Half-yearly Report
BlackRock Commodities Income Investment Trust plc
Half yearly financial report
Performance record
Financial Highlights
Attributable to ordinary shareholders 31 30
May November
2014 2013
(unaudited) (audited) Change %
Net assets (£'000)(i) 112,017 101,830 +10.0
Net asset value per ordinary share 110.90p 105.79p +4.8
- with income reinvested - - +7.9
Ordinary share price (mid-market) 112.00p 109.50p +2.3
- with income reinvested - - +5.2
For For
the the
six six
months months
ended ended
31 May 2014 31 May 2013
(unaudited) (unaudited) Change %
Net revenue after taxation (£'000) 3,008 2,931 +2.6
Revenue return per ordinary share 3.05p 3.11p -1.9
------- ------- ------
Interim dividends
1st interim 1.4875p 1.4750p +0.8
2nd interim (ii) 1.4875p 1.4750p +0.8
------- ------- ------
(i) The change in net assets reflects market movements and the issue of 4,750,000
ordinary shares during the period.
(ii) to be paid on 25 July 2014.
Performance to 31 May 2014
Six One Five
months year years
Net asset value per ordinary share
- with income reinvested 7.9% 1.1% 34.9%
---- ---- -----
Ordinary share price (mid-market)
- with income reinvested 5.2% 0.8% 36.0%
---- ---- -----
Source: BlackRock.
Chairman's statement
It is encouraging to report good performance during the period under review,
and this has been led by the outperformance of the energy sector where we have
held an overweight position.
During the six month period ended 31 May 2014 the Company's net asset value
("NAV") per share returned 7.9% and the share price returned 5.2% (both
percentages in sterling terms with income reinvested). Further information on
investment performance is given in the Investment Manager's Report.
Since the period end, the Company's NAV has increased by 2.4% and the share
price has risen by 4.9% (with income reinvested).
Revenue return and dividends
Revenue return per share for the six month period was 3.05 pence (six months to
31 May 2013: 3.11 pence). The target for the year ending 30 November 2014 is to
pay dividends amounting to at least 5.95 pence per share in total (1) (2013:
target of 5.90 pence). The first quarterly dividend of 1.4875 pence per share
was paid on 22 April 2014 and the second quarterly dividend of 1.4875 pence per
share will be paid on 25 July 2014 to shareholders on the register on 20 June
2014 (2013: three interim dividends each of 1.4750 pence per share and a fourth
interim dividend of 1.5250 pence per share).
Tender offer
The Directors of the Company have the discretion to make semi-annual tender
offers in February and August of each year at the prevailing NAV, less 2%, for
up to 20% of the Company's issued share capital.
The Directors announced on 9 June 2014 that over the six month period to 31 May
2014 the Company's shares had traded at an average premium to NAV of 1.39% and it
was not therefore in the interests of shareholders to implement the tender
offer as at 31 August 2014.
The Company operates a flexible gearing policy which depends on prevailing
market conditions. It is not intended that gearing will exceed 20% of the gross
assets of the Company. The maximum gearing used during the period was 11.2%,
and at 31 May 2014 gearing was 4.6%.
1. This is a target and should not be interpreted as a profit or dividend
Share Capital
During the period the Company issued 4,750,000 ordinary shares at an average
price of 108.32 pence per share for a total consideration of £5,146,000, before
the deduction of issue costs. The shares were issued at an average premium of
1.9% to the cum income NAV at the close of business on the business day prior
to each issue and at a premium to the estimated cum income NAV at the time of
each transaction.
Since 31 May 2014, a further 450,000 shares have been issued for consideration
of £523,000, before the deduction of issue costs. The shares were issued at an
average premium of 2.4% to the cum income NAV at the close of business on the
previous business day and at a premium to the estimated cum income NAV at the
time of the transaction.
Alternative Investment Fund Manager's Directive ("AIFMD")
BlackRock Fund Managers Limited ("BFM") was appointed as the Company's
Alternative Investment Fund Manager ("AIFM") on 2 July 2014 having been
authorised as an AIFM by the Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA") on 1 May 2014.
The terms agreed with the AIFM enable the Board to continue to act
independently of the AIFM. The new Investment Management Agreement terms also
strike the appropriate balance between the Board's control over the Company,
its investment policies and compliance with the regulatory obligations.
The Board has also appointed BNY Mellon Trust & Depositary (UK) Limited (the
"Depositary") to act as the Company's depositary as required by the AIFMD, on
the terms and subject to the conditions of a depositary agreement between the
Company, BFM and the Depositary.
Facilitating Retail Investments
The Company currently conducts its affairs so that its shares can be
recommended by independent financial advisers to retail investors in accordance
with the FCA rules in relation to non-mainstream investment products and
intends to do so for the foreseeable future. The shares are excluded from the
FCA's restrictions which apply to non-mainstream investment products because
they are shares in an investment trust.
Our managers consider that the downside risks associated with current commodity
prices are now relatively low, although there remains some uncertainty
surrounding economic activity in China.
The mining industry has significantly reduced its capital commitments over the
last two years and this has translated into greater free cash flow for the
sector overall, which should be supportive of dividends in the medium term.
Whilst the improving environment has allowed many of the portfolio's holdings
to increase dividends moderately during the period, the strength of sterling
has been a headwind. Nonetheless, at the time of writing we remain on track to
meet our divided target.
Alan Hodson
18 July 2014
Interim management report and responsibility statement
The Chairman's Statement and the Investment Manager's Report give details of
the important events which have occurred during the period and their impact on
the ï¬nancial statements.
Principal Risks and Uncertainties
The principal risks faced by the Company can be divided into various areas as
Operational; and
The Board reported on the principal risks and uncertainties faced by the
Company in the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended
30 November 2013. A detailed explanation can be found in the Strategic Report on
pages 17 and 18 and in note 19 on pages 52 to 57 of the Annual Report and
Financial Statements which are available on the website maintained by BlackRock
Investment Management (UK) Limited, at blackrock.co.uk/brci.
