Annual Financial Report

Aberforth Smaller Companies Trust plc Audited Final Results for the year to 31 December 2012 The following is an extract from the Company's Annual Report and Accounts for the year to 31 December 2012. The Annual Report is expected to be posted to shareholders on 2 February 2013. Members of the public may obtain copies from Aberforth Partners LLP, 14 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7NS or from its website at A copy will also shortly be available for inspection at the National Storage Mechanism at: facility. FEATURES Net Asset Value Total Return +31.9% Benchmark Index Total Return +29.9% Ordinary Share Price Total Return +43.9% Second Interim Dividend increased by 6.6% to 15.25p per Ordinary Share The objective of Aberforth Smaller Companies Trust plc (ASCoT) is to achieve a net asset value total return (with dividends reinvested) greater than on the Numis Smaller Companies Index (excluding Investment Companies) over the long term. ASCoT is managed by Aberforth Partners LLP. CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT TO SHAREHOLDERS Review of 2012 Performance The history books will record 2012 as an excellent year for UK smaller companies. Larger companies, as represented by the FTSE 100, gave a total return (including reinvested dividends) of 10.0%, while the FTSE All-Share, which is also heavily weighted towards large companies, gave a return of 12.3%. Meanwhile, the Numis Smaller Companies Index (excluding Investment Companies) (NSCI (XIC)), your Company's benchmark, gave a return of 29.9%. Over the same period, your Company's net asset value total return was 31.9%, while the share price return (including reinvested dividends) was 43.9%. Returns of this magnitude require a health warning. They are unlikely to be matched in 2013. Importantly for your Company, the year witnessed a stirring in the fortunes of value investing within the NSCI (XIC), your Company's investment universe. Over the five calendar years from 2007-11 inclusive, value stocks within the NSCI (XIC) underperformed growth stocks by 9.4% p.a.. In 2012, there was a reversal of this trend. The year also saw exceptionally strong relative performance from the FTSE SmallCap Index, which beat the FTSE 250 Index for only the second year out of the last nine. This, too, is important since your Company's portfolio is positioned towards the lower end of the capitalisation range. The Managers' report expands in more detail on these themes and the interconnected influences of style and size. While 2012 witnessed a "rebranding" of your Company's investment benchmark which is now known as the Numis Smaller Companies Index (excluding Investment Companies), Shareholders should be aware the underlying data series and index methodology remains unaltered. Since your Company's formation in 1990, the NSCI (XIC) has risen by 10.8% p.a. By comparison, your Company's net asset value total return has increased by 13.3% p.a.. Dividends In 2012, the dividend experience from investee companies in general, continued to be positive. Your Company's investment objective is total return orientated rather than income orientated. However, as value investors, your Board and the Managers are acutely aware of the importance of the role that income plays in generating long term returns for both UK equities in general and your Company specifically. In this context, your Board is pleased to declare a second interim dividend, in lieu of a final dividend, of 15.25p. This results in total dividends for the year of 22.25p, representing an increase of 7.2% on 2011. Based on the year end share price of 695.5p, your Company's shares deliver a 3.2% yield. Your Board remains committed to a progressive dividend policy. The level of your Company's revenue reserves, after adjusting for payment of the second interim dividend, amounting to 32.1p per share (up from 28.1p as at 31 December 2011), provides a degree of flexibility going forward. The second interim dividend will be paid on 28 February 2013 to Shareholders on the register as at the close of business on 8 February 2013. The ex dividend date is 6 February 2013. Your Company operates a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP). Details of the DRIP, including the Form of Election, are available from Aberforth Partners LLP or on its website, Gearing Your Board regularly reviews the level of gearing with the Managers and is comfortable that your Company has access to sufficient liquidity for both investment purposes and also to fund share buy-ins as and when appropriate. As at 31 December 2012, gearing was 5.9%, with £47m of the £100m facility utilised. The decision to remain geared is based upon attractive valuation levels, described in greater detail in the Managers' Report. As has been highlighted in recent Annual Reports, this should also be viewed in conjunction with the strong balance sheets of the underlying investee companies currently held in your portfolio. During the year, the level of gearing ranged from 5.8% to 11.2%. Share Buy-In Authority and Treasury Shares At the Annual General Meeting in March 2012, the authority to buy-in up to 14.99% of your Company's Ordinary Shares was approved. During the year, 446,000 Ordinary Shares were bought-in at a total cost of £2.6 million. Consistent with your Board's stated policy, those Ordinary Shares have been cancelled rather than held in Treasury. Once again, your Board will be seeking to renew the buy-in authority at the Annual General Meeting on 7 March 2013. Your Board keeps under constant review the circumstances under which the authority is utilised in relation to the overall objective of seeking to manage the share price discount relative to the net asset value. Board Changes Hamish