Result of AGM

Aberforth Smaller Companies Trust plc

Legal Entity Identifier (“LEI”):  213800GZ9WC73A92Q326

Annual General Meeting held on 1 March 2018

The Board of Aberforth Smaller Companies Trust plc (“ASCoT”) hereby report that all the resolutions proposed at the Annual General Meeting held on 1 March 2018 were passed by Shareholders on a show of hands. A total of 38,119,772 proxy votes were received, representing 41.1% of the 92,702,637 Ordinary Shares in issue.

The table below shows the result of the proxy voting:

Resolution Votes in favour Discretionary Votes Votes against Votes withheld Total proxy votes
1 38,086,379 32,202 0 1,191 38,119,772
2 38,070,978 32,202 10,516 6,076 38,119,772
3 38,087,176 32,182 414 0 38,119,772
4 38,034,006 34,402 50,414 950 38,119,772
5 38,085,336 32,202 1,284 950 38,119,772
6 38,085,336 32,202 1,284 950 38,119,772
7 38,081,406 32,202 414 5,750 38,119,772
8 38,082,337 32,202 4,283 950 38,119,772
9 38,082,466 32,202 1,614 3,490 38,119,772
10 38,077,726 33,652 7,980 414 38,119,772


A "Vote withheld" is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of the votes "For" or "Against" a resolution.


David Holland, Aberforth Partners LLP, Secretaries

Telephone: 0131 220 0733

2 March 2018

UK 100