Final Results

Northgate PLC 04 July 2006 4 July 2006 NORTHGATE PLC PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 APRIL 2006 Northgate plc ('Northgate', the 'Company' or the 'Group'), the UK and Spain's leading specialist in light commercial vehicle hire, announces its preliminary results for the year ended 30 April 2006. • Revenue up 10% to £372.6m (2005 - £339.4m) • Profit before tax up 2% to £56.1m (2005 - £55.0m) • Underlying profit before tax* up 7% to £59.9m (2005 - £55.8m) • Adjusted earnings per share* increased by 6% to 65.7p (2005 - 62.1p) • Total dividend increased by 15% to 23.0p (2005 - 20.0p) • UK fleet increased by 22% to 64,000 vehicles (2005 - 52,600) including approximately 10,500 vehicles retained as a result of the acquisition of Arriva Vehicle Rental Limited • In Spain, Fualsa's fleet increased by 21% to 23,000 vehicles and following the investment in Record gave a total Spanish fleet of 47,000 vehicles *Stated before intangible amortisation of £1.2m (2005 - £0.8m) and exceptional restructuring costs of £2.6m (2005 - £nil) related to the reorganisation of Arriva Vehicle Rental Limited following its acquisition on 3 February 2006 Martin Ballinger, Chairman, commented: 'In the current financial year, in addition to the expected organic growth in the UK, we will see the full benefit of the Arriva Vehicle Rental acquisition. We will also see further development of our fleet management activities through Fleet Technique Limited. 'In Spain, along with good organic growth, we will have 100% ownership of Record for the full year and the benefit of further synergies from combining business activities. 'Consequently the Board remains confident of good progress in the year ahead and trading remains in line with its expectations.' Full statement and results attached. For further information, please contact: Northgate plc 01325 467558 Steve Smith, Chief Executive Gerard Murray, Finance Director Hogarth Partnership Limited 020 7357 9477 Andrew Jaques Barnaby Fry Anthony Arthur Notes to Editors: Northgate plc rents light commercial vehicles and sells a range of fleet products to businesses via a network of hire companies in the UK, Republic of Ireland and Spain. Their NORFLEX product gives businesses access to a flexible method to acquire as many commercial vehicles as they require. Further information regarding Northgate plc can be found on the Company's website: Chairman's Statement The year's performance was one of strong growth in Spain and a resilient delivery from the UK business. It was also the third and final year of Northgate's three-year Strategy for Growth Plan, which was set out in 2003. The Group has achieved compound earnings per share growth of 14% per annum over the three years, and in the process has developed a robust and geographically diverse business. This is particularly pleasing as it coincides with our 25th anniversary in the business of renting light commercial vehicles. A new three-year rolling strategy has been adopted which foresees the continuation of earnings growth through building on our market leading positions in the UK and Spain. Management began the implementation of this new strategy in January 2006. This is the first financial year that the Group has prepared its results under IFRS. The impact of IFRS on profit before tax for the year was immaterial. The main presentational change to the Group's financial results is that proceeds received from the disposal of used vehicles are no longer classified as revenue. This change in policy has had the effect of reducing Group revenue as previously reported under UK GAAP. Group revenue now comprises income derived from the hire of vehicles and the supply of related goods and services. The results for the year are set out below: • Group revenue increased by 10% to £372.6m (2005 - £339.4m) • Underlying profit before tax* for the year was £59.9m (2005 - £55.8m) • Adjusted earnings per share* increased by 3.6p to 65.7p (2005 - 62.1p) *Stated before intangible amortisation of £1.2m (2005 - £0.8m) and exceptional restructuring costs of £2.6m (2005 - £nil). Based on these results and the Board's view of future prospects, the Board has decided to recommend to shareholders a final dividend of 14p per share. This will produce a total dividend for the year of 23p - an increase of 15% over the prior year and is covered 2.7 times. The dividend will be payable on 29 September 2006 to those shareholders on the register on 1 September 2006. As previously reported, the UK market was impacted by lower residual values in the first half of the financial year. The second half has seen residual values recover, albeit not to the unusually high levels of the prior year. Continued development of retail and semi-retail channels for vehicle sales has contributed to this improvement in profitability. Whilst UK hire rates have remained competitive, we have experienced five months of relative stability since January 2006. The limited fleet growth due to market weakness experienced in the construction, retail and distribution sectors referred to in my Interim Statement has been largely overcome with the UK business achieving expected levels of growth in the six months to April 2006. Our new strategy included a plan to acquire Arriva Vehicle Rental Limited ('AVR'), a business with a rental fleet of over 11,000 vehicles in markets largely complementary to Northgate's UK business. The acquisition, which was funded in part by a placing to raise £63m, was completed in January 2006 and management have worked hard so that the integration of the business is now substantially complete. The growth of the UK network and the AVR acquisition have demonstrated that efficiency improvements are achievable through managing larger numbers of vehicles per business and Northgate's autonomous management structure is more cost-effective as a result. Further strategic restructuring in the UK along these lines is currently underway. During the year, the Group also acquired Fleet Technique Limited ('FTL'). An important element of Northgate's growth strategy, this business has given the Group the facility to manage operators' fleets regardless of how they choose to acquire their vehicles. In Spain, the growing vehicle rental market continues to justify Northgate's confidence in both its original investment in Fualsa and in its future strategy. In August 2005, the Group purchased 49% of Record Rent a Car SA ('Record') and completed the acquisition of the remaining 51% on 11 May 2006. I have been encouraged