Buchan, who has been a Director since November 2003, will not be standing for re-election at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. Hamish has been a valued member of your Board and we will all miss his insight and invaluable contributions. We wish Hamish all the very best for the future. We are delighted to appoint Paul Trickett as a Director of your Company with effect from 30 January 2013. Paul's career in the financial industry extends over 25 years. He has extensive knowledge of the investment world and we look forward to working with him. Regulatory Developments The regulatory environment in which your Company operates continues to change. The Retail Distribution Review (RDR) came into effect on 1 January 2013 with several commentators forecasting an increased level of interest in investment trusts from the investor adviser community. Later in 2013, and subject to consultation, we will see The Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFM) Directive come into force. Your Board and the Managers continue to monitor all major regulatory developments and their impact on your Company. Summary Performance within the NSCI (XIC) over the recent past has been highly polarised, with larger growth stocks driving the index's returns. This has been detrimental to the relative performance of your Company, given its value investment orientation and its size positioning towards the lower end of the available range of market capitalisations. It is therefore encouraging that 2012 saw a shift in these recent trends in favour of both style and size. However, since the global financial crisis in 2008, we have witnessed such periods before, only for them to fade and for larger growth leadership to resume: it would therefore be unwise to proclaim the "return of value investing" based solely upon the trends of any one calendar year. Regardless of what 2013 brings, your Board remains confident in ASCoT's style positioning, which has become increasingly uncommon within the small cap market over recent years. Stockmarket history supports the eventual revival in fortunes of both value investing and the small companies effect. These have been the two cornerstones of your Company's strategy since its creation in 1990 and have no doubt been crucial in attracting investors to become shareholders in ASCoT. Therefore, your Board takes comfort from the Managers' unswerving application of their value investment philosophy and is also encouraged by the alignment of interests represented by their significant shareholdings in your Company. Finally, your Board and I very much welcome your views and are always available to talk to Shareholders directly. My email address is noted below. Professor Paul Marsh Chairman 29 January 2013 MANAGERS' REPORT Introduction Stockmarkets performed well in 2012. The FTSE All-Share's total return was 12.3%, but this was eclipsed by the NSCI (XIC)'s 29.9%. Small companies therefore regained the ground lost in 2011 and, indeed, proceeded to move above the previous highs established in 2007. Illustrating the importance of income to equity returns, the NSCI (XIC) ended the year 19% above its mid 2007 peak in total return terms but only 1% above that peak in capital only terms. ASCoT performed relatively well in 2012. Its NAV total return of 31.9% is analysed in detail in the Investment Performance section of this report. These strong returns from equities are apparently at odds with macro economic developments through the year: the US had to deal with the "fiscal cliff", Chinese GDP decelerated from double digit growth rates, the Eurozone crisis rumbled on to drag much of the Continent into recession, and in the UK the austerity strategy combined with weaker overseas demand to provoke a double-dip recession. Offsetting these challenges was an encouraging performance from the US economy, where there are indications, not least from the housing market, that the consumer sector might be able to resume its traditional role of supporting global demand. Moreover, while the Eurozone's problems are still very obvious, markets have been tempted to the view that some of the key elements of a lasting solution may be starting to fall into place and that things may have stopped getting worse. Pervading these positive and negative influences on real economies are unprecedented monetary conditions. While it is still too early to be definitive about the merits or otherwise of "quantitative easing" in the US and UK or the Eurozone's new "outright monetary transactions", the past year witnessed rising frustration with such unconventional measures. These appear frequently to have missed their intended target, which is presumably investment in the real economy, instead providing a boost to asset prices. Thus, the "risk-on, risk-off" gyrations of the equity markets in recent years can be rationalised as coinciding with the announcement of the latest liquidity boost. But, the distortions of government action, whether through central banks' quantitative easing or through regulation of the type applied to the valuation of defined pension liabilities, are not confined to volatile assets such as equities. Government bonds, which have not endured the curse of volatility in recent years, are in uncharted territory. Their yields, the cornerstone of financial asset valuation, have been driven down to historically low levels. Within the discount rates used to value apparently riskier assets, the so-called risk free component is close to zero. This leaves the more subjective component, the asset specific risk premium, much more important. In such an environment, the valuations of financial assets can readily become detached from reality. The beneficiaries within equity markets are those