In the view of the Board, there have not been any changes to the fundamental
nature of these risks since the previous report and these principal risks and
uncertainties are equally applicable to the remaining six months of the
ï¬nancial year as they were to the six months under review.
Related Party Disclosure Transactions with the Investment Manager
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited acted as the Investment Manager
until 2 July 2014 and is regarded as a related party under the Listing Rules.
Details of the management fees payable are set out in note 3 and note 9.
BlackRock Fund Managers Limited was appointed as the Company's AIFM with effect
from 2 July 2014. The related party transactions with the Directors are also
set out in note 8.
Going Concern
The Directors are satisï¬ed that the Company has adequate resources to continue
in operational existence for the foreseeable future and is ï¬nancially sound.
For this reason, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing
the financial statements. The Company has a portfolio of investments which are
considered to be readily realisable and is able to meet all of its liabilities
from its assets and the income generated from these assets.
Directors' Responsibility Statement
The Disclosure and Transparency Rules ("DTR") of the UK Listing Authority
require the Directors to conï¬rm their responsibilities in relation to the
preparation and publication of the Interim Management Report and Financial
The Directors conï¬rm to the best of their knowledge that:
* the condensed set of ï¬nancial statements contained within the half yearly
ï¬nancial report has been prepared in accordance with International
Accounting Standard 34 'Interim Financial Reporting'; and
* the Interim Management Report together with the Chairman's Statement and
Investment Manager's Report, include a fair review of the information
required by 4.2.7R and 4.2.8R of the FCA's Disclosure and Transparency
This half yearly report has been reviewed by the Company's Auditor.
The half yearly ï¬nancial report was approved by the Board on 18 July 2014 and
the above responsibility statement was signed on its behalf by the Chairman.
Alan Hodson
For and on behalf of the Board
18 July 2014
Investment manager's report
Market Overview
Following a protracted period of de-rating, both the energy and mining sectors
kept pace with broader equity markets during the interim period. An improving
macroeconomic backdrop, particularly for developed economies, combined with
compelling relative equity valuations and improved capital discipline within
the investment universe has spurred renewed interest in the sector. During the
six month period ended 31 May 2014, the Company's net asset value ("NAV")
returned 7.9% and the share price rose by 5.2%. Over the same period, the
Euromoney Global Mining and MSCI World Energy indices rose by 0.4% and 7.8%
respectively. (All data are in sterling with income reinvested.)
The bifurcation in performance in the Company's investment universe in recent
years continued, but moderated over the last six months. A nascent recovery of
the US economy helped to lift oil prices as well as US-centric energy shares,
with the energy sector one of the best performing global sectors year-to-date.
The mining sector, which has experienced a dramatic period of underperformance,
appears to have bottomed and is gaining renewed interest from investors as
corporates have refocused their strategy to maximise returns to shareholders
instead of reinvesting in growth projects.
Historically, an improving macroeconomic backdrop has been a positive
environment for both sectors. However, given the importance of the Chinese
economy to industrial metals and mining equities, there have been renewed
concerns around the pace of growth in the country. During the interim period we
continued to maintain a greater allocation to energy companies than mining
companies in the portfolio. At the end of the interim period this allocation,
as a proportion of total investments, was approximately 62% energy and 38%
mining, one of the largest divergences in sector weightings since the Company's
The table below shows the six month performance of key commodity prices during
the interim period.
31 30
May November %
Commodity 2014 2013 Change
Base Metals (US$/tonne)
Aluminium 1,806 1,710 +5.6
Copper 6,919 7,054 -1.9
Lead 2,069 2,055 +0.7
Nickel 19,209 13,451 +42.8
Tin 23,233 22,789 +1.9
Zinc 2,055 1,866 +10.1
Precious Metals (US$/oz)
Gold 1,249 1,253 -0.3
Silver (USc/oz) 1,882 1,993 -5.6
Platinum 1,451 1,376 +5.5
Palladium 836 724 +15.5
Oil (WTI) (US$/Bbl) (1) 102.7 92.5 +11.0
Oil (Brent) (US$/Bbl) (2) 109.4 111.1 -1.5
Natural Gas (US$/MMBTU) (3) 4.5 3.8 +19.5
Bulk Commodities (US$/tonne)
Uranium (US$/lb) (4) 28.2 36.3 -22.3
Iron ore (5) 91.8 136.4 -32.7
Coking coal (6) 112.0 136.0 -17.6
Thermal coal (7) 81.7 84.9 -3.8
Potash (US$/st) (8) 287.0 410.0 -30.0
Equity Indices
Euromoney Global Mining Index (US$) -
Price Index 406.1 401.2 +1.2
Euromoney Global Mining Index (£) -
Price Index 242.1 244.9 -1.1
MSCI World Energy Index (US$) 296.0 268.1 +10.4
MSCI World Energy Index (£) 176.5 163.7 +7.8
1. West Texas Intermediate
2. Brent
3. Henry Hub
4. Nuexco Restricted U3 O8
5. CFR China (Bloomberg)
6. Spot HCC (Macquarie)
7. FOB Newcastle (Macquarie)
8. Standard Muriate, Saskatchewan
Source: Datastream. Data is on a capital only basis.
The environment of ultra-low interest rates in most of the major economic blocs
continued in the ï¬rst half of the year with US 10 year yields falling from over
3% at the start of 2014 to around 2.5% by the end of the half year. This low
interest rate environment has made the search for yield ever more pressing for
many investors and the energy sector has seen renewed interest from generalist
investors, given the attractive dividend yields, especially of the integrated
majors and the capital spending discipline they are demonstrating.
As previously mentioned, both mining companies and energy companies have
started to show meaningful constraint and discipline in capital spending and
are targeting a better balance between reinvestment in the business and
distributions to shareholders. This has started to be reflected in company
results with Rio Tinto announcing a 12.5% dividend increase and Chevron
continuing an enviable dividend track record by announcing a 7% increase for
2014 following on from 2013's 11% rise. The majority of stocks held in the
portfolio, even if listed in the UK, use the US dollar as their operating
and reporting currency as most commodities are denominated in that currency,
therefore the dividends paid by these companies are in US dollars. In the
twelve months to the end of May 2014, sterling had increased by more than
6.5% against the US dollar. As a consequence, although the stocks held in
the portfolio are expected to increase their dividends by approximately 4%
this year, once converted into sterling they are not likely to have
The Company supplements its dividend income with option writing. Covered call
option writing was used to maximise the exit price of a number of US focused
gas companies where valuations looked full following strong share price rises
on the back of the spike in gas prices associated with the very cold US winter.
