Eramet continues its economic contribution to its main operating territories and confirms the impact of its corporate commitments

Eramet continues its economic contribution to its main operating territories and confirms the impact of its corporate commitments


Paris, June 25, 2024, 5.45 p.m.

Eramet continues its economic contribution to its main operating territories and confirms the impact of its corporate commitments

  • Eramet's contribution to the economies of the regions in which it operates remained virtually stable at €3.1 billion in 2023, despite a 29% fall in sales (down 26% at a constant scope and exchange rates) over the year.
  • This contribution to local economic vitality includes a policy of support and guidance for local communities, in line with the Group's CSR roadmap, entitled Act for positive mining 2024 - 2026. Over 270,000 people have benefited from the Group's social initiatives, with a total investment of more than €8 million.

The Group's economic contribution across all the territories in which it operates reached €3 billion in 2023. Over the same period, Group sales totalled €3.8 billion. Local purchasing accounted for two-thirds of this contribution, and salaries for around one-sixth. Taxes and dividends paid in the various territories in which the Group operates amounted to €687M in 2023, compared with €480M in 2022.

Community investment for local communities totalled more than €8M in 2023, benefiting more than 270,000 people, particularly young people and women, who are the priority target groups for the Group's social initiatives. This amount includes all proactive community spending on sites where Eramet is a shareholder, as well as significant support for development initiatives. This amount does not include spending on managing the negative environmental and social impact of the Group's operations.

Today, Eramet is also publishing its annual report, using EITI (Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative) methods, on payments to governments in territories where the Group's subsidiaries are active in the extractive industry1. This “Report on the Group's financial transparency at December 31, 2023” is available on the Group's website.

Breakdown of economic contribution by area of operation

Eramet has a presence in Gabon, where community investment in the country reached more than €4M in 2023. The subsidiaries Comilog and Setrag continue to support the development of local infrastructure: public lighting, electricity, secondary roads in Moanda, station access, etc. These initiatives benefited 226,441 people.

In addition, to support local economic development, 80 women benefited from the Lastourvillle community market (Ogoouée-Lolo province). The seed fund for entrepreneurs in Haut-Ogooué, provided as part of the CSR Fund co-managed with the Gabonese government, created 208 jobs through low-interest loans. Lastly, the Femmes d'Avenir (Women of the Future) programme, run in partnership with Women In Africa and the Gabonese government, supported throughout the year nearly 26 Gabonese women entrepreneurs at the Hub dedicated to female entrepreneurship in Libreville. In Gabon, the Group paid nearly €340M in taxes and dividends to the State in 2023, and spent nearly €480M on local purchasing and subcontracting. The total payroll reached €119M, representing more than 8,000 direct jobs2, 80% of which were in the local area.

In total, Eramet contributed almost €940M to Gabon's economy over the year.

In Senegal, community investment totalling €400,000 enabled 2,000 people to benefit from well-drilling and Eramet supported more than 100 women entrepreneurs via the Femmes d'Avenir programme launched this year in Senegal, following its success in Gabon.

The Group's total economic contribution in the country was €149M. Through its subsidiary GCO, the Group paid €25M in taxes and dividends and spent over €90M on local purchasing and subcontracting in 2023. The payroll reached €3M in 2023 and direct employment represented 1,847 people, 50% of whom were employed in the local area.

In Indonesia, the company financed several ambulances as well as road, education and health infrastructure, benefiting 25,000 people. These actions were carried out with the help of community investments in excess of €1M over the year.

PT Weda Bay Nickel paid €217M2 in taxes and dividends to the State, and conducted €266M3 in purchasing and subcontracting in 2023. Payroll costs amounted to €12M4. Weda Bay's activities generate 14,000 direct jobs.

In total, Eramet's local economic impact in Indonesia amounts to almost €500M5 over the year.

In Argentina, in 2023, Eramet stepped up its support for the local entrepreneurial ecosystem with a €300,000 investment in the “Triple Impact” project. This programme is based on three pillars: education via schools and universities, capacity-building for entrepreneurs (access to finance and support) and the ability to choose a business sector (agriculture, livestock farming, etc.). More than 1,100 people benefited from this initiative.

In 2023, Eramet also paid €73M in taxes and dividends. Local purchasing and subcontracting amounted to €256M, and payroll stood at €10M, with 2,517 direct jobs6.

Eramet's contribution to Argentina's economy totalled €340M over the year.

In New Caledonia, over the period, €2M of community investment provided 1,500 beneficiaries with access to drinking water in the three communes of Thio, Kouaoua and Poum, which are home to mining sites. 2,500 inhabitants benefited from education projects in the commune of Houaïlou and a tribe in Thio benefited from a reforestation programme set up following forest fires.

SLN paid €12M in taxes and dividends to local authorities in 2023 and spent €339M on local purchasing and subcontracting. Total payroll stood at €154M in 2023. The number of direct jobs totalled 3,330, 95% of which are in the local area.

In total, Eramet's contribution to New Caledonia's economy was €507M over the year.

In Norway, the company continues to support local cultural and sporting events through an annual community investment of €147,000, benefiting more than 10,000 people in the region.

In total, Eramet's contribution to Norway's economy amounted to almost €271M. Local purchasing totalled €206M, while the company paid €12M in taxes in 2023. 737 people work for ENO, almost all of them from the region where the site is located, representing a total payroll of €54M.