by the strategic approach of the executive team and the energy and enthusiasm that they display in the continued development of the Group. The commitment of the staff and management at all levels this year has been impressive. Your Board will ensure that the new strategy is professionally adopted throughout the Group with long-term benefits for all stakeholders. Current Trading and Outlook In the current financial year, in addition to the expected organic growth in the UK, we will see the full benefit of the AVR acquisition. We will also see further development of our fleet management activities through FTL. In Spain, along with good organic growth, we will have 100% ownership of Record for the full year, an expected improvement in Fualsa's operating performance and the benefit of further synergies from combining business activities. Consequently the Board remains confident of good progress in the year ahead and trading remains in line with the Board's expectations. Operational Review Strategy for Growth In July 2003 we announced our Strategic Plan for the three years to April 2006, the key targets of which were: • A fleet size of 60,000 in the UK and 18,000 in Spain; • A network of 100 locations in the UK and 20 in Spain; • 100% ownership of Fualsa; and • An established portfolio of non-rental products. In the year under review the acquisition of AVR has resulted in us exceeding the fleet size objective in the UK. In Spain, Fualsa exceeded their fleet target by 5,000 units and had a network of 17 locations at 30 April 2006. The final payment of €14.9m in respect of the consideration for the purchase of Fualsa was made to the vendors on 8 May 2006. The completion of the acquisition of Record on 11 May 2006 effectively doubled both the vehicle fleet and the depot network in Spain. We now have a number of ancillary products such as vehicle tracking and parts procurement available to customers and the acquisition of FTL on 23 January 2006 significantly extended our non-rental product range. Through the successful implementation of our strategy we were seeking to achieve double-digit earnings growth in each year of the plan. Over the three-year period the Company has achieved growth in earnings per share at an annualised compound rate of 14%. In January 2006 we announced, with our interim results, our new Strategy for Growth based on a three-year rolling business plan aimed at achieving continued double-digit growth in earnings per share. The acquisitions of AVR and FTL and the completion of the purchase of Record are very much in line with that Strategic Plan and give us a platform to continue to successfully grow our business. Review of Current Year United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland The first half of the financial year was one of the most difficult we have encountered with limited fleet growth, competitive pressures reducing hire rates and lower used vehicle residual values. The second half, as predicted at the time of our interim results, has seen more normal levels of fleet growth, stable hire rates since January 2006 and an improvement in residual values. Depot Network We currently operate from 88 locations, of which 35 are primary and 53 are branches. This represents an increase of 12 locations over the financial year, of which we acquired ten as a result of the purchase of AVR. Vehicle Fleet The historic pattern of fleet growth for the UK has been one of a stronger first half than second half of the financial year. This year has seen the opposite pattern with no growth in the first half of the year, followed by an organic increase in the fleet of 2% in the second half. As noted in the interim report in January, in the first six months the Group was affected by some weakness in demand from customers operating in the construction, retail and distribution sectors along with a major customer off-hiring a large number of vehicles. From September demand returned to more normal levels and was in line with our expectations for the remainder of the financial year. In addition, the acquisition of AVR added significantly to our fleet in February 2006, and we consequently ended the financial year with a fleet of 64,000 vehicles. Once integrated into our fleet it became impossible to distinguish between our existing fleet and the AVR fleet, particularly for common customers. As a consequence we cannot precisely split growth arising from the AVR acquisition and organic growth for the second half of the year but estimate that of the increase of 11,600 vehicles between 31 October and 30 April, 10,500 came from the acquisition, once non-utilised AVR vehicles were disposed of, and 1,100 from existing businesses. Utilisation and Hire Rates Utilisation again averaged 90% for the year (2005 - 90%). From the beginning of August 2005 we experienced strong competition resulting in declining hire rates. This continued until January 2006 and as a result hire rates reduced year on year by 2.5%. Since January we have not experienced the same level of aggressive activity and as a consequence hire rates have remained stable. Used Vehicle Sales We sold 23,000 vehicles (2005 - 17,700) during the year, the largest volume we have ever disposed of. In the first half we experienced a weaker market for used vehicle values, particularly in the long wheel base van sector. Since October 2005, we have seen an improvement in values as a result of the market improving, a significant reduction in our stock levels and the continued development of our semi-retail and retail channels. Under IFRS the profit for used vehicle disposals is no longer accounted for separately since depreciation is adjusted in order that vehicles are retired from the fleet at their anticipated market value less any direct costs incurred in their disposal. If this profit arising from the used vehicle disposals had been calculated on the same basis as last year, applying UK GAAP, the UK would have recorded an operating profit per vehicle of £83 (2005 - £205). We continue to seek to increase both the overall capacity of our used vehicle sales network and our ability to sell more vehicles through the semi-retail and retail channels. To that end we have opened new facilities at Newmains in Scotland, Colchester and Warrington during the year and now have nine outlets, of which six are devoted primarily to retail and semi-retail disposals. In the year under review 12% (2005 - 10%) of our disposals were to semi-retail or retail customers and we remain on target to achieve 15% through