FORM 8.3



Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the “Code”)


(a)   Full name of discloser:   Barclays PLC.
(b) Owner or controller of interest and short
  positions disclosed, if different from 1(a):  
(c) Name of offeror/offeree in relation to whose


  relevant securities this form relates:  
(d) If an exempt fund manager connected with an
offeror/offeree, state this and specify identity of
(e) Date position held/dealing undertaken: 06 November 2017
(f) In addition to the company in 1(c) above, is the discloser making YES:
  disclosures in respect of any other party to the offer? SPIRE HEALTHCARE GROUP PLC


If there are positions or rights to subscribe to disclose in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 2(a) or (b) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security.

(a) Interests and short positions in the relevant securities of the offeror or offeree to which the disclosure relates following the dealing (if any)

Class of relevant security:   10p ordinary
  Interests   Short Positions
    Number   (%) Number   (%)
(1) Relevant securities owned
and/or controlled: 6,330,692 0.86% 8,144,505 1.10%
(2) Cash-settled derivatives:
2,514,617 0.34% 1,805,040 0.24%
(3) Stock-settled derivatives (including options)
and agreements to purchase/sell: 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
TOTAL: 8,845,309 1.20% 9,949,545 1.35%

All interests and all short positions should be disclosed.

Details of any open stock-settled derivative positions (including traded options), or agreements to purchase or sell relevant securities, should be given on a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions).

(b) Rights to subscribe for new securities (including directors’ and other employee options)

Class of relevant security in relation to which subscription right exists:  
Details, including nature of the rights concerned and relevant percentages:  


Where there have been dealings in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 3(a), (b), (c) or (d) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security dealt in.

The currency of all prices and other monetary amounts should be stated.

(a) Purchases and sales

Class of relevant   Purchase/sale   Number of   Price per unit
security   securities  
10p ordinary Purchase 1 110.6000 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 6 111.4700 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 16 110.8600 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 18 110.4800 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 21 110.4700 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 33 110.7000 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 54 110.0900 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 56 110.8700 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 58 5.9625 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 58 5.9600 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 71 111.0700 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 78 110.5900 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 92 5.9400 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 92 110.8000 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 145 5.9750 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 150 111.1200 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 156 6.0100 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 174 111.1700 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 318 111.4100 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 325 110.3100 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 393 110.5700 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 462 5.9325 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 480 110.4000 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 487 5.9375 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 504 6.0025 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 510 5.9550 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 527 5.9736 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 528 111.1800 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 529 111.2400 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 529 111.2100 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 531 111.2900 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 537 5.9741 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 547 111.4200 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 616 5.9300 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 622 110.5800 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 644 110.2700 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 679 5.9950 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 777 111.3600 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 840 5.9200 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 887 5.9923 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 894 5.9500 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 926 5.9425 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 933 110.7600 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 971 111.0400 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 1,000 110.5200 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 1,000 111.3500 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 1,032 5.9925 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 1,038 110.2400 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 1,043 111.0600 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 1,045 5.9475 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 1,074 111.3000 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 1,079 111.5200 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 1,144 110.9500 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 1,199 5.9450 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 1,230 110.9000 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 1,250 5.9725 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 1,269 5.9644 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 1,308 111.4600 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 1,340 111.0200 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 1,417 110.3400 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 1,428 110.6300 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 1,455 111.0100 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 1,474 110.7300 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 1,595 110.2800 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 1,597 5.9850 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 1,603 5.9914 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 1,635 110.0800 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 1,663 5.9875 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 1,705 5.9575 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 1,765 5.9700 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 1,787 5.9900 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 1,919 110.2900 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 2,094 111.0900 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 2,138 110.9400 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 2,376 5.9975 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 2,465 110.8800 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 2,526 111.3700 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 2,530 110.1400 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 2,535 110.3600 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 2,661 111.0800 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 2,806 111.4500 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 2,950 5.9775 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 2,983 5.9825 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 3,353 111.5100 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 3,400 5.9930 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 3,917 110.4100 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 4,164 110.4400 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 4,398 111.2300 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 4,522 110.5400 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 4,661 110.3500 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 4,898 111.1100 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 5,679 110.5300 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 5,855 5.9525 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 5,990 110.8300 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 6,000 111.5600 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 6,000 110.5100 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 6,082 110.3300 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 6,210 110.4200 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 6,333 5.9678 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 7,620 5.9627 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 7,706 110.6200 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 8,260 110.4600 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 9,661 111.1000 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 9,671 110.5500 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 10,136 110.9600 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 10,876 110.9700 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 11,427 5.9797 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 11,450 111.5500 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 13,028 5.9743 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 14,144 5.9748 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 14,387 110.5000 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 14,387 111.0300 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 15,215 5.9693 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 21,903 5.9711 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 24,843 5.9817 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 30,242 5.9852 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 35,926 110.3700 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 36,789 111.0000 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 47,823 5.9800 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 59,730 110.5985 ZAR
10p ordinary Purchase 73,947 5.9798 GBP
10p ordinary Purchase 83,436 5.9621 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 1 111.0300 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 2 5.9350 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 53 110.3500 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 58 5.9625 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 58 5.9600 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 92 5.9400 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 141 111.8300 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 145 5.9750 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 154 110.4800 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 173 5.9950 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 174 110.4600 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 174 110.8800 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 174 111.0000 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 174 111.1700 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 174 110.5900 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 174 110.3600 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 220 111.2300 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 220 111.1900 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 234 110.5500 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 349 111.2000 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 368 110.6300 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 416 110.9700 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 462 5.9325 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 487 5.9375 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 504 6.0025 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 616 5.9300 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 705 110.5000 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 783 110.4200 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 840 5.9200 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 894 5.9500 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 926 5.9425 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 1,045 5.9475 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 1,047 111.3800 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 1,050 110.9900 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 1,199 5.9450 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 1,250 5.9725 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 1,475 5.9925 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 1,597 5.9850 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 1,663 5.9875 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 1,705 5.9575 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 1,765 5.9700 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 1,787 5.9900 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 1,839 5.9562 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 1,925 5.9348 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 2,128 5.9746 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 2,269 5.9923 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 2,376 5.9975 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 2,753 5.9825 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 2,950 5.9775 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 3,142 5.9778 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 3,345 110.0000 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 3,410 5.9613 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 4,489 5.9550 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 4,812 5.9800 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 5,248 6.0102 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 5,855 5.9525 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 6,333 5.9678 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 7,735 110.0100 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 9,629 110.3700 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 11,341 5.9682 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 14,144 5.9748 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 15,588 5.9772 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 19,087 5.9651 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 23,158 111.0450 ZAR
10p ordinary Sale 32,303 5.9815 GBP
10p ordinary Sale 338,082 5.9686 GBP

