Final Results

16 October 2009 BLACKROCK GREATER EUROPE INVESTMENT TRUST plc Annual results announcement for the year ended 31 August 2009 MANAGEMENT REPORT Chairman's Statement The sharp decline in global economic activity in the last quarter of 2008 continued in the first few months of 2009. However, further underpinning of the banking sector, combined with interest rate cuts and quantitative easing (the creation of new money), saw equity markets stabilising and risk appetite increasing. The rally in European equities which continued throughout much of the summer, together with the weakness of Sterling, helped to negate some of the earlier losses and in the year to 31 August 2009 the Company's net asset value ("NAV") decreased by 1.0%, compared with a fall of 5.8% in the FTSE World Europe ex UK Index. The share price rose by 0.5% over the year to 31 August 2009. All the above percentages are calculated in Sterling terms with income reinvested. Revenue return and dividends Revenue return per share for the year amounted to 3.26p compared with 3.73p for the previous year, representing a fall of 12.6%. This reflected a reduction in corporate dividend rates during the economic slowdown, particularly in the financial sectors. The Directors are recommending a final dividend of 3.15p per share, which represents an increase of 5.0% on the previous year. The dividend is payable on 9 December 2009 to shareholders on the Company's register on 30 October 2009. Tender offers The Directors exercised their discretion to operate the semi-annual tender offer on 1 June 2009, being the succeeding business day to 31 May, which was for up to a maximum of 20% of the shares in issue at the prevailing NAV less 2%. Valid tenders for 1,696,092 shares were received at a price of 135.59p per share, representing 1.59% of the shares in issue at the time. All shares tendered in June have been placed in treasury and the 5,568,268 shares previously held in treasury were cancelled in line with the Directors' policy. It was announced on 3 September 2009 that the next semi-annual tender offer would take place on 30 November 2009, for up to 20% of shares in issue at the prevailing NAV per share subject to a discount of 2%. A circular relating to the Tender Offer will be posted to shareholders on 28 October 2009. VAT I am pleased to report that, following the success of the challenge of the Association of Investment Companies ("AIC") and JPMorgan Claverhouse to the imposition of VAT on management services supplied to investment trusts, HM Revenue and Customs has now repaid all previously paid VAT for the period from the Company's launch to November 2007. The total amount of VAT recovered amounts to £374,000 and a further amount in respect of interest is due to be received shortly. Outlook European economies are coming out of recession but uncertainty remains about the strength and sustainability of future economic growth. Markets are likely to respond to this uncertainty with short term volatility but the Board considers that the longer term outlook for European equities is positive. Key risks The key risks faced by the Company are set out below. The Board regularly reviews and agrees policies for managing each risk, as summarised below. - Performance risk - The Board is responsible for deciding the investment strategy to fulfil the Company's objective and monitoring the performance of the Investment Manager. An inappropriate strategy may lead to underperformance against the reference index and the Company's peer group. To manage this risk the Investment Manager provides an explanation of significant stock selection decisions and the rationale for the composition of the investment portfolio. The Board monitors and mandates an adequate spread of investments, in order to minimise the risks associated with particular countries or factors specific to particular sectors, based on the diversification requirements inherent in the Company's investment policy. The Board also receives and reviews regular reports showing an analysis of the Company's performance against the FTSE World Europe ex UK Index and other similar indices. - Income/dividend risk - The amount of dividends and future dividend growth will depend on the Company's underlying portfolio. Any change in the tax treatment of the dividends or interest received by the Company (including as a result of withholding taxes or exchange controls imposed by jurisdictions in which the Company invests) may reduce the level of dividends received by shareholders. The Board monitors this risk through the receipt of detailed income forecasts and considers the level of income at each meeting. - Regulatory risk - The Company operates as an investment trust in accordance with section 842 of ICTA 1988. As such, the Company is exempt from capital gains tax on the sale of its investments. The Investment Manager monitors investment movements, the level and type of forecast income and expenditure and the amount of proposed dividends to ensure that the provisions of section 842 are not breached and the results are reported to the Board. - Operational