these channels in the medium term. Purchase of Fleet Technique Limited ('FTL') In line with the Group's Strategic Plan announced at the time of the interim results, the Group acquired the entire issued share capital of FTL for a consideration in cash of £5.7m, on 23 January 2006. FTL is a specialist fleet management business, based in the north east of England, serving customers across the UK. Third party fleets under management totalled some 15,000 vehicles, including both cars and commercials as at 30 April 2006. In addition, FTL has developed a leading software package for the industry and has a reputation for excellent service to its customers. In the three months of ownership FTL contributed £0.1m to the Group's profit from operations for the year. More importantly, FTL provides us with the platform to develop a significant fleet management business through offering customers a full range of flexible vehicle solutions whilst capitalising on our core skills of purchasing, maintaining and disposing of large volumes of vehicles. Purchase of Arriva Vehicle Rental Limited ('AVR') On 31 January 2006 we announced that we had entered into an agreement to acquire the entire issued share capital of AVR and that 6.05 million new Ordinary shares were being placed to partially fund payment of the consideration. The placing became wholly unconditional on 3 February 2006. The total consideration, including acquired debt, paid to date for AVR is £124.4m. This is subject to final agreement with the vendor of the net asset values acquired. At the time of acquisition AVR operated a fleet of over 11,000 vehicles through a branch network of 33 locations and employed around 650 people. Our plan was to fully integrate AVR into our existing operating structure by the end of our financial year and we are pleased to report that this was achieved. Of the 33 branches ten were retained as new locations for Northgate and another four were used as replacements for existing Northgate sites. The staffing levels were reduced from around 650 employed by Arriva to around 250 additional staff in the enlarged structure. Customer retention has to date been excellent and those vehicles not being utilised have been disposed of profitably. On 8 March 2006 the Office of Fair Trading announced that it was to examine the transaction. Having considered the evidence the OFT decided on 18 May 2006 not to refer the merger to the Competition Commission. A text of the decision is available on their website at Reorganisation On 20 June 2006 the Group commenced a restructuring plan to create a functional, rather than geographic, management structure for the UK business by streamlining the number of hire companies to give fewer, but larger, business units, whilst retaining the existing network of locations. It is intended that this process, which will take around six to nine months to complete, will leave us better able to deliver consistent customer service throughout the Group and with improved productivity from increased utilisation of the fleet and reduced costs. Whilst it is likely that the benefits will be negated by the one-off transactional cost of the changes in the current financial year, future periods will benefit as evidenced by an improved operating margin. Spain On 5 August 2005 we significantly increased our presence in Spain with the purchase of 49% of Record, like Fualsa, one of Spain's leading vehicle rental companies. Since the remaining 51% of the equity was not acquired until 11 May 2006, in the year under review Record is accounted for as an associate. We are therefore reporting on Fualsa and Record as two separate businesses this year but going forward, will review our Spanish businesses as one operation. During the year, the growth in the Spanish vehicle rental market has been in part due to the continued high level of activity in the construction sector. Whilst our aim remains to reduce our dependency on this sector over time, we continue to take advantage of the opportunities that exist in the medium term. Fualsa As at 30 April 2006 Fualsa operated a fleet of 23,000 vehicles from a depot network of 17 locations, an increase of 4,000 vehicles and two locations over April 2005. The utilisation rate averaged 89%, the same as the prior year. Hire rates continued to improve modestly and were up by just under 2% on the prior year, albeit the benefit of this increase is reduced by a similar increase in the capital cost of new vehicles. The operating margin at 20.9% was down by over 4% on the prior year, as a result of an increase in external maintenance costs, increased depreciation due to lower residual values and some planned increases in expenditure on management, IT and other aspects of Fualsa's infrastructure. Maintenance costs increased due to the cumulative fleet growth of the last few years overstretching the management structure combined with a shortage of skilled personnel, particularly mechanics, leading to more work having to be completed externally. Both of these issues have been addressed and we are confident of an improvement in the year ahead. These corrective actions, along with the operational gearing benefit we will derive from a larger fleet size, should lead to an improvement of over 1% in the operating margin for the current year. Record Since our investment on 5 August 2005 the vehicle fleet has grown by 20% producing a closing fleet of 24,000 vehicles at 18 locations. The utilisation rate averaged 92% in the period, a slight improvement on the level achieved prior to our investment. A similar increase to Fualsa was achieved in hire rates. Whilst we remain of the belief that our customers are best served by retaining two separate brands in Spain, there are opportunities to obtain synergies by combining certain areas of the two operations. We have already brought together the purchasing activities of the two companies to benefit from the economies of scale from purchasing larger volumes, particularly vehicles. In the year ahead we intend to merge vehicle disposals into one unit. Within the next six months we expect to have appointed a CEO for Spain to allow us to further merge the businesses in the second half of the financial year. Further integration is to some extent dependent on having a common IT platform, a project currently being developed and expected to conclude in the 2007 calendar year. Financial Review Financial Reporting The Group has delivered a resilient set of financial results, particularly taking into account the difficult trading