Put options were also written in a number of copper and mid-cap energy
exploration and production companies where volatility remained high (so option
premiums were attractive) and the outlook for the companies themselves
was robust.
An improving outlook for the global economy combined with geopolitically driven
supply disruptions underpinned oil prices during the interim period, with the
WTI oil price increasing by 11.0% to US$102.7/Bbl and the Brent oil price
decreased by 1.5% to US$109.4/Bbl. The energy sector has been one of the best
performing global sectors year-to-date rising by 7.8% in sterling terms.
Fundamentals for the oil price continue to improve, demand has outpaced IEA
expectations for the last 2 years, inventories are at historically low levels,
the market's expectations of shale gas supply growth are moderating and there
are currently two and a half million barrels per day offline in Libya, Iraq,
Iran and Nigeria as a result of ongoing geopolitical tensions.
Henry Hub gas prices were the star performer in the energy space, increasing by
19.5% to US$4.50/btu following the 'polar vortex' of early January that resulted
in record demand for natural gas. The key question for the gas market now is
whether natural gas storage levels can be replenished ahead of the 2014/15
A key change in the portfolio during the period has been to increase exposure
to the large cap integrated producers which offer attractive valuations with
relative price to book ratios at their lowest level since the 1940's. We do not
believe this discount is warranted - especially for companies that are able to
achieve superior returns-on-equity versus the broader market. During the
interim period we increased our exposure to Total, Statoil and Repsol, with
Chevron, ExxonMobil, BP, Royal Dutch Shell, Statoil and Total now all in the
portfolio top ten holdings. This group's move towards greater capital discipline,
whilst a notable positive for the producers, has made us increasingly more
cautious around the oil service and equipment companies who were significant
beneficiaries of the majors' capital spending.
The mining sector is in a period of transition with the industry as a whole
refocusing its strategy favouring returns and dividends over growth. In
previous reports we have discussed the significant underperformance of the
mining sector and the factors that have driven it, which are principally poor
capital discipline, excessive supply growth and moderating economic growth in
China. Over the last two years the industry has made good progress in
refocusing its strategy with operating costs aggressively targeted, capital
expenditure reigned in and the industry now on the cusp of generating
meaningful free cash flow. In fact, major producers including BHP Billiton and
Rio Tinto are now suggesting the potential of buybacks within the next 12
months. The major diversified miners today find themselves trading at
undemanding valuations and at superior dividend yields to the broader markets,
providing a floor to valuations.
While the industry as a whole has made significant strides to reshape its
businesses, it would be remiss not to mention the ongoing volatility in China.
We continue to see a moderation in economic growth with Chinese GDP growth of
7.4% during the first quarter of 2014, versus 7.7% in the first quarter of
2013. Of more relevance to commodity markets has been the impact of reduced
liquidity and deteriorating credit conditions in China. The crackdown on
commodity related financing trades, a low-cost source of financing using
commodities such as copper and iron ore as collateral, sparked fears that this
material could return to the markets, resulting in a 6% fall in the price of
copper over two days in March. In the past, periods of weak economic growth
have been met with announcements of various stimulus measures by the Chinese
government such as infrastructure spending and cuts in interest rates. Year to
date there has been very little additional stimulus or action taken by the
government to bolster growth, with the government today focused on sustainable
and quality growth.
There are a number of potentially positive developments in the base metals
sector. Following the export ban of raw material by the Indonesian government in
January as an attempt to encourage investment, the nickel price has rallied by
42.8% over the interim period. The Indonesia ban has the potential to materially
change the nickel market moving the market into deficit next year. The
portfolio holding in Western Areas, a mid-cap nickel producer in Australia, was
the largest contributor to performance during the period. The medium term
outlook for zinc also looks set to improve with news that one of the world's
largest zinc operations, Minmetal's Century mine, is expected to cease
production from mid-2015.
Precious Metals
Whilst gold and other precious metals companies are not currently a significant
part of the portfolio, there are a number of gold and silver producers held in
the portfolio and the more esoteric nature of these markets warrants some
distinct commentary. The gold price rallied sharply from its December 2013 lows
of around US$1,200/oz to reach over US$1,375/oz in the middle of March. The rally
was likely to have been triggered by general equity markets (for example the S&P
500) having a weak January and then gold gained further upward momentum during
the geopolitical tensions between Russia and Ukraine. The rise in the gold price
translated through to some dramatic increases in gold company share prices but
the relief was short lived as a steady stream of robust economic data releases
from the US led to gold shares giving up most of their earlier gains.
The platinum sector has experienced a lot of noise and turbulence in the first
half of 2014 as workers at many of the deep mines in Rustenberg, South Africa
were on strike for 4 months as a result of bitter wage negotiations between the
mining companies and a relatively new union, AMCU. This has caused a material
loss of production and Johnson Matthey now forecast a deficit of over 1.2 million
ounces for the year in a market whose total size annually is just over 7 million
We see the second half of the financial year as being relatively benign across
most commodity markets as supply remains abundantly available to meet the level
of demand growth expected. In energy markets this means an oil price likely
bound in a range of US$95-115 per barrel with any spikes in geopolitical tensions
likely to push prices to the upper end of this range. In the mined commodities,
although for most there is plentiful supply in the near term, we see limited
downside risk as many commodities are trading at or below their marginal cost
of production and supply cuts have started to emerge, which is typically
supportive of prices.