risk - Like most other investment trust companies, the Company has no employees. The Company therefore relies upon the services provided by third parties and is dependent on the control systems of the Investment Manager and the Company's service providers. The security, for example, of the Company's assets, dealing procedures, accounting records and maintenance of regulatory and legal requirements, depend on the effective operation of these systems. These are regularly tested and monitored and an internal control report, which includes an assessment of risks together with procedures to mitigate such risks, is prepared by the Investment Manager and reviewed by the Audit and Management Engagement Committee twice a year. The custodian and the Investment Manager also produce annual internal control reports which are reviewed by their respective auditors and give assurance regarding the effective operation of controls. - Financial risks - The Company's investment activities expose it to a variety of financial risks that include market price risk, foreign currency risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk and credit risk. In addition, it should be noted that emerging markets tend to be more volatile than more established stock markets and therefore present a greater degree of risk. Related party transactions The Investment Manager is regarded as a related party and details of the investment management fees payable are set out in note 4. Statement of Directors' Responsibilities In accordance with Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.1.12, each of the Directors confirm to the best of their knowledge that: - the financial statements, prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company; and - the annual report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces. For and on behalf of the Board of Directors John Walker-Haworth Chairman INVESTMENT MANAGER'S REPORT European financial markets saw both significant losses and gains over the financial year ("year"). The effects of the global credit crisis continued to erode share prices towards the end of 2008 and into 2009, although from March 2009 onwards reasons for optimism had emerged as investors realised that the shape of the world's economies may not have been as bad as anticipated. Against this backdrop, the Company's share price returned 0.5%, and the NAV decreased by 1.0%, both with income reinvested. By comparison, the FTSE World Europe ex UK Index fell 5.8% (with income reinvested). This outperformance reflects the Company's ability to perform well in both rising and falling markets, as seen over the period under review. We believe that by following a disciplined investment process and focusing on stock specific investment cases we can generate attractive returns for our shareholders. Further financial turmoil hindered the progress of global equity markets during the autumn of 2008. Global economic activity collapsed against a backdrop of ongoing fragility in the financial system. Risk aversion increased when investors began switching out of sectors sensitive to the economic decline, notably oil & gas, industrials and materials, into more defensive sectors, such as health care, telecoms, utilities and consumer staples. Governments and central banks responded aggressively by lowering interest rates and introducing significant capital injections into failing banks, whilst announcing co-ordinated fiscal stimulus packages in order to stabilise the financial system and help to speed up the economic recovery. March and April saw the first emergence of positive data since the beginning of the credit crisis, with investment banks announcing strong earnings as the credit markets once again began to function. This led to organic growth in bank balance sheets, and indeed financials led the rally in this period as confidence returned once again to parts of the system. Defensive stocks lagged during these rallies as the market aggressively rotated into cyclical stocks as investors favoured lower quality companies. The end of the period continued to see gains in European equity markets, despite a retracement in June as investors hesitated ahead of the second quarter company earnings announcements. Financials continued to lead the way as banks again announced surprisingly positive earnings, with many banks returning to profitability following severe losses. In addition, cyclical names in areas such as industrials rallied strongly as the market anticipated a strong uptick in production as inventory levels remained depressed. The Company's investments in emerging Europe contributed to outperformance over the year, with an average weight of 6% of the Company's total NAV. Our holding in the BlackRock Eurasian Frontiers Hedge Fund contributed well and helped to preserve capital in declining markets. The holding was sold in May 2009 and the proceeds were reinvested into equities. On average, the Company did not make use of its gearing facility, with a cash position of around 2% during the first half of the year. However, the Company did utilise the facility in