Change of investment objective/policy/change of...

The Throgmorton Trust PLC Proposed amendment to investment objective and policy and change of name of the Company 25 September 2013 Following positive consultation with the Company's largest shareholders, the Board of The Throgmorton Trust PLC (the "Company") is today announcing proposals to adopt a new benchmark which will require an amendment to the current investment objective and policy of the Company. The proposal to adopt the new benchmark reflects the evolution of the portfolio in recent years during which time exposure to AIM stocks has declined from c.40% to c.20% of the portfolio. The Board is proposing to change the benchmark index from the Numis Smaller Companies plus AIM (excluding Investment Companies) Index to the Numis Smaller Companies excluding AIM (excluding Investment Companies) Index, and to reduce the maximum percentage which may be held in AIM stocks from 50% of the equity portfolio to 25% of gross assets. Shareholder approval for the proposed amendment to the Company's investment objective and policy will be sought at a general meeting to be held in November 2013. A circular and notice of general meeting setting out further details of the proposals will be sent to shareholders in due course. Subject to shareholder approval, the proposed changes will take effect from 1 December 2013. The Directors also intend to reduce the performance fee cap and to change the name of the Company to BlackRock Throgmorton Trust PLC with effect from 1 December 2013 under the authority provided to them in the Company's Articles of Association. Subject to shareholder and regulatory approval, the full text of the proposed new investment objective and policy is as follows: "The Company's objective is to provide shareholders with capital growth and an attractive total return through investment primarily in UK smaller and mid capitalisation companies listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange. The Company's performance will be measured against the Numis Smaller Companies excluding AIM (excluding Investment Companies) Index (the "Index"). The Company may hold up to 25% of its gross assets, measured at the time of investment, in equities or collective investment vehicles traded on the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange. The Investment Manager may invest in companies outside the Index without restriction subject to the limits noted above. In addition to holding a conventional long only portfolio of UK smaller and mid capitalisation equities, the Company also holds approximately 30% of its net assets in a portfolio of contracts for difference ("CFDs") and / or comparable equity derivatives which provide both long and short exposure. Under normal circumstances, the long only portfolio is expected to comprise 100% of the Company's net assets. Therefore, the Company typically has gross exposure of 130% of net assets, albeit that some of this exposure represents short positions. Portfolio risk will be mitigated by investment in a diversified portfolio of companies. No more than 5% of the Company's gross assets, at the time of acquisition, may be invested in any one single company and the Company will not invest more than 10% of its gross assets, at the time of acquisition, in other listed closed-ended investment funds, unless such companies have a stated investment policy not to invest more than 15% of their gross assets in other listed closed-ended investment funds, in which case the limit is 15% of gross assets. The Board's policy is that the net gearing ie borrowings less cash, should not exceed 20% of gross assets, however, the Company is geared primarily through its CFD portfolio." Enquiries: BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited Simon White 0207 743 5284 Oriel Securities Mark Bloomfield Neil Winward 0207 710 7600
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