In the United States, Eramet in Marietta supports local health and education initiatives, in particular scholarships for students and public health initiatives, for a total of €33,000. For example, the company directly supports 60 people with reduced mobility to enable them to access necessary medical care.

The subsidiary paid €383,000 in tax and dividends and spent €123M on purchasing and subcontracting, in 2023. Payroll costs amounted to €20M. The plant provides 198 direct jobs, 96% of which are in the local area.

In total, Eramet's contribution to the United States' economy amounts to more than €140M over the year.

In France, the French entities paid €9M in tax in 2023. Total payroll amounted to €112M. In total, these entities spent €162M on purchasing and subcontracting in the country. The Group employs 902 people across all its French entities.

The French entities invested €438,000 in corporate philanthropy. In 2023, these efforts made it possible to support the Femmes d'Avenir (Women of the Future) programme created at Group level, whose first actions were in Gabon in 2022 and in Senegal in 2023. This pilot programme is part of a more global contributory programme called Eramet Beyond For Contributive Impact, launched in 2024 as part of the “Act for Positive Mining” Roadmap.

In total, Eramet's contribution to France's economy was more than €280M over the year.

Lastly, in Cameroon, the Group announced in October 2023 that it would terminate the feasibility studies for the rutile production project in Akonolinga. Eramet finalised the rehabilitation of a study site and returned the exploration permits to the Cameroonian government, while providing social support for the teams. In 2023, 610 pupils in the Akonolinga region benefited from a programme to improve access to education by supplying equipment. More generally, 600 villagers now have access to water thanks to the Kane borehole and the Ngoubou water source. These initiatives required an investment of €23,000. At the end of 2023, the Group decided to launch a programme to support local development by setting up a plantain purchasing centre in the Akonolinga area as part of its Eramet Beyond For Contributive Impacts programme.

The Group paid €400,000 in tax and dividends in 2023, and spent €4M on local purchasing and subcontracting, while payroll totalled €600,000, with 40 direct jobs.

In total, Eramet's contribution to Cameroon's economy amounted to more than €5M over the year.

Details of the economic contributions in each region are available on our website.

Virginie de Chassey, Director of Sustainable Development and Corporate Commitment at Eramet, said: “In 2023, we maintained our commitment to promoting a positive and sustainable impact in the areas where our production and research sites are located. These contributions reflect our commitment to strengthening local economies and improving the quality of life in our communities. We are determined to build on this momentum in line with our ambition to process mineral resources responsibly, and to become a benchmark CSR player in the mining sector.”

Summary of economic contributions in the main countries of operation

IndicatorsIndicatorGroupGabon 2023Eramine 2023GCO 2023SLN 2023ENO 2023EMI 2023France 2023Weda Bay 2023ERACAM 2023
Payments to the governmentTaxes, dividends etc. (€ million)                687.4                339.0                73.0                24.7                11.9                11.9                  0.4                  9.1             217.1                  0.4
Local ContentPayroll (€ million)                515.6                119.4                10.1                34.0             153.7                53.6                20.4             112.2                11.6                  0.6
Local ContentDirect employees (Dec 31, 2023)            32,437               8,866            2,517            1,847            3,330                737                198                902          14,000                  40
Local ContentRecruitment in 2023 from the local employment area (%) 80%76%50%95%100%96%   
Local ContentAmount of purchasing and subcontracting in the country (€ million)            1,924.7                477.2             255.7                90.4             339.3             205.6             123.4             162.4             266.3 4.4
Local ContentEstimated indirect workforce in the country            25,664               6,500                900             6,000            1,120 Not Estimated                   24          11,120 NA 
Community investmentCommunity investment expenditure (€ million)                    8.7                    4.0                  0.3                  0.4                  1.9                  0.1                  0.0                  0.4                  1.4                  0.0
Community investmentEstimated number of beneficiaries          270,091          226,441            1,170            2,000            4,000          10,000                  70           25,000            1,410
Total Total economic impact (€ million)            3,136.4                939.7             339.1             149.5             506.8             271.1             144.2             284.2             496.4                  5.4



07.25.2024: Publication of 2024 half-year results

10.24.2024: Publication of Q3 2024 sales


Eramet transforms the Earth's mineral resources to provide sustainable and responsible solutions to industrial growth and the challenges of the energy transition.

Its employees are committed to this through their civic-minded and contributory approach in all the countries where the mining and metallurgical group operates.

Manganese, nickel, mineralised sands, lithium and cobalt: Eramet values and develops the metals that are essential for building a more sustainable world.

As a privileged partner of its industrial customers, the Group helps to make infrastructures and buildings robust and resistant, means of mobility more efficient, healthcare tools safer and telecommunications equipment more effective.

Fully committed to the metals era, Eramet is aiming to become a benchmark in the responsible processing of the Earth's mineral resources for the benefit of all.  



Director of Investor Relations
Sandrine Nourry-Dabi

Tel. +33 1 45 38 37 02



Media relations manager
Fanny Mounier
Tel. + 33 7 65 26 46 83


1 This overview, drawn up in accordance with EITI (Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative) methods, mainly concerns taxes and duties paid to national and local governments, as well as dividends paid to public shareholders of the parent company and subsidiaries.
2 These figures are given prorated to Eramet's indirect stake in PT Weda Bay Nickel (38.7%).
3 Same.
4 Same.
5 Same.
6 This figure corresponds to direct employment during the construction phase.



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