Connected Transactions

Zhejiang Expressway Co 26 August 2003 The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited takes no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. (A joint stock limited company incorporated in the PRC with limited liability) CONNECTED TRANSACTIONSEstablishment of Development Co and Services Co Asset Transfers within the Group For the purposes of the Group Restructuring, the Group has entered into the following transactions with several connected persons of the Company: Investment in Development Co The Company has entered into the Development Co Investment Agreement on 20 May, 2003 with 11 individuals as nominees of 155 Key Employees of the Group (including 22 connected persons, and 133 independent third parties) for the establishment of Development Co in the PRC, by the Company investing in 51% of the equity interest and the 11 individuals investing in an aggregate of 49% of the equity interest in the registered share capital of Development Co. Investment in Services Co Development Co has entered into the Services Co Investment Agreement on 24 July, 2003 with one individual as nominee of 27 key employees of Services Co (including 4 connected persons and 23 independent third parties) for the establishment of Services Co in the PRC, by Development Co investing in 85% of the equity interest and the one individual investing in an aggregate of 15% of the equity interest in the registered share capital of Services Co. Asset Transfers within the Group Development Co has entered into several sale and purchase agreements on 30 May, 2003 with the Company, Jiaxing Co and Shangsan Co respectively, to acquire the assets and liabilities in respect of the Service Areas and the Advertising Co Interest (as the case may be), for a total consideration of Rmb87,793,928. Services Co has entered into a sale and purchase agreement on 26 August, 2003 with the Company and Shangsan Co respectively to acquire the assets and liabilities in respect of the Vehicle Services Business, for a total consideration of Rmb3,321,000. Connected transactions Each of the above transactions constitutes a connected transaction for the Company under the Listing Rules. Since the aggregate consideration in respect of the above connected transactions represents less than 3% of the book value of the net tangible assets of the Company as disclosed in its latest published accounts, while no shareholders' approval is required under the Listing Rules, relevant details of the transactions are required to be disclosed by way of press announcement and in the Company's next published annual report. The Directors admitted that the Company has breached rule 14.25(1) of the Listing Rules by not making timely disclosure of the Investment in Development Co, the Investment in Services Co and the asset transfers to Development Co as mentioned in paragraph (A) of this announcement at the time when they were entered into. However, such failure to disclose is purely due to inadvertence of the Company. The Stock Exchange reserves its right to take any action against the Company and /or the Directors in this regard. INTRODUCTION The Directors announce that the Group has entered into 4 categories of transactions with several connected persons of the Company, involving (i) the Company's Investment in Development Co; (ii) Development Co's Investment in Services Co; (iii) transfer of assets relating to the Services Areas and the Advertising Co Interest from the Company and its subsidiaries, Jiaxing Co and Shangsan Co (as the case may be), to Development Co; and (iv) transfer of assets relating to the Vehicle Services Business from the Company and Shangsan Co to Services Co, for the purposes of better development of these Ancillary Businesses of the Group and streamlining of the Group structure. The ownership structure of the Company, Advertising Co, Shangsan Co, Jiaxing Co, Development Co and Services Co and of the assets involved in the Asset Transfers before and after the Group Restructuring are as follow: Before completion After completion INVESTMENT IN DEVELOPMENT CO The Development Co Investment Agreement has been entered on 20 May, 2003 between the following parties to establish Development Co, for the purposes of the operation of the Ancillary Businesses of the Group involving billboard advertising and the Service Areas along the Expressways and through its subsidiary, Services Co, the Vehicle Services Business, by each party investing in the equity interest in the registered share capital of Development Co: (1) the Company; and (2) 11 individuals acting as nominees on behalf of the 155 Key Employees of the Group. Amongst the 155 Key Employees are: (i) 22 Development Co Connected Persons composed of: (a) 17 Company's Key Management Personnel, each of whom is a director and/or a supervisor of the Company and/or its subsidiaries; and (b) 5 Development Co's Key Management Personnel, of whom three are directors of Development Co, and two are supervisors of Development Co; and (ii) 133 independent third parties, who are not