the second quarter of 2009 to benefit from the market rallies, with a gearing level of around 4% at the end of June. Being invested in Euro denominated equities also boosted the Company's performance over the year as the Euro appreciated relative to Sterling. At the beginning of the year, the best performing stocks were mainly large capitalisation names with defensive characteristics. Within the telecoms sector, the Company's holding in Belgacom outperformed the market as investors favoured strong balance sheets, high dividend yields and a resilient earnings profile in volatile markets. In addition, the Company's exposure to the health care sector, through its holdings in pharmaceutical companies Roche and Novartis, also outperformed due to their defensive business models. Our holdings in financials were the strongest contributors in the period, as the Company moved to a positive view of the sector during the first half of 2009. At the beginning of the year, our stock selection was vital as we strived to avoid the banks most affected by the credit crisis. However, from March 2009 onwards the Company actively sought selected banks that were likely to benefit from surprisingly positive earnings announcements; as such, positions in Credit Suisse, Unicredito and Banco Santander proved particularly profitable in the period. Later in the year, the Company acquired holdings in retail banks such as BBVA and KBC, as their valuations remained depressed despite the gains seen in other areas of financials. The holdings within the portfolio rotated significantly, as the market experienced first severe declines and then strong rallies. As mentioned previously, the Company took a significant overweight in financials, and especially banks, in the second quarter of 2009, having been underweight as the markets declined in the first part of the year. Conversely, having been overweight the sector in 2008, the Company rotated away from health care in the second half of the year as investors sought more cyclical stocks to benefit from the market rallies. In addition, the Company moved overweight industrial names towards the end of the year in anticipation of a strong pick up in production towards the end of 2009. Outlook Following the recent market rebound, we remain positive on the outlook for European equities. European equity market valuations have started to normalise and, although they remain attractive, the market overall is no longer looking very cheap. We believe the economic recovery is gaining momentum and that current earnings forecasts may be too low in the face of further aggressive cost cutting and a recovery in demand. However, we believe that we could now enter a period of market consolidation in the wake of the recent strong rally. Looking forward, we anticipate that the rest of 2009 is likely to see gains in industrial names which should benefit from an increase in production as inventory levels remain depressed. We believe that there is still cash on the sidelines and a number of investors are yet to return to the equity markets. We would expect market returns to be driven increasingly by stock specific factors over the coming months and we are focusing our fundamental research on companies where there is a likelihood of earnings upgrades. Vincent Devlin & Sam Vecht BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited Key Holdings 31 August 2009 Telefónica- 4.2% (2008: 2.5%) is a Spanish telecom company with a large exposure to Latin America. Telefónica has an excellent growth profile, as mobile and broadband penetration is low in Latin America, especially in Brazil. The dividend yield is increasing and is expected to get close to 7.2% for next year and is well covered. The company's valuation is attractive and management is arguably the best in the sector. Nestlé - 4.1% (2008: 3.8%) is a Swiss based company and the world's leading food manufacturer with activities in coffee, bottled water, milk products, dietetics, prepared dishes, pet food, chocolate, confectionery and pharmaceuticals. Following a significant period of underperformance since earlier this year, the company now trades at a discount to sector peers, which is attractive given the prospects of a sizeable cash return to shareholders from the existing share buy back programme and from the potential cash proceeds from the sale of its remaining stake in Alcon to Novartis. We believe the de-rating has been overdone and have built a position in the stock. E.ON - 3.9% (2008: 3.4%) is a German based utility company. It is fully integrated with businesses in electricity generation and distribution and gas production. The company will benefit from rising power prices as demand picks up. The valuation is attractive in the sector and relative to history and the new CEO is focused on restructuring, cost cutting and delivering on past investments. Unicredito - 3.4% (2008: nil) is an Italian banking corporation with operations in over 22 countries and main exposures in its home market and Eastern Europe. We found that the market was far too pessimistic about the loan loss cycle in Eastern