Announcement in respect of BRLA NAV

BlackRock Latin American Investment Trust plc

Announcement in respect of BlackRock Latin American Investment Trust plc’s NAV

The NAV for the BlackRock Latin American Investment Trust plc (the ‘Company’) released on 17/3/2020 (based on the Company’s portfolio holdings at close on business on 16 March 2020), contained a fair value adjustment to the Company’s Mexican holdings to reflect the fact that the Mexican market was closed on 16/3/2020 for a public holiday. The impact on the NAV was a reduction of 2.29%, reflecting a 15.25% fair value adjustment to the Company’s Mexican holdings.


Ms S Beynsberger
for and on behalf of BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited

Company Secretary

Tel: 020 7743 2639

Date: 17 March 2020

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