connected with the directors, promoters, supervisors, chief executive or substantial shareholders of the Company or its subsidiaries or any of their respective associates ('Development Co Independent Third Parties'). Amongst the 17 Company's Key Management Personnel, six persons are also directors of Development Co and one is a supervisor of Development Co. Details of the amount of investment in Development Co, and the percentage of the equity interest in the registered share capital in Development Co owned, by each party are as follow: Party Amount of investment % of the equity interest in the registered share capital of Development Co the Company Rmb40,800,000 (approximately 51.000% HK$38,490,566) Company's Key Management Rmb14,260,000 (approximately 17.825% in aggregate Personnel HK$13,452,830) in aggregate Development Co's Key Management Rmb2,500,000 (approximately 3.125% in aggregate Personnel HK$2,358,490) in aggregate Development Co Independent Third Rmb22,440,000 (approximately 28.050% in aggregate Parties HK$21,169,811) in aggregate Total Rmb80,000,000 (approximately 100.000% HK$75,471,698) The investment amounts had been paid in cash by all parties on or before 27 May, 2003 and Development Co was established in the PRC as a subsidiary of the Company on 28 May, 2003. The investment amount paid by the Company was funded by the internal resources of the Company. Development Co is principally engaged in the business of billboard advertising and operation of the Services Areas along the 247.5km Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway and the 142km Shangshan Expressway in the Zhejiang Province owned by the Company and Shangsan Co respectively, and through its subsidiary, Services Co, the Vehicle Services Business. The board of directors of Development Co is composed of 9 members who are elected by the shareholders of Development Co. The chairman of the board is elected by the board of directors of Development Co. INVESTMENT IN SERVICES CO The Services Co Investment Agreement has been entered on 24 July, 2003 between the following parties to establish Services Co, for the purposes of the operation of the Vehicle Services Business of provision of towing and repair of vehicles and emergency rescue services to users of the Expressways, by each party investing in the equity interest in the registered share capital of Services Co: (1) Development Co; and (2) one individual acting as nominee on behalf of 27 key employees of Services Co, amongst them are: (i) 4 Services Co Connected Persons, who are directors of Services Co (one of the 4 directors is also a director of Shangsan Co and Development Co); and (ii) 23 independent third parties, who are not connected with the directors, promoters, supervisors, chief executive or substantial shareholders of the Company or its subsidiaries or any of their respective associates ('Services Co Independent Third Parties'). Details of the amount of investment in Services Co, and the percentage of the equity interest in the registered share capital in Services Co owned, by each party are as follow: Party Amount of investment % of the equity interest in the registered share capital of Services Co Development Co Rmb6,800,000 (approximately HK$6,415,094) 85.00% Services Co Connected Persons Rmb300,000 (approximately HK$283,019) in 3.75% in aggregate aggregate Services Co Independent Third Rmb900,000 (approximately HK$849,056) in 11.25% in aggregate Parties aggregate Total Rmb8,000,000 (approximately HK$7,547,170) 100.00% The investment amounts had been paid in cash by all parties on or before 28 July, 2003 and Services Co was established in the PRC on 31 July, 2003. The investment amount paid by Development Co was funded by the internal resources of Development Co. Services Co is principally engaged in the business of provision of towing and repair of vehicles and emergency rescue services to users of the Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway and the Shangsan Expressway owned by the Group. Services Co is a subsidiary of Development Co which in turn is a subsidiary of the Company. ASSET TRANSFERS WITHIN THE GROUP (A) Asset Transfers to Development Co 1. from the Company (1) The Company has entered into the First Company Agreement on 30 May, 2003 with Development Co whereby Development Co agreed to acquire from the Company its wholly-owned assets (which are mainly buildings, equipments, land use rights and human resources) and liabilities in respect of the Sanjiang Service Area and the Yaojiang Service Area, for an aggregate consideration of Rmb16,585,487 (approximately HK$15,646,686). The consideration will be satisfied in full by cash payments of Rmb10,000,000 (approximately HK$9,433,962) on 12 June, 2003 and of Rmb6,585,487 (approximately HK$6,212,724) at completion in October, 2003. The net asset values of the Sanjiang Service Area and Yaojiang Service Area, based on the consolidated audited financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 December, 2002, are Rmb12,224,985 (approximately HK$11,533,005) and Rmb4,268,179 (approximately HK$4,026,584) respectively. The Sanjiang and Yaojiang Service Areas are located along the 145km Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway owned by the Company. (2) The Company has also entered into the Second Company Agreement on 30 May, 2003 with Development Co whereby Development Co agreed to acquire from the Company the Advertising Co Interest, which is a 70% equity interest in the registered share capital in Advertising Co, for a consideration of Rmb10,446,878 (approximately HK$9,855,545). The consideration will be satisfied in full by cash payments of Rmb6,000,000 (approximately HK$5,660,377) on 12 June, 2003 and Rmb4,446,878 (approximately HK$4,195,168) at completion in October, 2003. The net asset value of the Advertising Co Interest, based on the consolidated audited financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 December, 2002, is Rmb10,682,043 (approximately HK$10,077,399). Advertising Co was a 70% owned subsidiary of the Company in the PRC before the Group Restructuring and is principally engaged in the business of billboard advertising along the Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway and the Shangsan Expressway owned by the Group. 2. from Jiaxing Co Jiaxing Co, a non-wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, has entered into the Jiaxing Agreement on 30 May, 2003 with Development Co whereby Development Co agreed to acquire from Jiaxing Co its wholly-owned assets (which are mainly buildings, equipments, land use rights and human resources) and liabilities in respect of the Jiaxing Service Area, for a consideration of Rmb21,367,810 (approximately HK$20,158,311). The consideration will be satisfied in full by cash payments of Rmb12,800,000 (approximately HK$12,075,472) on 12 June, 2003 and of Rmb8,567,810 (approximately HK$8,082,840) at completion in October, 2003. The net asset value of the Jiaxing Service Area, based on the consolidated audited financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 December, 2002, is Rmb21,680,706 (approximately HK$20,453,496). The Jiaxing Service Area is located along the 88.1km Jiaxing section of the Shanghai-Hanzhou-Ningbo Expressway owned by Jiaxing Co. 3. from Shangsan Co Shangsan Co, a non wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, has entered into the Shangsan Agreement on 30 May, 2003 with Development Co whereby Development Co agreed to acquire from Shangsan Co its wholly-owned assets (including buildings, equipments, land use rights and human resources) and liabilities in respect of the Tiantai Service Area, the Xinchang Service Area and the Sanjie Service Area respectively, for an aggregate consideration of Rmb39,393,754 (approximately HK$37,163,919). The consideration will be satisfied in full by cash payments of Rmb23,600,000 (approximately HK$22,264,151) on 12 June, 2003 and Rmb15,793,754 (approximately HK$14,899,768) at completion in October, 2003. The net asset values of the Tiantai Service Area, Xinchang Service Area and Sanjie Service Area, based on the consolidated audited financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 December, 2002, are Rmb13,641,135 (approximately HK$12,868,955), Rmb9,089,998 (approximately HK$8,575,470) and Rmb17,894,269 (approximately HK$16,881,386) respectively. The Tiantai Service Area, Xinchang Service Area and Sanjie Service Area are located in Tiantai, Xinchang and Sanjie respectively along the Shangsan Expressway owned by Shangsan Co. Consideration The aggregate consideration payable by Development Co to the Company, Jiaxing Co and Shangsan Co is Rmb87,793,929 (approximately HK$82,824,461), and each consideration is determined after arm's length negotiations between the parties and with reference to the market values or replacement costs of the related assets totalling Rmb87,793,929 (approximately HK$82,824,461) based on the valuation performed by independent valuers in the PRC, Zhejiang Qinxin Asset Valuation Co., Ltd, as at 31 December, 2002. The consideration will be funded by the internal resources of Development Co and borrowings from domestic commercial banks of Rmb80,000,000 (approximately HK$75,471,698) and Rmb14,593,929 (approximately HK$13,767,858) respectively. Use of Proceeds The net proceeds of sale received by the Company, Jiaxing Co and Shangsan Co are Rmb27,032,365 (approximately HK$25,502,231), Rmb21,367,810 (approximately HK$20,158,311) and Rmb39,393,754 (approximately HK$37,163,919) respectively and will be used by the respective company to pay for expenses for the maintenance of the Expressways. Since the proceeds are not immediately required, they are placed by the respective company on short-term deposit with banks in the PRC. (B) Asset Transfers to Services Co 1. from the Company The Company has entered into the First Services Co Agreement on 26 August, 2003 with Services Co whereby Services Co has agreed to acquire from the Company its wholly-owned assets (which are mainly towing vehicles and human resources) and liabilities in respect of the Company's Vehicle Services Business, for a consideration of Rmb2,096,000 (approximately HK$1,977,358). The Company's Vehicle Services Business is the business of provision of towing and repair of vehicles and emergency rescue services to users of the Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway owned by the Company. 