Europe. Unicredito's biggest market in Eastern Europe is Poland, which is behaving more like a developed market rather than a developing market and loan losses are still relatively low. Unicredito was, and still is, an undervalued share versus the rest of the banking sector and we expect its outperformance versus market expectations to continue. ING - 3.3% (2008: nil) is a Dutch based global banking and insurance conglomerate with operations in over 40 countries. The company has been punished for being over leveraged and over expanded during the credit crunch with its share price declining by 93%. However, the investment case is appealing with high absolute upside to our target price against low expectations and good potential for management to deleverage, simplify and solidify the business. There is also scope for further upside to the earnings and target price through more cost cutting and the constructive disposal of assets. Lafarge - 3.2% (2008: nil) is a French building materials company, producing cement, aggregates, concrete and gypsum, with cement contributing 85% of sales. The company is well diversified geographically with high exposure to emerging markets, particularly the Middle East and Africa, where there is a high demand for infrastructure investment. BBVA - 3.0% (2008: nil) is a Spanish bank with a large exposure to its home market and to Mexico. It became clear after talking to management that loan losses in Spain were not as bad as we and the market had feared. This is due mainly to low interest rates which has increased household's disposable income. In addition to Spain performing better than expectations, management was also seeing signs that the Mexican economy had bottomed. BBVA owns one of the leading banks in Mexico and any improvement in the economy there is very important. While Spain and Mexico have been through tough times in the past twelve months, BBVA's earnings are forecast to fall less than 10% versus 2008 levels which is a testament to how well the bank is run. KBC - 3.0% (2008: nil) is a Belgian bank with core businesses in its home market and Central and Eastern Europe. The group has been through a period of balance sheet stress over the past twelve months due to a number of toxic assets it holds. The fall in the value of these assets led to KBC requiring a bail out from the Belgian and Flemish governments which limited the downside risk to their balance sheet and has allowed us to refocus our attention on the underlying business once more. The group is currently working on a restructuring plan to strengthen its balance sheet further and we are confident that this will be done without damaging its longer term earnings power. KBC is one of the cheapest banks in Europe and we are confident that the new management team can unlock this value for shareholders. Atlas Copco - 2.7% (2008: nil) is a Swedish machinery company with leading global positions in compressors, construction and mining equipment and industrial tools. Atlas Copco has an excellent record of generating consistently high returns on invested capital given its high operating margins, asset light production model and well established after-market business. In addition, the company has excellent growth prospects due to its high exposure to emerging markets. Credit Suisse - 2.7% (2008: 2.6%) is a Swiss based leading global investment and private bank. The company has managed its business well throughout the recent downturn and did not require any form of government bail out. A positive sloping yield curve and a reduction in competitors have led to a very favourable operating environment for Credit Suisse. The group has gained market share in most areas which provides a good platform for future profitability. We believe the market is still underestimating the group's potential and so remain positive on the stock. Investments 31 August 2009 Book Market Country of cost value % of operation £'000 £'000 investments Financials Unicredito Italy 3,292 5,776 3.4 ING Netherlands 4,339 5,662 3.3 BBVA Spain 3,796 5,055 3.0 KBC Belgium 3,470 5,049 3.0 Credit Suisse Switzerland 4,386 4,620 2.7 Swiss Reinsurance Switzerland 3,069 4,044 2.4 Julius Baer Switzerland 3,492 3,889 2.3 BNP Paribas France 2,437 3,569 2.1 EFG Eurobank Greece 2,937 3,558 2.1 Erste Austria 2,949 3,467 2.0 Banco Santander Spain 1,821 3,465 2.0 Euler Hermes France 2,825 3,137 1.8 Irish Life & Permanent Ireland 1,564 2,334 1.4 OTP Bank Hungary 1,468 2,073 1.2 Danske Bank Denmark 1,141 1,586 0.9 KBS Ancora Belgium 658 947 0.5 ------ ------ ---- 43,644 58,231 34.1 ------ ------ ---- Industrials Lafarge France 3,323 5,412 3.2 Atlas Copco Sweden 4,262 4,673 2.7 Valourec France 3,735 4,082 2.4 MAN Germany 2,680 3,981 2.3 ThyssenKrupp Germany 3,030 3,615 2.1 Vopak Netherlands 3,004 3,505 2.1 Adecco Switzerland 3,058 3,198 1.9 Vinci France 2,354 2,585 1.5 Schneider Electric France 2,117 2,484 1.4 Bouygues France 2,310 2,241 1.3 Thales France 1,781 1,801 1.1 Kuehne + Nagel Switzerland 1,822 1,799 1.1 Técnicas Reunidas Spain 1,673 1,755 1.0 KCI Konecranes Finland 1,476 1,722 1.0 Bilfinger Berger