Result of AGM

Aberforth Smaller Companies Trust plc

Annual General Meeting held on 28 February 2019

The Board of Aberforth Smaller Companies Trust plc (“ASCoT”) hereby report that all the resolutions proposed at the Annual General Meeting held on 28 February 2019 were passed by Shareholders on a show of hands. A total of 41,781,794 proxy votes were received, representing 46.1% of the 90,566,351 Ordinary Shares in issue.

The table below shows the result of the proxy voting:

Resolution Votes in favour Discretionary Votes Votes against Votes withheld Total proxy votes
1 41,763,075 16,128 1,400 1,191 41,781,794
2 41,752,423 16,128 11,122 2,121 41,781,794
3 41,765,666 16,128 0 0 41,781,794
4 41,763,205 17,528 464 597 41,781,794
5 41,763,255 17,528 414 597 41,781,794
6 41,763,352 17,528 414 500 41,781,794
7 41,758,966 17,528 0 5,300 41,781,794
8 41,758,434 17,528 50 5,782 41,781,794
9 39,501,163 17,528 3,656 2,259,447 41,781,794
10 41,761,461 17,528 1,614 1,191 41,781,794
11 41,749,015 17,825 14,909 45 41,781,794


A "Vote withheld" is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of the votes "For" or "Against" a resolution.


Michael Campbell, Aberforth Partners LLP, Secretaries

Telephone: 0131 220 0733

1 March 2019

UK 100