[Incorporated in the Republic of Zambia]
Company registration number: 119540000771
Share Code: ZCCM-IH
ISIN: ZM0000000037
["ZCCM-IH" or the "Company"]
In accordance with Section 3.59 of the Lusaka Securities Exchange Listings Requirements, ZCCM Investments Holding Plc (ZCCM-IH) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Eric Suwilanji Silwamba, SC as Board Chairman of the Company effective 6 March 2018.
Mr Silwamba is the Principal Partner at Messrs Eric Silwamba, Jalasi and Linyama Legal Practitioners. He holds a Bachelor of Laws Degree with Merit (LL.B) from the University of Zambia. Mr Silwamba is an Advocate of the High Court of Zambia enjoying the rank and dignity of State Counsel. He has over 30 years' extensive experience in both private and public practice. Mr Silwamba was elected Member of Parliament for Ndola Central Parliamentary Constituency in October 1991 and was re-elected in 1996 and 2001. He served in very senior positions in government including as former Deputy Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, Deputy Minister (Special Duties) Office of the President, Minister of Presidential Affairs and Minister of Justice and Government Chief Whip. Mr. Silwamba has had the opportunity of handling some of the most complex and high-profile litigation in Zambia that relate to mining, commercial law, tax, administrative, criminal and constitutional law. He is also a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators of the United Kingdom and a qualified legal draftsperson.
By Order of the Board
Chabby Chabala
Company Secretary
Issued in Lusaka, Zambia on Thursday, 29th March 2018
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First Issued on Thursday, 29th March 2018