Germany 1,291 1,440 0.8 Wienerberger Austria 232 289 0.2 ------ ------ ---- 38,148 44,582 26.1 ------ ------ ---- Consumer Goods Nestlé Switzerland 6,635 7,039 4.1 Anheuser-Busch Belgium 4,164 4,442 2.6 Swatch Switzerland 3,356 3,462 2.0 Daimler Germany 2,987 3,456 2.0 ElringKlinger Germany 619 775 0.5 ------ ------ ---- 17,761 19,174 11.2 ------ ------ ---- Basic Materials ArcelorMittal Netherlands 2,822 3,828 2.2 LANXESS Germany 2,745 3,653 2.2 Bayer Germany 3,391 3,395 2.0 ----- ------ --- 8,958 10,876 6.4 ----- ------ --- Utilities E.On Germany 5,675 6,689 3.9 Energias de Portugal Portugal 2,642 3,122 1.8 ----- ----- --- 8,317 9,811 5.7 ----- ----- --- Telecommunications Telefónica Spain 6,616 7,250 4.2 ----- ----- --- 6,616 7,250 4.2 ----- ----- --- Consumer Services Jerónimo Martins Portugal 2,604 2,880 1.7 PPR France 1,220 2,105 1.2 SKY Deutschland Germany 1,002 1,166 0.7 Interactive Austria 1,156 1,095 0.6 ----- ----- --- 5,982 7,246 4.2 ----- ----- --- Health Care Nobel Biocare Switzerland 3,012 3,150 1.8 Roche Switzerland 1,486 1,707 1.0 Novo Nordisk Denmark 1,483 1,647 1.0 ----- ----- --- 5,981 6,504 3.8 ----- ----- --- Oil & Gas StatoilHydro Norway 3,926 3,951 2.3 Integra Russia 2,328 553 0.4 ----- ----- --- 6,254 4,504 2.7 ----- ----- --- Technology SAP Germany 2,386 2,805 1.6 ----- ----- --- 2,386 2,805 1.6 ------- ------- ----- Total investments 144,047 170,983 100.0 ======= ======= ===== All investments are in ordinary shares. The total number of investments held at 31 August 2009 was 53 (31 August 2008: 47). Investment Exposure Investment Size as at 31 August 2009 Number of % of Investments Portfolio <£1m 4 1.6 £1m to £2m 10 9.2 £2m to £3m 8 11.3 £3m to £4m 18 37.0 >£4m 13 40.9 -- ----- 53 100.0 == ===== Market Capitalisation as at 31 August 2009 % of % of Portfolio Reference Index <€5bn 20.0 12.4 €5bn to €10bn 20.7 13.7 €10bn to €20bn 15.9 14.4 €20bn to €50bn 26.0 33.0 >€50bn 17.4 26.5 ----- ----- 100.0 100.0 ===== ===== Distribution of Investments as at 31 August 2009 % of Portfolio Financials 34.1 Industrials 26.1 Consumer Goods 11.2 Basic Materials 6.4 Utilities 5.7 Telecommunications 4.2 Consumer Services 4.2 Health Care 3.8 Oil & Gas 2.7 Technology 1.6 ----- 100.0 ===== Source: BlackRock INCOME STATEMENT for the year ended 31 August 2009 Notes Revenue Revenue Capital Capital Total Total 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Losses on investments held at fair value through profit or loss - - (8,914) (16,847) (8,914) (16,847) Income from investments held at fair value through profit or loss 3 5,514 6,998 - - 5,514 6,998 Other income 3 55 26 - - 55 26 Investment management fees 4 (142) (202) (568) (754) (710) (956) Write back of prior years' VAT 4 75 - 299 - 374 - Operating expenses 5 (668) (667) - - (668) (667) ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Net return before finance costs and taxation 4,834 6,155 (9,183) (17,601) (4,349) (11,446) Finance costs (4) (101) (14) (402) (18) (503) ----- ----- ------ ------- ------ ------- Return on ordinary activities before taxation 4,830 6,054 (9,197) (18,003) (4,367) (11,949) Taxation on ordinary activities (1,311) (1,746) (16) 153 (1,327) (1,593) ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ------- Return on ordinary activities after taxation 7 3,519 4,308 (9,213) (17,850) (5,694) (13,542) ----- ----- ------ ------- ------ ------- Return per ordinary share - basic and diluted 7 3.26p 3.73p (8.54p) (15.44p) (5.28p) (11.71p) ===== ===== ====== ======= ====== ======= The total column of this statement represents the Income Statement of the Company. The supplementary revenue and capital columns are both prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies. The Company had no recognised gains or losses other than those disclosed in the Income Statement and the Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds. All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued during the year. RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS Share Capital Share premium redemption Special Capital Revenue capital account reserve reserve reserves reserve Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 For the year ended 31 August 2009 At 31 August 2008 115 151 49 89,340 94,704 6,681 191,040 Return for the year - - - - (9,213) 3,519 (5,694) Shares purchased (8) - 8 (9,114) - - (9,114) Share purchase costs# - - - (147) - - (147) Dividend paid* - - - - - (3,372) (3,372) --- --- --- ------ ------ ------ ------- At 31 August 2009 107 151 57 80,079 85,491 6,828 172,713 === === == ====== ====== ===== ======= For the year ended 31 August 2008 At 31 August 2007 125 151 39 103,213 112,554 5,249 221,331 Return for the year - - - - (17,850) 4,308 (13,542) Shares purchased (10) - 10 (13,705) - - (13,705) Share purchase costs - - - (168) - - (168) Dividend paid** - - - - - (2,876) (2,876) --- --- --- ------ ------ ------ ------- At 31 August 2008 115 151 49 89,340 94,704 6,681 191,040 === === == ====== ====== ===== ======= * Final dividend paid in respect of the year ended 31 August 2008 of 3.00p per share declared on 16 October 2008 and paid on 