businesses that are perceived capable of growing irrespective of economic conditions and of avoiding the disappointment of expectations - that is to say, those businesses that, like bonds themselves, have experienced low volatility in recent years. Within the context of the NSCI (XIC), such companies are relatively few and have enjoyed very strong share price performances over recent years, resulting in stretched valuations relative to the majority. This "valuation stretch", which is quantified later in this report, perhaps hints at the most convincing reason for the strong performance from small UK quoted companies and, indeed, other equities during 2012: accentuated by the stockmarket declines in 2011, the valuations of the majority of companies were simply much too low. While markets, under the influence of government action, might be slower than usual to exploit valuation anomalies, they do get there in the end. Investment performance ASCoT's NAV total return in 2012 was 31.9%. Against a background of a strong market for the shares of small UK quoted companies, with the NSCI (XIC) returning 29.9%, ASCoT's gearing was beneficial. Average gearing of 7.5% enhanced portfolio returns as the following table demonstrates. Performance background For the twelve months ended 31 December 2012 Basis points Stock selection -422 Sector selection +477 ---- Attributable to the portfolio of investments, based on mid prices +55 (after transaction costs of 34 basis points) Movement in mid to bid price spread -31 Cash/gearing +260 Purchase of ordinary shares +9 Management fee -91 Other expenses -7 ---- Total attribution based on bid prices +195 Note: 100 basis points = 1%. Total Attribution is the difference between the total return of the NAV and the Benchmark Index (i.e. NAV = 31.89%; Benchmark Index = 29.94%; difference is +1.95% being +195 basis points). The standard methodology to split attribution between Stock and Sector selection can be misleading when analysing ASCoT's performance. Your Managers' investment process is focused on decisions about individual companies. Only rarely does a general view on a particular sector play a part in determining the profile of the portfolio. The TMT period, when ASCoT had very little representation in "new economy" businesses, was a notable instance of a sector level influence, but even then the key insights were the nonsensical valuations attributed to individual companies within the TMT areas of the market. In 2012, some investment was made in the resources companies, but the portfolio benefited overall from its under-weight position in the resources sectors, which accounted for roughly 60% of the positive sector attribution. The following paragraphs describe some of the themes inherent in the portfolio and their influences on performance. Style The opening section of this report described how the unusual conditions pervading financial markets since the global financial crisis have manifested themselves in the universe of small UK quoted companies. The bear market for value stocks in recent years has been the deepest and most prolonged in the 57 year history of the NSCI (XIC). Given your Managers' consistently applied value investment disciplines, this has represented a significant headwind to ASCoT's relative performance. Encouragingly, the past twelve months witnessed a stirring in value. There are several methods to assess the performance of value against growth, all of which have advantage and disadvantages. Data from Style Research (an independent performance analysis firm) shows value stocks out-performing growth in 2012. This suggests that style influences were beneficial to ASCoT's returns last year. Size The NSCI (XIC) is defined as the bottom 10% by value of the UK stockmarket. This definition drives a market capitalisation ceiling of £1.4bn and so the index includes a large number of mid cap companies. Indeed, the overlap with FTSE 250 accounts for 76% of the value of the NSCI (XIC). The profile of ASCoT's portfolio is rather different, with 56% invested in mid caps. This positioning is motivated by the more attractive valuations on offer among the smaller denizens of the NSCI (XIC): the craving for certainty that has characterised financial markets in recent years has driven many investors to overlook the less liquid "smaller small" companies. With its closed-end status, ASCoT is well placed to exploit the consequent discount for illiquidity. This discount is unusually large at present and does not accurately reflect the business fundamentals of many "smaller small" companies. This has presented the opportunity to your Managers to invest in companies that ought to be attractive from the perspective of both the value and the growth investor. Turnover With the NSCI (XIC) led higher by growth companies over recent years, the majority of businesses have been neglected. Re-ratings among this majority have been infrequent. Thus the opportunities to take money out of investments that have enjoyed a revaluation and to put it back to work in more modestly rated investments have also been infrequent. This is manifest in ASCoT's portfolio turnover, which, at 26% in 2012, was lower than the 22 year average of 38%. Since the basic dynamic of recycling capital makes an important contribution to the performance of many value investors, your Managers, though conscious of the frictional dealing costs, would not be uncomfortable were turnover to return to more normal levels in the years ahead. Strong balance sheets Balance sheets remain unusually strong across the corporate sectors of major economies. This is also a feature of the NSCI (XIC)'s constituents and of ASCoT's investments: companies forecast to have net cash on their balance sheets at the end