Mid-cap and large cap stocks are trading at relatively undemanding valuations
in comparison to general equity markets. Although this has been the case for
a couple of years now, the combination of attractive dividend yields and the
changing focus of major mining and integrated oil companies away from growth
to a more sustainable mix including greater returns to shareholders, is causing
generalist investors to revisit the sector. As a result, we see limited downside
risk for the sector relative to general equity markets for the balance of 2014,
and this is reflected in the moderate level of gearing currently utilised in
the portfolio. The greater exposure of the mining sector to headline risk from
China and the exciting stock specific opportunities in the energy sector that
are resulting from the new wave of investment in North American gas and
unconventional oil are two of the reasons we are maintaining a bias in the
portfolio towards the energy sector.
As we move through the second half of this year and into 2015, we see the
potential for a number of the mined commodities to start to tighten from a
demand/supply point of view suggesting the possibility for rising prices to
emerge. The portfolio is positioned for this with significant holdings in
copper producers where the medium term upside potential in the commodity price
is not reflected in current share prices.
Olivia Markham
Tom Holl
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited*
18 July 2014
*BlackRock Fund Managers Limited was appointed as the Alternative Investment
Fund Manager on 2 July 2014. Prior to 2 July 2014, BlackRock Investment
Management (UK) Limited had been the Investment Manager of the Company.
Ten largest investments
31 May 2014
BHP Billiton - 6.9% (2013: 5.3%, bhpbilliton.com) is the world's largest
diversiï¬ed natural resources company. The company is a major producer of
aluminium, iron ore, copper, thermal and metallurgical coal, manganese,
uranium, nickel, silver, titanium minerals and diamonds. The company also has
signiï¬cant interests in oil, gas and liqueï¬ed natural gas.
Chevron - 6.9% (2013: 7.6%, chevron.com) is one of the world's leading
integrated energy companies engaged in every aspect of the oil, gas and power
generation industries. Chevron is one of the world's "supermajor" oil
companies, along with BP, Exxon, Royal Dutch Shell and Total.
ExxonMobil - 5.5% (2013: 5.7%, exxonmobil.com) is the world's largest publicly
traded international oil and gas company and the largest reï¬ner and marketer of
petroleum products.
Eni - 3.8% (2013: 3.2%, eni.com) is a major integrated energy company with
activities in exploration and production, reï¬ning and marketing as well as
power generation. Based in Italy, Eni is also the leading player in the
European gas market. In the oil services sector, Eni owns a major stake in
Saipem, a leading turnkey contractor in the oil and gas industry.
Rio Tinto - 3.7% (2013: 4.1%, riotinto.com) is one of the world's leading
mining companies. The company produces aluminium, copper, diamonds, gold,
industrial minerals, iron ore and energy products.
BP - 3.7% (2013: 3.8%, bp.com) is one of the world's leading oil and gas
companies active in all areas of the oil and gas industry including exploration
and production, refining and marketing, distribution, trading, power generation
and petrochemicals. The company also has renewable energy interests in biofuels
and wind power.
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold - 3.5% (2013: 2.0%, fcx.com) is a US
headquartered international natural resource company. It has an industry
leading global portfolio of mineral assets, including copper, gold, molybdenum,
cobalt and significant oil and gas resources with a growing production profile.
Statoil - 3.4% (2013: 1.5%, statoil.com) is a Norwegian headquartered company
which explores for, produces, transports, refines and trades oil and natural
gas. The company explores for oil worldwide and its largest operations are in
Royal Dutch Shell - 3.4% (2013: 3.8%, shell.com) is one of the world's leading
energy companies. The Anglo-Dutch company is active in every area of the oil
and gas industry from exploration and production, reefing and marketing, power
generation and energy trading. The company also has renewable energy interests
in biofuels.
Total - 3.2% (2013: 2.7%, total.com) is based in France and is one of the
world's largest international oil and gas companies with operations covering
the entire energy chain, from oil exploration and production to trading,
shipping and reï¬ning and marketing of petroleum products.
All percentages reflect the value of the holding as a percentage of total
investments. For this purpose where more than one class of securities is held
these have been aggregated. The percentages in brackets represent the value of
the holding as at 30 November 2013.
Together, the ten largest investments represents 44.0% of total investments
(ten largest investments as at 30 November 2013: 42.5%).
Distribution of investments
as at 31 May 2014
Global 38.5
Canada 19.1
USA 14.7
Europe 11.0
Latin America 8.0
Asia 3.5
Africa 3.0
Australia 1.1
China 1.1
Source: BlackRock.
Energy 61.9
Mining 38.1
Diversified Mining 17.3
Copper 8.2
Gold 4.7
Iron Ore 2.4
Nickel 1.9
Silver 1.5
Uranium 0.8
Aluminium 0.6
Platinum 0.4
Fertilizers 0.3
Integrated Oil 36.7
Exploration & Production 10.5
Oil Sands 5.0
Oil Services 4.2
Distribution 2.9
Coal 2.6
Source: BlackRock.