2. from Shangsan Co Shangsan Co has entered into the Second Services Co Agreement on 26 August, 2003 with Services Co whereby Services Co has agreed to acquire from Shangsan Co its wholly-owned assets (which are mainly towing vehicles and human resources) and liabilities in respect of the Shangsan's Vehicle Services Business, for a consideration of Rmb1,225,000 (approximately HK$1,155,660). The Shangsan's Vehicle Services Business is the business of provision of towing and repair of vehicles and emergency rescue services to users of the Shangsan Expressway owned by Shangsan Co. The aggregate net asset values of the Company's Vehicle Repair Business and the Shangsan's Vehicle Repair Business, based on the consolidated audited financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 December, 2002, is Rmb5,784,091 (approximately HK$5,456,690). Consideration The aggregate consideration payable by Services Co to the Company and Shangsan Co is Rmb3,321,000 (approximately HK$3,133,019), and each consideration is determined after arm's length negotiations between the parties and with reference to the replacement costs of the related assets totalling Rmb3,321,000 (approximately HK$3,133,019) based on the valuation performed by independent valuers in the PRC, Zhejiang Qinxin Asset Valuation Co., Ltd, as at 30 June, 2003. The consideration will be funded by the internal resources of Services Co. Use of Proceeds The net proceeds of sale received by the Company and Shangsan Co from Services Co are Rmb2,096,000 (approximately HK$1,977,358) and Rmb1,225,000 (approximately HK$1,155,660) respectively and will be used by the respective company to pay for expenses for the maintenance of the Expressways. Since the proceeds are not immediately required, they are placed by the respective company on short-term deposit with banks in the PRC. Condition Precedent There is no condition precedent for each of the Asset Transfers. The Asset Transfer Agreements took effect upon the signing of the Agreements. The closing of the Asset Transfers will be taken place in October, 2003. Net profit/loss of the assets transferred The net profit or loss before and after tax and extraordinary terms attributable to the assets transferred based on the consolidated audited financial statements of the Company, for the two financial years ended 31 December, 2001 and 31 December 2002, are as follow: Audited (based on HK GAAP) Year ended 31 Year ended 31 December, 2001 December, 2002 (RMB'000) (RMB'000) Sanjiang and Yaojiang Service Areas Net profit/(loss) - before tax and extraordinary items 259 2,232 - after tax and extraordinary items 76 1,439 Jiaxing Service Area Net profit/(loss) - before tax and extraordinary items 4,718 6,021 - after tax and extraordinary items 3,161 4,034 Sanjie, Xinchang and Tiantai Service Areas Net profit/(loss) - before tax and extraordinary items (511) 6,007 - after tax and extraordinary items (511) 4,025 Advertising Co Interest Net profit/(loss) - before tax and extraordinary items 11,084 11,930 - after tax and extraordinary items 7,261 7,768 Company's Vehicle Services Business Net profit/(loss) - before tax and extraordinary items (775) (1,524) - after tax and extraordinary items (775) (1,524) Shangsan's Vehicle Services Business Net profit/(loss) - before tax and extraordinary items (620) (1,116) - after tax and extraordinary items (620) (1,116) REASONS FOR THE GROUP RESTRUCTURING The Company was incorporated on 1 March, 1997 in the PRC and is a joint stock limited company with a registered share capital of Rmb4,343,114,500 (approximately HK$4,097,277,830) at present. The main business of the Group is the investment in, development, operation and management of, and collection of tolls on the Expressways. The Group is also engaged in businesses ancillary and relating to the operation of the Expressways, such as billboard advertising, operation of the Service Areas, towing and repair of vehicles, and emergency rescue on the Expressways. The turnover of the Group has grown rapidly with a compound annual growth rate of 34.9% for the last five years, with the turnover from the Ancillary Businesses only less than 5%. The Directors believe that the Ancillary Businesses can be best developed by the establishment of Development Co with its subsidiary, Services Co, which shall have a focus on the development of such businesses. Moreover, the Group will receive an aggregate sum of Rmb91,114,929 (approximately HK$85,957,480) from Development Co and Services Co as net proceeds of sale pursuant to the Asset Transfers. Such amount will be utilised for the maintenance of the Expressways. The Directors are of the view that the Group can be benefited as a result of the improved conditions of the Expressways and increased economic