of 2013 accounted for 38% and 36% by value of the year end portfolio and index respectively. ASCoT's exposure declined through 2012 as a result of portfolio changes and, encouragingly, of a handful of holdings coming up with a use for the cash. However, hoarding remains the general theme. Your Managers acknowledge the still uncertain trading environment but would prefer ASCoT's investee companies to utilise their financial strength on organic investment or modestly priced acquisitions. In the absence of these, mounting cash piles are of little help to anyone and represent an opportunity cost to investors. De-equitisation Last year was another of net de-equitisation within the small cap universe, with new issuance out-weighed by returns of capital, dividends and acquisitions. The first half of 2012 witnessed an upturn in the level of M&A activity in the small cap world. The most encouraging aspect was the large (50-60%) premiums to market prices that acquirers were able to justify, though it is worth stating that traditional premiums of around 30% would have been unattractive in view of the low valuations accorded to many businesses by the stockmarket. However, after the half year, the level of M&A fell sharply, possibly in response to macro economic uncertainty. Over the year as a whole, 18 constituents of the NSCI (XIC) were acquired. ASCoT owned five of these. This represented a lower than average hit-rate, though the portfolio enjoyed an indirect benefit as the large premiums paid in the first half drew wider attention to the valuations on offer. Meanwhile, there was little IPO activity within the investment universe, with only five primary listings. The principal influence here is again the low valuations already on offer in the secondary market. These are often too low to attract private equity houses, which instead trade businesses between each other. But if vendors do not move their valuation expectations the chances of a sustained uptick in IPOs are not high. Dividends The worst year for small company dividends since records for the NSCI (XIC) began in 1955 was 2009. Since then, the recovery has been strong. Entering 2012, the third year of recovery, your Managers were cautiously expecting a slowdown in the rate of aggregate dividend growth from the NSCI (XIC)'s constituents. In the event, the dividend experience proved better than expected, helped by the contribution of companies that had passed their dividends in 2009 returning to the dividend register. ASCoT's portfolio has shared in this favourable backdrop. The following table classifies ASCoT's 90 holdings at 31 December by their most recent dividend action. Band Nil Down Flat UP New No. of holdings 19 5 16 46 4 Supported by long term data, which show that dividend yield and dividend growth have accounted for over three quarters of the total real return from small companies, your Managers believe that income will continue to be crucial to future returns from the asset class and, indeed, from equities in general. However, in today's income starved world, it can be frustrating when the search for yield within the UK equity market tends to begin and end with the FTSE 100. The 2.8% yield of small companies is below the 3.6% of the FTSE All-Share, but this is in part a result of the relatively large proportion of the NSCI (XIC) that still does not pay dividends: the yield of the yielders is 3.4%. The small company universe also comprises many more stocks than the large cap world and income is considerably less concentrated, a point highlighted by BP's problems two years ago. Within the NSCI (XIC) there are numerous businesses on attractive yields that have good dividend records and whose boards appreciate the importance of income to investors. Such businesses are a feature of ASCoT's portfolio and help drive a yield premium over the NSCI (XIC). ASCoT's portfolio dividend cover of 3.1x is also noteworthy: this is towards its highest ever level and ought to be supportive of dividend growth in future years. Valuations Characteristics 31 December 2012 31 December 2011 ASCoT Benchmark ASCoT Benchmark Number of companies 90 389 89 422 Weighted average market £512m £748m £391m £676m capitalisation Price earnings ratio 10.5x 12.8x 9.0x 10.5x (historic) Dividend yield (historic) 3.0% 2.8% 3.4% 3.2% Dividend cover 3.1x 2.8x 3.3x 3.0x The table above provides the historic PE ratios and dividend yields of the portfolio and the NSCI (XIC). Both metrics emphasise the portfolio's value characteristics. The table also illustrates the portfolio's size positioning: ASCoT's weighted average market capitalisation is much lower than that of the index. This is again a result of your Managers' value investment disciplines: the smaller companies within the NSCI (XIC) are presently valued more cheaply than the larger companies. When assessing the value of individual businesses, in relation to their own histories, to other companies or to M&A valuations, your Managers tend to focus on the ratio of enterprise value to earnings before interest, tax and amortisation (EV/EBITA). This is because the PE ratio of a company is influenced by the liability structure of its balance sheet: other things being equal, a company with a high amount of net debt will have a lower PE ratio than a company with net cash. 2013 EV/EBITA ratio 36 growth companies 247 other Tracked NSCI(XIC) ASCoT's portfolio companies 13.5x 8.6x 9.4x 7.4x The table above sets out the EV/EBITA ratios of ASCoT's portfolio, the NSCI (XIC) and two components of the index to which the opening section of this report alluded. Your Managers monitor a collection of growth stocks within the NSCI (XIC). These totalled 36 in December, though 31 have been constituents of the NSCI (XIC) over the last