as at 31 May 2014
Main Market %
geographic value of
exposure £'000 investments
Integrated Oil
Chevron Global 8,052 6.9
Chevron call option 21/06/14 Global (5) -
ExxonMobil Global 6,472 5.5
Eni Europe 4,470 3.8
BP Global 4,276 3.7
Statoil Europe 4,023 3.4
Royal Dutch Shell Global 3,920 3.4
Total Global 3,769 3.2
ConocoPhillips USA 3,573 3.1
Repsol Europe 2,262 1.9
Occidental Petroleum USA 2,133 1.8
------ ----
42,945 36.7
------ ----
Diversified Mining
BHP Billiton Global 8,070 6.9
BHP Billiton call option 20/06/14 Global (5) -
Rio Tinto Global 4,280 3.7
Rio Tinto call option 18/07/14 Global (15) -
Vale Latin America 3,378 2.9
Glencore Xstrata Global 2,322 1.9
Teck Resources Canada 2,115 1.8
Lundin Mining Europe 137 0.1
------ ----
20,282 17.3
------ ----
Exploration & Production
Peyto Explorations & Development Canada 2,420 2.1
Vermilion Energy Canada 2,305 2.0
Crescent Point Energy Canada 2,077 1.8
Anadarko Petroleum USA 1,686 1.4
Noble Energy USA 1,590 1.3
Penn West Canada 1,105 0.9
Ultra Petroleum USA 805 0.7
Range Resources USA 388 0.3
Encana put option 21/06/14 Canada (21) -
Encana put option 19/07/14 Canada (21) -
------ ----
12,334 10.5
------ ----
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Asia 4,058 3.5
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold put Asia (52) -
option 19/07/14
Antofagasta Latin America 2,208 1.9
Southern Copper Latin America 1,219 1.0
Hudbay Minerals 9.5% 01/10/20 Canada 1,126 1.0
Hudbay Minerals put option 21/06/14 Canada (8) -
First Quantum Minerals Global 621 0.5
Southern Peru Copper Latin America 436 0.3
------ ----
9,608 8.2
------ ----
Oil Sands
Canadian Oil Sands Canada 3,727 3.2
Suncor Energy Canada 1,288 1.1
Cenovus Energy Canada 885 0.7
------ ----
5,900 5.0
------ ----
Barrick Gold Global 1,344 1.1
AngloGold Ashanti Global 1,130 1.0
AngloGold Ashanti call option 21/06/14 Global (2) -
Nevsun Resources Africa 1,077 0.9
Eldorado Gold Global 781 0.7
Goldcorp Canada 696 0.6
Yamana Gold Latin America 438 0.4
------ ----
5,464 4.7
------ ----
Oil Services
Aker Solutions Europe 2,096 1.8
Schlumberger USA 1,705 1.5
Baker Hughes USA 1,051 0.9
------ ----
4,852 4.2
------ ----
Enbridge Income Fund Trust Canada 3,346 2.9
------ ----
3,346 2.9
------ ----
Consol Energy USA 1,711 1.5
China Shenhua Energy China 1,304 1.1
------ ----
3,015 2.6
------ ----
Iron Ore
London Mining 12% 30/04/19 Africa 1,327 1.1
Labrador Iron Ore Canada 829 0.7
Labrador Iron Ore call option 21/06/14 Canada (2) -
Kumba Iron Ore Africa 637 0.6
------ ----
2,791 2.4
------ ----
Western Areas Australia 1,238 1.1
MMC Norilsk Nickel USA 994 0.8
------ ----
2,232 1.9
------ ----
Fresnillo Latin America 1,285 1.1
First Majestic Latin America 500 0.4
------ ----
1,785 1.5
------ ----
Cameco USA 954 0.8
------ ----
954 0.8
------ ----
Alcoa USA 762 0.6
Alcoa call option 21/06/14 USA (8) -
------ ----
754 0.6
------ ----
Impala Platinum Africa 499 0.4
Impala Platinum OTC call option Africa (1) -
June 14
------ ----
498 0.4
------ ----
Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Canada 325 0.3
------ ----
325 0.3
------- -----
Portfolio 117,085 100.0
======= =====
All investments are in ordinary shares unless otherwise stated.
The total number of holdings (including options) as at 31 May 2014 was 67 (30 November 2013: 75)
The total number of open options as at 31 May 2014 was 11 (30 November 2013: 14)
The negative valuations of £140,000 (30 November 2013: £704,000) in respect of
options held represent the notional cost of repurchasing the contracts at
market prices as at 31 May 2014.
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
for the six months ended 31 May 2014
Revenue £'000 Capital £'000 Total £'000
Six Six Six Six Six Six
months months Year months months Year months months Year
ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended
31.05.14 31.05.13 30.11.13 31.05.14 31.05.13 30.11.13 31.05.14 31.05.13 30.11.13
Notes (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
Income from
held at
fair value
profit or
loss 2 2,405 2,577 4,534 - - - 2,405 2,577 4,534
income 2 1,275 895 2,185 - - - 1,275 895 2,185
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- -----
revenue 3,680 3,472 6,719 - - - 3,680 3,472 6,719
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- -----
(losses) on
held at
fair value
profit or
loss - - - 5,521 (1,914) (10,866) 5,521 (1,914) (10,866)
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- -----
3,680 3,472 6,719 5,521 (1,914) (10,866) 9,201 1,558 (4,147)
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- -----
fee 3 (161) (163) (306) (482) (488) (918) (643) (651) (1,224)
expenses 4 (154) (121) (279) (4) - - (158) (121) (279)
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- -----
expenses (315) (284) (585) (486) (488) (918) (801) (772) (1,503)
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- -----
costs and
taxation 3,365 3,188 6,134 5,035 (2,402) (11,784) 8,400 786 (5,650)
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- -----
costs (22) (19) (38) (43) (45) (98) (65) (64) (136)
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- -----
(loss) on
taxation 3,343 3,169 6,096 4,992 (2,447) (11,882) 8,335 722 (5,786)
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- -----
Taxation (335) (238) (545) - - - (335) (238) (545)
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- -----
Net profit/
(loss) for
the period 6 3,008 2,931 5,551 4,992 (2,447) (11,882) 8,000 484 (6,331)
===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ====== ===== ===== =====
(loss) per
share 6 3.05p 3.11p 5.87p 5.07p (2.60p) (12.57p) 8.12p 0.51p (6.70p)
===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ====== ===== ===== =====
The total column of this statement represents the Group's Consolidated
Statement of Comprehensive Income, prepared in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted by the European Union. The
supplementary revenue and capital columns are both prepared under guidance
published by the Association of Investment Companies ("AIC"). All items in the
above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired
or discontinued during the year. All income is attributable to the equity
holders of BlackRock Commodities Income Investment Trust plc. There were no
minority interests. The total net gain of the Group and Company for the six
months was £8,000,000 (six months to 31 May 2013: gain £484,000; year ended
30 November 2013: loss £6,331,000). The Group does not have any other recognised
gains or losses. The net profit/(loss) disclosed above represents the Group's
total comprehensive income. Details of dividends paid and payable at the
balance sheet date are given in note 5.
