Final Results
• Net Asset Value per ordinary share 192.24p (2005:164.01p as restated) see
table below
• Increased final dividend of 1.50p per share (2005:1.25p) making a total of
2.00p (2005:1.75p)
30.11.2006 30.11.2005 Year on year 7.02.2007
(restated*) % change
The Throgmorton Trust PLC 199.42p 171.62p +16.2 220.59p
(debt at par)
(debt at market value) 192.24p 164.01p +17.2 213.97p
FTSE SmallCap (ex Inv. 3541.2 3108.9 +13.9 3955.7
FTSE All-Share 3119.9 2741.1 +13.8 3301.8
* The change in presentation of the above table in comparison with prior
periods reflects the adoption of FRS 21, which requires only dividends paid or
approved by shareholders to be disclosed in each period, and FRS 26, which
requires investments to be valued at bid prices. See note 4 of the announcement
for further explanation.
The audit report for the full financial statements for the year ended 30
November 2006 has not yet been signed.
The year just ended has provided a satisfactory return for the Trust with the
net asset value per share (with the Trust's debt valued at market price rather
than at par) rising by 17.2%. The share price rose by a similar amount. This
compares with a rise in the FTSE Small Cap (excluding investment companies)
index of 13.9 %.
Revenue and Dividend
The Board is recommending a final dividend of 1.5p per share, making a total
dividend of 2.0p for the year, an increase of 14% over the previous year. The
Trust has revenue reserves both in the Trust itself and its subsidiaries and
this gives the Manager a degree of flexibility to invest for total return
without having to be constrained by income considerations.
Small companies market
The market for small companies has been difficult in the year under review with
the various components showing very different returns. In contrast to the
performance of the FTSE Small Companies Index (up 13.9 %), the FTSE AIM Index
was unchanged over the year, while the Hoare Govett Small Cap Index rose by
22.3%. While the Throgmorton Trust portfolio scored some notable successes, it
suffered from high (46%) exposure to the AIM market. The Manager and the Board
continue to be attracted by the many exciting young companies that are floated
on AIM and believe that, despite its volatility, this will prove a rewarding
area for investment in the future.
Discount against NAV
During the year we bought back 19,025,000 shares at an average discount against
NAV of 15.4%. This enhanced net asset value by 2.0%. It is disappointing that,
despite this active buy back policy, the discount has remained persistently
around 15 %. The Board will continue to buy in surplus stock in order to avoid
there being stock overhanging the market having a depressing effect on the
share price. We are working with the Manager and our advisors to find ways of
stimulating the demand for our shares.
The Board
Lord Stewartby will be retiring at the Annual General Meeting in March. He has
been on the board since 1990 and was Chairman from 1990 until 2005. During that
time he masterminded the transformation of the Trust from a highly geared
company with many unquoted and illiquid investments into the successful
specialist small company fund that it is today. We owe a great deal to his
perspicacity, commercial acumen and to his persistence, and his presence on the
board will be much missed.
After an extensive search involving an external consultant, the board has
chosen Lord Latymer and Simon Beart who will join the board on the date of the
Annual General Meeting. Lord Latymer has extensive banking and private client
experience. As we work to broaden our shareholder base, we intend to attract
more private individuals to our share register. We believe that investment
trusts are particularly suited to private client investment and we believe that
Lord Latymer's experience in this area will be most helpful. Simon Beart has
extensive experience in the management of the type of smaller company that we
investing in. As such I am sure he will make a vital contribution to our
The UK economy appears to be in robust shape and, despite the recent interest
rate rises, we are optimistic for the future. You will see in the Manager's
Report in the published report and accounts that our Manager is excited about
the prospects for the companies within the portfolio and we share that
Richard Bernays
9 February 2007
Income Statement
Year ended 30 November 2006
Revenue Capital Total
£000s £000s £000s
Realised gains in investments - 54,450 54,450
Unrealised losses on investments - (7,346) (7,346)
Income 7,113 - 7,113
Investment management fee (1,498) (1,498) (2,996)
Other expenses (417) - (417)
Net return before finance costs and 5,198 45,606 50,804
Interest payable and similar (1,937) (1,905) (3,842)
Return on ordinary activities 3,261 43,701 46,962
before taxation
Tax on ordinary activities - - -
Return on ordinary activities after 3,261 43,701 46,962
taxation attributable to equity
Return per ordinary share - basic 1.84p 24.60p 26.44p
Income Statement (continued)
Year ended 30 November 2005
Revenue Capital Total
£000s £000s £000s
Realised gains on investments - 70,184 70,184
Unrealised gains on investments - 3,466 3,466
Income 7,064 - 7,064
Investment management fee (1,439) (1,439) (2,878)
Other expenses (459) - (459)
Net return before finance costs and 5,166 72,211 77,377
Interest payable and similar (1,973) (1,906) (3,879)
Premium paid on repurchase of - (9) (9)
debenture stock
Return on ordinary activities 3,193 70,296 73,489
before taxation
Tax on ordinary activities - - -
Return on ordinary activities after 3,193 70,296 73,489
taxation attributable to equity
Return per ordinary share
- basic 1.58p 34.84p 36.42p
*Restated for changes in accounting policies (see note 4)
The total column of this Income statement is the profit and loss account of the
The supplementary revenue and capital returns columns have been prepared in
accordance with the Association of Investment Trust Companies' Statement of
Recommended Practice.