3 December 2008. ** Final dividend paid in respect of the year ended 31 August 2007 of 2.40p per share declared on 16 October 2007 and paid on 6 December 2007. # Share purchase costs of £74,000 were written back to the special reserve in the year ended 31 August 2009. The costs represented over accruals relating to share purchases in prior years. BALANCE SHEET as at 31 August 2009 2009 2008 Notes £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Investments held at fair value through profit or loss 170,983 189,684 Current assets Debtors 5,142 1,059 Cash 6,010 1,735 ------- ------- 11,152 2,794 ------- ------- Creditors - amounts falling due within one year Bank overdraft (7,310) - Other creditors (2,112) (843) ------- ------- (9,422) (843) ------- ------- Net current assets 1,730 1,951 ------- ------- Total assets less current liabilities 172,713 191,635 Provision for liabilities and charges - (595) ------- ------- Net assets 172,713 191,040 ======= ======= Capital and reserves Share capital 8 107 115 Share premium account 151 151 Capital redemption reserve 57 49 Special reserve 80,079 89,340 Capital reserves 85,491 94,704 Revenue reserve 6,828 6,681 ------- ------- Total equity shareholders' funds 172,713 191,040 ======= ======= Net asset value per ordinary share 7 164.29p 169.98p ======= ======= CASH FLOW STATEMENT for the year ended 31 August 2009 2009 2008 Note £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 5(b) 3,852 3,736 Servicing of finance (25) (503) Taxation paid (644) (305) Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of investments (423,640) (200,542) Proceeds from sale of investments 429,976 236,004 Realised gains/(losses) on foreign currency transactions 23 (158) -------- -------- Net cash inflow from capital expenditure and financial investment 6,359 35,304 -------- -------- Equity dividends paid (3,372) (2,876) -------- -------- Net cash inflow before financing 6,170 35,356 -------- -------- Financing Purchase of ordinary shares (9,114) (13,705) Share purchase costs (91) (182) ------- ------- Net cash outflow from financing (9,205) (13,887) ------- ------- (Decrease)/increase in cash in the year (3,035) 21,469 ====== ====== Notes to the ANNUAL RESULTS ANNOUNCEMENT 1. Principal activity The principal activity of the Company is that of an investment trust company within the meaning of section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988. 2. Accounting policies a) Basis of preparation The Company's financial statements have been prepared in accordance with UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice ("UK GAAP") and with the Statement of Recommended Practice 'Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies' ("SORP") revised in January 2009. The principal accounting policies adopted by the Company are set out below. All of the Company's operations are of a continuing nature. The Company's financial statements are presented in Sterling, which is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Company operates. All values are rounded to the nearest thousand pounds (£'000) except where otherwise indicated. b) Presentation of Income Statement In order to reflect better the activities of an investment trust company and in accordance with guidance issued by the Association of Investment Companies ("AIC"), supplementary information which analyses the Income Statement between items of a revenue and capital nature has been presented alongside the Income Statement. In accordance with the Company's status as a UK investment company under section 833 of the Companies Act 2006, net capital returns may not be distributed by way of dividend. c) Segmental reporting The Directors are of the opinion that the Company is engaged in a single segment of business being investment business. d) Income Dividends receivable on equity shares are treated as revenue for the year on an ex-dividend basis. Where no ex-dividend date is available, dividends receivable on or before the year end are treated as revenue for the year. Provisions are made for dividends not expected to be received. Fixed returns on debt securities are recognised on a time apportionment basis. Interest income and expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. e) Expenses All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. Expenses have been treated as revenue except as follows: - expenses which are incidental to the acquisition or disposal of an investment are included within the cost of the investment; - the investment management fee has been allocated 80% to capital reserves and 20% to the revenue account in line with the Board's expected long term split of returns, in the form of capital gains and income respectively, from the investment portfolio; - performance fees have been allocated 100% to capital reserves, as performance has been predominantly generated through capital returns of the investment portfolio. f) Finance costs Finance costs are accounted for on an accruals basis. Finance costs are allocated, insofar as they relate to the financing of the Company's investments, 80% to capital reserves and 20% to