Consolidated statement of changes in equity
for the six months ended 31 May 2014
Called-up Share
share premium Special Capital Revenue
capital account reserve reserves reserve Total
Note £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
For the six months ended
31 May 2014 (unaudited)
At 30 November 2013 963 27,584 71,223 (1,075) 3,135 101,830
Total comprehensive
Net profit for the
period - - - 4,992 3,008 8,000
Transactions with
owners, recorded
directly to equity:
Shares issued 48 5,098 - - - 5,146
Share issue costs - (9) - - - (9)
Dividends paid 5(b) - - - - (2,950) (2,950)
----- ------ ------ ----- ----- -------
At 31 May 2014 1,011 32,673 71,223 3,917 3,193 112,017
----- ------ ------ ----- ----- -------
For the six months ended
31 May 2013 (unaudited)
At 30 November 2012 943 25,429 71,223 10,807 3,261 111,663
Total comprehensive
Net (loss)/profit for
the period - - - (2,447) 2,931 484
Transactions with
owners, recorded
directly to equity:
Dividends paid 5(b) - - - - (2,886) (2,886)
----- ------ ------ ----- ----- -------
At 31 May 2013 943 25,429 71,223 8,360 3,306 109,261
----- ------ ------ ----- ----- -------
For the year ended
30 November 2013 (audited)
At 30 November 2012 943 25,429 71,223 10,807 3,261 111,663
Total comprehensive
Net (loss)/profit for
the year - - - (11,882) 5,551 (6,331)
Transactions with
owners, recorded
directly to equity:
Shares issued 20 2,158 - - - 2,178
Share issue costs - (3) - - - (3)
Dividends paid 5(b) - - - - (5,677) (5,677)
----- ------ ------ ----- ----- -------
At 30 November 2013 963 27,584 71,223 (1,075) 3,135 101,830
===== ====== ====== ===== ===== =======
The transaction costs incurred on the acquisition and disposal of investments
are included within the capital reserve. Purchase and sale costs amounted to
£35,000 and £29,000 respectively for the six months ended 31 May 2014 (six
months ended 31 May 2013: £39,000 and £25,000; year ended 30 November 2013:
£95,000 and £35,000).
Consolidated statement of financial position
as at 31 May 2014
31 31 30
May May November
2014 2013 2013
£'000 £'000 £'000
Notes (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
Non current assets
Investments held at fair value
through profit or loss 117,225 118,714 108,127
------- ------- -------
Current assets
Other receivables 1,464 810 3,905
Cash and cash equivalents 206 148 47
------- ------- -------
1,670 958 3,952
------- ------- -------
Total assets 118,895 119,672 112,079
------- ------- -------
Current liabilities
Other payables (988) (1,160) (879)
Derivative financial instruments (140) (249) (704)
Bank overdrafts (5,750) (9,002) (8,666)
------- ------- -------
(6,878) (10,411) (10,249)
------- ------- -------
Net assets 112,017 109,261 101,830
------- ------- -------
Equity attributable to equity
Called up share capital 7 1,011 943 963
Share premium account 32,673 25,429 27,584
Special reserve 71,223 71,223 71,223
Capital reserves 3,917 8,360 (1,075)
Revenue reserve 3,193 3,306 3,135
------- ------- -------
Total equity 112,017 109,261 101,830
------- ------- -------
Net asset value per ordinary
share 6 110.90p 115.92p 105.79p
======= ======= =======
Consolidated cash flow statement
for the six months ended 31 May 2014
Six Six
months months Year
ended ended ended
31 31 30
May May November
2014 2013 2013
£'000 £'000 £'000
Note (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
Net cash outflow from
operating activities (220) (2,805) (878)
----- ----- -----
Financing activities
Share issue costs paid (9) - (3)
Shares issued 6,230 - 1,094
Equity dividends paid 5(b) (2,950) (2,886) (5,677)
----- ----- -----
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from
financing activities 3,271 (2,886) (4,586)
----- ----- -----
Increase/(decrease) in cash and
cash equivalents 3,051 (5,691) (5,464)
Effect of foreign exchange rate
changes 24 (5) 3
----- ----- -----
Change in cash and cash
equivalents 3,075 (5,696) (5,461)
Cash and cash equivalents at
start of period (8,619) (3,158) (3,158)
----- ----- -----
Cash and cash equivalents at end
of period (5,544) (8,854) (8,619)
----- ----- -----
Comprised of:
Cash and cash equivalents 206 148 47
Bank overdraft (5,750) (9,002) (8,666)
----- ----- -----
(5,544) (8,854) (8,619)
===== ===== =====
Reconciliation of net income before taxation to net cash flow from operating
activities for the six months ended 31 May 2014
Six Six
months months Year
ended ended ended
31 31 30
May May November
2014 2013 2013
£'000 £'000 £'000
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
Profit/(loss) before taxation 8,335 722 (5,786)
(Gains)/losses on investments held at
fair value through profit or loss
including transaction costs (5,521) 1,914 10,866
Increase in other receivables (75) (385) (11)
(Decrease)/increase in other payables (19) 473 59
Decrease/(increase) in amounts due from
brokers 1,431 266 (2,166)
Net purchases of investments held at fair
value through profit or loss (4,164) (5,258) (3,164)
Taxation paid - (279) (240)
Taxation on investment income included
within gross income (207) (258) (436)
----- ----- -----
Net cash outflow from operating
activities (220) (2,805) (878)
===== ===== =====
Notes to the financial statements
1. Principal activity
The principal activity of the Company is that of an investment trust company
within the meaning of sections 1158-1165 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010.
The principal activity of the subsidiary, BlackRock Commodities Securities
Income Company Limited, is investment dealing and options writing.
Basis of preparation
The half yearly financial statements have been prepared using the same
accounting policies as set out in the Company's Annual Report and Financial
Statements for the year ended 30 November 2013 (which were prepared in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted
by the European Union and as applied in accordance with the provisions of the
Companies Act 2006) and in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34.
These comprise standards and interpretations of International Accounting Standards
and Standard Interpretations Committee as approved by the International
Accounting Standards Committee that remain in effect, to the extent that IFRS
has been adopted by the European Union.
