Result of EGM

Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Ld 29 June 2000 Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Limited Corporate Affairs Lusaka Telephone: 228822/229115/6 LUSAKA: TUESDAY 27 JUNE 2000 - A spokesman of Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Limited (ZCCM) announces that, at the Extraordinary General Meeting held last week, the Transformation of the Company from a Mining into an Investment Holding Company was approved and its name changed to ZCCM INVESTMENT HOLDING PLC, subject to the name registration formalities: As a consequence of the above: (i) Mr Musho Shandavu will head the new organisation as General Manager. Mr Shandavu has, for the past two years, been responsible for ZCCM post privatization monitoring. Mulungushi Investments Limited, former Managing Director of Reserved Minerals Corporation Limited and was until its privatization in 1998, for five years General Manager of Roan Air (now Zambian Airways). (ii) The Company has closed the Operations Centre at Mutondo House, Kitwe. In like manner, Corporate Head Office, Lusaka has been streamlined and downsized; (iii) The residue staff at the former Operations Centre, Kitwe and Corporate Head Office, Lusaka will have their services terminated on 30 June 2000. (iv) Post-privatisation work affecting suppliers, accounting and finance related issues and liaison with the Government will be handled under the framework of the ZCCM INVESTMENT HOLDING PLC; (v) The Board of Directors of ZCCM has been reconstituted and reduced from 12 to 8 Directors. Some of the Directors appointed to serve on the Board of Directors of ZCCM INVESTMENT HOLDING PLC are: - S L Shimukowa Chairman non-executive (from the Private Sector) - Secretary to the Treasury, Ministry of Finance & Economic Development - Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Mines & Minerals Development - Permanent Secretary Ministry of Energy and Water Development - Representative of the Mineworkers Union of Zambia - Deputy Governor - Operations Bank of Zambia - Mr Norman B Mbazima (from the Private Sector) ZCCM has interests in the following companies: 1 Cyrpus Amax Kansanshi Plc 20% 2 Roan Antelope Mining Corporation of Zambia Plc 15% 3 Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc 20% 4 Chibuluma Mines Plc 15% 5 NFC Africa Mining Plc 15% 6 Chambishi Metals Plc 10% 7 Mopani Copper Mines Plc 10% 8 Konkola Copper Mines Plc 20% In this role of an Investment Holding Company, ZCCM INVESTMENT HOLDING PLC will, among other things: (a)Monitor the agreements entered into by the newly privatized companies and ensure compliance. (b)Have and appoint one or two representatives on the Boards of Directors of the companies in which the investments are held. (c)Monitor these investments by attendance at Board meetings and tracking of financial and operational performance. (d)Receive returns on the investments in the form of dividends and other amounts arising from holding shares in these companies. (e)Liaise with prospective greenfield investors in the mining industry who will enter into agreements with the Government. In conclusion, the Spokesman further announced that the Company will be taking measures for an application through a Prelisting Statement to the Lusaka Stock Exchange to relist the Company from a mining into an investment holding company so as to comply with the Lusaka Stock Exchange regulations as well. The ZCCM INVESTMENT HOLDING PLC will not have more than 30 employees. Queries be routed through to: Company Secretary : Telephone No. 220540 Mukuba Pension House : Fax No: 220727 5309 Dedan Kimathi Road P O Box 30048 LUSAKA
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