three years. At 1 January 2010, the 31 represented just 7% by number of the NSCI (XIC). However, they accounted for 13% of the then value of the index and for 28% of its 52% total return over the three years to 31 December 2012. The re-rating over the period took their average EV/EBITA ratio up to 13.5x. Meanwhile, the substantial majority of the NSCI (XIC), which can be considered to comprise value stocks, enjoyed more modest but still strong returns. The average EV/EBITA multiple of these companies ended 2012 at 8.6x, implying a 57% premium for growth and perceived certainty. TMT aside, this is the widest "value stretch" that your Managers have witnessed over ASCoT's 22 years. The disparity is stark and gives your Managers confidence that ASCoT's portfolio is well positioned to generate good relative returns in the future. Outlook & conclusion The trouble with value investors is that they can almost always present a set of numbers that demonstrates how much cheaper their portfolio is than the market. However, with a long term horizon, this is probably enough. Academic studies on both sides of the Atlantic suggest that the value style out-performs over time, through the process of steady compounding in companies that the market chooses not to re-rate and through the disciplined recycling of funds from companies that have been revalued into those on lower valuations. In last year's report, conscious of shorter time horizons of some investors, your Managers described four potential catalysts for a renaissance of the value style. A year on, it is reasonable to conclude that each of these may have played a part in 2012's stirring in value. - Dividends have continued to grow and the hunger for yield may slowly be rubbing off on small companies. - Your Managers have continued to conduct discreet corporate engagement in an attempt to close value gaps. - De-equitisation has continued, with a slightly disappointing number of M&A transactions offset by higher than average premiums. - An improved macro economy is perhaps most difficult to argue, though, without further unpleasant surprises, equity prices had possibly discounted much of the downside as 2011 drew to a close. A year on, despite the asset class's intervening 29.9% returns, your Managers remain enthused about the prospects for value investment in the equities of small UK quoted companies. This enthusiasm is motivated by what are still attractive valuations. And these valuations are attractive because, for several years now, the market has run scared of practically everything that ASCoT has to offer: the low volatility of bonds has been preferred to equities; the perceived certainty of the growth style has been preferred to value; more liquid "larger small" companies have been preferred to "smaller small" companies; private equity models have been preferred to quoted companies; and exciting emerging markets have been preferred to the UK. From a contrarian perspective and backed up by historical evidence, your Managers consider ASCoT's portfolio of well financed and attractively valued businesses suitably positioned to take advantage of today's unusual structure of relationships within financial markets and to deliver good returns for investors over the medium and long term. Aberforth Partners LLP Managers 29 January 2013 DIRECTORS' RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT Each of the Directors confirm to the best of their knowledge that: (a) the financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company; and (b) the Annual Report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties it faces. A summary of these can be found below. On behalf of the Board Prof Paul Marsh Chairman 29 January 2013 PRINCIPAL RISKS AND RISK MANAGEMENT The Directors have established an ongoing process for identifying, evaluating and managing the key risks faced by the Company. This process was in operation during the year and continues in place up to the date of this report. The Board believes that the Company has a relatively low risk profile in the context of the investment trust industry. This belief arises from the fact that the Company has a simple capital structure; invests only in small UK quoted companies; has never been exposed to derivatives and does not presently intend any such exposure; and outsources all the main operational activities to recognised, well-established firms. Investment in small companies is generally perceived to carry more risk than investment in large companies. While this is reasonable when comparing individual companies, it is much less so when comparing the volatility of returns from diversified portfolios of small and large companies. The Board believes the Company's portfolio is diversified. In addition, since returns from small and large companies are not perfectly correlated, there is an opportunity for investors to reduce risk by holding portfolios of both small and large companies together. As the Company's investments consist of small UK quoted companies, the principal risks facing the Company are market related and include interest rate, liquidity, credit, and market price risk. An explanation of these risks and how they are managed follows: (i) Interest rate risk, being the risk that the interest receivable/payable and the market value of investment holdings may fluctuate because of changes in market interest rates. When the Company decides to hold cash balances, all balances are held on variable rate bank accounts yielding rates of interest linked to bank base rate which at 31 December 2012 was 0.5% (2011: 0.5%). The Company's policy is to hold cash in variable rate bank accounts and not usually to invest in fixed rate securities. The Company's investment portfolio is not directly