Insofar as the Statement of Recommended Practice ("SORP") for investment trust
companies and venture capital trusts issued by the Association of Investment
Companies ("AIC"), revised in January 2009 is compatible with IFRS, the
financial statements have been prepared in accordance with guidance set out in
the SORP. The taxation charge has been calculated by applying an estimate of
the annual effective tax rate to any profit for the period.
2. Income
Six Six
months months Year
ended ended ended
31 31 30
May May November
2014 2013 2013
£'000 £'000 £'000
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
Investment income:
Overseas listed dividends 1,846 2,146 3,652
UK listed dividends 435 402 825
Fixed interest 124 29 57
----- ----- -----
2,405 2,577 4,534
----- ----- -----
Other operating income:
Option premium income 1,275 895 2,185
----- ----- -----
1,275 895 2,185
----- ----- -----
Total 3,680 3,472 6,719
===== ===== =====
3. Investment management fee
Six Six
months months Year
ended ended ended
31 31 30
May May November
2014 2013 2013
£'000 £'000 £'000
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
Investment management fee 161 163 306
--- --- -----
Investment management fee 482 488 918
--- --- -----
Total 643 651 1,224
=== === =====
The investment management fee is levied at a rate of 1.1% of gross assets per
annum based on the gross assets on the last day of each quarter and is
allocated 25% to the revenue column and 75% to the capital column of the
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income.
4. Other expenses
Six Six
months months Year
ended ended ended
31 31 30
May May November
2014 2013 2013
£'000 £'000 £'000
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
Custody fee 2 9 18
Auditor's remuneration:
- audit services 12 12 24
- other audit services* 6 6 6
Directors' emoluments 58 39 86
Registrar's fee 12 16 28
Marketing fees 16 - 3
Other administrative costs 48 39 114
--- --- ---
154 121 279
--- --- ---
Transaction charges - capital 4 - -
--- --- ---
158 121 279
=== === ===
* Other audit services relate to the review of the half yearly financial report.
5. Dividends
(a) Dividends declared
Six Six
months months Year
ended ended ended 31 31 30
May May November
2014 2013 2013
£'000 £'000 £'000
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
First interim dividend for the period
ended 28 February 2014 of 1.4875p (2013:
1.4750p) 1,482 1,390 1,390
Second interim dividend for the period
ended 31 May 2014 of 1.4875p (2013:
1.4750p) 1,502 1,390 1,390
Third interim dividend for the period
ended 31 August 2013 of 1.4750p (2012:
1.4375p) - - 1,401
Fourth interim dividend for the period
ended 30 November 2013 of 1.5250p (2012:
1.5875p) - - 1,468
----- ----- -----
2,984 2,780 5,649
===== ===== =====
A first interim dividend for the period ended 28 February 2014 of £1,482,000
(1.4875p per share) was paid on 22 April 2014 to shareholders on the register
at 28 March 2014. A second interim dividend for the period ended 31 May 2014 of
£1,502,000 (1.4875p per ordinary share) is proposed and will be paid on 25 July
2014 to shareholders on the register at 20 June 2014. This dividend has not
been accrued in the financial statements for the six months ended 31 May 2014,
as under IFRS, interim dividends are not recognised until paid. Dividends are
debited directly to reserves.
The third and fourth interim dividends will be declared in September 2014 and
December 2014 respectively.
(b) Dividends paid
Under IFRS final dividends, if any, are not recognised until approved by the
shareholders. Interim dividends are debited directly to reserves. The dividends
disclosed in the table below have been considered in view of the requirements
of section 1158 Corporation Tax Act 2010 and section 833 of the Companies Act
2006, and the amounts declared meet the relevant requirements. Amounts
recognised as distributions to ordinary shareholders were as follows:
Six Six
months months Year
ended ended ended
31 31 30
May May November
2014 2013 2013
£'000 £'000 £'000
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
First interim dividend for the period
ended 28 February 2014 of 1.4875p (2013:
1.4750p) 1,482 1,390 1,390
Second interim dividend for the period
ended 31 May 2013 of 1.4750p (2012:
1.4375p) - - 1,390
Third interim dividend for the period
ended 31 August 2013 of 1.4750p (2012:
1.4375p) - - 1,401
Fourth interim dividend for the period
ended 30 November 2013 of 1.5250p (2012:
1.5875p) 1,468 1,496 1,496
----- ----- -----
2,950 2,886 5,677
===== ===== =====
6. Consolidated earnings per ordinary share and net asset value per ordinary
Six Six
months months Year
ended ended ended
31 31 30
May May November
2014 2013 2013
£'000 £'000 £'000
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
Net revenue profit attributable to
ordinary shareholders (£'000) 3,008 2,931 5,551
Net capital profit/(loss) attributable to
ordinary shareholders (£'000) 4,992 (2,447) (11,882)
------- -------- --------
Total earnings/(loss) attributable to
ordinary shareholders (£'000) 8,000 484 (6,331)
------- -------- --------
Equity shareholders' funds (£'000) 112,017 109,261 101,830
------- -------- --------
The weighted average number of ordinary
shares in issue during each period on
which the earnings per ordinary share was
calculated was: 98,486,572 94,258,000 94,551,836
The actual number of ordinary shares in
issue (excluding treasury shares) at the
period end on which the net asset value
was calculated was: 101,008,000 94,258,000 96,258,000
The number of ordinary shares in issue
(including treasury shares) at the period
end was: 101,008,000 94,258,000 96,258,000
Revenue earnings per share 3.05p 3.11p 5.87p
Capital earnings/(loss) per share 5.07p (2.60p) (12.57p)
------- ------- -------
Total earnings/(loss) per share 8.12p 0.51p (6.70p)
------- ------- -------
Net asset value per share 110.90p 115.92p 105.79p
Share price (mid-market) 112.00p 117.50p 109.50p
======= ======= =======
7. Called up share capital
Ordinary Treasury Total Nominal
shares shares shares value
number number number £'000
Allotted, issued and fully
paid share capital comprised:
Ordinary shares of 1p each
Shares in issue at
30 November 2013 96,258,000 - 96,258,000 963
----------- ----- -------- -----
Shares issued 4,750,000 - 4,750,000 48
----------- ----- -------- -----
At 31 May 2014 101,008,000 - 101,008,000 1,011
=========== ===== =========== =====
The number of ordinary shares in issue at the period end was 101,008,000. No
shares were held in treasury (six months ended 31 May 2013: nil; year ended
30 November 2013: nil).
During the period 4,750,000 shares were issued (six months ended 31 May 2013:
nil; year ended 30 November 2013: 2,000,000) for a total consideration of
£5,146,000 (six months ended 31 May 2013: nil; year ended 30 November 2013:
£2,178,000) before the deduction of issue costs. Since 31 May 2014, a further
450,000 shares have been issued for a total consideration of £523,000 before
the deduction of issue costs.