the revenue account, in line with the Board's expected long term split of returns, in the form of capital gains and income respectively, from the investment portfolio. g) Taxation Deferred taxation is recognised in respect of all temporary timing differences at the balance sheet date, where transactions or events that result in an obligation to pay more tax in the future or right to pay less tax in the future have occurred at the balance sheet date. This is subject to deferred taxation assets only being recognised if it is considered more likely than not that there will be suitable profits from which the future reversal of the temporary differences can be deducted. h) Investments held at fair value through profit or loss The Company's investments are classified as held at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with FRS 26 - Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement and are managed and evaluated on a fair value basis in accordance with its investment strategy. All investments are designated upon initial recognition as held at fair value through profit or loss. The sale of assets is recognised at the trade date of the disposal. Proceeds will be measured at fair value which will be regarded as the proceeds of sale less any transaction costs. The fair value of the financial instruments is based on their quoted bid price at the balance sheet date, without deduction for the estimated future selling costs. Unquoted investments are valued by the Directors at fair value using International Private Equity and Venture Capital Association Guidelines. This policy applies to all current and non current asset investments of the Company. Changes in the value of investments held at fair value through profit or loss and gains and losses on disposal are recognised in the Income Statement as "Gains or losses on investments held at fair value through profit or loss". Also included within this heading are transaction costs in relation to the purchase or sale of investments. i) Dividends payable Under FRS 21, final dividends should not be accrued in the financial statements unless they have been approved by shareholders before the balance sheet date. Dividends payable to equity shareholders are recognised in the Reconciliation of Movement in Shareholders' Funds when they have been approved by the shareholders and become a liability of the Company. j) Foreign currency translation All transactions in foreign currencies are translated into Sterling at the rates of exchange ruling on the dates of such transactions. Foreign currency assets and liabilities at the balance sheet date are translated into Sterling at the exchange rates ruling at that date. Exchange differences arising on the revaluation of investments held as fixed assets are included in capital reserves. Exchange differences arising on the translation of foreign currency assets and liabilities are taken to capital reserves. 3. Income 2009 2008 £'000 £'000 Investment income: UK dividends - 57 Overseas dividends 5,514 6,941 ----- ----- 5,514 6,998 Other income: Deposit interest 55 26 ----- ----- 5,569 7,024 ===== ===== 4. Investment management and performance fees 2009 2008 --------------------------------------------------- Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Investment management fees 142 568 710 202 807 1,009 Write back of prior years' VAT (75) (299) (374) - (53) (53) --- ---- ---- --- --- --- 67 269 336 202 754 956 === === === === === === The investment management fee is levied quarterly, based on the market capitalisation of the Company on the last day of each month. Investment management fees for the year amounted to £710,000 (2008: £1,009,000). No performance fee was accrued for the year ended 31 August 2009 (2008: nil). Following the outcome of the JPMorgan Claverhouse case, management fees are now exempt from VAT. 5. Operating activities 2009 2008 £'000 £'000 (a) Operating expenses Custody fee 41 79 Auditors' remuneration: - audit services 24 23 - other audit services* 5 5 Directors' emoluments 74 74 Registrar's fees and other operating expenses 524 486 ---- ---- 668 667 ==== ==== The Company's total expense ratio ("TER"), calculated as a percentage of average net assets, excluding interest costs and VAT written back, after relief for taxation was: 0.6% 0.6% 2009 2008 £'000 £'000 (b) Reconciliation of net loss before finance costs and taxation to net cash flow from operating activities Net loss before finance costs and taxation (4,349) (11,446) Add: capital loss before finance costs and taxation 9,183 17,601 ------ ------- Net revenue before finance costs and taxation 4,834 6,155 Expenses charged to capital (269) (754) Decrease in accrued income 97 87 Decrease in other debtors - 31 Increase/(decrease) in creditors 235 (607) Tax on investment income included within gross income (1,045) (1,176) ------ ------ Net cash inflow from operating activities 3,852 3,736 ===== ===== * Other audit services relate to the review of the half yearly financial statements. 