conditions that existed in the UK during the first half of the financial year. The financial impact on these results of businesses acquired in the UK and Spain throughout the year are described separately below. Whilst the additional contribution to earnings per share in this year from these acquisitions has been marginal, they position the Group for strong growth in the future. This report represents the first annual results prepared under IFRS. The transition to IFRS has not had a material impact on reported profit before tax or cash flow. The main presentational change to the Group's financial results is that proceeds received from the disposal of used vehicles are no longer being classified as revenue. This change in policy has had the effect of reducing Group revenue as previously reported under UK GAAP. Group revenue now comprises the hire of vehicles and the supply of related goods and services in the normal course of business. Sales, Margins and Return on Capital Group revenue increased by 10% to £372.6m (2005 - £339.4m) as a result of an increase in UK revenue of 6% to £300.8m (2005 - £283.4m) and a 28% increase in revenue from Fualsa to £71.8m (2005 - £56.0m). The Group acquired 49% of Record, a leading commercial vehicle rental company in Spain on 5 August 2005. The results of Record have been accounted for as an associate under the net equity method and as a consequence none of Record's revenues have been consolidated into Group revenue. United Kingdom & Republic of Ireland The composition of the Group's UK revenue and profit from operations as between vehicle rental activities and fleet management is set out below: 2006 2005 £000 £000 Revenue Vehicle rental 297,433 283,414 Fleet management 3,338 - -------- ---------- 300,771 283,414 -------- ---------- Profit from operations Vehicle rental 58,722 * 62,863 Fleet management 119 - Intangible amortisation (692) (321) -------- ---------- 58,149 62,542 -------- ---------- *The UK profit from operations is stated after an exceptional restructuring charge of £2.6m relating to AVR following its acquisition on 3 February 2006. Operating margins (excluding exceptional charge and intangible amortisation) 2006 2005 UK overall 20.4% 22.2% Vehicle rental 20.6% 22.2% Fleet management 3.6% - The overall UK operating margin has declined to 20.4% (2005 - 22.2%) partly as a result of acquiring FTL, a fleet management company that generates a lower operating margin than vehicle rental. One of the main reasons for the reduction in margin, however, was a higher depreciation charge as a consequence of lower values being obtained for vehicles sold at the end of their life. This was particularly the case in the first half of the financial year when the Group held more stock than normal and long wheel base products experienced significant declines in value. The UK also experienced a highly competitive environment in hire rates and as a result the average hire rate declined by over 2% compared to 2005. In order to compensate for lower hire rates and lower residual values the operating expenses of the UK business were addressed and savings achieved. After a particularly difficult first half to the financial year an underlying operating margin in the UK vehicle rental business of 20.6% (2005 - 22.2%) is a satisfactory outcome. Spain Fualsa, a major commercial vehicle rental company in Spain, has been a wholly owned subsidiary since May 2004. On 5 August 2005 the Group acquired a 49% interest in the equity of Record, another leading Spanish commercial vehicle rental company. Fualsa has been reported as a subsidiary undertaking within the consolidated financial statements whereas Record has been accounted for as an associate. Fualsa The revenue and profit from operations generated by Fualsa during the year is set out below: 2006 2005 £000 £000 Revenue Vehicle rental 71,838 55,968 --------- -------- Profit from operations Vehicle rental 14,984 14,229 Intangible amortisation (535) (534) --------- -------- 14,449 13,695 --------- -------- Operating margins (excluding intangible amortisation) 2006 2005 Overall 20.9% 25.4% Fualsa's vehicle rental revenue increased by 28%, in line with the increase in the average rental fleet size of 26% and hire rate increases of just under 2%. The operating margin achieved by Fualsa of 25.4% in 2005 was forecast to reduce as a result of investing in the infrastructure of the business. Planned expenditure was incurred with the appointment of senior managers, upgrading IT systems and introducing credit insurance. In addition to these costs, Fualsa's vehicle repair expenditure increased substantially in the second half of the financial year as a result of a shortage of skilled technicians to service the enlarged fleet resulting in a higher proportion of maintenance being carried out by third parties. These additional costs combined with increased depreciation due to lower residual values have resulted in the operating margin reducing by 4.5%. Record The Group's 49% share of Record's profit before tax in the nine month period since the date of the initial investment was £5.0m. The equivalent operating margin for Record during this period was 23.7% reflecting higher utilisations and an absence of the issues surrounding repair costs that existed in Fualsa. The fleet growth of 20% in the period since acquisition indicates that the market remains very strong for our flexible rental product in Spain. Group Group return on capital employed, calculated as Group profit from operations divided by average capital employed (being shareholders' funds plus net debt), is 10% (2005 - 14%). Group return on equity, calculated as profit after tax divided by average shareholders' funds, is 16% (2005 - 19.0%). IFRS This is the first set of Group results that have been prepared under IFRS. The Group released an announcement on 21 December 2005 detailing the impact of IFRS on the results for the year ended 30 April 2005. The comparative financial information has been restated to reflect the application of IFRS. The main impacts of IFRS on the Group's reported results, as compared with the results for 2005 reported under previous accounting standards, are set out below. IFRS 2 (Share-based Payment): An income statement charge is recognised in respect of the cost of share options granted under the Group's various share schemes. This cost is deemed to be the fair value of the options granted and is charged over the vesting period. An amount equivalent to the charge is credited directly to equity, resulting in