returns of the Expressways. The Directors also expect that the Group structure following the Group Restructuring can be streamlined, so that the management and operation of the Ancillary Businesses can become more specialised and efficient. However, the Group Restructuring will not lead to any change in the business model of the Group and will not have any significant impact on the earnings, assets and liabilities of the Group. The Directors, including the independent non-executive directors, consider that each of the Investment in Development Co, the Investment in Services Co and the Asset Transfers and the related Development Co Investment Agreement, the Services Co Investment Agreement and the Asset Transfer Agreements are on normal commercial terms and that such terms are fair and reasonable to the Group and is in the best interest of the Company and its shareholders as a whole. CONNECTED TRANSACTIONS According to rule 1.01 of the Listing Rules, a 'connected person' of a listed issuer is defined to include a director or a supervisor of a listed issuer and any of its subsidiaries. The 22 Development Co Connected Persons and 4 Services Co Connected Persons are 'connected persons' of the Company as each of them is a director and/or a supervisor of the Company and/or its subsidiaries. Accordingly, the Investment in Development Co, the Investment in Services Co and the Asset Transfers each constitutes a connected transaction for the Company under the Listing Rules. Since the aggregate consideration involved in the above connected transactions represents less than 3% of the book value of the net tangible assets of the Company as disclosed in its latest published accounts, while no shareholders' approval is required under the Listing Rules, relevant details of the transactions are required to be disclosed by way of press announcement and in the Company's next published annual report under rule 14.25 of the Listing Rules. The Directors admitted that the Company has breached the Listing Rules by not making timely disclosure of the Investment in Development Co, the Investment in Services Co and the asset transfers to Development Co as mentioned in paragraph (A) of this announcement at the time when they were entered into. However, such failure to disclose is purely due to inadvertence of the Company. The Stock Exchange reserves its right to take any action against the Company and/or the Directors in this regard. Definitions 'Advertising Co' Zhejiang Expressway Advertising Co., Ltd., a 70% owned subsidiary of the Company in the PRC before the Group Restructuring 'Advertising Co Interest' a 70% equity interest in the registered share capital of Advertising Co, which has been acquired by Development Co from the Company pursuant to the Second Company Agreement 'Ancillary Businesses' ancillary businesses of the Group involving billboard advertising, operation of the Service Areas and the Vehicle Services Business on the Expressways 'Asset Transfer Agreements' the First Company Agreement, the Second Company Agreement, the Jiaxing Agreement, the Shangsan Agreement, the First Services Co Agreement and the Second Services Co Agreement 'Asset Transfers' the transfers of assets under the Asset Transfer Agreements 'Company' Zhejiang Expressway Co., Ltd. 17 key management personnel of the Company and/or its 'Company's Key Management Personnel' subsidiaries, namely, Geng Xiaoping, Fang Yunti, Zhang Jingzhong, Xuan Daoguang, Jiang Wenyao, Huang Qiuxia, Pan Jiaxiang, Wu Junyi, Fang Zhexing, Zhan Huagang, Gong Zuxian, Ni Ciyun, Pan Santao, He Weiyang, Yang Yingzhi, Wang Yubing and Zhang Pubiao, who own in aggregate 17.825% of the equity interest in the registered share capital of Development Co the Vehicle Services Business operating on the 'Company's Vehicle Services Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ninbgo Expressway which has been acquired by Business' Services Co pursuant to the First Services Co Agreement 'Development Co' Zhejiang Expressway Investment Development Co., Ltd., a limited liability company established in the PRC on 28 May, 2003 the Company's Key Management Personnel and the Development Co's 'Development Co Connected Persons' Key Management Personnel, collectively, who are connected persons of the Company under the Listing Rules 3 directors of Development Co, namely, Ma Boliang, Lu Youfa and 'Development Co's Key Management Hu Ronggen, and 2 supervisors of Development Co, namely, Sun Personnel' Zhongfu and Zhou Jianrong, who in aggregate own 3.125% of the equity interest in the registered share capital of Development Co 'Development Co Investment Agreement' an investment agreement entered into by the Company and 11 individuals as nominees of the Key Employees on 20 May, 2003 regarding the investment in and establishment of Development Co 'Directors' directors of the Company 'Expressways' the Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway and the Shangsan Expressway 'First Company Agreement' a sale and purchase agreement entered into by Development Co and the Company on 30 