BlackRock Income and Growth Investment Trust plc
(“the Company”)
Appointment of a Director
BlackRock Income and Growth Investment Trust plc is pleased to announce the appointment of Win Robbins as a non-executive director of the Company with effect from 15 December 2020.
Win is a non-executive Director of Henderson Diversified Income Trust plc and Polar Capital Holdings plc and a non-executive member of the Investment Committee of St. James Place Partnership plc. Win is also an Independent Trustee of the Institute of Cancer Research Pension Fund. Win was a non-executive director on the Board of City Merchants High Yield Trust Limited until she retired in March 2019, having held that position since 2011.
She does not have any interest in the ordinary shares of the Company at the present time.
In accordance with paragraphs 9.6.13 (1) to (6) of the Listing Rules, it is confirmed that, other than the directorships listed above, there are no details to be disclosed in relation to Win Robbins.
Comment from the Chairman, Graeme Proudfoot
“We are delighted that Win has accepted our offer to join the Board of the Company. Win brings a wealth of investment trust experience and asset management expertise, spanning both equity and fixed income investment management, strategy and marketing. We believe she will both complement and enhance the composition of the existing board and very much look forward to working with her.”
Mr K Mayger
For and on behalf of
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited
Corporate Company Secretary
15 December 2020