |
26 weeks |
26 weeks |
52 weeks |
to 27 Sept 08 |
to 29 Sept 07 |
to 29 March 08 |
Pence |
Pence |
Pence |
Final dividend |
6.50 |
4.84 |
4.84 |
Interim dividend |
- |
- |
6.00 |
6.50 |
4.84 |
10.84 |
The comparative figures for 2007 have been restated for the effect of the four for one share split referred to at the foot of the unaudited group income statement.
8 Net cash generated from operations
26 weeks |
26 weeks |
52 weeks |
to 27 Sept 08 |
to 29 Sept 07 |
to 29 March 08 |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
Profit before tax on continuing operations |
9,398 |
4,334 |
10,802 |
Net finance costs |
1,798 |
3,094 |
5,257 |
Premium paid on redemption of debenture |
- |
6,827 |
6,817 |
Discount of site proceeds |
- |
(1,480) |
(2,161) |
Other finance income |
(143) |
(628) |
(1,269) |
Share of post tax results of associate |
627 |
(240) |
2,140 |
Operating profit on continuing operations |
11,680 |
11,907 |
21,586 |
Depreciation |
3,980 |
3,472 |
7,120 |
Impairment of property |
1,461 |
221 |
1,378 |
Profit on sales of properties |
(961) |
4 |
(1,295) |
Difference between pension service cost and cash contributions paid |
353 |
(628) |
(1,283) |
Allocation of shares to employees |
6 |
786 |
749 |
Provision for capital gains tax on ESOP allocated shares |
10 |
8 |
(811) |
Movements in working capital |
Inventories |
(112) |
(39) |
(99) |
Receivables |
(556) |
(1,356) |
(1,661) |
Payables |
(3,268) |
2,364 |
944 |
Net cash generated from operations |
12,593 |
16,739 |
26,628 |
9 Reconciliation of changes in equity
Restated |
Restated |
26 weeks |
26 weeks |
52 weeks |
to 27 Sept 08 |
to 29 Sept 07 |
to 29 March 08 |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
Opening equity as previously stated |
173,942 |
169,133 |
172,409 |
Prior year adjustments to deferred tax liabilities on: |
- industrial buildings allowances (see note 5 (c)) |
- |
1,514 |
1,514 |
- rolled over gains |
- |
3,276 |
- |
Opening equity as restated |
173,942 |
173,923 |
173,923 |
Total recognised income and expense for the period |
1,735 |
6,007 |
2,538 |
Dividends paid on equity shares |
(3,122) |
(2,269) |
(5,147) |
Share-based payments by associate |
- |
- |
41 |
Allocation of shares to employees |
94 |
2,211 |
2,587 |
Closing equity |
172,649 |
179,872 |
173,942 |
10 Adjusted items
Throughout this document, reference to an 'adjusted' item means that it has been adjusted to take account of exceptional items and other non-recurring items such as the premium paid on redemption of debenture, the discount of site proceeds and the tax adjustment on phasing out of industrial buildings allowances.
The table below shows how adjusted profit before tax has been arrived at. This alternative performance measure has been provided as the Board believes that it gives a useful additional indication of underlying performance.
26 weeks |
26 weeks |
52 weeks |
to 27 Sept 08 |
to 29 Sept 07 |
to 29 March 08 |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
Profit before tax |
9,398 |
4,334 |
10,802 |
Exceptional items - group |
510 |
233 |
(728) |
Exceptional items - associate |
264 |
852 |
3,832 |
Premium on redemption of debenture |
- |
6,827 |
6,817 |
Discount on site proceeds |
- |
(1,480) |
(2,161) |
Share of associate's tax expense |
1,731 |
118 |
26 |
Adjusted profit before tax |
11,903 |
10,884 |
18,588 |