no impact on net assets. This accounting treatment is the same as UK GAAP except that the fair values used under IFRS 2 differ from those under UK GAAP. IFRS 3 (Business Combinations): Separate intangible assets are recognised at fair value on the acquisition of businesses after the date of transition to IFRS, which previously formed part of goodwill under UK GAAP. These include non-contractual customer relationships, brand names and non-compete agreements, all of which are amortised over their respective estimated useful lives. The residual goodwill balance under IFRS is therefore lower in value than under UK GAAP but it is no longer amortised and is, instead, tested annually for impairment. IFRS 5 (Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations): Vehicles held for resale are reclassified from inventories into non-current assets held for sale under IFRS. IAS 10 (Events After the Balance Sheet Date): Under IFRS, dividends are not appropriated within the accounts until they are either paid or formally approved. IAS 12 (Income Taxes): Deferred taxation changes arise under IFRS as a result of differences between the accounting treatment and taxation treatment in respect of share options (IFRS 2), intangible assets (IFRS 3) and holiday pay accruals (IAS 19). Under IAS 12, deferred tax liabilities are also recognised on all capitalised buildings, regardless of whether a contractual commitment to sell exists. IAS 16 (Property, Plant and Equipment): Under IAS 16, the Group is required to review its depreciation rates and estimated useful lives on a regular basis to ensure that the net book value of disposals of tangible fixed assets are broadly equivalent to their market value. Depreciation charges are adjusted for any differences that arise between net book values and open market values of used vehicles upon transfer into non-current assets held for sale, taking into account the further direct costs to sell the vehicles. IAS 18 (Revenue): Under IFRS, income from the sale of used vehicles is not recognised within revenue and the net book value of the vehicles sold, along with associated direct selling costs, are removed from cost of sales. IAS 19 (Employee Benefits): An accrual is recognised for employee annual leave accrued, but not taken, at each balance sheet date. Where this applies to business combinations, the accrual required at the date of acquisition is deemed to reduce the fair value of the net assets acquired with a corresponding adjustment to goodwill. IAS 21 (The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates): Certain exchange differences, previously recognised directly within the profit and loss account reserve under UK GAAP, are reclassified into a separate translation reserve, directly within equity, under IFRS. IAS 32 (Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation): The Company's cumulative preference shares are deemed to be debt rather than equity under IFRS. They are reclassified from share capital to borrowings in the balance sheet and preference dividends are reclassified from dividends to finance costs in the income statement. IAS 38 (Intangible Assets): Certain software assets are reclassified from tangible to intangible assets under IFRS. Amounts previously charged to the profit and loss account as depreciation under UK GAAP relating to these fixed assets are reclassified as amortisation within the IFRS income statement. Separate intangible assets are also recognised within business combinations (see IFRS 3, above). These assets are amortised to the income statement over their estimated useful lives. IAS 39 (Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement): Interest rate derivatives, to which the Group is party, are recognised on the balance sheet at their fair value. Subsequent changes in the fair value are recognised either within the income statement, as a finance cost, or directly in equity to the extent that the Group elects to hedge account, within the provisions of IFRS. This standard has not been applied to the prior year as allowed under the transitional rules. Taxation The Group's UK operations have a total tax charge of 32% (2005 - 31%), which is slightly higher than the standard rate of 30% due to disallowable expenditure incurred within the business. Both Fualsa's effective tax rate of 18% (2005 - 20%) and Record's of 29% are below the standard Spanish tax rate of 35% because of tax concessions based on vehicle purchase reliefs that are available to the businesses. There is draft legislation in Spain that proposes to reduce the standard rate of Corporation Tax from 35% to 30% whilst at the same time removing some of the vehicle purchase reliefs that the businesses currently claim. The timing of any change is not certain and the precise impact on the likely effective tax in Spain has not been quantified. It is expected, however, that this effective rate will be near to 30% in the medium term. Dividend The Directors recommend a final dividend of 14p per share (2005 - 12p) giving a total for the year of 23p (2005 - 20p), an increase of 15%. The dividend is covered 2.7 times (2005 - 3.0 times). Earnings per Share Earnings per share increased to 61.1p (2005 - 60.7p), reflecting the growth in underlying profits being offset by an exceptional restructuring cost associated with the acquisition of AVR and its subsequent reorganisation and the increased number of Ordinary shares in issue following the placing of 6.05 million shares in February 2006. Excluding intangible amortisation of £1.2m (2005 - £0.8m) and exceptional restructuring costs of £2.6m (2005 - £nil), basic earnings per share grew by 6% to 65.7p (2005 - 62.1p). Basic earnings per share have been calculated in accordance with IAS 33. The weighted average number of shares in issue during the year has been amended to exclude those Ordinary shares held by Walbrook Trustees (Guernsey) Limited and Capita IRG Trustees Limited for the Company's various share schemes until such time as they rank for dividend. Investments On 5 August 2005 the Company acquired 49% of the share capital of Record for €54.8m. In the UK the entire share capital of FTL was acquired for a consideration in cash of £5.7m on 23 January 2006 and on 3 February 2006 the Company acquired the entire share capital of AVR for £50.3m. Ordinary shares of the Company have been acquired in the open market by Walbrook Trustees (Guernsey) Limited and Capita IRG Trustees Limited in order to satisfy the Company's obligations under its various share schemes. These