ET ASSET VALUE BLACKROCK COMMODITIES INCOME INVESTMENT TRUST PLC The unaudited net asset values for BlackRock Commodities Income Investment Trust plc at close of business on 23 March 2016 were: 59.72p Capital only 61.14p Including current year income Notes: 1. Investments have been valued on a bid price basis. 2. Revenue items included in net asset value, with dividends payable deducted on the ex-dividend date. 3. Following the issue of a further 400,000 shares on 22 February 2016, the Company now has 117,468,000 ordinary shares in issue, and the unaudited NAV above has been calculated on this basis. 4. For the latest daily net asset value, previous month end performance statistics, asset allocation and ten largest holdings of the BlackRock managed Investment Trusts; see BLRKINDEX on Reuters or page 8800 on ICB (Topic 3). NET ASSET VALUE BLACKROCK GREATER EUROPE INVESTMENT TRUST PLC The unaudited net asset values for BlackRock Greater Europe Investment Trust plc at close of business on 23 March 2016 were: 260.87p Capital only (undiluted) 258.74p Capital only (Diluted for subscription shares) 258.74p Capital only (Diluted for subscription shares & treasury shares) 262.22p Including current year income (undiluted) 259.86p Including current year income (Diluted for subscription shares) 259.86p Including current year income (Diluted for subscription shares & treasury shares) Notes: 1. Investments have been valued on a bid price basis. 2. Revenue items included in net asset value, with dividends payable deducted on the ex-dividend date. 3. Following the subscription of shares on 08 February 2016, the Company now has 103,086,916 Ordinary Shares in issue (excluding 6,725,825 Ordinary Shares which are held in Treasury). The Company also has 20,530,998 Subscription Shares in issue. 4. For the latest daily net asset value, previous month end performance statistics, asset allocation and ten largest holdings of the BlackRock managed Investment Trusts; see BLRKINDEX on Reuters or page 8800 on ICB (Topic 3). NET ASSET VALUE BLACKROCK WORLD MINING TRUST PLC The unaudited net asset values for BlackRock World Mining Trust plc at close of business on 23 March 2016 were: 247.21p Capital only (undiluted) 265.09p Including current year income (undiluted) Notes: 1. Revenue items included in net asset value, with dividends payable deducted on the ex-dividend date. 2. Following the buyback of 197,000 ordinary shares on 11 March 2016, the Company has 176,705,242 ordinary shares in issue, excluding 16,306,600 which are held in treasury. 3. For the latest daily net asset value, previous month end performance statistics, asset allocation and ten largest holdings of the BlackRock managed Investment Trusts; see BLRKINDEX on Reuters or page 8800 on ICB (Topic 3). 4. Investments have been valued on a bid price basis. NET ASSET VALUE BLACKROCK THROGMORTON TRUST PLC The unaudited net asset values for BlackRock Throgmorton Trust plc at close of business on 23 March 2016 were: 378.59p Capital only 379.63p Including current year income XD 378.59p Capital only (adjusted for treasury shares) 379.63p Including current year income (adjusted for treasury shares) XD Notes: 1. Investments have been valued on a bid price basis. 2. The Company's issued share capital comprises 73,130,326 Ordinary Shares and 7,400,000 Treasury Shares. 3. Revenue items included in net asset value, with dividends payable deducted on the ex-dividend date. NET ASSET VALUE BLACKROCK EMERGING EUROPE PLC The unaudited net asset values for BlackRock Emerging Europe plc at close of business on 23 March 2016 were: 348.40c per share (US cents) - Capital only 246.91p per share (pence sterling) - Capital only 350.77c per share (US cents) - Including current year income 248.59p per share (pence sterling) - Including current year income Notes: 1. Investments have been valued on a bid price basis. 2. Revenue items included in net asset value. 3. Following the buyback for cancellation of 23,800 ordinary shares on 10 March 2016, the Company's share capital consists of 36,186,128 Ordinary shares (excluding 5,400,000 ordinary shares held in treasury) carrying one vote each. NET ASSET VALUE BLACKROCK NORTH AMERICAN INCOME TRUST PLC The unaudited net asset values for BlackRock North American Income Trust plc at close of business on 23 March 2016 were: 129.96p Capital only 131.18p Including current year income XD Notes: 1. Investments have been valued on a bid price basis. 