8. Related party disclosure
The Board consists of four non-executive Directors all of whom, with the
exception of Mr Ruck Keene, are considered to be independent by the Board. Mr
Ruck Keene is an employee of BIM (UK) and is deemed to be interested in the
Company's management agreement.
None of the Directors has a service contract with the Company. With effect from
1 December 2013, the Chairman receives an annual fee of £33,000, the Chairman
of the Audit and Management Engagement Committee receives an annual fee of
£27,000 and each other Director receives an annual fee of £22,000, with the
exception of Mr Ruck Keene who has waived his entitlement to fees. Mr Ruck
Keene devotes a portion of his time employed as Chairman of BlackRock's Closed
End Funds Division to serve as a Director of the Company. An apportionment of
his remuneration on a time served basis from employment by an affiliate of
BIM (UK) would materially equate to the fees received by the other Directors
of the Company for similar qualifying services.
All four members of the Board hold ordinary shares in the Company as set out in
the table below.
31 31
May May
2014 2013
A C Hodson 150,000 150,000
M R Merton 17,000 17,000
J G Ruck Keene 14,000 14,000
E Warner* 20,000 n/a
* Mr Warner was appointed as a Director on 1 July 2013.
9. Transactions with the Investment Manager
BIM (UK) provided management and administration services to the Company under a
contract which was terminated with effect from 2 July 2014. Details of the fees
receivable by BIM (UK) in relation to these services are set out in note 3.
BlackRock Fund Managers Limited was appointed as the Company's AIFM with effect
from 2 July 2014.
The fees due to BIM (UK) for the six months ended 31 May 2014 amounted to
£643,000 (six months ended 31 May 2013: £651,000 and the year ended 30 November
2013: £1,224,000). At the period end £537,000 was outstanding in respect of
these fees (six months ended 31 May 2013: £859,000 and the year ended
30 November 2013: £495,000).
In addition to the above services, with effect from 1 November 2013, BIM (UK)
has provided the Company with marketing services. The total fees paid or
payable for these services for the period ended 31 May 2014 amounted to £16,000
including VAT (six months ended 31 May 2013: nil; year ended 30 November 2013:
£2,600) of which £18,600 (31 May 2013: nil; 30 November 2013: £2,600) was
outstanding at 31 May 2014.
10. Contingent liabilities
There were no contingent liabilities at 31 May 2014, 31 May 2013 or 30 November
11. Publication of non-statutory accounts
The financial information contained in this half yearly financial report does
not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 435 of the Companies
Act 2006. The financial information for the six months ended 31 May 2014 and
31 May 2013 has not been audited.
The information for the year ended 30 November 2013 has been extracted from the
latest published audited financial statements, which have been filed with the
Registrar of Companies. The report of the Auditor on those accounts contained
no qualification or statement under sections 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act
12. Annual results
The Board expects to announce the annual results for the year ended 30 November
2014, as prepared under IFRS, in mid January 2015. Copies of the annual results
announcement will be available from the Secretary on 020 7743 3000. The Annual
Report and Financial Statements should be available at the beginning of
February 2015, with the Annual General Meeting being held in March 2015.
Independent review report
to BlackRock Commodities Income Investment Trust plc
We have been engaged by the Company to review the condensed set of financial
statements in the half yearly financial report for the six months ended 31 May
2014 which comprises the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income,
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity, Consolidated Statement of
Financial Position, Consolidated Cash Flow Statements, Reconciliation of Net
Income before Taxation to Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities and the
related notes. We have read the other information contained in the half yearly
financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements
or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of
financial statements.
This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with guidance contained
in International Standard on Review Engagements 2410 (UK and Ireland) "Review
of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the
Entity" issued by the Auditing Practices Board. To the fullest extent permitted
by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the
Company, for our work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have formed.
Directors' Responsibilities
The half yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been
approved by, the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the
half yearly financial report in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency
Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority.
As disclosed in note 1, the annual financial statements of the Company are
prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union. The
condensed set of financial statements included in this half yearly financial
report has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard
34, "Interim Financial Reporting", as adopted by the European Union.
Our Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensed
set of financial statements in the half yearly financial report based on our
Scope of Review
We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review
Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, "Review of Interim Financial Information
Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Auditing
Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial
information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for
financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review
procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in
accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and
consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware
of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly,
we do not express an audit opinion.
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to
believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half yearly
financial report for the six months ended 31 May 2014 is not prepared, in all
material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 as
adopted by the European Union and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the
United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority.
Ernst & Young LLP
18 July 2014
For further information, please contact:
Simon White, Managing Director, Investment Companies, BlackRock Investment
Management (UK) Limited
Tel: 020 7743 5284
Olivia Markham / Tom Holl, Fund Managers, BlackRock Investment Management
(UK) Limited
Tel: 020 7743 3447 / 020 7743 2013
Emma Phillips, Media & Communication, BlackRock Investment Management
(UK) Limited
Tel: 020 7743 2922
18 July 2014
12 Throgmorton Avenue
London EC2N 2DL
The Half Yearly Financial Report will also be available on the BlackRock’s
website at http://www.blackrock.co.uk/individual/literature/interim-report/
blackrock-commodities-income-investment-trust-plc-interim-report.pdf. Neither
the contents of the BlackRock’s website nor the contents of any website
accessible from hyperlinks on the BlackRock’s website (or any other website)
is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.