exposed to interest rate risk. The Company has a bank debt facility of £100,000,000 of which £46,750,000 was drawn down as at 31 December 2012 (2011: debt facility of £100,000,000, of which £68,000,000 was drawn down). (ii) Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will encounter difficulty raising funds to meet its cash commitments as they fall due. Liquidity risk may result from either the inability to sell financial instruments quickly at their fair values or from the inability to generate cash inflows as required. The Company's assets comprise mainly readily realisable equity securities which, if necessary, can be sold to meet any funding requirements though short term funding flexibility can typically be achieved through the use of bank debt facilities. The Company's current liabilities all have a remaining contractual maturity of less than three months with the exception of the bank debt facility. (iii) Credit risk is the risk that a counterparty to a financial instrument will fail to discharge an obligation or commitment that it has entered into with the Company. The Company invests in UK equities traded on the London Stock Exchange and investment transactions are carried out with a large number of FSA regulated brokers with trades typically undertaken on a delivery versus payment basis and on a short settlement period. Cash at bank is held with reputable banks with acceptable external credit ratings. The investment portfolio assets of the Company are held by The Northern Trust Company, the Company's custodian, in a segregated account. In the event of the bankruptcy or insolvency of Northern Trust the Company's rights with respect to the securities held by the custodian may be delayed or limited. The Board monitors the Company's risk by reviewing Northern Trust's internal control report. (iv) Market price risk, being the risk that the market value of investment holdings will fluctuate as a result of changes in market prices caused by factors other than interest rate or currency rate movement. The Company's investment portfolio is exposed to market price fluctuations which are monitored by the investment managers in pursuance of the investment objective. No derivative or hedging instruments are currently utilised to specifically manage market price risk. Further information on the investment portfolio is set out in the Managers' Report. It is not the Managers' policy to use derivatives to manage portfolio risk. As at 31 December 2012, all of the Company's financial instruments (excluding loans) were included in the balance sheet at fair value. The investment portfolio consisted of listed investments valued at their bid price, which represents fair value. Any cash balances, which are held in variable rate bank accounts, can be withdrawn on demand with no penalty. The Company's financial instruments are all denominated in sterling and therefore the Company is not directly exposed to any significant currency risk. However, it is recognised that most investee companies, whilst listed in the UK, will be exposed to global economic conditions and currency fluctuations. Additional risks faced by the Company, together with the approach taken by the Board towards them, have been summarised as follows: - Investment policy/performance - the performance of the investment portfolio will typically not match the performance of the benchmark. However, the Board's aim is to achieve the investment objective over the long term whilst managing risk by ensuring the investment portfolio is managed appropriately. The Managers have a clearly defined investment philosophy and manage a diversified portfolio. The value of the portfolio will also be affected by events or developments in the economic environment generally, for example inflation or deflation, recession and movements in interest rates. The Board continually monitors the Company's performance against the benchmark, and regularly receives detailed portfolio attribution analysis. The peer group is also regularly monitored by the Board and this includes NAV performance and share price discount, management fees and ongoing charges. - Share price discount - investment trust shares tend to trade at discounts to their underlying net asset values. The Board and the Managers monitor the discount on a daily basis. Furthermore, the Board intends to continue to use the share buy back facility to seek to sustain as low a discount as seems possible. - Gearing risk - in rising markets, the effect of borrowings would be beneficial but in falling markets the gearing effect would adversely affect returns to Shareholders. The Board considers the gearing strategy and associated risk at each meeting. - Reputational risk - reputational risk can rise as a result of factors within or outwith the Company's control. The Board and the Managers monitor external forces affecting the reputation of the Company and take action if appropriate. The Board and the Secretaries also monitor market developments and identify and communicate regularly with investors. - Risk appetite - the effect of inappropriate risk appetite or failure to establish appropriate strategy to manage the Company to a desired risk level. The Managers have a clearly defined investment philosophy which includes a number of risk metrics, and they manage a diversified portfolio. The Board considers the strategy to be adopted in conjunction with the risk measures and reviews the decisions against this strategy. The Board continually monitors the Company's performance against the benchmark, and regularly receive a detailed portfolio attribution analysis, including risk measures. - Regulatory risk - failure to comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements could lead to suspension