shares are included within the Group's balance sheet within the own shares held reserve. Capital Structure As at 30 April 2006 the Group's total gearing measured as net debt (including cash balances) as a percentage of shareholders' funds but after the deduction of goodwill and intangible assets increased to 204% (2005 - 198%). The net cash balance taken into account in calculating the gearing ratios for this year is £24m (2005 - £41.4m). This level of gearing is in line with our expectations and is mainly due to the cash outflows following the purchase of 49% of Record and the acquisition of AVR being offset by cash generation from operations and proceeds received from the issue of 6.05 million Ordinary shares in February 2006. Since the year end the Group has acquired the remaining 51% of Record's equity. If this purchase had taken place on 30 April 2006 the consolidated balance sheet of the Group would have had gearing of 314% on a pro-forma basis. Treasury Cash Flows The Group's net debt increased by 28% to £524.5m (2005 - £410.9m) excluding the debt in Record's balance sheet. This increase reflects cash outflows associated with the purchase of 49% of Record (£37.9m), the acquisition of AVR (£124.4m), funding of fleet growth in the UK and Spain and the receipt of the proceeds of the placing of 6.05 million Ordinary shares on 3 February 2006. Gross cash generation as reflected by EBITDA* increased to £210.0m (2005 - £197.9m). The Group funded the purchase of 22,500 new vehicles in the UK and 9,400 new vehicles in Fualsa for a total cash outflow of £306.3m. The sale of 23,000 UK vehicles and 4,900 Fualsa vehicles generated a cash inflow of £150.8m. The option over the remaining 20% of Fualsa's equity, whilst exercised, has not yet given rise to a cash outflow. This deferred consideration of €14.9m is classified as debt in the Group's balance sheet and was paid after the Group's financial year end in May 2006. *EBITDA - Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation. Interest Costs The Group's net interest costs have decreased by 6% to £20.1m (2005 - £21.2m) despite an increase in closing net debt of 28%. This is because the Group has benefited from the full effects of the refinancing arrangements put in place in January 2005 and also from having a higher proportion of debt denominated in Euros than in the prior year. Interest cover remained a healthy 3.6 times (2005 - 3.6 times). Strategy The Group's financing strategy, which has been approved by the Board, is to use medium and long-term debt to finance the Group's vehicle fleet and other capital expenditure. Working capital is funded by internally generated funds and an overdraft facility. The Group's interest rate exposure is managed by a series of treasury contracts as described below. Treasury Management Each of the Group's operations is responsible for its own day-to-day cash management. The funding arrangements of the Group with banks are negotiated and monitored centrally. In January 2006 the Group extended its facilities to a total of £745m under a series of unsecured, revolving, bilateral agreements. These extended facilities have provided funding for the acquisition of AVR and will also fund the refinancing of Record's borrowings. All funds generated by the Group's operations are controlled by a central treasury function. Liquidity The Group's aggregate finance facilities, including existing Fualsa loan facilities, total £756m compared to net debt of £524m. As described above, the core of these arrangements relate to the £745m unsecured facilities with the following terms: Term Amount £m Within one year 149 Within three years 298 Within four years 298 ----- Total 745 Interest Rate Management The Group's bilateral agreements incorporate variable interest rate clauses. Historically, it has sought to manage this risk by having in place a number of financial instruments covering 30% to 40% of its borrowings at any time. The current value of financial instruments represents 60% of net debt at 30 April 2006 with an average term outstanding of two years. This coverage fell to 44% of net debt following the acquisition of Record in May 2006. In assessing the effectiveness of these instruments, the table below details the additional interest costs to the Group, based on the Group's closing net debt position at 30 April 2006 of £524m, of a series of interest rate increases after applying the benefit of the instruments. This table is based on the cash amounts and does not take into account the effects of applying IAS 39: Increase in Additional interest costs interest rate Sterling debt Euro debt Total 1% £1.8m £1.4m £3.2m 2% £3.2m £2.7m £5.9m 3% £4.3m £4.0m £8.3m Consolidated Income Statement for the year ended 30 April 2006 2006 2005 Notes £000 £000 Revenue 1 372,609 339,382 Cost of sales 1 (248,051) (215,097) --------- --------- Gross profit 124,558 124,285 +---------+---------+ Administrative expenses (excluding amortisation) |(50,733) | (47,193)| Amortisation | (1,227) | (855)| +---------+---------+ Total administrative expenses |(51,960) | (48,048)| +---------+---------+ --------- --------- Profit from operations 72,598 76,237 Investment income 2,047 1,814 Finance costs (22,125) (23,063) --------- --------- +---------+---------+ Share of profit before taxation of associate | 4,964 | - | Share of taxation of associate | (1,422) | - | +---------+---------+ Share of profit of associate | 3,542 | - | +---------+---------+ Profit before taxation 56,062 54,988 Taxation (15,468) (15,757) --------- --------- Profit for the year 40,594 39,231 --------- --------- Profit for the year is wholly attributable to equity holders of the parent Company Earnings per share From continuing operations Basic 3 61.1p 60.7p Diluted 3 60.6p 60.3p Consolidated Statement of Recognised Income and Expense for the year ended 30 April 2006 2006 2005 £000 £000 Gains on revaluation of land and properties - 1,031 Foreign exchange differences on retranslation of net assets of subsidiary undertakings 1,303 (153) Foreign exchange differences on retranslation of interest in associate 413 - Net foreign exchange differences on long term borrowings held as hedges (1,571) 1,635 Net fair value gains on cash flow hedges 2,956 - Adjustment for share options granted 20 88 Net deferred tax credit recognised directly in equity 882 1,084 Actuarial gains on defined benefit scheme 356 - -------- ------- Net income recognised directly in equity 4,359 3,685 Profit attributable to equity holders 40,594 39,231 -------- ------- Total