Result of AGM
Results of the AGM
The Company announces that the following resolutions were passed at the Annual
General Meeting of the Company held on Thursday, 23rd
July 2009 and the level of proxy votes received is shown below.
Resolutions Votes For % Votes % Total Votes
Against Votes Cast Withheld*
Ordinary Resolutions
1. To receive and 26,818,877 95.87 1,156,161 4.13 27,975,038 0
consider the
audited accounts
and the Report of
the Directors for
the year ended 31
March 2009.
2. To re-elect Mr 24,482,185 87.51 3,492,853 12.49 27,975,038 0
Paul Gaunt as a
Director of the
3. To re-elect Dr 25,572,964 95.67 1,156,161 4.33 26,729,125 1,245,913
John Gordon as a
Director of the
4. To re-elect Mr 26,811,448 95.84 1,163,590 4.16 27,975,038 0
John Sclater as a
Director of the
5. To re-elect Mr 25,572,964 95.67 1,156,161 4.33 26,729,125 1,245,913
Peter Keen as a
Director of the
6. To re-elect Mr 24,568,370 87.82 3,406,668 12.18 27,975,038 0
Sven Borho as a
Director of the
7. To re-elect Lord 25,513,909 95.45 1,215,216 4.55 26,729,125 1,245,913
Waldegrave of
North Hill as a
Director of the
8. To approve the 27,691,914 99.09 253,258 0.91 27,945,172 29,866
9. To re-appoint 27,951,480 99.93 19,793 0.07 27,971,273 3,765
Grant Thornton UK
LLP as auditors
and to authorise
the Directors to
determine their
Special Business
10. To authorise the 27,902,147 99.79 59,582 0.21 27,961,729 13,309
Directors to allot
securities in the
11. To disapply the 27,885,256 99.73 76,597 0.27 27,961,853 13,185
rights of pre-emption
in relation to the
allotment of
securities contained
in section 89 of the
Companies Act 1985.
(Special resolution).
12. To authorise the 27,929,157 99.88 32,696 0.12 27,961,853 13,185
Company to make market
purchases of Ordinary
shares in the Company.
(Special resolution)
13. To adopt new 27,929,267 99.97 7,500 0.03 27,936,767 38,271
Articles of
Association. (Special
14. That as permitted 27,968,095 100.00 0 0.00 27,968,095 6,943
by the EU
Shareholders' Rights
Directive (2007/36/EC)
any General Meeting of
the Company (other
than the Annual
General Meeting) shall
be called by notice of
at least 14 clear
days. (Special
* Please note that `Vote withheld' is not a vote in law and is not counted in
the calculation of the proportion of votes `For' and `Against `a resolution.
23rd July 2009
Frostrow Capital LLP
For further information please contact:
Mark Pope Frostrow Capital LLP - 0203 008 4913
Company Secretary