of the Company's share price listing, financial penalties or a qualified audit report. A breach of Section 1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 could lead to the Company being subject to capital gains tax. The Board receives quarterly compliance reports from the Secretaries to monitor compliance with rules and regulations, together with information on future developments. In summary, the Board regularly considers the risks associated with the Company, the measures in place to monitor them and the possibility of any other risks that may arise. Thirty Largest Investments As at 31 December 2012 Value % of Total No. Company £'000 Net Assets Business Activity 1 RPC Group 24,734 3.2 Plastic packaging 2 Bodycote 24,167 3.2 Engineering - heat treatment 3 Galliford Try 22,525 2.9 Housebuilding & construction services 4 e2v technologies 21,637 2.8 Electronic components & subsystems 5 CSR 20,891 2.7 Location & connectivity semiconductors 6 JD Sports Fashion 20,588 2.7 Retailing - sports goods & clothing 7 Northgate 19,805 2.6 Van rental 8 Spirit Pub Company 19,749 2.6 Managed pub operator 9 St. Modwen Properties 18,495 2.4 Property investment & development 10 Howden Joinery Group 16,540 2.2 Kitchen supplier Top Ten Investments 209,131 27.3 11 Brewin Dolphin Holdings 16,477 2.2 Private client fund manager 12 RPS Group 16,380 2.1 Energy & environmental consulting 13 Barratt Developments 15,547 2.0 Housebuilding 14 Phoenix IT Group 14,564 1.9 IT services & disaster recovery 15 Vectura Group 13,906 1.8 Inhaled pharmaceuticals - respiratory specialism 16 Tullett Prebon 13,802 1.8 Interdealer broker 17 Lavendon Group 13,593 1.8 Hire of access equipment 18 Synthomer 13,266 1.7 Speciality chemicals 19 Micro Focus 13,027 1.7 Software - development & testing 20 Regus 12,586 1.7 Serviced office accommodation Top Twenty Investments 352,279 46.0 21 AZ Electronic Materials 12,355 1.6 Chemicals for semiconductor production 22 WH Smith 11,800 1.5 Newsagents 23 Unite Group 11,797 1.5 Property - student accommodation 24 National Express Group 11,644 1.5 Train, bus & coach operator 25 Halfords Group 11,638 1.5 Retailing & car servicing 26 Beazley 11,369 1.5 Lloyds insurer 27 Laird Group 11,170 1.5 Electronic systems & controls 28 Cranswick 10,904 1.4 Food manufacturer 29 Castings 10,861 1.4 Engineering - automotive castings 30 Optos 10,665 1.4 Medical technology - retinal imaging Top Thirty Investments 466,482 60.8 Other Investments 346,844 45.1 Total Investments 813,326 105.9 Net Liabilities (45,147) (5.9) Total Net Assets 768,179 100.0 The Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds and summary Cash Flow Statement are set out below:- INCOME STATEMENT For the year ended 31 December 2012 (audited) For the year ended For the year ended 31 December 2012 31 December 2011 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 Gains/(losses) on investments - 169,537 169,537 - (110,015) (110,015) Investment income 28,065 - 28,065 26,502 - 26,502 Other income 1 - 1 1 - 1 Investment management fee ( 2,057) (3,428) (5,485) (2,105) (3,508) (5,613) Other expenses (443) (2,035) (2,478) (522) (2,475) (2,997) ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Return on ordinary activities 25,566 164,074 189,640 23,876 (115,998) (92,122) before finance costs and tax Finance costs (540) (899) (1,439) (616) (1,027) (1,643) ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Return on ordinary activities 25,026 163,175 188,201 23,260 (117,025) (93,765) before tax Tax on ordinary activities (18) - (18) (13) - (13) ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Return attributable to equity shareholders 25,008 163,175 188,183 23,247 (117,025) (93,778) ====== ======= ======= ====== ======= ======= Returns per Ordinary Share 26.07p 170.13p 196.20p 24.13p (121.46p) (97.33p) The Board declared on 29 January 2013 a second interim dividend of 15.25p per Ordinary Share (2011 - 14.3p). The Board also declared on 18 July 2012 a first interim dividend of 7.00p per Ordinary Share (2011 interim dividend of 6.45p). The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period. A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses is not required as all gains and losses of the Company have been reflected in the above statement. RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS For the year ended 31 December 2012 (audited) Capital Share redemption Special Capital Revenue Capital reserve reserve reserve reserve Total £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 Balance as at 31 December 2011 961 27 182,103 379,276 40,724 603,091 Return on ordinary activities after taxation - - - 163,175 25,008 188,183 Equity dividends paid - - - - (20,453) (20,453) Purchase of Ordinary Shares (4) 4 (2,642) - - (2,642) ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Balance as at 31 December 2012 957 31 179,461 542,451 45,279 768,179 ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== For the year ended 31 December 2011 (audited) Capital Share redemption Special Capital Revenue Capital reserve reserve reserve reserve Total £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 Balance as at 31 December 2010 964 24 183,279 496,301 36,221 716,789 Return on ordinary activities after taxation - - - (117,025) 23,247 (93,778) Equity dividends paid - - - - (18,744) (18,744) Purchase of Ordinary Shares (3) 3 (1,176) - - (1,176) ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Balance as at 31 December 2011 961 27 182,103 379,276 40,724 603,091 ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== BALANCE SHEET As at 31 December 2012 (audited) 31 December 31 December 2012 2011 £ 000 £ 000 Fixed assets: Investments at fair value through profit or loss 813,326 669,903 ------- ------- Current assets