recognised income and expense for the year 44,953 42,916 -------- ------- Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 30 April 2006 2006 2005 £000 £000 Non-current assets Goodwill 44,582 12,448 Other intangible assets 18,208 4,866 +----------+----------+ Property, plant and equipment: vehicles for hire | 643,824 | 531,843 | Other property, plant and equipment | 50,236 | 37,851 | +----------+----------+ Total property, plant and equipment | 694,060 | 569,694 | +----------+----------+ Interest in associate 41,927 - ---------- ---------- 798,777 587,008 ---------- ---------- Current assets Inventories 8,918 6,696 Trade and other receivables 116,939 92,841 Cash and cash equivalents 24,048 41,375 ---------- ---------- 149,905 140,912 ---------- ---------- Non-current assets classified as held for sale 14,705 11,464 ---------- ---------- Total assets 963,387 739,384 ---------- ---------- Current liabilities Trade and other payables 57,584 44,769 Tax liabilities 19,715 7,231 Short term borrowings 30,024 48,410 ---------- ---------- 107,323 100,410 ---------- ---------- Non-current liabilities Long term borrowings 518,485 403,819 Deferred tax liabilities 15,846 10,124 Retirement benefit obligation 1,444 - ---------- ---------- 535,775 413,943 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total liabilities 643,098 514,353 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Net assets 320,289 225,031 ---------- ---------- Equity Share capital 3,538 3,209 Share premium account 64,998 62,544 Revaluation reserve 1,054 1,054 Own shares (3,331) (2,471) Merger reserve 67,463 4,721 Hedging reserve 2,956 - Translation reserve 1,627 1,482 Retained earnings 181,984 154,492 ---------- ---------- Total equity 320,289 225,031 ---------- ---------- Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 30 April 2006 2006 2005 Notes £000 £000 Net cash from operating activities 5 172,178 150,457 -------- -------- Investing activities Interest received 1,931 1,957 Proceeds from disposal of vehicles for hire 150,849 116,895 Purchases of vehicles for hire (306,273) (274,517) Proceeds from disposal of other property, plant and equipment 3,307 378 Purchases of other property, plant and equipment (12,208) (7,613) Purchases of intangible assets (927) (19) Acquisition of subsidiary undertakings, including net cash and bank overdraft balances acquired 4 (130,047) (19,353) Purchase of interest in associate (37,972) - -------- -------- Net cash used in investing activities (331,340) (182,272) -------- -------- Financing activities Dividends paid (13,459) (11,874) Repayments of obligations under finance leases (36,994) (279,243) New finance lease agreements - 93,663 Increase in bank loans and other borrowings 130,988 221,166 Proceeds from issue of share capital 65,525 722 Proceeds from sale of own shares 511 - Payments to acquire own shares (1,371) (1,141) -------- -------- Net cash from financing activities 145,200 23,293 -------- -------- Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (13,962) (8,522) Cash and cash equivalents at 1 May 34,057 42,675 Effect of foreign exchange movements 164 (96) -------- -------- Cash and cash equivalents at 30 April 6 20,259 34,057 -------- -------- Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity For the year ended 30 April 2006 2006 2005 £000 £000 Amounts attributable to equity holders of the parent Company Gains on revaluation of land and properties - 1,031 Foreign exchange differences on retranslation of net assets of subsidiary undertakings 1,303 (153) Foreign exchange differences on retranslation of interest in associate 413 - Net foreign exchange differences on long term borrowings held as hedges (1,571) 1,635 Net fair value gains on cash flow hedges 2,956 - Adjustment for share options granted 20 88 Actuarial gains on defined benefit pension scheme 356 - Net deferred tax credit recognised directly in equity 882 1,084 ------- -------- Net income recognised directly in equity 4,359 3,685 Profit attributable to equity holders 40,594 39,231 ------- -------- Total recognised income and expense for the year 44,953 42,916 Dividends paid (13,437) (11,916) Issue of Ordinary share capital (net of expenses) 65,525 722 Net increase in own shares held (860) (1,141) ------- -------- Net changes in total equity 96,181 30,581 ------- -------- Opening total equity as at 1 May 225,031 194,450 Transitional adjustment on adoption of IAS32 and IAS39 (923) - ------- -------- Opening total equity after adoption of IAS32 and IAS39 224,108 194,450 ------- -------- ------- -------- Closing total equity as at 30 April 320,289 225,031 ------- -------- Notes 1. Segmental analysis The Directors consider the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland to be a single geographical segment on the grounds that the results and net assets of operations in the Republic of Ireland are not material to the Group as a whole. UK & Republic Spain Total of Ireland 2006 2006 2006 £000 £000 £000 Revenue 300,771 71,838 372,609 Gross profit 102,724 21,834 124,558 Administrative expenses (43,883) (6,850) (50,733) Amortisation (692) (535) (1,227) ----------- --------- -------- Profit from operations 58,149 14,449 72,598 ----------- --------- -------- UK & Republic Spain Total of Ireland 2005 2005 2005 £000 £000 £000 Revenue 283,414 55,968 339,382 ----------- --------- -------- Gross profit 103,509 20,776 124,285 Administrative expenses (40,646) (6,547) (47,193) Amortisation (321) (534) (855) ----------- --------- -------- Profit from operations 62,542 13,695 76,237 ----------- --------- -------- 2. Restructuring costs In February 2006 the Group acquired Northgate (AVR) Limited (formerly Arriva Vehicle Rental Limited) (see Note 4). To the extent that employees could not be integrated, termination terms were agreed and, to the extent that properties would not be utilised in the future, amounts have been provided in respect of onerous contracts. 