A statement of total recognised gains and losses is not required as all gains
and losses of the Trust have been recognised in the above statement.
All revenue and capital items in this statement derive from continuing
operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year.
Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds for the year ended 30
November 2006 (unaudited)
Share Share Capital Capital Capital Revenue Total
Capital Premium Redemption Reserve Reserve Reserve
Reserve unrealised realised
£000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s
Balance brought 11,488 35,272 3,702 70,279 186,940 3,350 311,031
forward at 30
November 2004
(as previously
Add back - - - - - 2,527 2,527
dividend at 30
November 2004
Less bid - - - (5,006) - - (5,006)
Balance at 30 11,488 35,272 3,702 65,273 186,940 5,877 308,552
November 2004
Dividends paid - - - - - (2,278) (2,278)
in the year re
Return - - - 3,618 66,830 3,193 73,641
attributable to
shareholders in
2005 (as
Dividends paid - - - - - (976) (976)
in the year re
Shares (2,358) - 2,358 (65,403) - (65,403)
repurchased by
the company in
Less bid - - - (152) - - (152)
Balance at 30 9,130 35,272 6,060 68,739 188,367 5,816 313,384
November 2005
Return - - - (7,346) 51,047 3,261 46,962
attributable to
shareholders in
Dividends paid - - - - - (2,245) (2,245)
in the year re
Dividends paid - - - - - (890) (890)
in the year re
Shares (951) - 951 - (30,999) - (30,999)
repurchased by
the company in
Balance at 30 8,179 35,272 7,011 61,393 208,415 5,942 326,212
November 2006
*Restated for changes in accounting policies (see note 4)
Balance Sheet
As at 30 November £000s 2006 £000s 2005
(unaudited) Restated*
£000s £000s
Fixed assets 349,455 329,927
Investments held at fair value
through profit or loss
Current assets 1,493 2,603
Debtors 11,940 19,347
Cash at bank
13,433 21,950
Creditors: 2,480 4,356
Amounts falling due within one year 1,050 1,081
Amounts due to brokers 977 887
Amounts owed to subsidiary
Sundry creditors
(4,507) (6,324)
Net current assets 8,926 15,626
Total assets less current 358,381 345,553
(17,169) (17,169)
(15,000) (15,000)
Amounts falling due after one year
Debentures and loans
Amounts owed to subsidiary
Net assets 326,212 313,384
Capital and reserves 7,011 8,179 6,060 9,130
Called up share capital 61,393 35,272 68,739 35,272
Share premium account 208,415 276,819 188,367 263,166
Capital reserves 5,942 5,816
Capital redemption reserve
Capital reserve - unrealised
Capital reserve - realised
Revenue reserve
Total equity shareholders' funds 326,212 313,384
Net asset value per share (prior 199.42p 171.62p
charges at nominal value
*Restated for changes in accounting policies (see note 4)
Cash Flow Statement
For the year ended 30 November 2006 2005
(unaudited) £000s
Operating activities 6,243 6,203
Cash received from investments 750 837
Interest received 70 68
Underwriting commission (1,488) (1,435)
Management fee (118) (135)
Cash paid to and on behalf of the directors (311) (277)
Other cash payments
Net cash inflow from operating activities 5,146 5,261
Servicing of finance (1,937) (1,973)
Interest paid - revenue
Taxation - -
Taxation recovered
Capital expenditure and financial investment 26,821 87,343
Net sales of investments (1,488) (1,435)
Capital management fee (1,905) (1,906)
Interest charged to capital 24 625
Net payments from subsidiaries
Net cash inflow from investing activities 23,452 84,627
Dividends (3,135) (3,254)
Dividends paid - equity shares
Net cash inflow before financing 23,526 84,661
Financing (30,933) (65,403)
Repurchase of ordinary shares
Repurchase of debenture stock - (34)
Net cash outflow from financing (30,933) (65,437)
(Decrease)/increase in cash (7,407) 19,224
1. The financial information set out in the announcement does not constitute
the Trust's statutory accounts for the years ended 30 November 2006 or 2005.
2. The financial information for the year ended 30 November 2005 is derived
from the statutory accounts for that year delivered to the Registrar of
Companies restated for changes in accounting policy explained in note 4. The
auditors reported on those accounts; their report was unqualified and did not
contain any emphasis of matter or a statement under s237(2) or (3) Companies
Act 1985.
3. The statutory accounts for the year ended 30 November 2006 have not been
approved or audited and will be finalised on the basis of the financial
information presented by the directors in this preliminary announcement and
delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the company's annual general
4. The financial information has been prepared on the basis of the accounting
policies set out in the Trust's financial statements for the year ended 30
November 2005, except that following the adoption of FRS 21 and FRS 26, the
Trust's investments have been designated as being measured at "fair value
through profit and loss" and valued at bid market value at close of business on
the balance sheet date; and dividends payable are accounted for in the period
in which they are paid, not in the period to which they relate. The effects of
these changes are shown in the reconciliation of movement in shareholders'
funds above.
5. The board has recommended the payment of a final dividend of 1.5p per share
in respect of the year ended 30 November 2006. Subject to approval by
shareholders at the Company's annual general meeting, the dividend will be paid
on 5 April 2007 to shareholders on the register of the Company on 2 March 2007.