Directorate Change

Change in Directorate


BlackRock Throgmorton Trust plc (“the Company”) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Andrew Pegge as a non-executive Director of the Company with effect from 29 November 2016.  Mr Pegge will also serve as a member of the Company’s Audit, Nomination & Management Engagement Committees.

Mr Pegge is an experienced fund manager with a successful track record and a significant background in corporate governance. He started his career with Laurentian Fund Management in London, moving on to Buchanan Partners Limited, one of the first London based hedge funds in London in 1990. In 1995 Mr Pegge was involved in establishing Regent Kingpin Capital Management, then after a consultancy role at the Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission, he established Laxey Partners Limited. He has extensive multi-jurisdictional Board experience having served on the boards of investment funds in: Ireland; Cayman; Cyprus; Guernsey; Luxembourg; Malaysia; British Virgin Islands, Bermuda and the UK.

He is currently on the Supervisory Board of a Polish listed real estate development company; several fund management firms, various open-ended investment funds, a private commercial property investment group and a hotel business. Mr Pegge holds a BA in Psychology and Cognitive Studies, an MBA and is a Chartered Financial Analyst.

Mr Pegge has held the following directorships of publicly quoted companies in the last five years:

CPD S.A. (current appointment)
Global Special Opportunities Trust PLC (resigned on 31/05/2011)
Sefalana Cash & Carry (resigned on 24/01/2013)
ASA Limited (resigned on 14/03/2013)
Global Fixed Income Realisation Limited (resigned on 24/04/2013)
Sefalana Holding Company (resigned on 31/10/2013)
The Value Catalyst Fund Limited (resigned on 02/09/2014)

Mr Pegge does not have any interest in the ordinary shares of the Company at the present time.

There are no further details or disclosures required under Listing Rule 9.6.13R in respect of Mr Pegge.

Mr K Mayger

For and on behalf of

BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited
Company Secretary

Date: 30 November 2016

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