2006 2005 £000 £000 Redundancy costs (net of pension credit) 1,673 - Onerous contracts 934 - -------- -------- 2,607 - -------- -------- 3. Earnings per share 2006 2005 (a) Basic and diluted earnings per share The calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share is based on the following data: Earnings £000 £000 Earnings for the purposes of basic and diluted earnings per share, being net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent 40,594 39,231 ----------- ----------- Number of shares Number Number Weighted average number of Ordinary shares for the purpose of basic earnings per share 66,481,499 64,598,909 Effect of dilutive potential Ordinary shares: - share options 464,060 465,690 ----------- ----------- Weighted average number of Ordinary shares for the purpose of diluted earnings per share 66,945,559 65,064,599 ----------- ----------- Basic earnings per share 61.1p 60.7p ----------- ----------- Diluted earnings per share 60.6p 60.3p ----------- ----------- (b) Earnings per share before amortisation and exceptional restructuring costs £000 £000 Earnings for the purpose of basic earnings per share (above) 40,594 39,231 Amortisation 1,227 855 Exceptional restructuring costs (net of UK corporation tax at 30%) 1,825 - ----------- ----------- Earnings for the purpose of basic earnings per share before amortisation and exceptional restructuring costs 43,646 40,086 ----------- ----------- Basic earnings per share before amortisation and exceptional restructuring costs 65.7p 62.1p ----------- ----------- 4. Acquisitions Fleet Technique Limited On 23 January 2006, the Group acquired the entire issued share capital of Fleet Technique Limited ('FTL') for a cash consideration of £6,583,000 including goodwill of £3,589,000. £000 Book value 1,014 Fair value adjustments 1,980 ------ Fair Value 2,994 ------ Goodwill 3,589 ------ Acquisition cost (including expenses) 6,583 ------ Fair value of consideration: Cash 6,583 Net cash with subsidiary undertaking acquired (908) ------ Cash outflow in year on acquisition of FTL 5,675 ------ Northgate (AVR) Limited On 3 February 2006, the Group acquired the entire issued share capital of Northgate (AVR) Limited (formerly Arriva Vehicle Rental Limited) ('AVR') for a cash consideration of £50,316,000, including goodwill of £28,055,000. The transaction has been accounted for in accordance with the purchase method of accounting. £000 Book value 40,668 Fair value adjustments (14,188) -------- Fair Value 22,261 -------- Goodwill 28,055 -------- Acquisition cost (including expenses) 50,316 -------- Fair value of consideration: Cash 50,316 Net cash with subsidiary undertaking acquired 74,056 -------- Cash outflow in year on acquisition of AVR 124,372 -------- In both of the above acquisitions, the fair values represent the Directors' current estimates of the net assets acquired. In accordance with IFRS 3, the values attributed may be revised as further information becomes available. 5. Reconciliation of Group profit from operations to net cash inflow from operating activities 2006 2005 £000 £000 Profit from operations 72,598 76,237 Adjustments for: Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 136,209 120,831 Exchange differences (16) - Amortisation of intangible assets 1,227 855 (Gain) loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment (209) 39 Defined benefit pension credit (386) - Share options fair value charge credited directly back to equity 20 88 -------- ------- Operating cash flows before movements in working capital 209,443 198,050 (Increase) decrease in inventories (2,191) 1,665 Increase in receivables (1,131) (7,735) Increase (decrease) in payables 3,139 (3,634) -------- ------- Cash generated from operations 209,260 188,346 Income taxes paid (15,156) (15,241) Interest paid (21,926) (22,648) -------- ------- Net cash from operating activities 172,178 150,457 -------- ------- 6. Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash in hand and at bank, investments in money market instruments and bank overdrafts. Bank overdrafts are included within cash equivalents on the grounds that they are repayable on demand and form an integral part of the Group's cash management. Cash and cash equivalents, as described above, included in the cash flow statement comprise the following balance sheet amounts. 2006 2005 £000 £000 Cash in hand and at bank 22,201 39,601 Short term investments 1,847 1,774 -------- ------- Gross cash and cash equivalents as reported 24,048 41,375 Bank overdrafts (3,789) (7,318) -------- ------- Net cash and cash equivalents 20,259 34,057 -------- ------- 7. Analysis of Consolidated net debt 2006 2005 £000 £000 Cash at bank and in hand 22,201 39,601 Short term investments 1,847 1,774 Bank overdraft due within one year (3,789) (7,318) -------- -------- 20,259 34,057 Bank loans (518,393) (382,221) Vehicle related finance lease obligations (12,326) (48,642) Deferred consideration (10,290) (9,548) Preference shares (500) (500) Property loans and other borrowings (3,211) (4,000) -------- -------- (524,461) (410,854) -------- -------- 8. Basis of preparation The results for the year ended 30 April 2006, including comparative financial information, have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS'), as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board, that are endorsed, or are expected to be endorsed, by the European Commission. Northgate plc ('the Group') has adopted all IFRS in issue. The Group previously prepared its annual and interim consolidated accounts under UK GAAP. The date of transition of the Group to IFRS is 1 May 2004, with the exception of IAS 32 and IAS 39. The date of transition of the Group for IAS 32 and IAS 39 only is 1 May 2005. As part of the transition to IFRS, on 21 December 2005 the Group published the restatement of certain comparative financial information under IFRS for the year ended 30 April 2005 and for the six months ended 31 October 2004. This information is available from the Group's website at IFRS 1 (First-time Adoption of IFRS) contains several transitional exemptions from the full requirements of IFRS for those companies adopting IFRS for the first time. The details of the IFRS 1 transitional exemptions that the Group has taken advantage of, along with all of the accounting policies adopted by the Group, are detailed within the restatement of comparative information under IFRS published on 21 December 2005, as referred to above. The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 30 April 2006 or 2005, but is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for 2005 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those for 2006 will be delivered following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The auditors have reported on those accounts; their reports were unqualified and did not contain statements under Section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The Report and Accounts for the year ended 30 April 2006 will be mailed to shareholders no later than 1 August 2006. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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