6. Dividends The Directors have proposed a final dividend of 3.15p per share in respect of the year ended 31 August 2009. The dividend will be paid on 9 December 2009, subject to shareholders' approval on 1 December 2009, to shareholders on the Company's register on 30 October 2009. The proposed final dividend has not been included as a liability in these financial statements, as final dividends are only recognised in the financial statements when they have been approved by shareholders. The dividends disclosed in the note below have been considered in view of the requirements of section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 and section 833 of the Companies Act 2006, and the amounts proposed meet the relevant requirements as set out in this legislation. 2009 2008 £'000 £'000 Dividend payable on equity shares: Final proposed of 3.15p* (2008: 3.00p) 3,311 3,372 ----- ----- 3,311 3,372 ===== ===== *Based on 105,124,598 ordinary shares in issue on 15 October 2009. 7. Return and net asset value per ordinary share Revenue and capital returns per share are shown below and have been calculated using the following: 2009 2008 Net revenue return attributable to ordinary shareholders (£'000) 3,519 4,308 Net capital loss attributable to ordinary shareholders (£'000) (9,213) (17,850) ------ ------- Net total loss (£'000) (5,694) (13,542) ====== ======= Equity shareholders' funds (£'000) 172,713 191,040 The weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year, on which the return per ordinary share was calculated, was: 107,841,142 115,644,222 The actual number of ordinary shares in issue at the year end, on which the net asset value was calculated, was: 105,124,598 112,388,958 The number of ordinary shares in issue, including treasury shares at the year end, was: 106,820,690 115,117,791 2009 2008 ------------------------------------------------------ Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total p p p p p p Return per share Calculated on weighted average number of shares 3.26 (8.54) (5.28) 3.73 (15.44) (11.71) Calculated on actual number of shares excluding treasury shares 3.35 (8.77) (5.42) 3.83 (15.88) (12.05) Net asset value per share 164.29 169.98 As the Company's share price at 31 August 2009 stood at a discount of greater than 2%, in line with the Company's policy, shares could not be sold out of treasury and consequently there was no dilution to the Company's net asset value or return per share as a result. 8. Share capital Ordinary Treasury shares shares number number Total (nominal) (nominal) shares £ Authorised share capital comprised: Ordinary shares of 0.1p each 900,000,000 - 900,000,000 900,000 ----------- ---------- ----------- ------- Allotted, issued and fully paid: Shares in issue at 31 August 2008 112,388,958 2,728,833 115,117,791 115,118 Shares transferred into treasury pursuant to tender offer on 1 December 2008 (5,568,268) 5,568,268 - - Shares cancelled from treasury on 2 December 2008 - (2,728,833) (2,728,833) (2,729) Shares transferred into treasury pursuant to tender offer on 1 June 2009 (1,696,092) 1,696,092 - - Shares cancelled from treasury on 2 June 2009 - (5,568,268) (5,568,268) (5,568) ----------- ---------- ----------- ------- At 31 August 2009 105,124,598 1,696,092 106,820,690 106,821 =========== ========= =========== ======= During the year, 7,264,360 ordinary shares were purchased (2008: 7,455,011) for a total consideration, including expenses, of £9,335,000 (2008: £13,873,000) and a total of 8,297,101 (2008: 9,611,254) shares were subsequently cancelled. The number of ordinary shares in issue at the year end was 106,820,690 of which 1,696,092 were held in treasury (2008: 2,728,833). There were no sales of shares out of treasury during the year (2008: nil). 9. Publication of non-statutory accounts The financial information contained in this announcement does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in the Companies Act 2006. The 2009 annual report and financial statements will be filed with the Registrar of Companies after the Annual General Meeting. The report of the auditor for the year ended 31 August 2009 contains no qualification or statement under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 10. Copies of the annual report will be sent to members shortly and will be available from the registered office, c/o The Company Secretary, BlackRock Greater Europe Investment Trust plc, 33 King William Street, London EC4R 9AS. This report will also be available on the BlackRock Investment Management website at 11. The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the offices of BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited, 33 King William Street, London EC4R 9AS on Tuesday, 1 December 2009 at 2.30 p.m. For further information please contact: Jonathan Ruck Keene, Managing Director, Investment Company Division - 020 7743 2178 Vincent Devlin, Fund Manager - 0131 472 7376 Emma Phillips, Media & Communications - 020 7743 2922 BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Ltd Or William Clutterbuck - 020 7379 5151 The Maitland Consultancy 33 King William Street London EC4R 9AS 16 October 2009
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