May, 2003 regarding the purchase of the Yaojiang and Sanjiang Service Areas by Development Co 'First Services Co Agreement' a sale and purchase agreement entered into by Services Co and the Company on 26 August, 2003 regarding the purchase of the Company's Vehicle Services Business by Services Co 'Group Restructuring' restructuring of the Group in relation to the Ancillary Businesses and involving the Investment in Development Co, the Investment in Services Co and the Asset Transfers 'Group' the Company and its subsidiaries 'Investment in Development Co' the investment by the Company in 51% of the equity interest in the registered share capital of Development Co pursuant to the Development Co Investment Agreement 'Investment in Services Co' the investment by Development Co in 85% of the equity interest in the registered share capital of Services Co pursuant to the Services Co Investment Agreement 'Jiaxing Agreement' a sale and purchase agreement entered into by Development Co and Jiaxing Co on 30 May, 2003 regarding the purchase of the Jiaxing Service Area by Development Co 'Jiaxing Co' Zhejiang Jiaxing Expressway Co., Ltd, a 99.993% owned subsidiary of the Company in the PRC 'Jiaxing Service Area' a Service Area located along the 88.1km Jiaxing section of the Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway owned by Jiaxing Co 'Key Employees' 155 Key Employees of the Group who are mainly managers and technical staff involved in the operation of the Ancillary Businesses, and who own in aggregate 49% of the equity interest in the registered share capital of Development Co 'Listing Rules' the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange 'Sanjiang Service Area' a Service Area located in Sanjiang along the 145km Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway owned by the Company 'Sanjie Service Area' a Service Area located in Sanjie along the Shangsan Expressway 'Second Company Agreement' a sale and purchase agreement entered into by Development Co and the Company on 30 May, 2003 regarding the purchase of the Advertising Co Interest by Development Co 'Second Services Co Agreement' a sale and purchase agreement entered into by Services Co and Shangsan Co on 26 August, 2003 regarding the purchase of the Shangsan's Vehicle Services Business by Development Co 'Service Areas' service areas along the Expressways which provides food catering, petrol filling, parking and vehicle repair services for users of the Expressways 'Services Co' Zhejiang Expressway Vehicle Towing and Rescue Services Co., Ltd., a 85% owned subsidiary of Development Co established in the PRC on 31 July, 2003 'Services Co Connected Persons' 4 directors of Services Co, namely, Gong Zuxian, Chen Jianye, Xu Jianmin and Xu Guangmei, who are connected persons for the purposes of the Listing Rules and who invest in an aggregate of 3.75% of the equity interest in the registered share capital of Services Co 'Services Co Investment Agreement' an investment agreement entered into by Development Co and an individual as nominee of 27 key employees of Services Co on 24 July, 2003 regarding the investment in and establishment of Services Co the 247.5km Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway in the Zhejiang 'Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo Province owned by the Group Expressway' 'Shangsan Agreement' a sale and purchase agreement entered into by Development Co and Shangsan Co on 30 May, 2003 regarding the purchase of the Tiantai Service Area, Xinchang Service Area and Sanjie Service Area by Development Co 'Shangsan Co' Zhejiang Shangsan Expressway Co., Ltd, a 73.625% owned subsidiary of the Company in the PRC 'Shangsan Expressway' the 142km Shangsan Expressway in Zhejiang Province owned by Shangsan Co the Vehicle Services Business operating on Shangsan Expressway 'Shangsan's Vehicle Services which has been acquired by Services Co pursuant to the Second Business' Services Co Agreement 'Stock Exchange' The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited 'Tiantai Service Area' a Service Area located in Tiantai along the Shangsan Expressway 'Vehicle Services Business' the business of provision of towing and repair of vehicles and emergency rescue services to users of the Expressways 'Xinchang Service Area' a Service Area located in Xinchang along the Shangsan Expressway 'Yaojiang Service Area' a Service Area located in Yaojiang along the 145km Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway owned by the Company 'Yuhang Co' Zhejiang Yuhang Expressway Co., Ltd., a 51% owned subsidiary of the Company By Order of the Board Zhang Jingzhong Company secretary Hangzhou, 26 August, 2003 In this announcement, the translation of Rmb into Hong Kong Dollars is based on the exchange rate of HK$1.00 to Rmb1.06. Such translations should not be construed as a representation that the amounts in question have been, could have been or could be converted at any particular rate or at all. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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