Gooch & Housego (GHH) RNS Announcements

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Date Time Source Announcement
23 Feb 2001 10:21 AM
Director Shareholding
14 Dec 2000 09:51 AM
14 Dec 2000 07:00 AM
Final Results
15 Nov 2000 02:38 PM
Nominated Adviser / Broker
28 Sep 2000 02:26 PM
Fthr re Acquisition / Placing
26 Sep 2000 05:00 PM
Director Shareholding
18 Sep 2000 07:01 AM
14 Jun 2000 08:08 AM
Dividend Notification
14 Jun 2000 07:00 AM
Interim Results
06 Jun 2000 12:42 PM
Nominated Broker
27 Mar 2000 05:16 PM
Change to Board of Directors
06 Mar 2000 01:50 PM
Directors' Dealings
18 Feb 2000 11:16 AM
Directors' Dealings
17 Feb 2000 02:22 PM
Directors' Dealings
16 Feb 2000 11:13 AM
Directors' Dealings
09 Feb 2000 12:59 PM
Statement re Share Price Movement
20 Jan 2000 07:31 AM
Final Dividend Notification
20 Jan 2000 07:01 AM
Final Results - Year Ended 30 September 1999
13 Jan 2000 12:09 PM
Advanced Notice of Final Results
13 Dec 1999 04:03 PM
Appointments to the Board of Directors
04 Oct 1999 09:46 AM
Directors' Dealings
30 Sep 1999 12:08 PM
29 Sep 1999 09:04 AM
RNS Shr.Price Movemnt,etc
26 Jul 1999 12:20 PM

Gooch & Housego PLC is a United Kingdom-based photonics engineering company. The Company and its subsidiaries are manufacturers of specialist optoelectronic components, materials and systems, and specialist instrumentation and life sciences devices. The Company’s business is divided into three market sectors: industrial, aerospace and defense, and life sciences/bio photonics. The industrial segment primarily comprises the industrial laser market for use in the semiconductor and microelectronic industries, but also includes other industrial applications such as metrology, telecommunications, and scientific research. It is a designer and manufacturer of precision-optical components, pump lasers, and fiber-optic couplers for inertial navigation systems used in avionics and defense. The Company also specializes in the custom designing and manufacturing of precision polymer optics for use in the biomedical, machine vision and analytical instrument markets.

It is a designer and manufacturer of precision-optical components, pump lasers, and fiber-optic couplers for inertial navigation systems used in avionics and defence.

In 1948, after the war ended, Archie and Leslie founded their own optics fabrication company, Gooch & Housego (G&H), in Ilminster. It was a modest operation, primarily focused on creating devices such as prisms, lenses, mirrors, and windows for larger manufacturers to use in scientific instruments.

When Gooch & Housego was founded 75 years ago in a quiet British town, no one could have imagined the modern global corporation it would become. The story of G&H begins with two individuals - Mr. Archie Gooch & Mr. Leslie Housego.

Archie was trained by the company, Barr and Stroud, where he worked on rangefinders and periscopes. During World War II, the Royal Air Force began to use radios in their bombers that utilized crystals requiring individuals with optical expertise to cut and polish quartz. Archie and Leslie began working on these radios at Standard Telephones and Cables (STC) in Greenwich, London, but were evacuated to Ilminster, Somerset to escape the Blitz.

In 1948, after the war ended, Archie and Leslie founded their own optics fabrication company, Gooch & Housego (G&H), in Ilminster. It was a modest operation, primarily focused on creating devices such as prisms, lenses, mirrors, and windows for larger manufacturers to use in scientific instruments. However, the founders had a clear vision for the company’s future: to be known for producing the best optical devices. Over the course of several decades, G&H experienced steady growth under their leadership.

The company listed on AIM in 1997 under the ticker GHH.

UK 100

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