2. Revenue items included in net asset value, with dividends payable deducted on the ex-dividend date. 3. Following the buyback of 50,000 ordinary shares on 15 March 2016, the Company has 71,899,044 ordinary shares in issue, excluding 28,462,261 which are held in treasury. NET ASSET VALUE BLACKROCK LATIN AMERICAN INVESTMENT TRUST PLC The unaudited net asset values for BlackRock Latin American Investment Trust plc at close of business on 23 March 2016 were: 498.78c per share (US cents) - Capital only 514.13c per share (US cents) - Including current year income 353.49p per share (pence sterling) Capital only 364.36p per share (pence sterling) - Including current year income Notes: 1. Investments have been valued on a bid price basis. 2. Revenue items included in net asset value, with dividends payable deducted on the ex-dividend date. 3. The Company has 39,369,620 ordinary shares in issue (excluding 2,071,662 ordinary shares which are held in treasury). 4. For the latest daily net asset value, previous month end performance statistics, asset allocation and ten largest holdings of the BlackRock managed Investment Trusts; see BLRKINDEX on Reuters or page 8800 on ICB (Topic 3). NET ASSET VALUE BLACKROCK INCOME AND GROWTH INVESTMENT TRUST PLC The unaudited net asset values for BlackRock Income and Growth Investment Trust plc at close of business on 23 March 2016 were: 178.75p Capital only (undiluted) 180.65p Including current year income (undiluted) Notes: 1. Following the buyback of 250,000 ordinary shares on 12 February 2015, the Company has 26,229,268 ordinary shares in issue excluding 6,704,664 shares in treasury. 2. Investments have been valued on a bid price basis. 3. Revenue items included in net asset value, with dividends payable deducted on the ex-dividend date. NET ASSET VALUE BLACKROCK SMALLER COMPANIES TRUST PLC The unaudited net asset values for BlackRock Smaller Companies Trust plc at close of business on 23 March 2016 were: 1013.82p Capital only and including debt at par value 1004.22p Capital only and including debt at fair value 1028.66p Including current year income and debt at par value 1019.07p Including current year income and debt at fair value Notes: 1. Investments have been valued on a bid price basis. 2. The total number of ordinary shares in issue excluding treasury shares is 47,879,792. The total amount of ordinary shares held in treasury is 2,113,731. 3. For the latest daily net asset value, previous month end performance statistics, asset allocation and ten largest holdings of the BlackRock managed Investment Trusts; see BLRKINDEX on Reuters or page 8800 on ICB (Topic 3). NET ASSET VALUE BLACKROCK FRONTIERS INVESTMENT TRUST PLC The unaudited net asset values for the ordinary shares of BlackRock Frontiers Investment Trust plc at close of business on 23 March 2016 were: 153.72c Capital only USD (cents) 108.94p Capital only Sterling (pence) 154.98c Including current year income USD (cents) 109.84p Including current year income Sterling (pence) Notes: 1. Investments have been valued on a bid price basis. 2. Revenue items included in net asset value, with dividends payable deducted on the ex-dividend date. 3. The unaudited NAV above has been calculated on the basis of 164,333,108 Ordinary Shares in issue. NET ASSET VALUE BLACKROCK INCOME STRATEGIES TRUST PLC The unaudited net asset values for BlackRock Income Strategies Trust PLC at close of business on 23 March 2016 were: 130.72p Capital only and including debt at par value 125.00p Capital only and including debt at fair value 130.94p Including current year income and debt at par value XD 125.23p Including current year income and debt at fair value XD Notes: 1. Investments have been valued on a bid price basis. 2. Following the buyback of 100,000 ordinary shares on 18 March 2016, the Company has 273,287,282 ordinary shares in issue, excluding 17,825,000 which are held in treasury. 3. Revenue items included in net asset value, with dividends payable deducted on the ex-dividend date. 4. The unaudited NAV above has been calculated on the basis of 273,287,282 Ordinary Shares in issue.