(b) Cash-settled derivative transactions

Class of   Product   Nature of dealing   Number of   Price per
relevant description reference unit
security     securities  
10p ordinary SWAP Long 455 5.9849 GBP
10p ordinary CFD Long 789 111.1738 ZAR
10p ordinary SWAP Long 1,925 5.9348 GBP
10p ordinary CFD Long 1,978 5.9195 GBP
10p ordinary CFD Long 4,496 110.0916 ZAR
10p ordinary SWAP Long 6,101 5.9740 GBP
10p ordinary SWAP Long 8,840 5.9944 GBP
10p ordinary CFD Long 9,355 110.1263 ZAR
10p ordinary SWAP Long 17,229 5.9764 GBP
10p ordinary CFD Long 238,970 5.9633 GBP
10p ordinary CFD Short 255 110.7588 ZAR
10p ordinary SWAP Short 766 5.9789 GBP
10p ordinary CFD Short 4,496 5.9350 GBP
10p ordinary CFD Short 6,437 111.1392 ZAR
10p ordinary SWAP Short 6,449 6.0100 GBP
10p ordinary SWAP Short 9,815 5.9679 GBP
10p ordinary SWAP Short 11,427 5.9797 GBP
10p ordinary SWAP Short 13,534 5.9459 GBP
10p ordinary SWAP Short 20,854 5.9852 GBP
10p ordinary SWAP Short 38,606 5.9541 GBP
10p ordinary CFD Short 38,797 110.6610 ZAR
10p ordinary SWAP Short 45,521 5.9800 GBP
10p ordinary CFD Short 238,970 110.8473 ZAR

(c) Stock-settled derivative transactions (including options)

(i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying

Class of relevant security   Product description e.g. call option   Writing, purchasing, selling, varying etc.   Number of securities to which option relates   Exercise price per unit   Type

e.g. American, European etc.

  Expiry date   Option money paid/ received per unit

(ii) Exercise

Class of relevant security   Product description

e.g. call option

  Exercising/ exercised against   Number of securities   Exercise price per unit

(d) Other dealings (including subscribing for new securities)

Class of relevant security   Nature of dealing

e.g. subscription, conversion

  Details   Price per unit (if applicable)


(a) Indemnity and other dealing arrangements

Details of any indemnity or option arrangement, or any agreement or understanding, formal or informal, relating to relevant securities which may be an inducement to deal or refrain from dealing entered into by the person making the disclosure and any party to the offer or any person acting in concert with a party to the offer:

Irrevocable commitments and letters of intent should not be included. If there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state “none”


(b) Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives

Details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding, formal or informal, between the person making the disclosure and any other person relating to:

(i) the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option; or

(ii) the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which any derivative is referenced:

If there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state “none”


(c) Attachments

Is a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions) attached?   NO
Date of disclosure: 7 Nov 2017
Contact name: Jay Supaya
Telephone number: 020 7773 0635

Public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code must be made to a Regulatory Information Service.

The Panel’s Market Surveillance Unit is available for consultation in relation to the Code’s disclosure requirements on +44 (0)20 7638 0129.

The Code can be viewed on the Panel’s website at

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