Debtors 1,857 2,578 Cash at bank 259 151 ------- ------- 2,116 2,729 Creditors (amounts falling due within one year) (577) (1,657) ------- ------- Net current assets 1,539 1,072 ------- ------- Total Assets less Current Liabilities 814,865 670,975 Creditors (amounts falling due after more than one year) (46,686) (67,884) ------- ------- Total Net Assets 768,179 603,091 ======= ======= Capital and reserves: equity interests Called up share capital (Ordinary Shares) 957 961 Reserves: Capital redemption reserve 31 27 Special reserve 179,461 182,103 Capital reserve 542,451 379,276 Revenue reserve 45,279 40,724 ------- ------- Total Shareholders' Funds 768,179 603,091 ======= ======= Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share 802.76p 627.31p SUMMARY CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the year ended 31 December 2012 (audited) For the year ended For the year ended 31 December 2012 31 December 2011 £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 22,708 18,763 Taxation 9 (15) Returns on investments and servicing of finance (1,394) (1,584) Capital expenditure and financial investment Payments to acquire investments (200,491) (238,064) Receipts from sales of investments 223,997 224,277 -------- -------- Net cash inflow/(outflow) from capital expenditure and financial investment 23,506 (13,787) -------- -------- 44,829 3,377 Equity dividends paid (20,453) (18,744) -------- -------- 24,376 (15,367) Financing Purchase of Ordinary Shares (3,018) (800) Net (repayment)/drawdown of bank debt facilities (before costs) (21,250) 16,250 -------- -------- Increase in cash 108 83 ======= ======= Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt Increase in cash in the year 108 83 Net repayment/(drawdown) of bank debt facilities 21,250 (16,100) Amortised costs in respect of the bank debt facility (52) (173) -------- -------- Change in net debt 21,306 (16,190) Opening net debt (67,733) (51,543) -------- -------- Closing net debt (46,427) (67,733) ======= ======= NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. ACCOUNTING STANDARDS The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis and in accordance with applicable accounting standards and the AIC's Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" issued in 2009. The same accounting policies used for the year ended 31 December 2011 have been applied. 2. INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT FEE For the year to 31 December 2012 Revenue Capital Total £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 Investment management fee 2,057 3,428 5,485 ====== ====== ====== For the year to 31 December 2011 Revenue Capital Total £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 Investment management fee 2,105 3,508 5,613 ====== ====== ====== 3. DIVIDENDS Year to Year to 31 December 2012 31 December 2011 £000 £000 Amounts recognised as distributions to equity holders in the period: Second interim dividend of 14.3p 13,748 12,528 for the year ended 31 December 2011 (2010: 13.0p) First interim dividend of 7.0p 6,705 6,216 for the year ended 31 December 2012 (2011: 6.45p) ------ ------ 20,453 18,744 ====== ====== The second interim dividend for the year ended 31 December 2012 of 15.25p will be paid on 28 February 2013. This dividend has not been included as a liability in these financial statements. 4. RETURNS PER ORDINARY SHARE The returns per Ordinary Share are based on: Year to Year to 31 December 2012 31 December 2011 £000 £000 Returns attributable to Ordinary 188,183 (93,778) Shareholders Weighted average number of shares in 95,911,500 96,345,381 issue during the period Return per Ordinary Share 196.20p (97.33p) 5. NET ASSET VALUES The net assets and the net asset value per share attributable to the Ordinary Shares at each period end are calculated in accordance with their entitlements in the Articles of Association and were as follows: 31 December 31 December 2012 2011 £000 £000 Net assets attributable 768,179 603,091 Pence Pence Net asset value attributable 802.76 627.31 per Ordinary Share As at 31 December 2012, the Company had 95,692,792 Ordinary Shares in issue (31 December 2011 - 96,138,792). During the year to 31 December 2012, the Company bought in and cancelled 446,000 shares (2011 - 228,000 shares) at a total cost of £ 2,642,000 (2011 - £1,176,000). 60,000 shares have been bought back for cancellation between 31 December 2012 and 29 January 2013 at a total cost of £435,000. 6. FURTHER INFORMATION The foregoing do not constitute statutory accounts (as defined in section 434(3) of the Companies Act 2006) of the Company. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2011, which contained an unqualified Report of the Auditors, have been lodged with the Registrar of Companies and did not contain a statement required under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. Certain statements in this announcement are forward looking statements. By their nature, forward looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties or assumptions that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by those statements. Forward looking statements regarding past trends or activities should not be taken as representation that such trends or activities will continue in the future. Accordingly, undue reliance should not be placed on forward looking statements. The Annual Report is expected to be posted to shareholders on 2 February 2013. Members of the public may obtain copies from Aberforth Partners LLP, 14 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7NS or from its website at CONTACT: David Ross/Alistair Whyte, Aberforth Partners LLP, 0131 220 0733 Aberforth Partners LLP, Secretaries - 29 January 2013
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